Smash Master
Why would you take away the grab release? It's a reward for being able to grab with wisp in the first place XD. I don't want to see wisp be a bad character, I have a lot of fun playing as wisp and enjoy the notion that wisp may actually be playable (in friendlies).Yep, if I could turn Kirby into a Wisp I wouldBut I fixed the grab release issue. Still not sure if other characters can do the same to Wisp though.
Yep, Wisp is bad. I plan to make her mediocre, and maybe tone down the excellent counterpicks if I can.
Thanks! I'm working on making Dsmash a little better. I plan also to tweak Up+B, but it will still be useful. I know what you're saying about B and Nair -- it just occurred to me that B is just as quick to start, and quicker to recover, than Nair. So, I'm increasing Nair's hitbox a tad and slowing down B's recovery a tad.
Thanks again for all the comments guys!
You should make nair a multi-hit shock like mewtwo in melee. The neutral B is fine how it is.