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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
If Apex Legends comes to Smash, have it be like the ARMS style tease where we guess who's getting in.
Well I'm glad someone mentioned Apex Legends

I still am looking at the possibility of this happening. the only thing that makes me second guess is that the game came out in 2019 in February, and the FP2 Roster was finalized around November. I'm not sure if the negotiation time was enough, especially with a Western Company

However I do think there's still somewhat of a chance for them to appear in FP2, if the following circumstances were met

-EA and Respawn Were very lax with how their character were portrayed, so Sakurai and EA did not need to discuss too much when it came to design documents of whatever character

-Sakurai already had a "FPS character" Moveset template that could be used for any Candidate that represent the FPS Genre. This makes concepting a moveset much easier as you really only have to focus on unique abilities of that character

-Nintendo really wanted to appeal to FPS crowd, which to be honest I think they want too. If that Harada Theory was any indication, Master Chief, Doomguy, and Jonsey were all considered, and Tracer might have been considered too. Apex might have either beaten out some or all of these options, or perhaps was the last option left, whatever the case is

I personally think the whole thing with Apex in Smash, If they aren't in FP2, might suggest Future Smash content is already in discussion. Maybe not a FP3, but perhaps something else

Also I think Wraith would likely be the character to be honest, but that's just me


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2018
Not likely. This kind of thing doesn't usually happen, and it wouldn't really pay off for most things either. Super Smash Bros. could do it no problem, but I highly doubt it's something Nintendo would go for.
I rather suspect the trigger for this was Skullgirls making it into EVO last year.
Replacing Smash funnily enough.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
Seems people on the RTC are still confident on Crash.

Don't know what it is but gut feeling is telling me we ain't getting Crash and people are really overconfident on his chances. Remember when folks back in Sm4sh were sure of King K. Rool? The same feeling I'm having here honestly.
Well of course they were wrong about K. Rool being DLC for Smash 4, he was being saved for Smash Ultimate.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
I missed the KH talk, but I find it funny that someone called Sora a "Gary Stu" when Sora kept getting Dunked on by literally everyone for 99% of the games for being "too weak" or "too incompetent" when he got to save the worlds and peeps I forgot how many times in a row now, yet most in lore characters look up more to Riku and Aqua who mostly did nothing but screw up.


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Part of me wonders if we would have gotten a different Mario enemy instead of Piranha Plant had it not been for movesets. Koopa Troopa probably wouldn't add as much given we already have other turtles on the roster and it's hard to do anything with a Goomba.

RIP Chargin Chuck & Shy Guy
I'm pretty sure that's it, yeah. I mean, it's not often Sakurai gets the opportunity to have a plant who breathes out posionous clouds and spits out spike balls on the regular. Now I'm kinda inclined to believe that Sakurai and co. really liked the idea, but had quite a lot of trouble putting the character into practice. This is only speculation on my end, but considering how much of Plant's unique stuff is mostly the specials (+ the anti-footstool thing that almost never happens) it's not something I want to dismiss.

The whole "specials are the unique stuff" aspect does create the kinda unintentional side effect of making Plant's matchups a bit wonky. Plant apparently does surprisingly well vs. :ultryu: / :ultken: and :ultolimar: , but both :ultpit: and :ultvillager: / :ultisabelle: could be seen as borderline nightmarish matchups for Plant. And in all cases it revolves around how they interact with Plant's specials. One example is Ptooie. It benefits a lot from bouncing multiple times - thus it can cause some extreme scenarios like Pikmin massacre.

Perhaps SSBU is the true Pikmin 4. (And yeah, Plant has multiple ways to kill Pikmin, not just Ptooie.)

OTOH, the Pits and Villager / Isabelle have ways to completely counter Ptooie. I'll let competitive mod Thinkaman do the talking regarding Isabelle in particular (Smash runs on the notion that 60 frames = 1 second):

Pocketed Ptooie is a contender for best move in the game.

