That was mighty good research, if you did this all yourself, I'm really impressed (even if you just found it, I'm still a bit impressed lol).
It does raise the possibility that the leaker may have seen the same signs you did however, and thus banked on Mike and Startropics reboot. Of course like I jokingly said, if Mike is shown with Lucas at e3, ill believe this leak. That being said, my opinion is the same as all other leaks, but we will find out in 6 days (oh my god its so close!!!) If anyone is right or we just have many trying for a claim at fame.
Which speaking of fame, that is likely the reason a Nintendo employee would post this stuff, notoriety. Even if they can't take credit for it, some people love having notoriety to the masses. While of course anyone of us can pull the whole "i work at Nintendo shtick" and make up a rumor, it is seemingly possible for the Nintendo treehouse staff members to know by now the e3 release schedule for Sm4sh. Its not unheard of for one lower rank off camera personal to want to feel bigger than he is and leak this stuff.
On a personal note, I truly find any leak without a 3rd party even harder to believe, just because it seems like Nintendo would unveil third parties at the biggest show. I know Sonic is an exception for this in both games, but one he was recently added and announced to soften the blow from the delay, and this time he was a vet with a game to promote. Ah well, in the end, we just have to wait and see (would love for Hades, Takamaru, Mike, Ridley, Avatar and K Rool to all be playable, so ill admit, a small part of me wants to believe