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East Midlands tournament and social thread


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2009
The B Button
sorry. :< I kept forgetting that I was in someone else's house and I shouldn't really be swearing so much.

But christ. >_>;


I didn't really get to meet everyone ... I only recognised people I met before or people that I played xD. so I can't do shoutouts for everyone. -.-

Almas: Only played you on Brawl+ but god****it man, stop using Jiggs. I can't gimp her xD. Sucks you lost Melee finals though. :<

Brado: I still don't understand why you went RANDOM (of all characters) when playing. lol. I guess I surprised you -_- I actually expected you to use Olimar. Your Ness sucks though. :bee: I joke.

Calzorz: You should have won. :| Nice 3-stock on Willz btw. xD. And I probably should have gone to andy's house. My dad RAGED at me on the way home so much... now he refuses to pick me up even if I go to yours. -.- oh well.

Calzum: UNDERDOG. LOL. good games. we didn't get to play any B+ matches though, I swear I said I wanted some ><

Conor: Never met you before... didn't realise until now that you were a Melee player. Melee and Brawl are a lot dfferent, but just keep playing and playing son. practice makes perfect :]

Rake: I should have won that B+ money match. I'd john about the small TV too, but I won't as I was using D3 and not Fox lol.

Rega: Glad you came, even if it was just to watch and play some friendlies. Willz ***** with that kirby 0-death though... wtf.

Tamoo: Surprised as hell I didn't play you on Brawl at all, not surprised that you wiped the floor in Melee singles. epic rest finishes in the finals. ^_^

I should have come to yours. My dad was so angry with me. I didn't get back to scunny until 11.20. -.-

Willz: I bet if you'd gone Falco or Kirby, I would have won. I'm going to get Cal to help me learn to beat Snakes for the next time. EM FOR TOP 3 NOOB. lol.
Nah but honestly, the fest was awesome. Tell your parents I'm sorry for being so **** loud and swearing (**** Rake's pad for making me lose the MM on B+ >_>) I don't want to get barred from the next one D: too good.

Yeniths: Glad you came, though since you don't play Brawl we didn't get any matches or any old-school friendlies. :/

To everyone else that was there that I didn't get to meet (or spoke to but didn't know who they were :/): GOOD GAMES AND GOOD ***** AT AN AWESOME FEST. :D

Need a B+ side-tourney next time. calz and trio hate B+ lol. last time andy played it I ***** his marth with MK. META KNIGHT. lol.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
Willz: I bet if you'd gone Falco or Kirby, I would have won. I'm going to get Cal to help me learn to beat Snakes for the next time. EM FOR TOP 3 NOOB. lol.
Nah but honestly, the fest was awesome. Tell your parents I'm sorry for being so **** loud and swearing (**** Rake's pad for making me lose the MM on B+ >_>) I don't want to get barred from the next one D: too good.
It's taken you this long to finally get Snake training lol. My Snakes pretty meh tbh Tamoo did pretty well against it and he doesn't even play the game. Your MK isn't bad it's just predictable and your approach sucked at times. Like in the 2nd match on Rainbow Ride you just glided into me I grabbed you and then did a Back throw to kill you lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Hahahaha K.Mac shoutotus are too good, well awsome fest people and thanks for hosting Wheelz, one of ur best tourney so far, i did amazing in Melee and i dont even play the game, so Jo3 if ur readin this Brawl Skill > Melee Skill hahaha, now ive got my memory card back im gonna play melee more often now, so next time at London i think will be the next fest i'll be at, i will show u how good a brawl player can really be, just like Kira did beating Kman.


