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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Master
May 19, 2021
That means its also the anniversary of this masterpiece!
I do not exaggerate when I say this Mii Costume made me more hype than literally any other Smash Reveal (aside from Ridley)
The fact that I'm 90% sure I didn't watch it live makes me sad.
I think I was busy that time and GOSH DARN IT I WOULD'VE POPPED OFF


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
To be fair about Dante, he does look more like “realism” than “cartoonish anime with just some realistic proportions” (so he seems similar to Resident Evil or Red Dead etc.) even though he incorporates anime stuff; I think the people who don’t want more “anime swordfighters” just mean the general anime design and maybe similar moves and stuff.

However, Dante can also use a sword iirc (haven’t played his games but that’s what I remember), and some “anime swordfighters” already have unique stuff from others, so you could say it’s still weird to dog on anime swordfighters and not include Dante. Personally I don’t care if a character is an anime swordfighter or not ¯\(ツ)/¯
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Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
To be fair about Dante, he does look more like “realism” than “cartoonish anime with just some realistic proportions” (similar to Resident Evil or Red Dead etc.) even though he incorporates anime stuff; I think the people who don’t want more “anime swordfighters” just mean the general anime design and maybe similar moves and stuff.

However, Dante can also use a sword iirc (haven’t played his games but that’s what I remember), and some “anime swordfighters” already have unique stuff from others, so you could say it’s still weird to dog on anime swordfighters and not include Dante. Personally I don’t care if a character is anime or not ¯\(ツ)/¯
Dante's main weapon is his Rebellion, which is a giant sword.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
To be fair about Dante, he does look more like “realism” than “cartoonish anime with realistic proportions”
Do Americans just regularly walk out with Dante's outfit and I'm only finding out about this now? We even had a ****ing Vash picture posted here lmao, Dante even had an anime himself

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
This is literally the definition of a strawman. Expressing the desire for certain characters in a crossover games is not the same thing as acting as if Sakurai and the dev team committed a moral wrong against him which he never did. And considering I remember you making an equally arbitrary complaint about the lack of "newer" characters after the August 2018 Direct because of the inclusion of :ultkrool::ultsimon::ultrichter: among others acting like "newer fans" are left out, it's hypocritical of you to dismiss people wanting certain types of characters because you personally don't feel the same way. And this is coming from someone whose most wanted character is another anime guy. I don't really care if said person wants more cartoony character as long as he doesn't act obnoxious about it which he didn't.
Also to continue on the point I made earlier, the base roster could have stopped at :ultkrool: and there would be no difference in terms of sales or in terms of general audience satisfaction when looking at things from an objective point of view ( subjectively speaking, I'll still say the game is better with :ultisabelle: in it). There would still be people with issues with the roster, but that would mostly come down to stuff like "Waluigi isn't in!" not stuff like "new blood vs old blood" which is something that only matters to a minority, same with stuff like "anime vs cartoony". Obviously characters like :ultjoker::ulthero::ult_terry: would have more of an impact on sales and broadening the audience than :ultisabelle::ultincineroar: by virtue of , you know, bringing in a new audience. Obviously this doesn't make characters from existing franchises "less valid" as choices and that is not the point I am trying. The main actual point I'm trying to make is don't dismiss people for "arbitrary wants" when you have wanted something equally as arbitrary as them.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
A year ago I thought my reaction to DLC ending would be "Wow... what a wild ride, it's a shame it had to end so soon."
However, it has turned out to be... "Wow... what a wild ride. Thank god that's over."
I'm the same. Honestly I've at this point been burnt out by speculation.

Regardless still gonna stick around here given all the awesome friends I've made like Zinith Zinith Mamboo07 Mamboo07 @Madame Lesley SnakeFighter64 SnakeFighter64 and such. :)
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Smash Hero
Aug 7, 2021
your mom
A year ago I thought my reaction to DLC ending would be "Wow... what a wild ride. It's a shame it had to end so soon."
However, it looks to be turning out to be... "Wow... what a wild ride. Thank god that's over."
Honestly, I was ready for this to be over long ago. I'm glad it went on for as long as it did, but I don't think I'd be able to take another month of Smash updates.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
A year ago I thought my reaction to DLC ending would be "Wow... what a wild ride. It's a shame it had to end so soon."
However, it looks to be turning out to be... "Wow... what a wild ride. Thank god that's over."
The former was me for Smash 4, but it was somewhat understandable as it was being developed for two systems at once

here, the long ass delays between announcements and news droughts brought about by the pandemic makes me want it to end already. Plus, I have lots of personal stuff on the back burner I want to finally get to without thinking of anything else
Ultimate's roster could've been this if Sakurai wasn't obsessed with generic anime:

View attachment 329072


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2018
Honestly, I was ready for this to be over long ago. I'm glad it went on for as long as it did, but I don't think I'd be able to take another month of Smash updates.
See, that's the thing - I've enjoyed it! A lot! But I'm just so burnt out and also just want to focus on modding...
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Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Do Americans just regularly walk out with Dante's outfit and I'm only finding out about this now? We even had a ****ing Vash picture posted here lmao, Dante even had an anime himself
I meant more like his face and stuff, at least in some appearances; I haven’t seen all his designs.

His outfit doesn’t really seem that unrealistic even if uncommon, aside from the cartoonish belt buckle (edit: and his boots, which I now noticed have multiple straps or something on them; still, his outfit doesn’t seem too unrealistic with just a few oddities).

