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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2018
Well, I'm not sure we're getting a final presentation like we did for 4. However, the possibility of FP11 not releasing in September does exist. There were 3 characters in particular that waited 2+months between reveals and releases. Joker was revealed on December 6th 2018 at the Game Awards that year, and it wouldn't be until April 17th of the following year. Banjo was revealed on June 11 2019, but wouldn't release until September 4th of that year. Finally, Terry was revealed on September 4th, but wouldn't release until November 6th.
As long as we at least know who is the last character. I wouldnt mind this.


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
I know Nintendo likes to announce upcoming directs in a fashion such that the direct is Thursday but they announce that it's going to happen in the first place on a Tuesday.

So maybe tomorrow..


Smash Master
Sep 22, 2013
Well, I'm not sure we're getting a final presentation like we did for 4. However, the possibility of FP11 not releasing in September does exist. There were 3 characters in particular that waited 2+months between reveals and releases. Joker was revealed on December 6th 2018 at the Game Awards that year, and it wouldn't be until April 17th of the following year. Banjo was revealed on June 11 2019, but wouldn't release until September 4th of that year. Finally, Terry was revealed on September 4th, but wouldn't release until November 6th.
Yeah but that was all the way back in FP1. FP2 characters however have consistenly been released shortly after their initial reveal.

Terry was the last time we had to wait months for a character after their reveal. Hell, even Byleth was released in very close proximity to their reveal.


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
If the maintenance means something we should be seeing the Direct announcement tomorrow right?

Haha all good

Here's the thing, though
While it'd be different ofc

They could do other scenarios:
Announcement on Wednesday -> Direct on Thursday
Announcement on Wednesday -> Direct on Friday (doubt this one a bit because I can't ever recall getting friday directs)
Announcement on Friday -> Direct on next Monday (Like what they did with Min Min)
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Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Yeah but that was all the way back in FP1. FP2 characters however have consistenly been released shortly after their initial reveal.

Terry was the last time we had to wait months for a character after their reveal. Hell, even Byleth was released in very close proximity to their reveal.
I know that, but there are skeptics of FP11 releasing this month, and I'm just pointing out how we've had fighter reveals and releases that were months apart.


Smash Master
May 6, 2019
Nowhere (no, not the Islands)
I know Nintendo likes to announce upcoming directs in a fashion such that the direct is Thursday but they announce that it's going to happen in the first place on a Tuesday.

So maybe tomorrow..
If the maintenance means something we should be seeing the Direct announcement tomorrow right?

Basically, if the Direct is this week, it'll be announced Wednesday at the latest. If not, then it's probably next week.

...From now on this cycle will kinda repeat itself until we get a Direct, in early October at the absolute latest lol.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Basically, if the Direct is this week, it'll be announced Wednesday at the latest. If not, then it's probably next week.

...From now on this cycle will kinda repeat itself until we get a Direct, in early October at the absolute latest lol.
Oh we will get a Direct, even if we have to wait tomorrow, or the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next-Shot


Smash Master
Feb 22, 2019
Banjo doesn't really have a "gimmick" as much as he has one gimmicky move. It's not really a universal gimmick the entire moveset is built around like K. Rool's belly armor, Sephiroth's one winged mode or Rosalina's luma partner.
There is also the unique mechanic of Egg firing/Breegull Blaster. So, technically speaking, it would be two gimmicky moves rather than one.
Their other quirks lay in their stats: Banjo's initial dash is one of the slowest initial dashes, roughly tied with :ulticeclimbers: and :ultpyra: , while Kazooie's run is up there amongst the fastest - about on par with :ultridley: 's run speed. There are not many characters with that big of a discrepancy between the initial dash and the run speed, and I think they're the only ones in the game to have a really slow start but a very fast top speed.

Also, they have the lowest traction in the game - tied with :ultgunner: . So yes, they slide around more than :ultluigi: . Now yes this isn't super-noticeable since all characters slide around much, much less than in past games (B-K still slide less than :4lucario: , who had the steadiest feet in 4), but turning with the duo on any ice surface still results in some slippery action.

Edit: Their triple jump height is really low likely to compensate for Up B... I really think this one could've been just a little higher since :ultsephiroth: gets a full blown triple jump during his OWA.

