Since others have done it, what the hell? I’ll give my 2 cents on each fighter revealed for Ultimate (since it’s my first Smash game):

: Because of a video by Arlo, when the first trailer for the game came out, I knew immediately what to expect when the characters were doing their thing. That being said, I have no complaints whatsoever with them being in the game, and am totally cool with it.

: It’s fine, nothing more I can say.

: I was still trying to mentally process that my first Smash game would be bringing back every fighter from previous entries......and then he was revealed. I was genuinely excited to see him added, and it was then that I realized how big of a deal this game was going to be.

: I expected a NES-era addition after what people had told me about Sm4sh. And while the leak did spoil it, Richter wasn’t if nothing else. Another one like Inkling, where I have no issue with it at all (Richter being easy on the eyes certainly helps.)

: Hadn’t played a Fire Emblem game at the time, so it was just Eh to me.

: Didn’t seeing this one coming, and was happy for Metroid fans getting two characters in this game.

: Going into that August ‘18 presentation, I was of the mindset that Ridley was going to be the only “was added because he was a character people really,
really, REALLY wanted” pick. So, when it was wrapping up and the stomping sound played, like everybody else, I was excited that we were getting another reveal. When it showed all the familiar Nintendo protagonists and their respective rivals/villains, no particular character crossed my mind. But when it cut to Donkey Kong yawning, the exact remark to leave my mouth was, “You’ve got to be ****ing kidding.” And the rest is history.....

: Not excited, but didn’t hate it either.

: With him being from a fighting game, it was a pick that made sense, and for a moment, it had me thinking the Grinch leak might have some legitimacy.

: And then this reveal had me thinking otherwise. I thought that if a Gen 7 Pokémon was going to be added, it’d be Decidueye, but given that Incineroar is a wrestler, I was totally on board with the choice.

: Certainly not the Mario rep I was expecting, but it was good for a laugh.

: A close friend of mine has kept in the know about JRPGs over the past few years, so when the trailer started, I had no trouble figuring out who he was and thought it was an announcement of a P5 port. Then he turned the envelope over, and soon it was all me and him could talk about. Of Pass 1, it’s probably my favorite reveal trailer.

: The fact that the Smash rumor mill had discussed the idea of a DQ rep making it in for months on end took some of the excitement out of the reveal. But, it was only some. That same friend had told me before how Dragon Quest is the ultimate JRPG series, and that many others owed a great debt to it, so no issues whatsoever with this pick.

: When the trailer began, I thought another villain was being added. When it showed K Rool hanging out with the Kongs, I thought it was going to be Dixie. When the jiggy bounced across the floor, I finally put 2 & 2 together. It was so cool to see them being added to the roster given their history with Nintendo and especially after learning that the two were considered for Melee but dropped because of Microsoft buying Rare. Plan to git gud with them.

: Like Ken, I’m totally cool with characters from fighting games getting added, and if I’m being 100% honest, Terry is the winner of my “Character I want to play but am too much of a smooth brain for” award.

: Even though I was playing and enjoying their game at the time of their reveal, I was very underwhelmed with this pick. I’m just glad that the 2nd pass was mentioned before the announcement of Byleth. But as of now, I’m just whatever about them.

: Same stance as Ken and Terry.

: He gave us a new genre, has a lot of cool things that can be done, and his announcement broke Twitter; I don’t have much interest in playing him, as I have no attachment to Minecraft, but was a great addition overall.

: Big fan of FF7, but admittedly wasn’t on my personal radar, so I was pretty stoked for this one. It’s nice having a villain that isn’t a heavyweight (as I feel that’s been done to death), and is just a solid character to me, not to mention that it’s nice to see FF get more content in the game. Like B-K, plan to git gud with him as well.
As for Pyra/Mythra, even though I had played the first XC game and have the second game, I was still underwhelmed by the reveal, but maybe the presentation and eventual release will have me reconsidering my stance, who knows?