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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Also going by this logic, the stamina feature that forced Pokemon Trainer players to juggle between 3 characters every couple minutes probably killed a lot of the character's competitive viability in Brawl, and the stamina feature was notably taken out in Ultimate which allowed a lot more demographics to main PT in that game (alongside the much faster Pokemon change animation).
Oh, that was not the only thing. Although Stamina did not help, especially when the Dojo did not tell how long Stamina lasts:



At the start of a match, each Pokémon has 100 points of stamina. When a Pokémon is in battle, its stamina drops by half a point every second, resulting in 3 minutes and 20 seconds of stamina. Pokémon also lose half a point for every attack they attempt. Once a Pokémon's stamina drops below 40, its standing animation changes to look fatigued, and its attack damage is multiplied by 0.7 + (0.3 × Stamina ÷ 100), with a corresponding reduction in knockback. Thus the attack damage multiplier ranges from 0.779 to 0.7 as stamina decreases. Pokémon regain 0.8 points of stamina per second when not being used, requiring 2 minutes and 5 seconds to fully replenish. When a Pokémon is KO'ed, its stamina is set to 100 − (0.3 × (100 − previous stamina)), so it will be 70% closer to full. This has no effect on the other Pokémon.
TL DR: A good rule of thumb before Stamina kicked in was around 1 minute 20 secs since whiffed attacks also drained stamina. I'm still glad this was yeeted out into space with Ultimate.

But that's only one part:

  • The elemental weakness mechanic. Ivy being weak to fire was much more of a problem than Squirtle's weakness to grass or Charizard's weakness to water. Whether casually or competitively, there's a lot more fire attacks and items. Likewise exorcised when Ultimate came around.
  • Only being able to switch on the ground. It could be an irritating nuisance casually - especially on autoscrolling stages and when recovering. But vs. a skilled juggler that won't let the PT player land... oh jeez. Ultimate allows changing in the air, which is a godsend for PT.
  • :ivysaur: and :charizard: being relatively undertuned. Outside of Charizard's kill power and Rock Smash - which became everyone's favorite move to spam whether on Subspace bosses or on human opponents. Ivy in particular... man that poor thing was so undertuned that its B-Air did max 5 %. It's telling that 4 and Ultimate worked to define Charizard's strengths and weaknesses more, while Ivysaur got the motherload of buffs in Ultimate.

You want what you can't have/you don't know how much you appreciate something until it's gone.
I appriciate and care about them.

They're cute, cuddly and an absolute menace to opponents' health:

At the time I thought incorrectly the ice climbers were cut because of wobbling/infinite grab and they couldn't figure out how to remove those things without having to rework the whole character and just gave up.
They did remove chaingrabs in 4 - not just because of Icies, although they're probably the primary reason. I mean, Melee and Brawl had a number of notorious chaingrabs:

(Okay, this chainthrow wasn't infinite vs. Ganon, but it was vs. - for example - Mario and DK.)

Other M. M Other. Mother.

That’s literally it. It’s actually a hidden spoiler for it’s not so good story.
Okay but consider this: the title's acronym



Ninten disliked these posts. :roll:
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
It still amazes me that the same company that released that many Mario Party games managed to screw up the Smash equivalent in 4 so badly. There was such an easy model in having wacky IP themed boards (Zelda board with Tingle shopkeeper!), mini-fights similar to event matches (or spirit battles as we saw in Ultimate), and maybe even doing the radical thing of having the fighters roll and move one at a time rather than the cluster**** of all four players moving concurrently.

Smash Tour in general feels like it sums up the Wii U era's tendency to fix what wasn't broken and create games/modes that no one was asking for.
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Smash Hero
Nov 23, 2018
Nintendo Land Theme Parks, Incorporated
It still amazes me that the same company that released that many Mario Party games managed to screw up the Smash equivalent in 4 so badly. There was such an easy model in having wacky IP themed boards (Zelda board with Tingle shopkeeper!), mini-fights similar to event matches (or spirit battles as we saw in Ultimate), and maybe even having the fighters roll/move one at a time rather than the cluster**** of all four players moving concurrently.

Smash Tour in general feels like it sums up the Wii U era's tendency to fix what wasn't broken and create games/modes that no one was asking for.
To be fair, during that era, the Mario Party series wasn't really in its best shape.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
With Icies, I feel that everybody wanted them back in 4 when they got cut but now that they're back I feel people don't really care about them anymore, myself included.
I don't play them often, but they're fun, and I appreciate that they're there.

They're cute, cuddly and an absolute menace to opponents' health:
For their next appearance, I want them to say "screw it" and just hard code the combos into the Ice Climber's grab rather than trying desperately to stop desyncs from affecting them.

Though I suppose that could cause even more problems with 0-deaths if handled incorrectly.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
As someone that doesn't even hate Other M I have to say I really dislike the subtitle lol.
Yeah, it really is a confusing title.

It still amazes me that the same company that released that many Mario Party games managed to screw up the Smash equivalent in 4 so badly. There was such an easy model in having wacky IP themed boards (Zelda board with Tingle shopkeeper!), mini-fights similar to event matches (or spirit battles as we saw in Ultimate), and maybe even doing the radical thing of having the fighters roll and move one at a time rather than the cluster**** of all four players moving concurrently.

