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Each Ganon's personal MU-ratio 2010 - (Finished)


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I don't know matchup ratios in Brawl+. I hate Brawl+ and I consider it extremely noob friendly in a bad way. I don't know how much Luigi changed in Brawl+.

Aside from the fact that Flame Choke is nerfed pretty significantly in Brawl+, probably does better against Luigi though just on the basis of having better spacing.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Ganondorf goes even with Luigi in Balanced Brawl, if not slight advantage. He's one of Luigi's few matchups in that game that is clearly worse for him. Between D-tilt that causes trips, F-tilt having super armor, and having an invincible wizkick that bypasses most projectiles really easily, Ganondorf is pretty good in that matchup. When you consider Luigi's buffs in comparision, they are reduced fireball cooldown, and a Dash attack that reliably links into the final hit, which are both things that Ganondorf doesn't particularly care about. It's a momentum based matchup, where both punish hard. Ganondorf has a spacing advantage, while Luigi can punish grounded mistakes harder for earlier KOs.


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL

Z1GMA: 25 - 75
Sure, Luigi can juggle and combo/string us like crazy at low %'s, as well as pressure us with Fire Balls.
But that's just one part of the problem - 'Cuz this ****er can also kill you extremely early.
He's also not that easy to gimp.

Ganon does a really good job out-priorising the majority of Luigi's moveset, though.
SHFF Bair'ing ***** Luigi hard if we're close enough to make him not wanna Fire Ball us.
Really effective if we've got him cornered (against the ledge).
He will then try to roll through us, or down+b through us, so be ready to punish it.

Makke: 30 -70
Commment: Luigi will go for a down throw and utilt/uair/nair/fair strings.
Fsmash and UpB KO us less than 100% maybe 80%
Luigi like to approaching with his Nair, its quick, high prio, many hitting frames, First part of it have good KO power and not much landing lag.
Ganon have much better range than Luigi. Ftilt close the edge is good for setup stomp or reverse uair.
When Luigi gets hit by ganon he slides back cuz of his poor traction. Luigi can have problems shieldgrab us cuz Ganondorf long range.
Always predict a Tornadoboost (DownB) when he try to recover.
Dtilt can trip us to a free UpB kill D:
Use Ganondorfs range in the MU

Terodactyl yelnats: 35-65
SDI out of his utilt strings and jump away.
Luigi has awful approaches, yet he'll try to approach anyway because he could get loads of damage on you. Ganon can shieldgrab Luigi easily if he's just trying to follow up on his other hits like dair to nair.
When thunder stomping, don't go for another dair as he'll pretty always nair when he's hit. Walk away and fsmash/sideB him.
Tipman him out of sideB and double jump, tipman him after his DownB ONLY when it finishes, no random hitboxes hitting us in the other direction to get gimped.
Don't get caught close range with this guy, his angled up fsmash has zero lag and kills us mad early. It also has absurd pressure options and puts us in a really bad position.

A2ZOMG: 40/60
This matchup is quite simple honestly, and Ganondorf can frustrate Luigi in more ways than the other way around, so long as you aren't getting comboed and don't run into any of his brokenly powerful KO moves. Luigi is floaty and has bad range and horizontal movement, so juggling him is generally speaking very easy. Flame Choke combos are good against him especially since he often needs to airdodge to avoid a juggle from Ganon. Given that you also outspace him with tilts and decent aerials horizontally, this is a matchup where you benefit a lot from taking it slowly. The catch is if you make a mistake or get read extremely well, you can get punished really hard, either by a combo or one of his high power KO moves. However the good news is he'll rarely ever gimp you, and Jab Up-B doesn't combo on Ganon. Edgeguarding him isn't too hard as long as you know when to expect his Cyclone.

DLA: 40-60

Luigi can be kind of annoying, but he's actually one of my top 3 favorite MUs. A seasoned Ganon should WRECK a lesser Luigi (which there seem to be a lot of). Because of this, there are quite a few misconceptions about the matchup.

Mainly, Luigi's gimping ability. Most Luigi's are absolutely horrified of edgeguarding a Ganon. But if you're fighting a confident Luigi who isn't afraid to abuse the ledge, his drop down aerials can be devastating to a recovering Ganondorf. And if you want to edgeguard Luigi, you need to make SURE you gimp him, because good Luigi's will actively try to gimp you with down B while recovering, which works retardedly well.