LC | Team Heir
Jul 14, 2009
Leicester, England
(this is my 2nd time writing this out -__-)

Almas - Good **** at brado place

Brado - You must have called out who's facing who like as many times as wheelz Good stuff

Calzorz - Still as good as ever on brawl Good **** beating double jiggs:laugh:

Calzum - <3

Conor - You have quite a nice shiek GG on friendly's

FanDemz - NO MOAR PUFF :laugh::(

Josh - you improved since like 2 weeks ago:laugh: BEST DOUBLES TEAM EVAA

Kmac - KMAC BEAT PEOPLE ???!?!?!? Gratz placing 4th and GG's in losers semis
i forgot how bad R.O.B is vs MK(ROBS worst matchup) it might have been closer

Leliel - You have a nice peach GG's in Melee singles i can remember me Crouch canceling your D-Smash a few times:p

Navi - Sup we never play each other

Rake - Dair to bucket = 0 to death, doing that and knocking you out is payback for making chase your car down FALCON road SON

Rega - Sup dude, nice friendly's we had when are you gonna be like the rest of the leicester guys and play melee lol

Tamoo - Your still too good at melee to be playing us EM scrubs :laugh: GG's on a few friendly's we had and GG on Smash 64 round mine :bee:

Trio3 - Well done on winning Brawl Trio blah blah blah

WHEELZ - sup n00b GG on losing to double puff -_____- you suxx no johns get *****

Yeniths - Cheers for losing too double jiggz and leaving us at the clock tower freezing our **** off (I Joke) your as good as ever Babes;)... Wait WTF we didn't play

Zunari - was it you who knocked me out of ether winners braket of losers anyway GG

if i forgot anybody tell me and I'll type something up for you then commit suicide for forgetting you :urg::)


Smash Cadet
Oct 16, 2009
London (studying Leicester)
Hey guys its Conor.

Anyways I had a great day, I would do my own shoutouts but I'm rubbish at them so there you go. Cheers for all the games everyone, GG's all round. My sheik (melee) was sooooooo much better by the end of the day compared to the start. Especially when fighting Jiggly, lol.

Oh Personal highlight was definately winning that 2v1 at the end of our doubles match against Willz and Yenith (I think?). Ok I got pretty **** lucky, but who cares, it was awesome.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
Yooooo Guize, this weekend was awesome, the best EM fest so far maybe?


Almas- I'm surprised how well I did against you, though your Peach is still quite a bit ahead of me. Congrats on beating Yen in melee, you surprised everyone. Brawl+ all night was too fun, I want the american version on my wiii >.> was good having you over, hopefully have you over for the next fest as well.
Too many stitchfaces lol

Calzorz- i was very surprised at your melee skill, you should pick it up and drop that ****ty game lool. Only Fox that went 2 whole sets without lasering or shining (i think no shine). We did come back and **** you in lsoers though ;)

Calzum- Brawl ***...

Conor- You've got a pretty good Shiek, you did good in our MM. You gotta come down to all our fests, especially when BloodBowler's in Leicester. Try and learn about the stages, it can give you a huge advantage if you know where to take certain characters and which stages to ban.

Fandemz- Nice Jiggs you've got, especially considering this was your first fest. You missed way too many rests in doubles dude, and I think I got my double rest on your team ;]. Same as Conor, try and learn about the stages, it can give you a huge advantage if you know where to take certain characters and which stages to ban.

Josh- GG's on Melee man, you really look like you know what your doing, pity Willz gayed you over with the bracket. You'll be competing with us soon enough.

Navi- Wow, my warm up matches against you really didn't go to plan, you've improved your Marth's really good. Work on your approaches a bit dude. I'll give you a proper set next time when I'm not incredibly tired (johns).

Kmac- GG's in Brawl, DK FTW. Your not bad tbh, I think my Oli would of put up a much better fight than my ganon ;)

Leliel- Had some good friendlies man, your peach is pretty good, needs more aerials though. Doubles was also fun, but your Husband/Wife combo couldn't handle the double jiggs. Nice meeting you.

Rake- Was fun having you over again, your actually good at Brawl+ and your melee wasn't too bad either, especially considering you play Ganon without L-cancelling...with a ps1 controller. Thanks for taking us for food and shiz on friday, and for taking us to the fest, always helps to have your car, lol. Watching Callum chase the car friday night was like one of the best parts of the weekend lololol

Trio- Well done on doing well on melee, your Marth's pretty good, though I combo'd the **** outta it in doubles. GG's in dubs though, you and Calz did really well beating us in winners, I'm so relieved we beat you in losers >.<. Congrats on brawl i 'spose. Drop that **** man, lol.