Smash Tour in general feels like it sums up the Wii U era's tendency to fix what wasn't broken and create games/modes that no one was asking for.
Smash tour´s achievements were some of the hardest to get. Despite having other 15 people to play smash with, not one of them wanted to play that mode with me.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
.........How the flying **** did I never piece that together.... am I stupid......
I mean, don't there tend to be many common things we don't realise until it's pointed out? Like the term aileron roll existing despite the fact that an aileron can't roll?
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Smash Master
Dec 1, 2019
I think a lot of us don't pick up on that Other M pattern because the idea of the creators putting that same repetitive theme in the actual damn title is so baffling, our rational minds reject it.
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Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
so I wonder what content sega are gonna be getting in FP11 since sephiroth’s trailer does make it clear we’re probably getting some sort of sega specific content. It can all be nothing, it’s just a theory at the end of the day but it’s a solid theory

for context, in pass 1 the only 3rd party cgi models we got were mega man and sonic who appeared in banjo’s trailer and we ended up getting mega man costumes with byleth and sega costumes with terry

in pass 2 the only 3rd party cgi models we’ve gotten are

.Richter, cloud, banjo, sonic and bayonetta

.Microsoft and square ended up getting fighters

.Konami got mii costumes

and we’re yet to get any sega content in this pass yet

I think it’ll be mii costumes. That’s my solid feeling right now.

On a side note this also worked with base roster. The only 3rd party cgi model that showed up early was mega man and we ended up getting a capcom rep


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
I mean the SEGA content could be spirit events too
e.g. an SMTV one even after Cp11 comes out
true. Could be a super monkey ball event to be fair since isn’t that game coming out soon. Depends I guess on the time frame for when fp11 gets revealed.

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
true. Could be a super monkey ball event to be fair since isn’t that game coming out soon. Depends I guess on the time frame for when fp11 gets revealed.
Could also be Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 if Arle isn’t CP11


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
inb4 zarude cp11
If only he'd been a starter...

Hot take I actually like Spirits

the fact they’re easier to make means more games can be represented

I only wish they came with lore blurbs, and that Spirit representation was more consistent for a few games

I hope the next game has a revamped Smash Run:
Same. Revamped as a Battle Royal. 64 players teleport in. Players run around killing creeps and collecting upgrades. Map shrinks over time. Last 4 surviving players have a Smash match.

No they don't, they all have the same final smash and no down B
So only 95% of the dev time of 3 characters then.

I like how we're having yet another argument where the only reason it's going on is because one person is too stubborn to admit they're wrong despite blatantly contradicting themselves or misreading stuff again.
And it's the same person as usual...

Let's all agree that Random should never be cut.
Replace Random with Ditto!

Screw Random! It's not even a real character. I'm adding Ditto instead.
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Dan Quixote

Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2020
Same. Revamped as a Battle Royal. 64 players teleport in. Players run around killing creeps and collecting upgrades. Map shrinks over time. Last 4 surviving players have a Smash match.
I would straight up pay for a Smash Run battle royale of that scale as its own separate game. That sounds absolutely epic.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
Personally I think Other M gets too much hate. It's emotional narrative is captivating. The scene where Samus is turned into a convertible is absolutely heart wrenching.
Wow. I didnt remember that Samus turned into a car in that game. :4pacman:

Other M can be a really fun game if you turn off your brain for cutscenes.

Its got a fun action game at its core.

Just uh... not too much else?
Except for the ugliest Ridley ever. I want that thing to be behind a sensor bar. Baby Ridley can stay uncensored though.
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Smash Ace
Jul 7, 2021
Same. Revamped as a Battle Royal. 64 players teleport in. Players run around killing creeps and collecting upgrades. Map shrinks over time. Last 4 surviving players have a Smash match.
hmmwould have to be some kind of stamina mode then. still sounds great.

Hot take I actually like Spirits

the fact they’re easier to make means more games can be represented

I only wish they came with lore blurbs,
me too.


V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I feel like if there wasn’t a 3DS version of Smash 4, only Wii U, then transformations wouldn’t have to be cut

and the Ice Climbers wouldn’t either

Snake still would be a goner tho cuz mid-2010s Konami gotta Konami
There were actually rumors floating that Nintendo was the one that kept Snake out from Smash 4.

All in all it seems unlikely that Konami wouldn’t want Snake back in when MGSV was right around the corner and especially seeing as how nothing has changed at the company between then and now, aside from the Kojima split which theoretically should’ve made Konami characters unlikely for Ultimate more than 4, and now they have 3 characters in and it’s even less likely that Kojima or Sakurai was against the idea. So that leaves one outlier.
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
I feel like if there wasn’t a 3DS version of Smash 4, only Wii U, then transformations wouldn’t have to be cut
I think you're right, but I think the game is better off without them, and was pissed when Ultimate brought a couple back.

Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard should have been separate fighters, and Mythra should have been an Echo.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
I think you're right, but I think the game is better off without them, and was pissed when Ultimate brought a couple back.

Squirtle/Ivysaur/Charizard should have been separate fighters, and Mythra should have been an Echo.
Mythra isn't even really that similar to Pyra though. At most she would be a semi-clone.
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