Basically, if the Direct is this week, it'll be announced Wednesday at the latest. If not, then it's probably next week.

...From now on this cycle will kinda repeat itself until we get a Direct, in early October at the absolute latest lol.
Oh we will get a Direct, even if we have to wait tomorrow, or the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next-Shot
Or we get a random trailer announcement a la :ultsteve: . Bonus points if it's coincidentally timed to an event like Minecon.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Edit: Their triple jump height is really low likely to compensate for Up B... I really think this one could've been just a little higher since :ultsephiroth: gets a full blown triple jump during his OWA.
To be fair, Banjo & Kazooie have it all the time while Sephiroth only has it at high percents depending on how much he's winning or losing.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I just beat Monster Hunter Stories 2 last night and, while it is very unlikely at this point, I think one of the riders from that game would make for an awesome Smash character. The riders interest me a lot more than the hunters since they can actually incorporate the Monsties into their moveset. I imagine a hunter would have played much the same as Byleth.

This was my first ever Monster Hunter game and I can see why so many people enjoy the series now. I know this is just a spin-off with different gameplay but I still really like the monster designs and weapon/armor crafting.
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Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
Here's a thing I did for speculation on the last character:
  • Who I want: Sora, Eggman, BWD (I'm more torn on Crash)
  • Who I think it'll be: Anyone who hasn't been deconfirmed yet
  • Who would be possible: No idea
  • Who I feel is unlikely: Anyone who has been deconfirmed or otherwise may not make it
  • Who would be funny: Phoenix Wright
  • Who I don't want: Any Assist Trophy
  • Who I want: Isaac, Eevee
  • Who I think it'll be: Either of those two
  • Who would be possible: First parties NOT commonly seen as possible
  • Who I feel is unlikely: Big third parties (not what happens at the end), smaller third parties (that was FP1's thing), promotional first parties (most got spirited, LM3 is already promoted, Dragalia is closing up shop which is NOT what you do if a new wave of players is on the way)
  • Who would be funny: eh let's not do this
  • Who I don't want: """""realistic""""" choices


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Care to elaborate? What I mean is that they primarily use swords, Axes, and bows for weapons. Byleth has a chain sword but otherwise uses the same weapons as the hunters. At least based on Stories, Byleth’s moveset seems mostly very fitting. The other option is making them a stance character with completely different movesets for each weapon but that would have been three times the work. Plus, you could argue that Byleth could have been a stance character as well just based on Fire Emblem.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Care to elaborate? What I mean is that they primarily use swords, Axes, and bows for weapons. Byleth has a chain sword but otherwise uses the same weapons as the hunters. At least based on Stories, Byleth’s moveset seems mostly very fitting.
Iirc Hunter doesn't use the lance in a similar way and their sword is a giant ****ing slab of iron compared to anything Byleth wields, with Monster Hunter also having loads of traps and **** in the games so they can pretty much be a superheavy with focus on stage control, it's like saying Mega Man would be a Sanus clone


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Care to elaborate? What I mean is that they primarily use swords, Axes, and bows for weapons. Byleth has a chain sword but otherwise uses the same weapons as the hunters. At least based on Stories, Byleth’s moveset seems mostly very fitting. The other option is making them a stance character with completely different movesets for each weapon but that would have been three times the work. Plus, you could argue that Byleth could have been a stance character as well just based on Fire Emblem.
To start, the Hunter has multiple weapons outside of the Sword, Axe, and Bows, so they're not locked to those weapons and can easily vary based on what's picked. Additionally, 3/4 of those wouldn't play the same at all as Byleth's Chain Sword is completely different from the Great Sword, Long Sword (think Lyn's Katana), Sword & Shield, or Dual Blades, the Hunters do not use the Lances the same, and with the axes the Switch Axe and Charge Blade are transforming weapons. Finally, the Hunter has access to multiple tools like traps, bombs (barrel, sonic, dung, etc.), throwing knifes, and so on. Saying that Byleth's moveset would fit is only taking a look at the character at a completely superficial glance, there's far more that the Hunter can offer that Byleth does not.