Onstage, you need to roll OoS a LOT. If you shield a well-spaced aerial, there's simply no way to punish it OoS. And keeping your shield up will just let him pressure your shield a lot harder. His aerials are stupidly fast and last very long, but his range is quite small and very easy to evaluate. So you need to challenge his aerials whenever possible. Unlike most matchups where landing aerials is based on spacing, this matchup is very timing-dependent. If you know you're not going to get your aerial out in time, just shield and then roll. Also, don't whiff gerudo's or wizkicks, because he'll punish you with up B.

If you need other tips just ask, I love this matchup and I get to fight a lot of good Luigi's, including YoshQ.

Seagull Joe

Smash Legend
Sep 14, 2008
Red8: 40-60
Maybe it's just me, but I'm pretty sure I handle this match up pretty well. I find nair and fair stupidly good in this matchup. I did beat Excel_Zero in tournament, so what I did worked for me, however, that might be due in part to there being no Ganon mains in puerto rico lol At the time I hadn't heard of him, but after the tourny, everyone was like "WHAT EXCEL_ZERO??!? NUU WAI!?!?" Oh well lol
You lost the set to him. The only one who beat him in pools was me 2-1.
Z1GMA: ? - ?
Comment: Not enough experience.

the king of murder: 25-75
Wolf's D-throw means death at higher percent if you don't tech it because it sends you on a position where you can't recover. Watch out for his B-air. His Blaster is easy to powerschield though it's still annoying because it interrupts our recovery. If Wolf is off-stage we can use the oppurtunity to gimp him since his recovery isn't something you can brag about.
He isn't easy to gimp.
Terodactyl Yelnats: 40:60
If only we could sideB ftilt him, I would consider this Match up nearly even.
He dies absurdly early from dair since Wolf's fastfall is the same speed as his regular fall speed.
Wolf has a hard time approaching Ganon thanks to dair and pivot grab
If the opportunity arises we can gimp him at virtually any percent. like spiking or tipmaning him out of sideB/UpB
Blaster is like the easiest projectile to powershield, watch out for his B reverse blasters though.

Bair wall, lasers, retreat fair....Wolf doesn't die from Ganon's Dair till around 110% if it's fresh if I recall correctly.
A2ZOMG: 40:60
Pretty much agreed with tero for the most part. Wolf's susceptibility to getting edgeguarded and gimped in this matchup make it manageable for Ganon. Even though we don't really have a good choke game on him, he's not unreasonably hard to approach. Teching his D-throw, DIing upwards to get out of his F-smash (F-tilt or U-smash out of shield when you block it), and angling shield down against his D-smash are little things that generally make Wolf much easier to deal with too.
Wolf isn't easy to gimp. What the ****...Tech his dthrow for a free jab from Wolf.
Makke: 40 - 60 (Not faced enough much wolfs , saying that so far)
Watch up for autocancel uair and bair, he´s fair sux if short hopped cuz it lags.
Ganon can do a lot on low % against wolf cuz he has a long stun after being hit. Usmash+jab works often, Flame choke to jab and maybe ftilt works. Dtilt often works from 0% and u can do it 2-3 times.
Avoid attack with normal moves against his recovery move, It have much prio. I havn´t testad yet if Flame choke can beat it!! some Wolf players use upB like a normal attack and because of the startup time you can trap him in ur flame choke : D (If it works ofc)
FAIR? Are you serious???? Fair ca be auto canceled with EASE. Wolf's retreating Fair isn't punishable by anything Ganon can do. No good Wolf uses up b as an attack. That's stupid.
G~P: 40:60
provising you know how to tech his d-throw then youre almost home free. if you keep your feet of the floor he's going to have an impossible time trying to K.O you (he can only really kill with dsmash and d-throw) and he is a victim to almost everything anyone can do (even worse than ganon) easy edgeguarding for us too. the thing that ruins this for us is the minor fact that we have to deal with his b-air which is possibly the best aerial of all mid tiers and that f-smash which is oh so good for punishing anythingwe do without being in danger
Teching his dthrow gives Wolf a free jab. Wolf kills with Bair, Fair, and Dsmash. Wolf's never consider D-throw as a kill move.
Exalted: 40-60
Comment: The only major dangers in this matchup is D-Throw (TECH IT), Bair, Fsmash and Dsmash. Learn to block and punish these consistently and the match is your's for the taking. If he has to recover straight upwards, he is dead. The lag before he can start moving after his UpB is MASSIVE. Good moves against Wolf are Dair and Uair when he's off-stage, especially Tipman. His Blaster isn't too bad to powershield, but be wary of reversed shots.
If you tech D-throw then it's a free jab for Wolf. Wolf shouldn't be recovering straight up ever. He can be camped from too easy.
Bahamut: 25-75
Comment: The worst part in the whole MU is the BAir wall/gimp/pressure. The only thing we can do to prevent it is clashing with UAir and nothing else. It's absurdly hard to punish, even if shielded. Blaster eats our recovery. DThrow and DSmash are his best finishers against us. If you learn the tech time on DThrow, you can survive up to 160% with ease. Try to FTilt Wolf to get him offstage. You can try going for the gimp, but I wouldn't... His recovery, while very predictable and "short", once in range with the stage, can't be punished very well... Running on this MU is very useful to try and get away from Wolf's BAir walls. Pivot Grab his FSmashes, mainly used for spacing and chasing.
Wolf shouldn't use Fsmash in the first place. Wolf isn't easy to gimp. I don't get where this mentality comes from. Teching his dthrow causes us to get free jabs to refresh our moves and damage Ganon.

