I'll be selling at OIN 3.14 but this might be the last tournament that I will sell at so if there is anyone who has been meaning to buy a shirt this will probably be your last chance to get one.
I'm thinking of discontinuing these shirts. They cost quite a bit to print and there is just not enough interest in these. Since these are character specific everyone is waiting for their character's design to be printed but the problem with that is I have to order each design in bulk and I only get a few sales for each which then leaves me with a lot of unsold shirts.
Since I can only sell at GTAN tourneys, I am constantly bringing the same shirts to the same community and most have either bought a shirt already or they are waiting for a shirt of their main. To order more designs I have to at least sell most of what I have in stock first. AND even if I print another design like for instance Wario, how much Wario mains are there in the GTA really? So I'll end up ordering 20 shirts to sell to maybe 3 people. Do you see my dilemma?
I really want to continue with these since I have a lot of great designs but with the lack of money and space (XD) for shirts it is just not a good idea. So thanks to everyone who bought a shirt or showed interest in them. To all those people who have been waiting to get a shirt of a specific character (especially Jarred who bought a Peach shirt and is waiting for a Diddy one ;_; ), I'm really sorry!
And of course I have to say thank you to the TO's who allowed me to sell at their tourneys. Hopefully I'll find a way to keep these shirts going.