You have to understand how Ptooie works and how Pocket bypasses its normal restrictions. Ptooie is an amazing move, gated by some restrictions:
  • On Frame 9, you get the 14% hitbox.
  • Starting on frame 22, you can throw it, and get the full 18% hitbox.
  • 63 total frames if thrown ASAP.
  • Can't hit someone next to you or gap closing.
But when Isabelle uses the move...
  • On frame 9, you get the full 18% hitbox, multiplied to 34.2%
  • 30 total frames. As safe as Mario or Pikachu tilts.
  • 10 frames of shield stun--more than a Samus Charge Shot.
  • Launched immediately in front of you, at full speed, hitting anyone adjacent or incoming.
  • Can be done without losing aerial momentum, such as use as a recovery path or ledgedrop option.
Go try it. It's almost a OHKO. Extremely easy to break shields. Can be thrown out in tons of situations at basically no risk.
I missed the KH talk, but I find it funny that someone called Sora a "Gary Stu" when Sora kept getting Dunked on by literally everyone for 99% of the games for being "too weak" or "too incompetent" when he got to save the worlds and peeps I forgot how many times in a row now, yet most in lore characters look up more to Riku and Aqua who mostly did nothing but screw up.
TBF Riku and Aqua did some stuff right - Riku's learned from his KH1 experienced and resisted Ansem SoD pretty well, while Aqua did resist the dark realm for 10+ years. Of course both did screw up quite often - we're talking the series that spawned the "Ok I believe you!" meme for a reason. It's kinda par for the course when other characters screw up about as much - and the only one immune to it seems to be Xehanort due to Nomura needing something to keep the story going.

I was gonna say. That game came out in... 2018? 2019?
February 2019.

Eh, I find Apex to be borderline where it could be considered, but it would have to be on a tight deadline. That makes it less likely, but if Nintendo's ever interested in one of EA's properties, chances are that pretty-popular-in-Japan Apex would be high on the list.

Deleted member

If anything, Sora was more of a Gary Poo. He stunk at everything, had Donald & Goofy straight up abandon him when Riku showed he could wield a keyblade, was constantly clueless, and to top it all off, when it came to becoming a 'Keyblade Master', he was straight up denied for 'darkness in his heart' when his BFF/secret boyfriend Riku literally became a vessel of Darkness for the Big Bad.

Sure, he got good at everything eventually, but the kid was hot garbage for awhile and was constantly the punching bag for the story.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
The whole "specials are the unique stuff" aspect does create the kinda unintentional side effect of making Plant's matchups a bit wonky. Plant apparently does surprisingly well vs. :ultryu: / :ultken: and :ultolimar: , but both :ultpit: and :ultvillager: / :ultisabelle: could be seen as borderline nightmarish matchups for Plant. And in all cases it revolves around how they interact with Plant's specials. One example is Ptooie. It benefits a lot from bouncing multiple times - thus it can cause some extreme scenarios like Pikmin massacre.
I don't think it's the focus on Special Moves so much as the polarizing nature of them. Piranha Plant in particular has the issue of pretty meh normals, but there are other characters like Simon who's normals are a contributor to matchup difficulties (Forward Tilt gives characters like Fox problems, the heck is Ganondorf gonna do about it?).

Though to be fair, having a kit that doesn't quite mesh together is one of the fastest ways to make a "can beat gimmick = win & can't beat gimmick = no win" checklist, and Piranha Plant fits there.

Evil Trapezium

Smash Master
May 16, 2019
Switch FC
Well I'm glad someone mentioned Apex Legends

I still am looking at the possibility of this happening. the only thing that makes me second guess is that the game came out in 2019 in February, and the FP2 Roster was finalized around November. I'm not sure if the negotiation time was enough, especially with a Western Company

However I do think there's still somewhat of a chance for them to appear in FP2, if the following circumstances were met

-EA and Respawn Were very lax with how their character were portrayed, so Sakurai and EA did not need to discuss too much when it came to design documents of whatever character

-Sakurai already had a "FPS character" Moveset template that could be used for any Candidate that represent the FPS Genre. This makes concepting a moveset much easier as you really only have to focus on unique abilities of that character

-Nintendo really wanted to appeal to FPS crowd, which to be honest I think they want too. If that Harada Theory was any indication, Master Chief, Doomguy, and Jonsey were all considered, and Tracer might have been considered too. Apex might have either beaten out some or all of these options, or perhaps was the last option left, whatever the case is

I personally think the whole thing with Apex in Smash, If they aren't in FP2, might suggest Future Smash content is already in discussion. Maybe not a FP3, but perhaps something else

Also I think Wraith would likely be the character to be honest, but that's just me
Man I'm holding onto coincidences with Cortez. THQ Nordic acquiring TimeSplitters in August 2018, them hiring co creator Steve Ellis in August 2019 with a vague "plot the course of the franchise" and Steve Ellis posting a vague tweet also in August 2019. Fighter Pass 2 was supposedly finalised in November 2019. It's still mere coincidences and Nintendo has no reason to ask THQ Nordic for TimeSplitters but damn it feels good that Cortez has gotten this far into being a probable choice for Smash, most likely the furthest he'll ever get.

If he ever gets in, it'll most likely be his loose ties to being a spiritual successor to Goldeneye N64.

