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Elements and Attributes Mafia - Game Over!

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Okay, so unless BW is a Godfather or AM is lying about getting the rock power (not really considering it) then BW and AM are cleared 8 ways from Sunday.

I'm pretty much cleared.

DH is kinda cleared, I guess.

So I guess that only leaves Orb, huh?

I stillllllllllllllll kinda wanta lynch DH thugh.
Apr 17, 2011
Swords, you protected Ruy right? There's still a chance he could've been shot then. The only actual clears we have are that one of us or DH is town and the other isn't necessarily scum. If, at any point of the game, we flip town, then BadWolf is cleared via Nabe's power. It's a given you won't get BadWolf lynched. Since we received the power, you would have to call us the liar, in which we are scum, or you believe us, and BadWolf is town. He is the clear we have.

The lynch here is more likely Orbo. Although I'm not entirely comfortable on Swords' slot anymore, he's the slot I like on play the most. Given that DH is possibly clear, I'd rather remove Orbo, who has been a question mark for most of the game at this point.

The powers we received last night were Rock and Water.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
No AM I protected you, hence why you got water. I didn't think there was going to be a Night kill at all at this point, since we went like 3 Nights without it. I wanted to see if you'll still receive my power after you failed to get it Night 2.

This bugs me though. We went 3 Nights without a kill, so why did it suddenly just show up?

Furthermore, if the kill was on Night 4, then why no kill on Night 5? If mafia shot RR then, why not shoot someone else now? Why not kill me?

However, if the kill was during last Night, then why just then? There's no way mafia could have known that I wasn't going to protect RR. So why target him?

Scum could have been counting on me to protect RR, and was depending on another mislynch toDay, so they could have put us in a surprise LYLO. But in that case they reun he risk of being investigated by RR. Plus what advantage does putting us in surprise LYLO supply them with?

This is what I want you to talk about AM?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I can only figure that mafia was feeling pressured to not kill due to RR's investigation, but in that t case what changed that allowed them the opportunity to strike? And just when did they strike?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
The lynch here is more likely Orbo. Although I'm not entirely comfortable on Swords' slot anymore, he's the slot I like on play the most. Given that DH is possibly clear, I'd rather remove Orbo, who has been a question mark for most of the game at this point.
Let me talk about DH and why I'm most the paranoid about his clear.

1. We don't actually know for sure what his power does, we have a good idea but we're not entirely sure. We know that he claimed that he's a motivator and you confirmed that by being targeted by him you got a motivator type power.
2. We still haven't resolved why I failed to target you Night 2.
3. He's playing like how I'll expect a lone DH scum to play: inactive. Yes I know he's majorly v/la, but with the slow pace of the game I find it hard to believe that he's having that hard of a time keeping up.
4. His reads were almost a bit too spot on this game. He like, nearly hyper focused on PJB Day 1. Yet, PJB never responded back to his accusations of him. Weird.

That's not to say JTB/Orbo haven't had their weird moments. JTB avoided commenting on PJB for the most part, and contrary to Nabe's trustin JTB's Night actions, I certainly can see scum roleblocking Hando Night 1, especially after Hando hard crumbed that he had a powerful role the entire Day. Furthermore, why did JTB roleblock Hando despite him only really mentioning FF as a scum read Day 1.

Now I'm just rying to figure how these two fit into a mold of scum not killing for Nights straight.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Okay, so unless BW is a Godfather or AM is lying about getting the rock power (not really considering it) then BW and AM are cleared 8 ways from Sunday.

I'm pretty much cleared.

DH is kinda cleared, I guess.

So I guess that only leaves Orb, huh?

I stillllllllllllllll kinda wanta lynch DH thugh.
How is dh clear? Yes AM recieved the wind power, but given Nabe's town flip that magnetization on N2 with you and DH should have you looking at his slot.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
How is dh clear? Yes AM recieved the wind power, but given Nabe's town flip that magnetization on N2 with you and DH should have you looking at his slot.
He's kinda cleared because there's good reason to think that he did a townie Night action to a townie. I am considering DH. I have been considering him since Day 4. Like in my most recent 2248 I am quite clearly considering DH. Did you miss that or something?

I want AM to theory speculate for me about the kill. Tbh I'm pretty bad at guessing Night actions, but he's pretty good at it.

All I know for sure is that either mafia did not kill Night 3 or they failed to kill Night 3. Also they either killed RR Night 4 or Night 5, neither of which makes much sense in my mind.

Also they probably failed to kill Night 2, but we don't know for a fact if Gheb and Foxy were kidnapped and killed or jan'd.So again, all I know fr certain is that a kill didn't happen Night 3.

So if mafia failed to kill Night 3 for whatever reason, then why? Were they afraid of being tracked? In that case it points to either DH or Orbo. Not much help. Did RR openly state in thread who he was going to track? If so then I think that gives us a good idea who is guilty. Also when did BW state in thread that his power apparently had a cool down (which I guess it doesn't anymore?) . Perhaps mafia thought they had an opening with AM? I'll need to e reminded when the public was informed of BW's cool down to make a call on this.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
He's kinda cleared because there's good reason to think that he did a townie Night action to a townie. I am considering DH. I have been considering him since Day 4. Like in my most recent 2248 I am quite clearly considering DH. Did you miss that or something?

I want AM to theory speculate for me about the kill. Tbh I'm pretty bad at guessing Night actions, but he's pretty good at it.