Although this is what I’m looking at:

His other designs are definitely more anime-esque, though, after taking a bit more time to see them. Sorry for not doing so already. His face still seems a bit on the “realism” side, though, kinda reminding me of earlier games on XBox and stuff (maybe that’s what I’m seeing), but that’s pretty much it in the other designs so eh.
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Smash Hero
Aug 7, 2021
your mom
See that's the thing - I've enjoyed it! A lot! But I'm just so burnt out and also just want to focus on modding...
I wasn't even taking part in speculation most of the time, after the game dropped it became just something that was just kinda there in my life. I still tuned into every Sakurai Presents and Nintendo Direct (The Game Awards last year were the one thing I skipped because I wasn't aware they would show a Smash character there and didn't want to waste my time), but I wasn't quite as excited as everyone else. Only recently did I start getting interested in new Smash characters again.
Also, I kinda wanted it to end with Fighters Pass 1 because I still liked making rosters mockups and I didn't want those ugly blank spaces there. Fighters Pass 2 meant there were even more of those ugly blank spaces there, so once the final character drops I can finally make rosters without ugly blank spaces again. That might sound kinda stupid, but it is what it is.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Being more western or western realism doesn't ignore the fact that Dante is a Japanese character or from a game made from a Japanese company, much like Super Mario, Final Fantasy VII and Dark Souls. Nor does it ignore the amount of tropes DMC has or uses that alot of Japanese and Anime games use. Wanting Dante while not wanting another anime swordman is still being hypocritical.
Not really, its called taste lol. Dante is iconic and has style/personality. And almost every character is from a Japanese company so it's not hypocritical at all. It's not the fact that alot of characters have some anime influence, it's the really generic anime look aka dime a dozen anybody could come up with anime look with a generic sword moveset or bland personality to boot.


Smash Master
Sep 19, 2014
Behind you !
It's not the fact that alot of characters have some anime influence, it's the really generic anime look aka dime a dozen anybody could come up with anime look with a generic sword moveset or bland personality to boot.
If anybody could come up with their look.
They wouldn't be Iconic enough to be warrant to be in smash and be recognized by almost everyone.

All of the """""generic ANIMUH SWORDSMEEEEHN"""""" that we have basically almost invented their tropes, the biggest exemple being Cloud and Sephiroth, being literally MR.JRPG and MR.RPG BAD GUYS to the point of anyone after them, trying to mimic them, having such a big influence in pop-culture,that nowadays, they're being referenced with people who didn't even played their games.

Also come on? Dante? Not anime looking?
ffs man, the design they used for the Smash Bros Mii Costume has so many belts, you'd think ****ing Nomura designed him on a cofe break.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Ultimate's roster could've been this if Sakurai wasn't obsessed with generic anime:

View attachment 329072
You forgot the FF1 ARPG guy
Not really, its called taste lol. Dante is iconic and has style/personality. And almost every character is from a Japanese company so it's not hypocritical at all. It's not the fact that alot of characters have some anime influence, it's the really generic anime look aka dime a dozen anybody could come up with anime look with a generic sword moveset or bland personality to boot.
You know, most of these points apply to every other 'generic anime swordsman', but the bland personality part and generic moveset fits so many characters that aren't swordwielding humans like say, Mario, Sonic and Banjo yet I don't think you'd like to hear that lmao


Smash Legend
Jul 28, 2013
New World, Minecraft
Imagine going out and not looking like a Gay Cowboy smh
yeah I think this is why I didn’t think his outfit seemed that unrealistic, aside from the big belt buckle and what I now notice to be weird boots (what’s with those straps or whatever?) he looks like he has a standard western cowboy get up, just without the hat and with what looks like leather pants instead of jeans, but that’s just for one design; his other designs definitely make his clothes look more anime-esque.

edit: to be clear I don’t think his boots are weird in a bad way, just trying to compare to real life.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Oh yeah I remember seeing Trigun when I was a kid. Cool ass opening by the way

**** Goku, we deserve Vash the Stampede as our first anime character
Nah fam, Strive had a feedback poll for the beta that asked for opinions on guest characters, get Vash in Strive first and I might tolerate the 30 second loading times lmao


Smash Hero
Aug 7, 2021
your mom
I stop taking people who use the "anime swordsman" argument when they say they all have "boring-ass sword movesets". I can understand the complaint about a lack of design variety even if I personally don't care, but you cannot tell me these characters play similarly with a straight face and expect any reaction other than me laughing at your face.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
yeah I think this is why I didn’t think his outfit seemed that unrealistic, aside from the big belt buckle and what I now notice to be weird boots (what’s with those straps or whatever?) he looks like he has a standard western get up, just without the hat, but that’s just for one design; his other designs definitely make his clothes look more anime-esque.
Oh he has the hat covered


Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Dante I would say is a blend of both realism and anime if anything tbh.

He has the body proportions and face of realism but otherwise appearance of a character you'd see in an anime. Looks at Inuyasha given their similar colored hair and red attires

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
At least before support ends there’s some non-character content I’d like to see added

like UNDERTALE SPIRITS COME ON. or other TMS Spirits that aren’t Tsubasa so she’s no longer the only one from her game

and the WoL possession/clone effects outside of WoL, more flexible replay editing, maybe three more stages without a character, and of course better online…


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Phoenix Wright's appearance is slightly less anime-ish than most, and at the very least, he's not the "anime swordsman" type that has become so widely despised among many fans. Amaterasu's a wolf goddess with a cel-shaded look that could work in Smash and her original game has plenty of material to work with. Arle's puzzle game/RPG mechanics from her original games could create a fairly unique moveset. Layton's got a lot to work with also. Though, I'd also be okay with Master Chief, or if Nintendo wanted another character tied to the SNES/N64 era, they could go with Fulgore.
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