Yeniths- GG's in melee, I need to learn to DI that ****ing down throw, I suck. I'm surprised I did as well as I did against you, I'll beat you next tiem ;). Unlucky in dubs man, you and Willz obviously cannot handle double Puff. Tamoo's gonna upload the matches of you guys getting ***** later, they look pretty good. You must come down when BB's here!

Willz- Good job on hosting dude, and GG's in melee, match-up is too easy for you johns lolollolol. I got my revenge in dubs though, what ever happened to double puff not working ;) Your parents are too good with food and stuff, Barry and Nicky ftw.

Tamao- Congratz on owning us all in Melee, your Jiggs is so fun to watch, punishing Almas's roll with a rest was hilarious. Thanks for teming with me in doubles, WE DID A MANGO, we were obviously sandbagging vs the brawlers. It was fun having you stay over again, your welcome to stay at mine whenever your down here, I need the practice on NBA lol. See you again sometime soon dude.
lol I just finished your pringles :p

Sorry if I missed people out, I think I got everyone I played.

Aweosme to hear you'll be down soon BB, we've all really improved and it'll be cool to see how well we do against you. You'll have to come play us at least 2/3 times whilst your here dude.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
Calzum- Good **** on helping out fetching the n00bs from town, you know your job lol. You got a very difficult bracket in Brawl, you really had to try your hardest to get that 5th place /sarcasm. Was lame of you to go home and get some sleep, you missed out on all the B+ mm's, I coulda won myself more money if you were there... We need to play more 64 now, was real fun last night.

That better.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
Brado: Yeah that MU might be easier for me when I'm versus you but when I'm against Tamoo it's hard as **** >_>

Also, I'm gonna lay down a challenge to Trio. £5 MM on Melee next time we meet. I don't think I performed my best in the tourney match (although I admit you are a lot better compared to when we played at Brados), so I want a rematch god ****it.


We need a 2 day fest, 1 day is too short god ****...


LC | Team Heir
Jul 14, 2009
Leicester, England
Calzum- Good **** on helping out fetching the n00bs from town, you know your job lol. You got a very difficult bracket in Brawl, you really had to try your hardest to get that 5th place /sarcasm. Was lame of you to go home and get some sleep, you missed out on all the B+ mm's, I coulda won myself more money if you were there... We need to play more 64 now, was real fun last night.

That better.
much better haha


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
I just meant liek generally the match-up is more difficult for the jiggs player, requires more hard work on our part imo.

We do need a 2 day fest, so it'd help if you and Calz could house, lol.


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
Erm, I'm gonna get to working on finding a proper venue, so like I'm unsure on when i'll host next >.> I'm sure Willz will probably do one in like a month or so?


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London

Willz: Thanks a lot for hosting this man, ur parents are too good u know. Good to see that you've actually improved quite a bit and actually maining falcon now! Dittos were pretty good, uve still got quite a bit to work on, mainly spacing, and uve gotta use that nair a bit more.

Trio: Haha good games in melee man, u showed my kirby some of the business lol, unfortunately, our matches came out crap on the computer :/ And lol! at our doubles match, the final match of losers was probably one of the tensest i'd felt in smash EVER lol! Having 2 take u and calz out 2 on 1 was sooo tough, working well as a team u know.

Calzorz: Got a game off of ya!!! Lol, I think i did alrite against you tho, enjoyed it actually, would actually like to play you more. Despite it being brawl :s Also, good **** in melee man, u really surprised me with ur overly simple fox, i think u could do well in melee man, saw some good **** there. Ud get even better if u used shine aswell.

Calzum: ****, shoulda lost to ya in brawl man, i woulda preferred ur path lol! smash 64 was fun, my link went unbeaten?? pretty jokes.

Fandemz: That falcon combo i got on ur jiggs was probs the highlight of the tournament lol! Neva got **** like that off with falcon in my life lol. jiggs def has the potential, just get the basics like lcancelling consistently first, and have no fear with the rest, esp in friendlies. Its the only way to learn to use the move. U'll lose a lot of stocks from missed rests but it will get u far quick, such a good move.

