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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC


Smash Lord
Jun 27, 2014
I think Elma, KOS-MOS and Lloyd will get Mii treatment. I don't think we will have both MH and Lloyd Mii costumes returning in the same slot.
I'd love to see a Fei or Wetall Mii Fighter costume too alongside Elma and KOS-MOS ones (I mean, assuming they can't be full fighters) but it's a stretch.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
Nah, I'm thinking they're going to just get all three of them out now just to get the Costumes done and over with. NAMCO Mii's because of the Xeno Series NAMCO Connection, and the Monster Hunter Mii's to tie into Rise. It just feels like it's time at this point.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I didnt want half this franchise become that.
Old Yakuza was mostly down to earth with some occasional over the top moments for impact, now it's non stop wackiness. The series is loosing its identity, compare the tone of to Yakuza 1 & 2 to Majima doing wacky Devil May Cry attacks, summoning lobsters etc in 7. Its become ridiculous.

Its like how people absorbed into mind that Shenmue is boring game were you wait or a worse Yakuza when its not. Shenmue is a personal journey where you're observing a big world that changed everyday. You observe characters as time goes on, at different times of day, learning more about them & the world.

Nagoshi clearly doesnt understand his franchise anymore and im glad he's been demoted from messing with other franchises like Sakura Wars.
Some people like the change, including myself honestly. I like the down-to-earth moments, but my real fun was honestly the side missions. That wasn't to say watching the story of Kiryu and Haruka over the past six mainline games wasn't worth watching, but I appreciate the silliness as much as the serious lore. The newer entries are getting more silly and changing things up, which feels like a breath of fresh air to me after the past seven or eight games.

I don't think the change was necessarily bad, but I don't think it'll be necessarily permanent either. A lot of focus on the game (7) is how Japan is changing times, and is a bit of an indirect message of how Yakuza is changing too as a series.
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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Very curious how the same devs who made Sword and Shield, with all its complaints that they didn't make up for Dexit, were able to make something on a larger scale so soon afterwards.
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Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
WOOOOOOOW that Pokemon Legends Arceus looked like it was barely running. Great concept piece, STUPENDOUS even, but I think they need more time in the oven. If a game like that ran really well, it'd be a great base for the future of Pokemon but what I saw there looked really laggy like it was struggling to just exist, much less keep a decent framerate. I like the angle of mixing up the generations of starters, we'd done that in hypotheticals for some time. Also like being able to play as the trainer proper with more actions such as rolling and stealthing and whatnot. Here's hoping "Early 2022" is long enough for this to be fixed because I WANT this to be good.

DP remakes... I hate to be a downer but.... wow does that look cheap. Makes my heart sink a bit since like... this is Pokemon, it's not exactly a niche thing that can't afford more.
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Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
Depending on how involved they are in the game's battle system, the Legends of Arceus trainer could make a pretty fun character, physically fighting alongside the Pokemon he/she summons.
I would imagine not involved. It seems like a pretty big no-no to have the trainers themselves physically injuring the Pokemon.

Anyone else notice how Pokemon in the field seemed to animate at about 10 FPS in certain spots?


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
I think concert leak is fake for a ton of other reasons, but can we please stop taking Imran's word as the almighty gospel for everything Smash related? Like, just because Imran says something doesn't mean it's 100% true,
Smashboards? Not putting random internet people on the spotlight as a prophet? You have too much faith. :061:

Terrible names, if I'm honest.
This is literally the naming scheme of every remake, and they've always been terrible.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Alright, took a while, here is the final result for the Pokemon Day 25th university favorite Pokemon Japanese Twitter voting campaign:

Out of 1,187,368 votes (568,167 tweets), here is the top 30,
Source: https://pokemonday.pokemon.co.jp/result/01/

