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Elements and Attributes Mafia - Game Over!

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
"Think of it like: as town, he jus goes, but as scum his posts have this calculated an layed out feel like he's pandering his posts to ya"

This made me laugh.

Cause it's true.

Also, PJB stop the ****ing salt. Your faction won, don't be so damn angry about it.


Skype mafia. Let's do that. If you are there I'll laugh. :D

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
So I had a lengthy post detailing how we won but I don't think I'll drop it now. I'll just say these things:

-PJB, drop the salt. I know we should've been more cooperative with you and even in hindsight you still were going to disagree with us. I apologize for not working with you better. Still, for ten seconds, drop your bias and listen to me. Your lynch gave us the free shot on S&C that we needed to help ensure we'd make it to lategame. It set up D2 perfectly and earned us protection for the rest of the game. By nabbing both protects N1 thanks to us looking incredibly town for hardbussing you, we got to look even more townie for clearing Swords despite his shoddy play (though let's be real, anyone who flipped off PJB and was trying to hardpush an inactive at the end of D1 could've been the subject of that lynch). I'm not lying when I say your lynch won us the game. You were dead in the water and I wanted to keep town's nose out of the inactive pool as long as I could, but by lynching you, it set up everything we needed to win this game.
-FF's lynch was actually unplanned and something we didn't want. We did manage to get in our seal of approval on it before it went down but ultimately we were trying to lynch Gheb both because we thought that neighborhood housed a potential Indy (see: Math Blasters/FLC Mafia) and because we wanted to keep the inactive pool around. We were hoping FF would spontaneously become active again and the game would get easier as a result, or he'd get replaced or something. Neither happened.
-Kantrip's lynch was a combination of things but it never really impacted the game that greatly. Yeh, we got the indy, and yeh, it did create some paranoia as to what exactly town was dealing with as their last scummer, but even then, it was still fairly obvious it was a scum due to the NK on Ruy that happened N5. Lynching him felt euphoric, given that it was entirely born from an observation about his claim (just a tip, don't claim 50/50 vig with two attempted shots on a guy who just vanished with his neighbor), but it ultimately didn't secure us much.
-Speaking of Ruy, that death was supposed to happen the next night to force a sudden MyLo. Swords was incredibly on point with what we were trying to do all game, he just never thought "y'know, this is actually what scum is doing," because he was right, what we were doing was on some level ********. That's exactly why we did it though.
-This game is a testament that honesty isn't a towntell, just as lying isn't a scumtell. We were honest throughout the first few phases and by all rights we did everything that a townie should do. We were still scum, yes, but you would've needed some next level **** to come close to having a legitimately sound scumread on us.

<3 u swordy

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
You literally had to wait until the end of the game to get ahead. You were behind the whole game, because you were alone for the maximum amount of time possible. Who'd have guessed that the entire town would follow your lead without question, even in lylo? Like, they didn't even give 2 ****s that they were in lylo. They freaking quicklynched. That's hella ****ed up.
also let's be real, we only got behind because of two protects, an investigative, and two roleblockers on town's side. if we started throwing kills around, we would've started throwing clears around. that's not our fault and there is legitimately nothing we could've done about that. we also had no idea and couldn't have had an idea until long after you were dead.


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
Gova how did the questions reflect on the role we got?

Also I propose everyone post their answers to the questions now.

The questions determined what variant of a role you got. For example if you had chosen hurt, you would have gotten a different role.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Xonar didn't read most of Day 1. Going into Day 2 he told me on Skype that he just assumed AM was bussing (he was pretty much skeptical of everyone on the wagon). I reassured Ramses that AM wasn't scum, and he the admitted to me that he didn't actually read what went down.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
reading through the neighbors qt now.

ran super paranoid of us gg, was super obvious in thread

Like, I get why, considering you scumread Swords that hard and we were completely defending him and not allowing his lynch. We actually could've just let it go through but it was our decision not to and I'm surprised you didn't consider alternatives. You were actually right--we were scum--but the reasoning for it was wrong because, by all counts, that wasn't something that we, as scum, should've done. Town removing protectives is a good thing for us and you would've needed a scumSwords flip to get it.

