Smash Ace
I want peeps thoughts on teams.
Specifically, what styles you think are countered by what styles and what styles go well with what styles.
Don't think 'character counters' and 'matchups of characters' or 'top teams and player combos are good'
What fits you best, what fits others best, that sort of thing.
Doubles is one of the few things in this game that I've seemed to understand most, but I won't share anything yet.
Use your imagination about what I mean. What do you think about doubles/when you play doubles/when you go into doubles/when you prepare for doubles/what about doubles?
Is this thread in the right place? lol
Specifically, what styles you think are countered by what styles and what styles go well with what styles.
Don't think 'character counters' and 'matchups of characters' or 'top teams and player combos are good'
What fits you best, what fits others best, that sort of thing.
Doubles is one of the few things in this game that I've seemed to understand most, but I won't share anything yet.
Use your imagination about what I mean. What do you think about doubles/when you play doubles/when you go into doubles/when you prepare for doubles/what about doubles?
Is this thread in the right place? lol