Navi: **** man, i think of all the ppl, u improved the most, gotta hand it to you there. Keep it up and ur marth could become beastly.

Connor: i swear u hardly use fair?? i could be wrong but i don't remember u using fair much. Youve just gotta be more gay in general, watch ppl like amsah and m2k, and try to emulate them, especially in the edgeguarding department.

leliel: hmm, u need to float around a bit more and do more arials, just sitting there in ur dsmash wont help much against better ppl. Good new talent though.

Rake: no dubs :(

Almas: Good **** on getting through to finals man, ur peach has improved a hell of a lot since we met in the monthly. I think for that day, u were the luckiest person in England, u were getting an average of at least two ubers a match lol! hopefully play you again soon when i go to see the crew.

yeniths: i'd say stick to falco tbh, ur shiek is legit but ur falco was so **** tricky, u were very defensive which is good. Our matches were fun tho :) And u guys gave me and brad a pretty good run for our money in the final set. ur shiek was good in doubles.

kmac: lol at swearing! well played in brawl man, shoulda played u at sum point but oh well :/

Brad: Thanks a lot for the housing man, **** bout the pringles! NBA was soooo funny, i was laughing a lot on the inside to try and not wake u up. Those 5 second penalties were ****** u lol! Teaming with u was fun man, soooo many close calls tho haha, shouldn't have been that tense. I think this tournament oficially proves that jiggs is broken lol!

Only made a loss of £20 at this tournament so im very happy :) Keep these tournaments up guys, I reaaaaally like going to leicester, so many game shops


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
I agree with brad, the falcon jiggs mu is so much work for jiggs, its frustrating. Im genuinely considering picking up falcon properly for some of the matchups im not too fond of. i think my falcons got some potential. Falcon ditto over falcon jiggs all day man


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2009
Josh- GG's on Melee man, you really look like you know what your doing, pity Willz gayed you over with the bracket. You'll be competing with us soon enough.
Lol Brad = way too kind. cheers for ure tips during our melee games man, lol. im sure u would have st0mped me if u didnt. meh, pretty sure even with an 'easy' bracket i wouldnt have gone on for long. was a gud learning experience imo, and was kwl to meet every1. gz on doubles btw, bit of a shame i had to leave early -_- apparently when i say 'ill walk back around 6:30' i mean 'pick me up from willz at 5' meh parents suxx...


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
Tamoo: ty for your comments. I want to step up so imma practice as much as I can. Your Jiggs is very good and your Falcon was pretty cool as well. You should make regular visits to Leicester just to see us =P


I doubt I can host a fest next month. We have exams at the end of the month and I doubt my parents would be too keen on me hosting another one this soon. I'm also thinking to raise the fees of singles & doubles up to £3 for singles and £2 again as the prices for yesterday were for my original expectations of a 10 people fest. We really could do with a venue next time and hopefully my parents don't think everyones a paedophile now and will let me house a few people. =]


Josh you should do shoutouts!!!!!11!11


Smash Cadet
Oct 16, 2009
London (studying Leicester)

Stages hmmm yeah I'll have to give that some thought. I'm pretty sure Pokemon stadium generally works in favour of sheik (or my sheik at least) but thats about as far as my knowledge goes in that department.

As for fairs: I do 'em a lot but I struggle shorthopping into them, because sheik's shorthop is gay.

And I'll check out some vid's tonight.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 17, 2008
Nottingham, England
Hey guiseeeeee

Really enjoyed this fest even though I was uber spaced out, I was feeling pretty ill.

Thanks for hosting Willz ;>
Let's get some shoutouts going:

Willz - Again thanks for hosting, we didn't get to play though ;_;

Calzum - You've gotten better ;o GG's in losers though

Brado - I don't think we got to play singles did we? I forget. I had fun playing against double Jiggs though ;p

Fandemz - Nice jiggs man and was good meeting you. We are going to have to meet up every now and then for melee, I'm positive your Jiggs will be sick soon.

Connor - I think I played you, but I definitely watched you play, nice shiek ;>

Almas - Thank you for being my doubles partner ;> Playing against you made me realise how poorly I knew the peach matchup.

