Might as well suggest Jecht as one of the picks.
I mean, considering how people reacted to Shirtless Sephiroth, Jecht would probably cause mass fainting amongst both genders:
That's honestly a good point, and as someone who played the original Dota when it was a WC3 map / mod I distinctly recall liking several of the characters because they were for all intents and purposes the WC3 characters. It made it much easier for me personally to get into Dota when it was a new thing, and consequently it made it much easier for me to accept and transition to Dota 2. It's a strong part of it, but I was also extremely excited over Valve's unveiling of Dota 2 back in 2011, and the tournament meaning that a game I thoroughly enjoyed had made it big.
Dota 2 makes quite a few changes to the characters. Mostly lore, like changing the Skeleton King's name from Leoric - who's originally a Diablo boss - to Ostarion, and eventually revamping his look to the Wraith King in a big lore-altering event to avoid legal trouble. However, the Wraith King remains very similar gameplay wise, and the Skeleton King returned as a cosmetic alt last summer.