PPMD Kreygasm
You were right! What? Do you expect me to interrupt my most and say "Oh yeah by the way Gamerguy was right"? You weren't the only one right. The people who I would give some serious credit to sar aldera (i think that's his username) and the popo profile oic guy. They were the big players here. You just would reply to their posts and say say "Oh yeah! Debunked! How's it feel Con0rrrr!" You barely contributed you don't deserve the credit there. And those "Unlikely explanations" I brought up were serious arguments at the time. Of course looking back on it, now that we know it is fake, my arguments seem stupid. But im the midst of the whole thing they seemed like great arguments.All you did was say "Well there is an Unlikely explanation for that." to everyone's counter-claims. Like graphical glitches and what not. You cannot even say I was right and you were wrong? Jeez.
You're treating this like I was an ignornant person this entire time. I only got mad when Gamerguy called me out (which I think we've cleared up now) for absolutely no reason, and when people like you were trying to make anyone who gave the leak any credibility idiots. Which we were NOT. We were just trying to give good arguments to both sides until we could be 100% certain. I had never disregarded evidence that refutes my point. And if I did, it was a mistake. I did however continue looking for any credibility to and against the leak. If that's what you call "disregarding evidence", re-evaluate.Playing devil's advocate? You can play devil's advocate without confirmation bias, you can play devil's advocate without being utterly rude, you can play devil's advocate with objective fact. You cannot; however, play devil's advocate by disregarding evidence that refutes your point, and you cannot play devil's advocate while asserting fallacy after fallacy. Were you not the one that urged people to look for evidence to prove the leak because a leak is fake until proven real? That notion seems very antithetical to a premise that you were pretending to adhere to. I asked you to provide me evidence of the leaks legitimacy on multiple occasions and you ignored me. After that, you attack another user and proclaim that he is incompetent (which is extremely ironic). Pathetic.
Knowing myself, I can promise you I had no confirmation bias in my posts. It didn't matter whether the leak was real or not. What's wrong with me defending a leak even if I don't care for it? You have to have people on both sides.
If this was a trial, without me and some other people, it'd be like a defendant with no lawyer and where the judge is biased against the defendant. People like me, gameboi, blue pikmin, and many more were giving it a fair case being the "lawyers" if you will of the leak. Without us, the ignorant prosecution (You, at some point gamerguy, but he's definently matured, and almost everyone else) would have just marked it out as fake immediately, while the "judge" in this situation (the judge would be the majority of people) will immediately mark out the leak with a small piece of evidence against a leak without even considering the evidence for it. That's why I would keep defending even if I knew it was fake, which I was leaning toward most definately after the font evidence was brought up.
I brought up the evidence many times and people ignored me, much like how you claim I ignored your requests to explain the evidence, which I did countless times without directly referencing/quoting you.
The pathetic one here is the one that is still holding this against me after the leak is said and done. This isn't even relevant to leaks, but I deserve a chance to defend myself against your baseless argument. Chill out. This is a leak we are discussing on a forum for a video game, not the biggest deal in the world. I've got more important stuff to do outside this forum than listen to this baseless bashing of me over a video game leak.