Wolf's can kill with Fair, Bair, Dsmash, and even Utilt. Dthrow is never considered for killing. It's convenient when it does, but yea.

Ganon's completely forgot about Wolf's shine altogether. Jumpshine is almost godlike vs Ganon and it free combos into Bair a lot. Shine has invincible frames and shine gimping Ganon is like the easiest thing in the world.

Wolf's have Dacus still, which you Ganon's seem to forget.

DLA please enlighten this matchup on your experiences vs Kain.



Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
If I just techroll, it's not guaranteed that Wolf is going to get a free Jab. And Ganon does gimp Wolf easily. Landing a F-tilt puts Wolf in a good position where reverse U-air is fairly easy to land on Wolf's recovery. Considering how easy Wolf is to edgehog after reverse U-air, Ganon's gimp threat on Wolf is actually quite significant. Plus weak hit N-air tends to combo into U-air offstage.


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
If I just techroll, it's not guaranteed that Wolf is going to get a free Jab. And Ganon does gimp Wolf easily. Landing a F-tilt puts Wolf in a good position where reverse U-air is fairly easy to land on Wolf's recovery. Considering how easy Wolf is to edgehog after reverse U-air, Ganon's gimp threat on Wolf is actually quite significant. Plus weak hit N-air tends to combo into U-air offstage.
What are you talking about? Landing a F-tilt doesn't guarantee anything. Only way it puts ANY one in a bad position is if it's DIed wrong. Take into account alot of things before you try to claim something. Wolf has enough aerial mobility to be able to make it back to the ledge OR on stage without having to use any recovery moves, just his 2nd jump. Proper DI puts in a position where Ganon can't really do anything to us offstage, so yeah. LOL at ganon being able to gimp wolf easy. Even if you do land an uair, like i said good DI n it doesn't even gimp us. Always find it funny when people say there chars can gimp wolf with attacks that aren't really a threat with good DI

Teching our Dthrow in anyway ends in you getting punished with good reads. You tech behind, we fsmash. Tech in place, jab or regrab. Tech away, dacus or run up and regrab again.

EDIT: Wolf can make it back to the ledge without ever having to waste his 2nd jump. We can blaster on our way back also to keep you from trying to come offstage. It's not easy to gimp wolf

EDIT 2: Stop playing scrub wolf's and trying to make a MU assumption over it and ask people who have actually had good MU experience


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Yeah I'm gonna have to agree with the wolf mains on this one. I cringed while reading what some of you think of the wolf MU.