Trio3 - You knocked me out of winners T_T why did I go CF ;_; Good games regardless.

Yeniths - I barely played you but it looks like your falco got better ;>

I'm 100% sure I'm missing people but oh well.

The Filth

Smash Lord
Mar 23, 2009
Sheffield, UK
Calzorz- i was very surprised at your melee skill, you should pick it up and drop that ****ty game lool.

Calzum- Brawl ***...

Trio -Congrats on brawl i 'spose. Drop that **** man, lol.



Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Zunari: Twas a shame we didnt really get any games in, ill def get sum in next time

There weren't that many recorded vids actually, i can only remember seeing dubs final, winners final and some of grand final.
I'll try and get them all up tomorrow


Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2009
Nice meeting everyone, I'm struggling remembering everyone's names, but I'll try and remember the people I played against at least. It was a fun fest.

Almas - Had fun on the doubles match, you made the tourny pretty interesting ;P

Brado - I definitely need to work on my aerials. Had some good matches man, doubles was fun.

Calzum - Melee singles was good, I really need to work on my game against Marths. Good games though.


Rake - Had some fun friendlies, though I was too distracted by your lack of controller and ganon

Tamoo - Yeah, I need to work on my aerial attacks. Had fun in friendlies though : )

Yeniths - Melee singles was good, you're too fast for me. ;<

Zunari - <3

Navi - Awesome doubles partner :3


East Midlands!
Feb 26, 2008
Anyone free this tues night-weds night? Leicester guys, zunari anyone lol? X


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
Almas - Loved B+ all night, was awsome, i dont mind losing £3 just cos it was so much fun. good stuff man

Brado - ty for housing, good mms on B+, dks legs are so broken =P

Calzorz - had a few dubz games, guess who won those...lol. keep ******

Calzum - As if the one time you beat me is when it seriously matters, that sucks ***. was worth it for the hilarity of you chasing my car xD

Conor - ggs in brawl, pick it up son ;)

Kmac - bravo on 4th, ggs on B+, sorry about the mm stuff, that was just unfortunate. B+ ftw

Leliel - hahaha controller johns xD the only was i can beat people on melee is making them laugh at my controller

Rega - was fun having some games with you, i always enjoy playing you just cos you're someone better than me who doesnt pure **** me

Tamoo - where did that 3 stock come from? =P was pure awsomeness. But wtf, we need brawl dubz

Trio3 -winning brawl again? :O whats going on here! your links good but my toons better ;)

Wilz - ty for hosting, great tourney as ever, too bad about not gettin brawl dubz goin. as if i played you first in both my brackets


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
Leliel: I hosted the **** thing and I didn't even get a shoutout :dizzy:

Rake: I wasn't supposed to play you first in the bracket in Brawl. Our match was second round as we both had opponents who didn't enter brawl so we both got byes. =P

Yeniths: I'm free tomorrow and Wednesday night I think although what time were you thinking of coming? Anyway I'll ask my parents :p


East Midlands!
Feb 26, 2008
Well I'll b in Leicester Tuesday from like 4pm and would like to play someone but would need somewhere to sleep? Leaving Wednesday night


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
ok i just wana say this was probs the best fest yet in EM was fun n got to meet every1 who
i havent seen in a while, nice to meet every1 again

ok here are my shoutouts

Almas: nice peache in meele and 2nd nice1 xD! was suprised you beat yen if im honest but good job

Brado: uv improved in meele i can see that by watching and congratz on 1st place doubles i didnt know which jigs was which and i thought it was tamoo who gimped me at 1 point and i said i just got gimped by tamoo and u was like dont underestimate me haha xD my bad just couldnt tell which jigs was which!