1 Dedenne 68,396
2 Cincinno 54,444
3 Sableye 45,526
4 Snivy 41,894
5 Magnemite 35,206
6 Swadloon 34, 204
7 Pikachu 33,125
8 Buzzwole 33,077
9 Oshawott 32,191
10 Flygon 22,048
11 Whismur 21,529
12 Piplup 18,190
13 Chandelure 18,095
14 Empoleon 17,898
15 Luxray 17,773
16 Greninja 17,337
17 Jirachi 17,254
18 Charizard 16,243
19 Mimikyu 15,797
20 Inteleon 15,540
21 Eevee 15,524
22 Barbaracle 15,128
23 Glaceon 14,923
24 Spheal 14,783
25 Scolipede 13,806
26 Lilligant 13,677
27 Bulbasaur 13,424
28 Sliggoo 13,417
29 Lucario 13,286
30 Gardevoir 12,534

They also did a top 30 for each different regions/generations, so here is the results:

1 Magnemite 35,206
2 Pikachu 33,125
3 Charizard 16,243
4 Eevee 15,524
5 Bulbasaur 13,424
6 Magikarp 10,867
7 Venusaur 9,082
8 Vulpix 8,329
9 Wigglytuff 7,078
10 Arcanine 6,630
11 Flareon 4,357
12 Jigglypuff 4,033
13 Meowth 3,765
14 Raichu 3,507
15 Pinsir 3,503
16 Caterpie 3,105
17 Vaporeon 3,100
18 Gengar 2,687
19 Jolteon 2,466
20 Charmander 1,273
21 Slowpoke 1,262
22 Psyduck 1,245
23 Lapras 965
24 Zapdos 830
25 Squirtle 822
26 Snorlax 743
27 Ditto 742
28 Dragonite 716
29 Blastoise 669
30 Butterfree 617

1 Umbreon 12,066
2 Marill 3,738
3 Wobbuffet 3,459
4 Azumarill 3,366
5 Pichu 2,988
6 Espeon 2,962
7 Quagsire 2,409
8 Cyndaquil 2,102
9 Xatu 1,701
10 Steelix 1,461
11 Ampharos 1,435
12 Quilava 1,353
13 Chikorita 1,290
14 Wooper 1,186
15 Dunsparce 1,130
16 Scizor 1,037
17 Typhlosion 858
18 Lanturn 836
19 Lugia 772
20 Furret 697
21 Porygon2 623
22 Politoad 607
23 Tyranitar 561
24 Celebi 551
25 Crobat 521
26 Suicune 408
27 Sentret 389
28 Shuckle 389
29 Totodile 384
30 Misdreavus 304

1 Sableye 45,526
2 Flygon 22,048
3 Whismur 21,529
4 Jirachi 17,254
5 Spheal 14,783
6 Gardevoir 12,534
7 Latios 9,622
8 Latias 8,022
9 Milotic 6,873
10 Rayquaza 5,905
11 Regirock 4,363
12 Deoxys 3,340
13 Swampert 2,954
14 Azurill 2,662
15 Blaziken 2,125
16 Sceptile 1,817
17 Altaria 1,398
18 Mudkip 1,210
19 Torchic 1,168
20 Breloom 1,141
21 Absol 1,078
22 Cradily 1,039
23 Mawile 948
24 Banette 900
25 Chimecho 782
26 Metagross 614
27 Minun 546
28 Crawdaunt 545
29 Kygore 537
30 Marshtomp 527

Pretty fun poll to look and speculate on which Pokemon out of the top 30 should be in Smash. I am pretty tired right now to finish the rest of Gen 4-8 individual listing, and I only did for the people who don't have a strong PC/have a limited internet connection/people who don't want to click.
Sooo.....is there a English equivalent happening? Cause like....I would assume that they wouldn't just do Japan only to get an idea on which Pokemon is popular and whatnot for their 25th Anniversary.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Well, there they are:
There was a problem fetching the tweet
Terrible names, if I'm honest.
I can kinda understand why they would choose those kinds of names, but yeah, those could've been better.

I kinda feel that BD and SP's graphics are too low quality and blocky. Although OTOH it kinda fit the original DS style - that might be what they were going for, but can't say I'm a fan of that. Still, it could certainly be a good game on its own.