Wolf is much harder to gimp than Falco. Just to put it in perspective.

edit: I did lul at the wolf raid on the ganon boards though. Go to bed Kain. I'd post my own MU summary, but the average is 35-75 right now and that's exactly what I think it is lol. So I'll just wait for the wolf MU discussion thread to pop up so I can give everyone my opinion :p


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
What are you talking about? Landing a F-tilt doesn't guarantee anything. Only way it puts ANY one in a bad position is if it's DIed wrong. Take into account alot of things before you try to claim something. Wolf has enough aerial mobility to be able to make it back to the ledge OR on stage without having to use any recovery moves, just his 2nd jump. Proper DI puts in a position where Ganon can't really do anything to us offstage, so yeah. LOL at ganon being able to gimp wolf easy. Even if you do land an uair, like i said good DI n it doesn't even gimp us. Always find it funny when people say there chars can gimp wolf with attacks that aren't really a threat with good DI
F-tilt hits you like completely sideways. Even if you DI it well, you're almost certainly going to have to use a recovery move to make it back at high percents. And a well placed reverse U-air covers a lot of vertical options and knocks you at an angle that not even good DI can save you from.

Teching our Dthrow in anyway ends in you getting punished with good reads. You tech behind, we fsmash. Tech in place, jab or regrab. Tech away, dacus or run up and regrab again.
Okay, so first you tell me that Wolf should have good DI, and now you're telling me that Wolf's best options for techchase are ones that you can generally DI out of. Please be more consistent. And I don't know how fast Wolf can follow Ganon's techroll away with a grab. It's probably easier on a lightweight at any rate.

EDIT: Wolf can make it back to the ledge without ever having to waste his 2nd jump. We can blaster on our way back also to keep you from trying to come offstage. It's not easy to gimp wolf
Wolf falls too fast to blaster that much and his blaster doesn't stun a whole ton either. Blaster one of your last concerns when edgeguarding Wolf. Recovering to the ledge keep in mind is generally not the best idea against Ganon. He covers that area extremely well. Leaving the option to recover high helps, but on a read Ganon still has strong options that can either KO or at least keep you offstage in all his aerials.


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
F-tilt hits you like completely sideways. Even if you DI it well, you're almost certainly going to have to use a recovery move to make it back at high percents. And a well placed reverse U-air covers a lot of vertical options and knocks you at an angle that not even good DI can save you from.
Oh wow. Ok believe what you want. Think that all you want but neways, all of wolf's moves clearly outspace anything Ganon has. A ganon connecting with a ftilt on a Wolf is, very slim. Has to be a amazing read to get with it. Not to mention it also has to be by the edge to hav any effect for these so called gimping tactics Ganon has on Wolf

Okay, so first you tell me that Wolf should have good DI, and now you're telling me that Wolf's best options for techchase are ones that you can generally DI out of. Please be more consistent. And I don't know how fast Wolf can follow Ganon's techroll away with a grab. It's probably easier on a lightweight at any rate.
LOL your reaction has to be amazing to tech behind or away and immediately react to punishment too. You must have like .0001 reaction timing. Even if you DI out of upsmash it leaves you open for any of wolf's aerials so go ahead do it. I'll make you regret teching Dthrow everytime trust me.
Wolf falls too fast to blaster that much and his blaster doesn't stun a whole ton either. Blaster one of your last concerns when edgeguarding Wolf. Recovering to the ledge keep in mind is generally not the best idea against Ganon. He covers that area extremely well. Leaving the option to recover high helps, but on a read Ganon still has strong options that can either KO or at least keep you offstage in all his aerials.
Wow you use wolf enough to know he can't blaster while he's recovering??? I didn't know you had so much Wolf knowledge you should come to the Wolf boards and share this info with us. First off the blaster has enough stun to keep you on stage while we recover to the ledge

Then again I've seen you post other outrageous posts for other char MU's in the past. I'll jus end it at this and let you think what you want. your wolf knowledge is too amazing as it is


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I'm a wolf main and I think ganon vs wolf is 50:50

ganon's ftilt is basically a guaranteed kill on us because wofl's recovery sucks. It doesn't even grab onto people like ganondorf's recovery. Ganon's recovery > wolf. Also ganondorf's dash attack is wayyy better than wolf's dash attack. Ganondorf's ftilt is also wayyy better than wolf's ftilt. Also ganondorf can combo wolf easily with his dair. Wolf's blaster is useless in this match up since everyone can powershield it so it clearly has no uses. Also wolf's bair, if you just power shield it every time, then it can never hurt you! Also if wolf fsmashes ganondorf's shield, wolf gets punished hard.