I think you guys made the right call removing yourselves N2, actually. You were in a totally bad spot and I would've lynched the **** out of Gheb for trying to lead a lynch on a protective d3. I was trying to at the end of D2 but ran out of time.

Gheb, stop getting so burnt out of games or something. Your ego preventing you from considering us as possible target for your action may actually have cost the game for your alignment. It's clear ran suspected us and wanted it, and putting that bead on a slot that had that much presence is never a bad thing. If we were town, it gave us an absolute clear that we would've ran a train on scum with, considering that there was one and an indy left. We were actually scum and using it on us would've probably won your alignment the game had you done that, providing town could've seen through indyKanty's claim. Other than this, you were wrong twice this game and that's all that happened to you. You got paranoid early and flipped off a scum lynch even though it was for the right reasons and then proceeded to try to lynch a protective through a pseudo-confirmation from another player because I'm assuming you just wanted to send a message or didn't want to pay attention to clears or some ****.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
Don't listen to gheb, don't use a one-shot, life-taking mod-confirmed clear on a slot like badwolf. Even if it wasn't on us, putting that on someone else that would do more with untouchable status would've helped town tremendously later in the game. Had you used that on nabe, we probably would've lost. We certainly would've had to have kept him around longer than we wanted cause we couldn't lynch him.
More to the point, use it on a slot that will cause the clear not to be swept under the rug. The Badwolf clear was immediately dismissed as WIFOM. A Nabe clear, he could do something with, as would we if we had been town. If you had used it on us and it said scum, we would have had a much harder time sweeping it under the rug than if it was on Badwolf.

Badwolf is a target who a lot of people could easily see being the target of scum manipulation of town opinion.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
reading through the neighbors qt now.

ran super paranoid of us gg, was super obvious in thread

Like, I get why, considering you scumread Swords that hard and we were completely defending him and not allowing his lynch. We actually could've just let it go through but it was our decision not to and I'm surprised you didn't consider alternatives. You were actually right--we were scum--but the reasoning for it was wrong because, by all counts, that wasn't something that we, as scum, should've done. Town removing protectives is a good thing for us and you would've needed a scumSwords flip to get it..

You mean like thinking "Wait if AM were scum why would they need to hard protect Swords?". i might have thought that. I just didn't like your D2 approach, especially with me. (Like the clogging the thread thing) If you hadn't defended Swords I might not have doubted you. (Considering I did have a town read on you) My reads were really bad this game so I don't think I would have a chance of finding anything from you. But could you give an example of an alternative if I didn't get what you said right.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also it's hard to catch scum with the right reasons ;-;

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
-dead- @ how off I was this game

Edit: Somebody needs to murder Laundry IRL. Painfully.


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
gova's setups are always really cool and aggromed played incredibly well so yeah this was a good read

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
The only point I thought of scum AM was on Day 2 when they kinda dwindled on Frozenflame or Gheb. Thanks to Sworddancer on making me go for FF over Gheb or anyone else.

Unfortunately a lot of other things clouded my mind during the game and I never went back to re question it. Well played Laundry and Ryker.

I'll be taking this to heart on reevaluations.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I know I was one of the things that distracted you from the get go and i'm going to try and re-think my play in that respect.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
Also it's hard to catch scum with the right reasons ;-;
they generally don't have to be exactly right, just right enough that you can get a lynch off of us. we were scum but i can't think of any valid reason people would have to lynch us. they would've have to have gone through other things. i was super paranoid when pjb omgus voted us early in d1--that's the exact kinda **** i've seen out of busses a lot. we played it off right but still.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Honestly don't remember why, but I assumed AM wasn't doing anything with Night actions. Not that I cared.

The bolded is pretty untrue. It was a wise move for AM to bus you Day 1. You were dying Day 1. Had he not bussed you, he may not have lasted as long, and you probably would still have ended up dead.

