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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
Well knowing that the Sword Tourney still hasn't happened yet, It's likely that CP11 probably is Sword related in some way. Now the thing is that it doesn't automatically mean that CP11 would be Primarily a Sword user. Perhaps they might use Few Sword moves, like Ganondorf as an example

Not every Tourney after Kazuya related to him in terms of what Kazuya is about, just like the tourneys after certain characters included that particular character in anyway

For me Personally, even if the Tourney still implies Sword user, I possibly would still be winning. Shadow normally isn't a character known for Sword using, but in the Iconic Shadow the Hedgehog Video game, He does use swords in that Game, along with Guns and Vechicles. since DLC allows Sakurai and the Dev team to go all out with the characters, Perhaps Shadow would have Mechanic/Ability to summon unique Guns, Swords, and/or Vechicles from the Shadow the Hedgehog Video game, and perhaps Shadow might actually have unique Sword normals when he has these weapons equipped

Also I don't know if a Knife would count into it, since Joker was in that Tools tournament. however that also might have been because he uses a Gun as well, so Knives might also count.

With Sora, The Keyblade is used like a Sword, even if it's a Key, so That might also be able to count


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
For me Personally, even if the Tourney still implies Sword user, I possibly would still be winning. Shadow normally isn't a character known for Sword using, but in the Iconic Shadow the Hedgehog Video game, He does use swords in that Game, along with Guns and Vechicles. since DLC allows Sakurai and the Dev team to go all out with the characters, Perhaps Shadow would have Mechanic/Ability to summon unique Guns, Swords, and/or Vechicles from the Shadow the Hedgehog Video game, and perhaps Shadow might actually have unique Sword normals when he has these weapons equipped
You are shoving a square block into a round hole my friend.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Well knowing that the Sword Tourney still hasn't happened yet, It's likely that CP11 probably is Sword related in some way. Now the thing is that it doesn't automatically mean that CP11 would be Primarily a Sword user. Perhaps they might use Few Sword moves, like Ganondorf as an example

Not every Tourney after Kazuya related to him in terms of what Kazuya is about, just like the tourneys after certain characters included that particular character in anyway

For me Personally, even if the Tourney still implies Sword user, I possibly would still be winning. Shadow normally isn't a character known for Sword using, but in the Iconic Shadow the Hedgehog Video game, He does use swords in that Game, along with Guns and Vechicles. since DLC allows Sakurai and the Dev team to go all out with the characters, Perhaps Shadow would have Mechanic/Ability to summon unique Guns, Swords, and/or Vechicles from the Shadow the Hedgehog Video game, and perhaps Shadow might actually have unique Sword normals when he has these weapons equipped

Also I don't know if a Knife would count into it, since Joker was in that Tools tournament. however that also might have been because he uses a Gun as well, so Knives might also count.

With Sora, The Keyblade is used like a Sword, even if it's a Key, so That might also be able to count
Honestly, I don't even particularly want to see Shadow as our final character but I have to respect just how far you're willing to reach for him.


Jan 18, 2014
Switch FC
For me Personally, even if the Tourney still implies Sword user, I possibly would still be winning. Shadow normally isn't a character known for Sword using, but in the Iconic Shadow the Hedgehog Video game, He does use swords in that Game, along with Guns and Vechicles. since DLC allows Sakurai and the Dev team to go all out with the characters, Perhaps Shadow would have Mechanic/Ability to summon unique Guns, Swords, and/or Vechicles from the Shadow the Hedgehog Video game, and perhaps Shadow might actually have unique Sword normals when he has these weapons equipped
Just let it go, man.