Come to think of it, i might even think it's slightly in ganondorf's favor if played correctly


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
Ganon can KO wolf much earlier than wolf can KO ganon so if they keep trading hits ganon wins most the time. I think if anyone of ganon's aerials connect while wolf is off stage its over, especially neutral air caz you dont know which one will hit! Even though ganon isn't fast he overcomes it with power. His fair can probably KO at 70% i think. If ganon and wolf do footsies like in street fighter, ganon has a huge range advantage so that strategy is null for wolf. Oh, and last thing, ganon's side b can be used on stage but wolf's cant so he has 1 more option than wolf in all on stage situations. More options = more mix ups = better character.

Ganon is like prince of evil, wolf is just a wolf. 55-45 ganon.


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
oh, i forgot to mention that ganon has the best techroll in the game. he goes really really far! he's almost as fast as sonic, but only during techroll. its kinda scary so then you want to avoid knocking ganon down, but then if you dont you can't win. its an uphill battle.


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
Yeah I was high during my previous posts. Totally forgot Wolf needs the power of Link to take down Ganon. How could I leave out such an important aspect of the MU


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
ganon's dair has a lot of shield stun so if he strings them together fast enough he should be able to break wolf's shield. most of wolf's oos options arent that good and his usmash will miss ganon cuz of how its range is so weird (why is wolf upside down?).

since wolf can't use blaster, once ganon has % lead all he needs to do is camp wolf really and then bait him into getting combo'd or gimped.


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
He can also plank Wolf. Have you seen his uair? Way more range than Meta's Uair. And don't forget if we try to stop his planking he will jus connect with his amazing uair and then ooh were dead! Uair is too good for gimping wolf! How can we compete with that?


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
this is why i play falco too. this and wario, mario and lucario.


Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2009
i dont really appreciate how ganons jab basically shuts all of wolfs options down making it awful for wolf to even get in close to ganon at any time, plus his heavy weight and fantastic aerial momentum make it a nightmare for wolf to get a KO on him, i'd say just shine gimp him but ganons uair and up b beat shine everytime, even if we time it right.
i dont think link and wolf against ganon would even be fair for the link/wolf mains


Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2010
Costa Rica
Ugh i hate this matchup.... ganon can just infinite you with his Side B, which is ridiculous, and when you are in the middle of your up B, ganon can just reverse warlock punch you, and dont forget about his Nair, which combos into anything. Ganons Nair > Wolfs shine


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
if it was legal for us to play 2v1 this matchup would be more doable.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
Ganon mains sure are optomistic.

I blame nobody knowing how bad he really is. I think I'll reveal it to the world after this Sunday.

Why Ganon is the only character in the game that is unviable

I don't really think it warrants a post... but I'm seeing matchups that aren't the ditto being listed as anything better than Severe Disadvantage/Unwinnable (aka: 20:80 or worse) is just shocking.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 9, 2010
Costa Rica
Well he could be bad overall but he certainly is a strong counter to wolf.

Also, Reverse Parasolic shine bombing doesnt work on ganon if i recall correctly right?


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
@susa: ganon has 5 different ways to grab people, though, and grabs are broken in brawl.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
@susa: ganon has 5 different ways to grab people, though, and grabs are broken in brawl.

1) Side-B is dodgeable on reaction, why the **** is your opponent shielding so long? I have time to blink and STILL sidestep it.

2) Yah. because..Ganon's grab range..is soooo **** amazingggg.... why is Ganon this close?

3) Up-B is irrelevant for the same reason side-B is.

How your opponent should NOT be playing the matchup

Bwett didn't know what to do so panic shielded often and didn't react to ANYTHING. Please note the comment for the video as well. I told him how to play the matchup and the tables turned. HARD. I took 1 stock off him.. wait no. That's a lie.

He suicided at about 40-60% (I forget the exact number, just know it was pretty early)

If your opponent isn't sitting there laughing at you while you make some fail attempt at approaching. They're playing the matchup wrong.



Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009

1) Side-B is dodgeable on reaction, why the **** is your opponent shielding so long? I have time to blink and STILL sidestep it.

2) Yah. because..Ganon's grab range..is soooo **** amazingggg.... why is Ganon this close?

