Are we done doing this? Oh well

: The first reveal where I was active in speculation. I freaked out. One of my favorite pokemon. I've include one in every team I've made since XY. Was my secondary in smash 4 until Mewtwo.

: Such a great reveal and possibly the best. Wasn't excited for miis, but seeing Iwata vs. Reggie will forever be one of the highlights of smash speculation.

: I played Uprising, so a pretty good and fun reveal, wish they hadn't made her base sm4sh moveset so boring.

: I was on a skype call when this was dropped. Not a surprising reveal, but sure was surprising how they revealed it. Great addition, but at the time, I was just glad the obvious one was out of the way.

: I loved Awkening and Chrom was my most wanted in Smash 4, so this was both an insane high and the lowest of lows for me. For the 5 minutes I thought he was in the game I was thrilled, then it set in. I was pretty upset, but I gradually came around and agreed that Robin was the better choice. Such an amazing reveal though. Falcon, Robin, and Lucina all revealed at the same time was awesome. This was also the reveal that got me to finally make an account on smashboards.

: Loved her character in awakening, but god, what an awful model. She looked so lifeless in Smash 4. It was a great reveal though. I was hyped until I saw her model.

: I had been hunting down Xenoblade Chronicles on ebay for a few months leading up to his reveal, with little success of getting it at a reasonable price. I remember thinking the only character they would reveal in a Japan only direct would be Shulk, but I still woke up that morning fairly confident they wouldn't just reveal him to Japan, boy I was wrong. Still a great reveal though! Gave birth to a lot of smash memes. Only personal problem I had with his inclusion was that I was already pretty pretty burnt out of 'You Will Know Our Names' since learning about Xenoblade from the Gematsu leak. One of my most played and thrilled he's here today. Thanks operation Waterfall!

: My second most wanted. It was dumb of me to hold on to hope after Rosalina had already been revealed but man, I just loved him and Sunshine too much. I was insanely happy after he was leaked with the rest of the ESRB cast. Would've been better as a surprise reveal, but whatever, Just glad he's here. One of my most used in both games. He also had a pretty good reveal trailer.

: Wasn't excited at first, but man I changed my mind. These
two three are awesome. Such a creative moveset.

: So insanely hyped for this reveal. I liked him in Melee when I was a kid and dropped Greninja for him when he came out. The idea that Mewtwo was back AND we were getting DLC was just so dang exciting. The possibilities seemed endless back then.

: Loved seeing him back, not as much as Mewtwo, but still great. It was awesome that Sakurai actually gave him some character development.

: Great to see him back, but at that point, who cared. He and Ryu had been leaked for months and seeing Roy had pretty much cemented the idea in my head that Chrom wasn't coming.

:Neat that he was added, but I really didn't care whatsoever (except for the idea of getting Street fighter music). Stage and music were great.

: I was homeschooled at this time and my dad wouldn't let me watch the direct live. After school I went to go watch the direct and literally a minute before the smash reveal, my dad walked in and said, "I know who the smash character is, it's Cloud". I can't fault him, he didn't know that I didn't know and he was just trying to be excited with me, but man. I was so upset that Cloud's reveal got spoiled. I remember being so confused. My first thought was that he was lying, but why the heck would he name drop Cloud of all people. But whatever, still such an amazing reveal. I had played FF4 and part of FF7 so I was hyped.

: As someone who refreshed best buy over and over trying to preorder the special edition of Fates ( and eventually getting it), I was so disappointed by this reveal. Awful trailer, and awful way to end DLC. I love Corrin, they're a fun character, but damn, after so much talk of K.Rool, Isaac, and Ridley, it was so disappointing.

: Hated this reveal. I like her more now. I've even played Bayonetta, but man I was so upset the day she and Corrin were revealed.

: SO HAPPY. I played so much of the original Splatoon so I was really happy to get a new Nintendo IP that I was familiar with.

: Meh, don't really care. Happy for people who wanted her. She's an echo so no foul. I used to find her much more annoying, but now I find her kind of endearing. Especially because of this video:

: I WAS SO HYPED FOR THIS OH MY GOD. I was in the Ridley thread every day during smash 4 and I had kind of sworn of smashboards when the new game was revealed so I was not ready for this. I legitimately screamed and was told to shut up by everyone around me. Third most played character this game. Still smile every time I see the CSS happy. Thanks Ridley Supporters!!!

: Meh. Famous characters but I really didn't care too much. I was excited for Stage and Music though.

: Was really happy for this! I had played the Original Prime, Fusion, and Hunters so I never saw her in a game, but that didn't stop me from being happy.

: OH MY GOD, I was so happy. I still can't believe he's here. Love him. I think he's perfect as a Roy/Ike echo. I always imagined him being similar to Smash 4 Roy, so I obviously didn't think he was ever going to join. Plus Awakening was long gone by that point. Man, still so happy.

: So amazing to see someone you voted for show up. I love this guy, who doesn't. 10/10 reveal. I just wish he had his pirate costume...

: I played way too much New Leaf, but still wasn't super excited for this reveal. She's definitely grown on me a lot. I was way more hyped for New Horizons.

: Really didn't care and still really don't, not a bad reveal though.

: How I wish you were Decidueye...

: Wasn't thrilled back then, but love him now!

: My friend was pretty convinced of a possible reveal at the game awards so we watched it. Amazing reveal, there'll never be anything like it again. It was so surprising. Surprising character and surprising way to reveal him. Was really happy and hopeful for the future reveals!

: I had played DQ: Monster Joker before this and still really didn't care for their reveal.

: Meh, they were before my time so I had no attachment to them. I liked how they redid the K.Rool trailer, but besides that, pretty ambivalent towards them.

: Meh, had no attachments to him.

: Cool character, awful reveal. I find it to be even worse than Corrin's reveal. I wasn't excited, but I wasn't upset. I like them way more these days

: I was so happy for this reveal. Min Min was my main and the only character I would ever play in Arms so I was thrilled. Great Music and great mechanic. I loved (and still love) the arm switching. Was by far my favorite ultimate dlc at this point. I was really looking forward to the rest of the pass.

: Ugh, sorry Steve fans. I love Minecraft. I was even playing some today, but I really was not excited for this character. I liked the Halland/Dalarna remix though.

: Oh boy, I freaked out. My favorite character since the Ridley reveal and my favorite trailer overall. This trailer went all out. So insanely good and exciting. I will never get over the Cloud vs Sephiroth clip. I wish I wasn't so tired right now so I could give justice to this reveal. Fourth favorite character in smash. Second pass >>>>>>> First pass.

: Pretty good reveal! Not a great trailer, but sure fooled me so it was good in that aspect. Another Nintendo character is always welcome by me. Only problem with their reveal is that it makes me wish Zelda/Sheik was still a thing. I'm looking forward to another transforming character!