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East Midlands tournament and social thread


Smash Apprentice
Nov 16, 2009
Nottingham/London UK
Hey EM. I know i'm a bit late on the shoutouts but it's gotta be done.

Was an awesome tourney in general, well organised and massively enjoyable. Thanks Willz and his parents for hosting the whole thing and providing food, you can never go wrong with pizza... I learned a HUUUUUGE amount at this tourney and really appreciate all the comments i got on how to improve. Think I played fairly well considering that I had not played in quite a few months and have never before played any smashers from the community before. You're all cool guys and i'd definitely be up for future tournys/fests if you'll have me.

Willz - Thanks for hosting, great tourney and a good amount of setups. If all EM tourneys are like this in the future i'd definitely be happy. You got a mean falcon and it's a bit of a shame that i didn't get to play you more (you should stick to melee!!!). I'm working on my rest combo's atm, so all i'm gonna say is... Jiggz is coming for you next tourney ......

Almas - Thx for the advice, i've been trying a lot of what you said recently. Really enjoyed playing you even though some of the games weren't as close as I would have liked lol. Well done on your placing though mate.

Brado - Yea a few wild rests went down in the doubles, normally i'm pretty good with them but I was out of practice i guess. Definitely gonna work on the basics though as there's a lot I don't know. I LOOOOOVED that MM we had (Jiggz ditto). I woulda paid a fiver just to play that cuz it made me work on my spacing and mindgames a lot. I even won the first game which may have been a lil lucky but was pretty close anyway. Next tourney/fest we are both at... JIGGZ DITTO MM BABY!!! you can't say no to that....

Callum - MOAR PUFF!!!!!!!!!!!

Tamoo - Ye you've got skills... Well done on coming 1st and thanks for giving me advice and playing all those friendlies. Definitely helped my game a lot and gave me a good indication on how much work i gotta do to be a good smasher (a LOT lol). Hopefully see you at a tourney again soon.

Zunari - Really enjoyed the games we had. You're pretty dayum good with a lot of characters which is awesome. Definitely would be up for meeting up as i'm really not that far away from you. You got my number so jus drop me a text when your about after new years. Oh and thanks for the encouragement!!!

Leliel - Sorry dude but i LOOOVE resting peach, just find her such a massive floating target!! Thanks for the games, really enjoyed them.

The_Rake - WTF no shoutout for me? You're just bitter that i beat you in my first ever tourney match HAHA!! Jus kidding mate, I know ur a brawler. Thx for the game.

Conor - I 4-stocked Bishkin HAHAHAHAHA. All that practice for nothing....

Sorry to anyone I played but have missed out. Post an angry reply and you might get a shoutout :mad: . Again, great tourney, I really enjoyed it and would definitely be up for the next one. Thanks Willz!!!


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England
The_Rake - WTF no shoutout for me? You're just bitter that i beat you in my first ever tourney match HAHA!! Jus kidding mate, I know ur a brawler. Thx for the game.
sorry man, i got you and connor mixed up when i did my shoutouts and must have forgot to rewrite you into it.
I always like playing melee games i have a chance in =P even tho i was raked ;)


Smash Lord
Jan 11, 2008
Leicester, England
2 PP

What makes you think I 'ride' Tamoo, maybe it's funny to think I just don't have anything against him?

idc about my prediction , it was just banter, but obviously you have to take it seriosuly and bring it up when you feel the need to be a prick. -_-


LC | Team Heir
Jul 14, 2009
Leicester, England
Lol brado you need to Quote your post's at first i thought that was aimed towards me after what i jokingly said to Willz like 2 weeks ago:laugh:

Professor Pro

Smash Legend
Apr 30, 2007
England, South London
i was only trying to copy your challenge to BB right down to the number of letters you used

Prof - £5000 Mm?(any better?)I'll use Pichu and you can use Faux seem fair?
Nah sorry i'm scared of doing that with you cos it's too big a money match which is in your favour.

However I wouldn't mind doing a £5 MM since atleast when I lose it's not that much money.....deal?

2 PP

What makes you think I 'ride' Tamoo, maybe it's funny to think I just don't have anything against him?

idc about my prediction , it was just banter, but obviously you have to take it seriosuly and bring it up when you feel the need to be a prick. -_-
Are you referring to this guy :confused: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64PBR1Ecn90

If not then don't get annoyed at me lol.
I'm just a messenger of what the community thinks about you and apparently it is true, and just because he mains jiggs lol. But also for some other reason which the group were talking about but I forgot cos I wasn't listening properly when they were talking about you.


LC | Team Heir
Jul 14, 2009
Leicester, England
Nah sorry i'm scared of doing that with you cos it's too big a money match which is in your favour.
However I wouldn't mind doing a £5 MM since atleast when I lose it's not that much money.....deal?
ahh sadley cant dude i only do £100+ =(

however i might do 1 pound Mm when i see you
would be a nice lrnding experience getting 4 stocked by a sandbagging fox

@rake No.


Smash Master
Jul 23, 2007
Leicester, UK
Lol wtf Rake. Calzorz looks nothing like Michael Buble. Like I look nothing like Justin Bieber.

Also why were Brawlers talking about Brado... What do they have to say about us?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2009
The B Button
£2 is steep :p

I don't wanna do mms just for the sake of money, just as a way of making the games more interesting. I'll give you 2 £1 mms
Deal. :bee:

Also why were Brawlers talking about Brado... What do they have to say about us?
I dunno? My opinion of Brado has improved greatly after this weekend.

Although you two really should stop acting like professor pro on the forums, you look stupid. =P


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2009
Birmingham; England

Oh kmac, how about some normal brawl mms too, obv you have the advantage of owning B+, I only did as well as i did because i had played that mainly since i got to brads.

and calzorz soooooo looks like buble =P


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
All vids going up right now

On my youtube account rather than the uk one cos i forgot to log out and into it :/

just search tamoo99, should be alrite to find.

If i have time, I'll sort out the vids into playlists so its easier to find etc.

Only full set is me vs yeniths lol, it was a pretty good set tho


Smash Master
Aug 30, 2008
England, Orpington, S.London
Only vids that needs details is doubles now, can't watch the matches at work so I'll do those when i get back.

And soz for the B&W, for sum reason, Willz's Dazzle doesn't like to put colour onto my laptop >.>
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