Time to Split

I'm ready to go compressed.gif
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Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
If anything, Sora was more of a Gary Poo. He stunk at everything, had Donald & Goofy straight up abandon him when Riku showed he could wield a keyblade, was constantly clueless, and to top it all off, when it came to becoming a 'Keyblade Master', he was straight up denied for 'darkness in his heart' when his BFF/secret boyfriend Riku literally became a vessel of Darkness for the Big Bad.

Sure, he got good at everything eventually, but the kid was hot garbage for awhile and was constantly the punching bag for the story.
The boy been stuck on a island with the same peoples for years.

Of course he know not much.

That, and Riku got friendzone by the keyblade at the end of 1, because he was so full of himself that the Keyblade wanted none of it, which caused him to whine when he lost to Sora after. (Sora who was able to deal with heartless with only a wood blade & The Beast (a total stranger at that point) for help)

Plus you know, Sora kinda saved all worlds twice, thrice?

Let's say enough.

If anything, becoming a Keyblade Master is just very inconstitent, but that's Kingdom Heart for ya, AKA DAKRNESS WITHIN DARKNESS.
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Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Oh yeah, what do y’all think is happening tonight?

New Spirits, themed event, or tourney? Or unexpected patch adding a minor feature where the middle number changes?


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
I think this could be the case with League of Legends too. People often bring up Ahri but for the most part it's still a toss up on who is the most likely rep.
I mean, it is, but I'd really rather not deal with a LoL guessing game, no matter how often I may meme about it.

Ways to piss off the LoL fanbase: make the rep Yasuo, Teemo or Better Sona :troll:

if you know, you know.
Fixed. :roll:

Tbh, I don't even think Teemo would piss that many people off. He's still seen as a mascot of sorts, meme or not. Yasuo and Seraphine are... a little more complicated. The former's reputation speaks for itself and the latter is still seen as a champion made for the sole purpose of selling a K/DA skin.


Smash Hero
Jun 20, 2020
Pangaea, 250 MYA
Oh yeah, what do y’all think is happening tonight?

New Spirits, themed event, or tourney? Or unexpected patch adding a minor feature where the middle number changes?
At this point, anything that doesn't involve new Spirits. I've been burned far too many times by the "Spirit Event tonight -> NOOOOOO" hype train.
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Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Last week was a Spirit Event, right? Then we'll probably get a tourney this week.
We have gotten multiple spirit events in a row (after AOC spirits we got the facial hair spirit event).
Conversely we’ve gotten multiple tourneys in a row (after Sephiroth’s tourney came the star items tourney).
In short, we could get one or the other. On the third side, we had a week with no event (Sept 4 weekend), so we very well could have nothing at all.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
You know, your post reminded me of a strange possibility: imagine if we got Aphelios? You know, the Champion whose main meme is "even professional LoL casters don't understand him"? :4pacman:
I Don’t even wanna think about it as a joke. I’ve played League since season 1, and while I still enjoy the game it would bug me to no end to see a LoL champion in Smash. Unlike most Smash characters which mostly come from single player or casual party games, I find it hard to distinguish a LoL champion’s character with that of their (often toxic) playerbase personality.


Smash Hero
Sep 30, 2018
I Don’t even wanna think about it as a joke. I’ve played League since season 1, and while I still enjoy the game it would bug me to no end to see a LoL champion in Smash. Unlike most Smash characters which mostly come from single player or casual party games, I find it hard to distinguish a LoL champion’s character with that of their (often toxic) playerbase personality.
But what about the sad mummy boy?


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2020
Oh yeah, what do y’all think is happening tonight?

New Spirits, themed event, or tourney? Or unexpected patch adding a minor feature where the middle number changes?
Well tonight is the 1 on 1 tourney. But later on, we will see a Bowser’s Fury spirit event in a week. I’m betting we’ll see Fury Bowser, Giga Cat Mario, and the Giga Bell.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Well tonight is the 1 on 1 tourney. But later on, we will see a Bowser’s Fury spirit event in a week. I’m betting we’ll see Fury Bowser, Giga Cat Mario, and the Giga Bell.
I'm still sad that they changed his name to Fury Bowser in English. Why does Japan get to refer to its characters with edgey names like "God Killer" and "The Pink Demon" but English folk don't?


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2013
Los Angeles
If we ever do get a Granblue Fantasy character, I hope they add The Prettiest Alchemist from Grandblue Versus because holy wow does that song escalate quickly. I haven't seen that hard a transition since Porky Means Business.
Id actually be down for a Granblue character if not for the fact that the most likely character would definitely be Gran/DJ alt. The phone game character id want the most is saber (yes I know she was originally from a porn game) but realistically speaking, I doubt Nintendo would put anyone in before Euden. The nature of gacha games is to be mass marketed so shilling their own IP would be appropriate here.
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