While I understand the representation of color argument, (and I realize I have a certain privilege as a straight white male in this conversation, so let me be clear there) I feel it’s less a problem with Nintendo/Sakurai and more of an issue with the industry.
Only recently have newer games started more explicit representation of non-white characters. Having recently played DeathLoop myself, it blows my mind that it’s one of the first games to TRULY have avast headlined by two black people, which is great! But by no means is this is a widespread phenomenon just yet.
Historically, there are very few non-white characters, either from Nintendo or not from Nintendo. To go further, the amount of “main characters” of color, there are few, if any, that would be in the running within commonly speculated series and what not.
Now, there are quite a few Asian characters, not just by creation, but by nationality. Min Min, Ryu, Joker…these are just a few.
I feel like Twintelle was the closest we would have gotten, and Min Min was the pick based on Yabuki. I can’t blame the man, given she is his favorite of the cast.
Basically, I totally see the argument and think it’s valid- but I don’t necessarily agree that Smash is the problem. The problem is the industry itself and that it only recently has truly been creating new, excellent characters of color, etc. I can only hope that things continue to open up in that regard. Honestly I hope DeathLoop was a big step to that eventual reality. It’s a great game btw.