Smash Master
Feb 13, 2016
You are shoving a square block into a round hole my friend.
Possibly, but the think there may be some merit to it

-As much controversy the Shadow the Hedgehog game is, it's a game that does have it's fans, especially these days as people who've played the game at a young age are now old enough to have some form of Nostalgia. It also sold over 2 Million copies. It's not the best selling Sonic game, far from it, but it did it's numbers

-From what I've seen, Alot of people do want Shadow to use some form of Weaponry in Smash, Me included actually, and this has been a thing since Shadow has been requested for Smash. Of course we still want Shadow to have his Chaos Powers, and that should be the Focus of his moveset, in terms of Specials at least, but it would also be amazing if he could use a Rocket Launcher, the Shadow Rifle, The Shadow Rider, the Katana, the Egg gun or even the Omochao gun

-Sakurai has Played Shadow the Hedgehog, it is confirmed he has done so. Considering the above merits, I do imagine he might take cues from the Self-titled game

In Shadow the Hedgehog, Shadow can move normally while Shooting, and since Sakurai does love to make the characters feel like the home game, that might be implemented here. When Shadow shoots something in the air, he stalls in the Air for a bit. When he uses a Sword Like weapon, he does a 3 hit combo, which is not something characters do in smash when holding Battering items. All the Weapons in the game have ammo, but When Shadow is in Boost Mode, he gets infinite Ammo

Sonic and the Black Knight also has Shadow, or in this case Sir Lancelot using a Sword. He even has something Similiar to Link where he can shoot Chaos Energy from his Sword Swipes (though this was also present in Shadow the Hedgehog with certain weapons)

I think if they want to go above an beyond, they could give Shadow weaponry on top of his Normal Moveset. I don't think his moveset would be around Shooting Guns or using Swords or driving Vehicles, but I think having those things in Shadow's Arsenal will not only represent the Shadow the Hedgehog game, but Shadow as a character, as Shadow is a very Versatile character. The Main 3 things that expresses Shadow's Battle Style is

-Aggression, or even more precisely, Overwhelming

Because of Shadow's Similiar body type to Sonic, and that he already has a Model in the Game, the Dev team is familiar with working with Sonic's Bodytype, which Shadow has. They also are familiar with Working with Sega as well, as they got 3 characters already. I think Especially if they want to make sure that People don't See Shadow as an echo, and to really represent Shadow to the fullest in Smash, they can go all out in terms of mechanics, and I think it's also feasible due to the Familiar components that the Dev team has worked with in the past

Still, even if Shadow doesn't have any form of Weaponry summoning or such in his moveset, I still think the Sword tourney could make sense to come after him. After all, The Sword Tourney might not actually be what CP11's Tourney is. Shadow is a character that has been known, and Memed for using weapons, primarily guns, but also Swords. If there also exists a Gunner tournament, that would fit in the line of tourneys after Shadow. Of course this is kind of a stretch if Shadow doesn't have any type of Weapon mechanic if he were to be added. yes


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
It is an interesting trend that we've never had an E3 revealed newcomer(s) directly followed up by a massively bigger third-party character in the following Smash/Nintendo Direct. For example:

:ultvillager::ultmegaman::ultwiifittrainer: followed by :ultrosalina:, a first -party character
:ultbrawler::ultgunner::ultswordfighter::ultpalutena::ultpacman: followed by :ultlucina::ultrobin:, two first party characters
:ulthero::ultbanjokazooie:, followed by :ult_terry:, who like BK are also similarly more "low key" third party characters.

Of course, these aren't actual rules, but it would be interesting to see if this pattern breaks now for this presentation. Personally, I still think a more "low key" third-party character is most likely to be revealed in October, but who knows.
Eh, I could make case that Castlevania is a pretty big third party deal, but since that situation also deals with the Smash speculation enigma, Ridley himself, it’s not exactly clear cut. Roy, Ryu and Lucas being followed up with I think Cloud does put a damper on the theory though, but I might be misremembering when Cloud was revealed.
The thing with patterns though is that third party newcomers ramped up almost exponentially when it comes to Smash Ultimate DLC as compared to previous games. Brawl had two, Smash 4 base had two, Smash 4 DLC had three, base Ultimate had three and now Smash Ultimate DLC has seven. Saying things like “it’s never been third party at the end”, for example, misses the idea that third party newcomers have never been anywhere near the fifty-fifty split they are in Smash Ultimate DLC.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2014
Jacksonville, Fl
So what themed tourneys are potentially left? I know a sword tourney still needs to happen. I think I heard something about a gun tourney too?

