The possibility of us not getting a Terry-esque character is beginning to sink in for me. It's funny, because Rex (XC2 in general, really), was part of my predictions before then, and I was holding out for more niche picks back then too. Admittedly, those predictions were rather biased; I had that feeling we'd get a big pick for E3, but never actually thought of one.
Based on past precedent, we're likely to get a big showstopper at E3 and a "boring" pick from a recent Switch release, which leaves no room for a Terry-level character. Furthermore, Terry is the only character of his level; The other more niche characters (
) had something going for them that got them through, be it Nintendo promotion, recent success, or insane popularity. There's a very real possibility that Terry is just a one-off occurrence, and that... Really sucks, because my most wanteds, Adol and Reimu, fit squarely into the category of Terry-tier picks.
So this is what reality feels like