3) Up-B is irrelevant for the same reason side-B is.

How your opponent should NOT be playing the matchup

Bwett didn't know what to do so panic shielded often and didn't react to ANYTHING. Please note the comment for the video as well. I told him how to play the matchup and the tables turned. HARD. I took 1 stock off him.. wait no. That's a lie.

He suicided at about 40-60% (I forget the exact number, just know it was pretty early)

If your opponent isn't sitting there laughing at you while you make some fail attempt at approaching. They're playing the matchup wrong.

Dood last I checked pivot grabbin beats our bair. Ganon's grab range is obv not as bad as your making it out to be!


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
ganon's approach options are too beast. his dair does 20+%. his bair is like a stronger version of captain falcon's bair too. YES!


Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2009
if ganon shields the first hit of wolfs ftilt he can shield grab us D: following ganon in the air for a juggle is too risky cause he WILL land a dair on you


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
ganon's approach options are too beast. his dair does 20+%. his bair is like a stronger version of captain falcon's bair too. YES!

It takes 7 frames to jump.

Hitbox/End Hitbox/Total Duration
Bair ...10-12/35...(Has 22 frames of landing lag and AC on frames 1-6 and 22-35)

Dair ...16-21/44...(Has 35 frames of landing lag and AC when landing on frames 1-3 and 32-44)
Bair: 17-19 frames [5-7 frames over human reaction speed]
Dair: 23-28 frames [11-16 frames over human reaction speed]

Assuming you were already airborne:
Bair matches (and slightly beats) human reaction speed. This is assuming you have already jumped. To bair effectively your BACK must be towards your opponent. Given the spacing it's possible to predict when you will bair.

Dair is still shieldable on reaction.

If shielded, you have no options that are FAST ENOUGH to counter any character's jab/tilt/grab/smashes. Given that they can shield by just watching your horrible startup times... I'm fairly certain you will get shielded against.

This sounds like some fine and dandy theorycraft except... I've done it in matches, and I've had it done AGAINST ME in matches.

Ganon is the only character in the game with 3-4 moves that are faster than human reaction, 2 of which are debatable, and 2 of which are outranged by most every character in the cast.

Having 1-2 viable moves = lmao


Dude. Why is wolf bairing when Ganon is grounded? Already doing the matchup wrong.



Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2009
the only thing wolf can do is try and land a bair against ganon, grounded or otherwise. blaster is too easy to power shield and all of ganons moves are faster/beat ours outright.
dont even get me started on the range or absurdly good start up on his moves -_-


Smash Champion
Apr 30, 2009
ganon doesn't need to PS bair you guys he jus pivot grabs them on reaction


Smash Lord
Aug 23, 2009
yeah when your pivot grab has the range of snakes utilt you dont really need to do anything else. especially against someone with awful range and mobility like wolf

the king of murder

Smash Lord
Dec 23, 2009
In a bizarre legend
He isn't easy to gimp.
My bad. I mean edgeguard.

On a serious note I do believe that Wolf is one of our worse MUs. I won't go into detail because I want to keep my summarization short. This is the personal MU opinion thread. Leave a short summarization of how you view this MU and don't argue with others about how wrong they are. You can do that in the real MU thread.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
Hello Ganon boards, I'm Ish and I mod the Wolf boards. Several of the regulars told me they were trolling this thread. Please don't ban them, that's my job :p

Anyways, yeah there's no way this is better than 7:3, for blatantly obvious reasons like Wolf has safe attacks and disjoints and better mobility and a projectile and better frame data. You get the idea. It's bad.

Go on to the Luigi discussion as planned btw, ignore all troll posts for your own sake @_@



Smash Lord
Jun 5, 2009
Hello Ganon boards, I'm Ish and I mod the Wolf boards. Several of the regulars told me they were trolling this thread. Please don't ban them, that's my job :p

Anyways, yeah there's no way this is better than 7:3, for blatantly obvious reasons like Wolf has safe attacks and disjoints and better mobility and a projectile and better frame data. You get the idea. It's bad.

Go on to the Luigi discussion as planned btw, ignore all troll posts for your own sake @_@

It's okay. We know how much Wolf loves to not let people do things, so as torture unto himself we are letting the wolf mains do that.

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