Alright boys and girls. Soups and Lemons. Paprikas and Potassiums. I'm sorry to have to end this game early, but well... I'm Zen. It's part of my nature that can't be helped. And it pains me to see you all scramble about as so. So here we go.
The scum team:
Now it would be much simpler if you all simply took my word for it, but I know from experience that very few are competent enough to do so. So here is case stuff provided for your convenience.
Part 1: The Orb of great knowledge
First off, Orboknown has been targeting the weakest players all game from the very start. He starts off aggro against Grimm (who was playing for the very first time and knows very little how to go about the game.
First game, I apologize in advance if i mess it up or something for you guys.
Why are you afraid of messing it up? Who are you afraid of messing it up for?
FoS~Finger of Suspicion. Used to show that you find something off, but that you don't want to put your vote on the person just yet.
Like Jeeze dude how about easing him into the game the IC way instead of immediately painting him in a negative light when it's clear he hadn't know much about how to go about the game. Off the bat was raising an eyebrow at this dude here.
His next target was the semi-active player known as Zen. Wait that's me ^.^! From near start into the present he has been on my *** knowing that I don't respond to that stuff. It's given him an out to show that he is "actively pressing for scum" when really doing something that he knows would go no where. Absolutely useless use of his vote.
Second off, opportunism. This is the most telling. Orbo has expressed no suspicion of Ran all game, but one suddenly seemed to appear right after it looked like a Ran lynch could be getting some traction. For the record I don't think Ran is scum. I just wanted to see who would hop on if I started pressing him. Low and behold, Orbo did it in such a subtle way:
More Zen votes IMO.
Fine with kantrip's catchup thus far.
Fine with TPK and probably pawn making it through toDay. Zen/Ran/Scary. the later two in either order.
Actually, put skytear after Zen
Where did this Ran suspicion come from? Take note this is RIGHT after Kantrip (Potassium) votes Ran and I'm all like "Yeah Ran lynch bay bee". Before this Orbo expressed
NO suspicion of Ran at all. But now all the sudden he is in his lynch pool after noticing some lynch potential x3.
The subtlety of it is telling as well as it shows he was trying to get it in there without looking like he was backing off from his hard core Zen push. It's funny because in the last line he puts "actually put skytear after zen". This is in the same post, so why does he not just simply put skytear after Zen himself? Surely it's easier to type "skytear/" after my name rather than typing in that last sentence? I'll tell you why! He wanted Ran to be up there, but he also wanted his options to be open and again not look like he was suddenly changing face. It's him distancing himself from the lynch while also supporting it at this same time. This is like so apparent to me and I hope the rest of you are competent enough to see this.
Part 2: The Pawn of the Orb of knowledge
All I want to say about Pawn as an individual is him also falling for the Ran trap and taking the opportunity to get on his wagon. Not just getting on, but putting him at L-1.
Fine. I guess if nobody's interested in a Scary lynch I can let it go.. for now.
I'm pretty sure Kantrip isn't scum. The same does not apply to Ran.
Vote: Ranmaru
I'm fine with Kary getting doctored.
Haha again where did this come from. He drops his scum read because no one else is seeing it and just votes for Ran? And where is the Kantrip town certainty coming from? I can just imagine Orbo telling him in the quicktopic vote for Ran because he can't do it without looking suspicious. This post is probably the scummiest in the game. The willingness to drop a scum read, the town certainty on both Ran and Kantrip and the opportunistic placing of Ran at L-1.
The last part, the interaction between the two, gives me super zen confidence that I'm right on the two.
Part 3: Pawn & Orb together
Let's start off at the beginning with their RVS votes:
Vote: Orboknown
Tennant avatar? Do you think we're stupid?
Welcome to the Random Voting Stage, more commonly referred to as RVS. This is the beginning point of the game, which some players instead use as the "RQS", or Ranodm questioning Stage. The point of the RVS is to get the ball rolling by using our votes to pressure players into making any slips or mistakes. usually we will end up lynching a townsperson, but we can't win the game without lynching so don't be afraid to put your votes out there!
Right when game started. Quite sure Orb did not see Pawn's post before and I don't think the fact that they both voted for each other is coincidence.
Later that Day. And by Day I mean Page.
I see you there pawn. anything you wanna comment on yet?
Vote on me isn't doing anything imo,move it to someone else?
Oh, sorry.
Vote: Grimmior
More people need to get in here.
(also take in mind that he votes Orb's fos lol)
Lol, no reads yet. A bit early. The only thing is that quote from grimmior, which, on it's own, isn't much to worry about, but we should keep an eye on him and any chainsaw attempts.
Pawn showing signs of outside knowledge. Orb coming to the rescue before anyone notices:
Where'd you learn what a chiansaw was?
So let's go through the scum checklist here:
1. Orbo scum? Check
2. Pawn scum? Check
3. Orbo & Pawn scum together? Check
Sorry if this game is not as fought out as you might have hoped for it to be newbies, but obvscum is obvscum, and it's not something I can just easily ignore :/
Vote: Orbo