Edit: Forgot Lances.
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Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Alright, that’s fair. Like I said, MHS2 is the first MH game I played so I have very limited knowledge. I wasn’t trying to say they would be an exact clone of Byleth, just that the general idea of a moveset with multiple weapons would be similar.


Smash Hero
Jun 10, 2014
Somewhere Out There
Here's a thing I did for speculation on the last character:
  • Who I want: Sora, Eggman, BWD (I'm more torn on Crash)
  • Who I think it'll be: Anyone who hasn't been deconfirmed yet
  • Who would be possible: No idea
  • Who I feel is unlikely: Anyone who has been deconfirmed or otherwise may not make it
  • Who would be funny: Phoenix Wright
  • Who I don't want: Any Assist Trophy
Who I Want: A Mario character
Who I Think: Ubisoft character, Switch era first party.
Who Would Be Possible: Mostly Anyone
Unlikely: Non-Third Parties without Switch games (Timing and Precedence doesn’t line up)
Would Be Funny: Again almost anyone, Toadette would be especially hillarious for some reason
Who I Don’t Want: Almost anyone Crash

This wasn’t a particularly hot takey list I admit, but I like a good forum game.

This explains so much lmao
“Smash fanbase is so narrow in their choices, thinking it can only be Crash or Master Chief”

”Oh so who do you think it is?”

”Honestly a 50/50 toss-up between Isaac and Eevee”


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
Problem is, there's no way of knowing who would or wouldn't be complex with their own mechanics
Indeed. Based on other JRPG characters in Smash, I wouldn't have THOUGHT Hero would be as complex as they were. But boy did that turn out to be wrong.

But all you're doing is shaming someone for liking certain things... I just don't see the point in that.
I wasn't aware that disagreeing with someone's opinion or acknowledging obvious biases was shaming. Good to know.
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Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Care to elaborate? What I mean is that they primarily use swords, Axes, and bows for weapons. Byleth has a chain sword but otherwise uses the same weapons as the hunters. At least based on Stories, Byleth’s moveset seems mostly very fitting. The other option is making them a stance character with completely different movesets for each weapon but that would have been three times the work. Plus, you could argue that Byleth could have been a stance character as well just based on Fire Emblem.
For one thing, the fact that the character can wield a bunch of weapons doesn't mean that they have to, and for another, Monster Hunter's weapons range from dual blades to big honking greatstwords; if they played like Byleth, they would likely have zero visual coherency.

Also, Monster Hunter's combat seems to be like if you injected a fair amount of anime into Dark Souls: They do a lot of impossible flips and stuff, but the character's actions still have a lot of weight to it (you can see this in Rathelos's animations as well). In order to keep this feel, Monster Hunter would probably lean on the side of heavy hitter (especially if the greatsword is their main weapon), rather than simply being another alternate take on the traditional swordfighter like most of the Fire Emblem characters (Byleth included).
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Are you people still saying that Byleth is too similar to Monster Hunter?? I thought we already debunked that like 10 times!

Like Cutie Gwen said, the hunters can place pitfall and electric traps, but in addition to the lances as discussed, there is also the gunlance, charge blade and Switch Axe which changes weapons on the fly, the Insect Glaive which is a swirly weapon that the hunters can use as a catapult and uses a bug which retrieves cells from the monsters to buff the hunters, the Hunting Horn which is a giant weapon that buffs allies, and the various bowguns.

I can understand seeing some similarities between the two and they do share a few weapons, but saying that Monster Hunter would play very similarly to Byleth is straight up wrong. Monster Hunter has a total of 14 weapons as opposed to the 3-4 that Byleth uses.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Personally, I wouldn't read too much into maintenance. We always freak out every time this happens; sometimes it leads to something, and other times it's just...maintenance and nothing else.

I wouldn't be too surprised if we don't get anything in September. While not the best indicator of whether or not a general Direct is coming, Dread got a new trailer three days ago. There was a lot of juicy stuff in that trailer, so why not save it for the Direct that's supposedly coming out in the next week or so?


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
...it's like saying Mega Man would be a Sanus clone
Honestly the two are just carbon copies of each other, which is why it's a good thing that Sanus isn't in the game. :troll:

Dark Sanus though? Dark Sanus got robbed. They would have been the perfect Netroid character.


I'm funny! Laugh!