Also, I was kinda expecting them to go full Feudal / Sengoku Japan with Legends Arceus. Kinda glad that that's not the case since Feudal Japan's one of the most used historical-ish video game settings out there - this way it feels a bit more fresh the next time they mix Pokemon with Feudal Japanese (Ashikaga or Sengoku) traits. The idea of a Pokemon region mostly devoid of cities and the like is a great idea alongside the starters mixing. (Although the Gen 4 trainers legit look like time travellers :4pacman: ). But yeah, they gotta work on optimising that game, it looked rough from a framerate perspective.
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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
I would imagine not involved. It seems like a pretty big no-no to have the trainers themselves physically injuring the Pokemon.

Anyone else notice how Pokemon in the field seemed to animate at about 10 FPS in certain spots?
I think I should clarify. I don't expect the trainer to fight the Pokemon directly with their fists or weapons or anything like that. Instead, I was thinking that, if the Trainer can get directly injured in battle by Pokemon (which in and of itself is somewhat unlikely), the player could theoretically control the Trainer themselves and summon the Pokemon to attack. I imagine Rowlet, Cyndaquil, and Oshawott would be used for jabs, tilts, and aerials, while fan favourites like Garchomp could appear for moves like Smash attacks and specials.

Basically, think of a moveset for Joker that was themed entirely around summoning various personas for his attacks.

Deleted member

DP remakes look ugly. If they weren't the only Pokemon games for the holidays I'd say they were being sent out to die. They're just much less appealing than the Arceus game.

The Arceus game though? I'm tentatively hopeful. It doesn't look amazing but it's a step in the right direction. I hope they clean things up by release because it looks really rough right now; it felt like I could count the frames on some of the Pokemon's movements, namely Chingling and Chimchar. The battle system appears to be the same which is disappointing because I would've really liked GameFreak to break free from the constraints of turn based combat with only 4 moves. Overall it has the aesthetics of change but I don't think it'll be different enough from the main series to truly be the the game fans have dreamed of, but it'll still be the shot in the arm critics have been asking for.


Smash Journeyman
May 7, 2019
They decided to be 100% faithful to the originals doing D/P remakes with a square grid setting and I'm okay with that, but I would have preferred some changes like what they did with ORAS. Though I don't really like the artstyle.

Pokémon Legends is one of the best thing they could do! I hope they can fix those framerate issues
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Space Pirate
Jan 4, 2010
Switch FC
WOOOOOOOW that Pokemon Legends Arceus looked like it was barely running. Great concept piece, STUPDENDOUS even, but I think they need more time in the oven. If a game like that ran really well, it'd be a great base for the future of Pokemon but what I saw there looked really laggy like it was struggling to just exist, much less keep a decent framerate. I like the angle of mixing up the generations of starters, we'd done that in hypotheticals for some time. Also like being able to play as the trainer proper with more actions such as rolling and stealthing and whatnot. Here's hoping "Early 2022" is long enough for this to be fixed because I WANT this to be good.

DP remakes... I hate to be a downer but.... wow does that look cheap. Makes my heart sink a bit since like... this is Pokemon, it's not exactly a niche thing that can't afford more.
Yeah, I like what the idea they're trying to sell with Legends, but it's a very worrying sign that their first big showcase of it looks so rough. There have been many games that were over a year away from releasing that have had great looking trailers before, and given Game Freak's track record it doesn't inspire much confidence. On a positive note I do think that the concept can eventually lead to the kind of Pokémon game we've all been wishing for, maybe for Gen 9 all of the good bits from Sw/Sh and Legends can come together to make a truly great game, but for now I'm not expecting much. The fact that they're at least doing something fresh has me a bit interested though, unlike with S/M and Sw/Sh where I just felt burned out to the point where I still haven't played the latter.