Calzum: thanks for picking us up man we would get lost without u so i think its good brado and willz gave you this job XD
also 5th in brawl congratz! and i won the callum title change your name muahahhaha

Kmac: OH WHAT CAN I SAY THE KMAC IS TOO GOOD i like how this tourny u didnt sandbag showing ur real placements haha jks good job kmac proud of you son

Rake: unlucky in brawl singles but good job on owning kmac in brawl+ hoepfully hel quit tht **** now ggs in dubs

Trio: cheers for coming to scunny 1st , speaking of 1st congratz on 1st xD intesnse set in winners finals 3-2 SO CLOSE CLOESTS SET IV EVER HAD i was 200% or so u was 140% one up tilt and u was GONE BUT MARTH IS TOO FAST , so nice ****
also nice teaming with you in meele i dont like to brag but we were ****!!!! ;)

Yeniths: i finally got to see yeniths again after months good to see you man xD you must of ***** in meele doubles cos every second i heard trio go ARGHH meaning ur sheik ***** him xD well done in meele mybe not the placement u hoped for but still good
and unlucky vs tamoo ur falco did alot better than ur sheik wich was weird

Willz: thanks for hosting wheelz was good fest ur falco is pretty good in brawl so keep it up , also nice falcon in meele and congratz on 2nd doubles well deserved , also i left to money from our mm next to u tv for u as i owed u it from a signature ;)

tamoo: congratz on 1st in meele singles and doubles well deserved ur jigs is awsome and having to face 2 jigs in the doubles as fox was so anoying if i got too agresive at some point il get grabbed and rested at low % but i think me and trio did good
and yea u beat my marth in brawl xD dono how to play that matchup as marth lol , with snake i messed around with u a bit but all good fun xD

i would mybe pick up meele if i started earlyer i play meele like once every 3 or 4months if that so i guess im not bad at it but i dont have the time to play both games competitivly just entered to help trio out

if i missed ppl out its cos i dont really know you or i just forgot


Smash Rookie
Oct 7, 2009
Leliel: I hosted the **** thing and I didn't even get a shoutout :dizzy:
Sorry man! I was doing those in a rush this morning before college and I could only remember the people I played with. Thanks for hosting, it was great.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2009
NYC *****
Well I'll b in Leicester Tuesday from like 4pm and would like to play someone but would need somewhere to sleep? Leaving Wednesday night
Well we have school still so getting housing off us is very unlikely. Can't you come round my place then sleep at your gfs?

Edit: Why does my Firefox randomly log me into Yayuhz lol


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2009
United Kingdom
Whats happening this weekend around the midlands? I might come down or anywhere if theres some smash involved someplace, some1 lemme know if soming is goin on.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2009
NYC *****
Well I can't do a minfest of sorts because my parents are getting a new dining table this weekend. Brado should do a minifest then me Cal BB and Trio can go omagadz.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2008
Okay so;

Willz: Awesome fest, thanks for hosting. Even got some B+ in. I vote we run with 50/40/10 pots until I'm good enough to win every time I come.

Yeniffs: Fox too good. Good games, I'm surprised I won. I can't even remember what happened in them now but clearly Peach is just too win for you. I need to get my Fox up to par so that I don't keep on losing £1 to you each fest.

Brado: Thanks for housing me dude, had a good night before. Your brother was especially awesome. Surprised by how much you have improved - a little more practice and you'll be good enough to pick up a a real character. Good B+ shiz.

Zunari: Was fun teaming with you dude. We made them panic!

Navi (I hope it's Navi): Such a pro Ken Combo on me. I'm really not sure how that happened. But it was so freakin' awesome.

Fandemz: Wow, I've never seen you before but you were really good and look like you'll be getting better fast. Too bad you main Jiggz.

Tamoo: I hate you. I'm getting Soha to beat you up.

KMac: Nice B+ stuff. Thanks for the money.

Rake: Get raked son.

Everyone else, I've forgotten about you or you aren't important to me. I discovered over the weekend that I've started auto-sandbagging in matches, although I guess Peach isn't really a character you can **** with without paying attention. Especially since everyone was playing friggen' Jiggz or Marth there. Once again, great fest.


East Midlands!
Feb 26, 2008
4 stitchs in 1 game is what happened my boy lol, good to see you again tho Almas :). I will post shoutouts soon.

I don't think I'll be able to play anyone tomorrow night then sorry as I would need housing but I guess with you at school it's hard lol, hopfuly your college timetable or whatever your doing next year will be more slack :)
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