All I know for sure is that either mafia did not kill Night 3 or they failed to kill Night 3. Also they either killed RR Night 4 or Night 5, neither of which makes much sense in my mind.

Also they probably failed to kill Night 2, but we don't know for a fact if Gheb and Foxy were kidnapped and killed or jan'd.So again, all I know fr certain is that a kill didn't happen Night 3.

So if mafia failed to kill Night 3 for whatever reason, then why? Were they afraid of being tracked? In that case it points to either DH or Orbo. Not much help. Did RR openly state in thread who he was going to track? If so then I think that gives us a good idea who is guilty. Also when did BW state in thread that his power apparently had a cool down (which I guess it doesn't anymore?) . Perhaps mafia thought they had an opening with AM? I'll need to e reminded when the public was informed of BW's cool down to make a call on this.
The phrasing "he's kinda cleared" threw me off.
night two lack of kill could be postulated by the magnetism and DH scum, in which case he could only NK another mafiat.
Night 3... BW said D4 that he couldn't have toggled the past night.
inactivity NK?
Also N3 was still JTB, so I can't help you on his mindset that night but JTB sent in the nabe paralyze.
Apr 17, 2011
@Swordy: We're saying someone took a shot at him when you did target him, not when you didn't. Your ability delays NKs so it's still plausible that he could've shot Ruy while you still protected him, isn't it? We might be wrong though, given that DH has a NAR-boosting ability.

Upon re-examination, we still think Orbo's the best place to go. We received a pretty anti-town action from him and he's coming from the JTB slot, which wasn't that good and had some questionable NA decisions. Quite frankly, he's the most dangerous person in LyLo to be scum. I'm also slightly paranoid that he has the vote-blocking ability we received from him and that terrifies me if we get to LyLo.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
I'm perfectly fine with being lynched today to clear up the endgame, but Nabe confirmed what Paralysis did AM and it had nothing to do with vote blocking.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
So first of all, I am leaving for Hungary this Wednesday, and will likely have no internet access.

I motivated Swords last night
Apr 17, 2011
Confirmed actions:
Sworddancer, Badwolf target AM
Orbo targets Ruy or no one (claims to target no one).
Dark Horse targets someone or no one (claims to target Swords)
AM targets someone or no one (claims to protect BadWolf)

Ruy kill actually makes a lot of sense. No one in this game was getting Ruy lynched. No scum in their right mind wants to get close to LyLo with Ruy/AM or MyLo with Ruy/AM/BadWolf. We've seen a scum that probably has thrown a no kill at some point in this game, so I will be extremely surprised if we see another NK until after they've made us make a lynch in MyLo. At that point, Orbo/DH confirmed have abilities that could get them through AM/BadWolf protect. Sworddancer may have an ability that does this as well, as the version we have received of his ability doesn't block NKs but stops the first NA to hit someone. We may have received a weaker version, but it remains unconfirmed and I find that rather out there. If Swords is the last scum, he's screwed.

vote: Orbo

we may be away for a little while. half of us has no internet, so i'm just gonna leave this here.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
AM, the ability I gave you stops the first Night action that occurs to someone in NAR, correct? Do you just want to just lynch Orb then me, and if the game isn't over by then just use water on BW while BW protects you? Do you think that's a safe plan?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Swordy: We're saying someone took a shot at him when you did target him, not when you didn't. Your ability delays NKs so it's still plausible that he could've shot Ruy while you still protected him, isn't it? We might be wrong though, given that DH has a NAR-boosting ability.
It's just the thing about this though is that if someone shot RR Night 4 then why didn't they shoot again Night 5?


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
That's a real opportunistic vote imo.
Why are we ignoring that Nabes death (proving his magnetism claim for n2)directly supports DH scum?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Ugh, DH just went out of country and I'm just now realizing that he never claimed his Night 4 action. Furthermore, he didn't target AM.I would like to know why.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
That's a real opportunistic vote imo.
Why are we ignoring that Nabes death (proving his magnetism claim for n2)directly supports DH scum?
No it's not. It's null. It's logical for both scum DH and town DH who's about to go on a major v/la to leave his vote there.

I do wish that he had a little bit more o share with us though.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
wait he never claimed N4?
Also swords, I think what might have happened with the Kill on Ryu is that isnce you kept targeting the same person, it kept delaying the same kill repeatedly. Then when you targeted(iirc) am ;last night the kill finally got to go through.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
wait he never claimed N4?
Also swords, I think what might have happened with the Kill on Ryu is that isnce you kept targeting the same person, it kept delaying the same kill repeatedly. Then when you targeted(iirc) am ;last night the kill finally got to go through.
Not possible. I've already thought about this possibility and I asked Gova if I could keep delaying the kill over and over again. He said no.

So RR was shot either Night 4 or 5.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
That in conjunction with the fact he hasn't even been here at all whatsoever doesn't give you pause? It's obviously one of us two in your eyes, as you believe bw is cleared. Does it matter the order of us being lynched aside from me having a paralyze?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
It does. Like literally every point you've brought up so far has been something I've said on like Day 4.

The only reason lynch order would matter is if AM is right about you having a vote block ability.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
which nabe confirmed was not happened when jtb paralyzed him. AM's abilities haven't strictly matched up with what the original does so I'm not sure why this is a sticking point?
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