The D/P remakes just feel kinda redundant, the DS games don't look bad by themselves, so if you can't make games that look genuinely impressive, then what's the point? This feels more like an artistic alternative over an actual upgrade, and on a personal level I prefer the original sprite art.
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Smash Master
Writing Team
Dec 10, 2013
I just hope the games are somewhat compatible with Gen 8. I know that the in game world is different as heck, but I would at least like to have the pokemon games trade and whatnot without having to work through HOME.

That being said, GF is putting a lot of focus on Sinnoh with their new "main" game being Arceus and they are outsourcing the remakes. Also weird the starters they chose for the game.


Smash Champion
Jan 7, 2014
Yeah, I like what the idea they're trying to sell with Legends, but it's a very worrying sign that their first big showcase of it looks so rough. There have been many games that were over a year away from releasing that have had great looking trailers before, and given Game Freak's track record it doesn't inspire much confidence. On a positive note I do think that the concept can eventually lead to the kind of Pokémon game we've all been wishing for, maybe for Gen 9 all of the good bits from Sw/Sh and Legends can come together to make a truly great game, but for now I'm not expecting much. The fact that they're at least doing something fresh has me a bit interested though, unlike with S/M and Sw/Sh where I just felt burned out, to the point where I still haven't played the latter.

The D/P remakes just feel kinda redundant, the DS games don't look bad by themselves, so if you can't make games that look genuinely impressive, then what's the point? This feels more like an artistic alternative over an actual upgrade, and on a personal level I prefer the original sprite art.

I also prefer the sprite art in this case. With sprites (particularly the overworld sprites) it leaves a little bit of interpretation like.... the big head look is just kinda how it looks because the graphics necessitate it so you can tell your character apart or whatever. I worded that terribly but it's early for me.

These remakes, they just look like a bunch of big headed toddlers running around and it is never not distracting, that "little bit of interpretation due to necessity" is gone. It just looks really weird.
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Smash Hero
Mar 23, 2019
Agartha, Hollow Earth
I think concert leak is fake for a ton of other reasons, but can we please stop taking Imran's word as the almighty gospel for everything Smash related? Like, just because Imran says something doesn't mean it's 100% true,
I thought that was Sakurai cause of people coming up with too many Smash speculation theories when he mentions a game or shows a photo of the day?


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
I'm seriously expecting Garchomp as the final fighter with how much focus and marketing GameFreak is putting on Sinnoh for the 25th anniversary. Like I know "New Switch Game doesn't equal character for Smash" but the focus reminds me of how much Square Enix was putting on Dragon Quest for Fighters Pass 1, or Capcom with Monster Hunter Rise right now.


Smash Ace
Nov 29, 2019
I'm seriously expecting Garchomp as the final fighter with how much focus and marketing GameFreak is putting on Sinnoh for the 25th anniversary. Like I know "New Switch Game doesn't equal character for Smash" but the focus reminds me of how much Square Enix was putting on Dragon Quest for Fighters Pass 1, or Capcom with Monster Hunter Rise right now.
I don't know, the Smash DLC will likely be over many months before Brilliant D and Shining P release. It seems unlikely to me that there would be a shill pick with a timeframe like that.


Smash Lord
Sep 28, 2020
DEAL!!! I'd love that! Give him Persian, Kanghaskan and the third pokemon can be a Delibird for all I care; that's a great idea!
My idea involves Armored Mewtwo, an Echo of Mewtwo to help with Development and act as a fun reference to The First Movie. Alongside Tyrannitar and another Legendary. Fits him perfectly!


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
I don't know, the Smash DLC will likely be over many months before Brilliant D and Shining P release. It seems unlikely to me that there would be a shill pick with a timeframe like that.
It's at least something people already liked for years, so it has that merit as well.
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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I'm seriously expecting Garchomp as the final fighter with how much focus and marketing GameFreak is putting on Sinnoh for the 25th anniversary.

Cynthia with Spiritomb, Milotac, and Garchomp.

Regardless though, I'd love for that. A shark character needs to be on the roster.
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