Metal Shop X

May 4, 2015
Switch FC
Here it is:

Since the leak was fake, you could feasibly call whoever concocted it an Einstein of Social Engineering, if only because they figured out things like specific staff members of an advertising company and related advertising campaigns that'd run concurrently with Smash to lend credibility to the "leak."

I still think it was mariotehplumber. That's the only person I can think of who'd have that level of commitment to ****ing with the Smash fandom.



Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Updated the poll for Day 2. This time favorite Vol. 1 Stages! New characters aren't the only thing we get with each Pack.

Am surprised to see so many votes within a single day on the first poll. This thread is something else. Banjo getting the most isn't too surprising, though Terry did a lot better than I would have thought given the initial hesitation some had to an SNK character. That said only 4 people were cool enough to have voted for Piranha Plant. :shades:



Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2020
Hype Train to Splatsville
Switch FC
As copy-pasted from my profile:

Once the final DLC fighter for Smash Ultimate has released, I will be leaving SmashBoards.

I know this may come as a sudden surprise to many of you, and I am aware of any concerns you may have.

I feel as though I have grown out of this place, and am no longer the Smash fan that this site was made for. I do not talk about Smash a lot nowadays, nor am I the type to properly socialise with others on the Internet. Furthermore, with the debut of my YouTube channel, I feel as though I should use more mainstream services like that and Twitter as my main outlet, so my audience can easily find me. With content for Smash Ultimate coming to a close, and GCSEs approaching next May, I feel now is the time to move on to the next chapter of my life.

If you still wish to follow me, as mentioned previously, I have my YouTube channel and Twitter page, but you may also find me around various subreddits or Discord servers.

Thank you to everyone who has been friendly to me in my year and a half on SmashBoards. I hope you all have great times ahead of you.


Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
Since we're likely going to have all sorts of thoughts posted about Byleth (positive and negative) today, I wanted to get mine out now before it got lost in the shuffle. For clarity's sake and since I have different views on each, I'll separate my thoughts on them into three categories: their general inclusion, their gameplay, and their reveal itself.

As far as outright getting in? Well I mean at this point I understand that in relation to Smash that Fire Emblem is another Pokémon. Nintendo is clearly invested in promoting it, there's a wide fandom for the game (that's obviously grown in the West) and seemingly no shortage of fighters to pull from the franchise. Like Pokémon, it's not really an IP I really care about all that much and its unlikely I'll ever see a reveal of one that I'll be extremely excited about, but I can I say I've reached the point of cool acceptance than outright annoyance or antipathy.

In terms of how they play, that's been a very pleasant surprise. I actually dig of the FE characters in terms of being fighters (barring Robin and Lucina) but Byleth is neck and neck with Marth in terms of how much fun I can get in playing them. They're satisfying to hit with, the strengths/weaknesses gel pretty well with my typical style, and (similar to Banjo of all characters) there's a simplicity paired with real depth that makes it easy to jump in with them. Like with Mewtwo, my overall lack of interest with their home franchise in no way diminishes my enjoyment of them.

When it comes how they were shown off? Oh boy. This will seem hyperbolic, I'm aware, but I do think Byleth stands out as one of the worst executions of a fighter reveal circa the 4/Ultimate era. I know people with point to the expectations of Dante or the general belief that people were merely upset that it wasn't a prominent third party character (and especially because this was an FE figure), but that only scratches the surface of how badly the whole enterprise was done.

The trailer quite frankly was underwhelming, with the fighter being given away early on and even the delivery of the "too many swordfighters" joke not landing all that well. Pair that with a mystery presentation that had little to offer those that weren't fans of Fire Emblem (no other fighter reveals, nothing close to specific dates for the second pass, and the whole thing not being presented in the context of Direct that showed off other big news) and it seemed like an event designed to maximize the dislike of the reveal.

Nothing justifies harassment or toxicity by fans, but I'm also of the opinion that if the placement of Byleth and Terry had been reversed (with the former shown off the in Sept 2019 Direct and the latter here) then I think you have a lot less overall salt to begin with because the perfect storm of elements that served to enhance the disappointment of another FE character would not be there.

Time will be (and has been) kind to Byleth which is good given their tremendous quality as a fighter. In my estimation It will take a big longer for "Sakurai Presents: Byleth" to get the same.
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