The old-school chibi style Gen 4 remakes are an... Interesting decision. It's like they realized they should dial it back a little after the divisive reception to SwSh. Try and go back to the older graphic styles instead of advancing when they're not ready yet. Not sure how I feel about that, honestly. I'd have preferred they stick to the more detailed proportions. Heck, they could've even reused the SwSh engine, at least; With a smaller environment, it would be easier to bring out the best in the textures. Of course, I can understand why they'd want to go for a more low-key project, given the second game.
I'm cautiously optimistic for Legends. Graphics-wise, I think it looks great, though admittedly I have pretty low standards. Still, it's good to see Game Freak grow and improve. It looks like they're trying to shake things up this time around, instead of staling with the same old formula. Wonder how progression's gonna go. Though, the framerate does look rather shaky at points. Still, it's a year away. Hopefully GF has some time to clean it up.