You're also not considering the fact that AM saved me as scum and then allowed BW to be cleared as well. He then no killed liked every Night in the game while he was being protected (seriously a good move) to make it seem fairly obvious that there was just no way he could have been mafia.

You're ALSO not considering the fact that, outside of clearing/saving townies, his play on Day 1 through Day 3 was just plain townie as ****.

In retrospect it's my fault for not even considering the fact that AM could have been mafia no killing, and there were cracks in his play towards the end, mainly his lackadaisical approach towards lynches Day 5 onwards. However, I was just too fooled by all of the "THERE'S NO WAY SCUM WOULD DO THAT" moves to even consider it. I think though that, even if I did though, I still would have lynched in the order I did. Maybe I might not have lynched Orbo Day 6. Who knows.
I wasn't dead in the water, I had you, adumb, and gheb all practically 100% convinced that I was town. The only reason you even started doubting it was because of AM, and you were never sure. I can live a long time with people being unsure about me, I did it for practically the whole game in Persona. I've had to do it as town too, more often than not.

The reason AM's bus was so effective, was because I did turn my wagon around. It's because I wasn't dead in the water, that his push on me seemed so legitimate to you. If I had actually been a dead man walking, you wouldn't have given him so much credit for busing me. It would have been a pretty obvious bus, otherwise.

AM saving your skin from a lynch was, admittedly, also a very strong move. Once your play became more obvtown, having you in his back pocket almost guaranteed that any attempts at his lynch would be fought tooth and nail without him even having to lift a finger.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
they generally don't have to be exactly right, just right enough that you can get a lynch off of us. we were scum but i can't think of any valid reason people would have to lynch us. they would've have to have gone through other things. i was super paranoid when pjb omgus voted us early in d1--that's the exact kinda **** i've seen out of busses a lot. we played it off right but still.
It wasn't an omgus, it was a legitimate vote. Your jump on me was opportunistic, which is what I said it was. You were very eager to bus me, and you didn't provide any reasoning for why. I even asked you why, in thread, and your reason was janky to me. Not that I could get anyone to listen to me.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I wasn't dead in the water, I had you, adumb, and gheb all practically 100% convinced that I was town. The only reason you even started doubting it was because of AM, and you were never sure. I can live a long time with people being unsure about me, I did it for practically the whole game in Persona. I've had to do it as town too, more often than not.

The reason AM's bus was so effective, was because I did turn my wagon around. It's because I wasn't dead in the water, that his push on me seemed so legitimate to you. If I had actually been a dead man walking, you wouldn't have given him so much credit for busing me. It would have been a pretty obvious bus, otherwise.

AM saving your skin from a lynch was, admittedly, also a very strong move. Once your play became more obvtown, having you in his back pocket almost guaranteed that any attempts at his lynch would be fought tooth and nail without him even having to lift a finger.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I wasn't dead in the water, I had you, adumb, and gheb all practically 100% convinced that I was town. The only reason you even started doubting it was because of AM, and you were never sure. I can live a long time with people being unsure about me, I did it for practically the whole game in Persona. I've had to do it as town too, more often than not.

The reason AM's bus was so effective, was because I did turn my wagon around. It's because I wasn't dead in the water, that his push on me seemed so legitimate to you. If I had actually been a dead man walking, you wouldn't have given him so much credit for busing me. It would have been a pretty obvious bus, otherwise.

AM saving your skin from a lynch was, admittedly, also a very strong move. Once your play became more obvtown, having you in his back pocket almost guaranteed that any attempts at his lynch would be fought tooth and nail without him even having to lift a finger.
Actually you're kinda right. Your lynch wasn't guaranteed Day 1. However, even if you've survived Day 1, I can't say you would have lived the whole game. There was still some animosity towards you, and I think you would have been a question mark going into future Days.

Also, the reason AM's bus of you looked legit, to me, was because it DID look like it was carried out pretty naturally. You actually had helped in making the bus look real, so good stuff for that. Like, you didn't defend yourself differently as compared to others, and AM was really persistent for a bus.
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