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Are you people still saying that Byleth is too similar to Monster Hunter?? I thought we already debunked that like 10 times!

Like Cutie Gwen said, the hunters can place pitfall and electric traps, but in addition to the lances as discussed, there is also the gunlance, charge blade and Switch Axe which changes weapons on the fly, the Insect Glaive which is a swirly weapon that the hunters can use as a catapult and uses a bug which retrieves cells from the monsters to buff the hunters, the Hunting Horn which is a giant weapon that buffs allies, and the various bowguns.

I can understand seeing some similarities between the two and they do share a few weapons, but saying that Monster Hunter would play very similarly to Byleth is straight up wrong. Monster Hunter has a total of 14 weapons as opposed to the 3-4 that Byleth uses.
Like I mentioned before, my knowledge on MH is strictly limited to MHS2. I didn’t realize people were comparing the Hunter to Byleth. I think I misspoke when I said they would play similarly. I just meant that the general idea of a character with multiple weapons has been done with Byleth where a rider style character hasn’t really (unless you count Wario or Bowser Jr. but those aren’t quite the same as a living mount). Sorry if I offended anyone.


Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
For one thing, the fact that the character can wield a bunch of weapons doesn't mean that they have to
Nor should they in the case of MH. As it's not really representative of how the game is. Where every weapon is like a different class or a different fighting game character. And while you can switch your weapon in MH, you can't do it mid-fight.

To that end, the MH in, say, MvC:I isn't a very good representation.
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Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
Like I mentioned before, my knowledge on MH is strictly limited to MHS2. I didn’t realize people were comparing the Hunter to Byleth. I think I misspoke when I said they would play similarly. I just meant that the general idea of a character with multiple weapons has been done with Byleth where a rider style character hasn’t really (unless you count Wario or Bowser Jr. but those aren’t quite the same as a living mount). Sorry if I offended anyone.
Oh so you were talking about Monster Hunter being a rider instead of a standard fighter? That I can understand, even if I don't think that would be the direction they would take the moveset. I catch your drift now, it's ok, I'm just irritated because I see so many people write MH off just because of Byleth and it pisses me off because MH could easily have a unique moveset but it seems like many people in the Smash community do not play Monster Hunter and other circumstances like MH only using the great sword in MvCI certainly doesn't help either.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Yes they do, as Dung combined with a bomb casing makes a Dung Bomb. It's used to make monsters flee. It's for you to use on that Deviljho when he shows up unannounced to your battle with that Rathalos.
Yep they do.....It's to discourage monsters from fighting the hunters while they are already dealing with another monster.
Hunter 1: "Ugh. I keep getting attacked during a fight."
Hunter 2: "You should set up a bomb to scare them away."
Hunter 1: "Oh you mean like a flash bang or something?"
Hunter 2: "No. Fecal explosion."
Hunter 1: "Wait wut?"


Monster: "Argh! What the heck is wrong with you!?!" storms off


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
Oh so you were talking about Monster Hunter being a rider instead of a standard fighter? That I can understand, even if I don't think that would be the direction they would take the moveset. I catch your drift now, it's ok, I'm just irritated because I see so many people write MH off just because of Byleth and it pisses me off because MH could easily have a unique moveset but it seems like many people in the Smash community do not play Monster Hunter and other circumstances like MH only using the great sword in MvCI certainly doesn't help either.
Yeah, it’s just my own personal preference but I like the idea of a rider over a Hunter character. It’s pretty much the same reason I would prefer Nemesis to Leon, Chris, or Jill. A lot of the appeal of those games for me are the monsters themselves so having a character that represents that aspect appeals to me more.


Smash Champion
Writing Team
Mar 5, 2019
I might be late on this, but don't underestimate Euden fans:

There was a problem fetching the tweet
Do you know where the results came from? Overall this seems reasonable but I just wanted to know if the audience that participated in this poll could have skewed the results. Like I'm surprised that Heavy, Sackboy, and Cinderace are that high up for their respective places.


Smash Hero
Dec 9, 2009
I might be late on this, but don't underestimate Euden fans:

There was a problem fetching the tweet
Looking at this reminds me that I have very different tastes than the majority of Smash fans. Some of these would be cool but almost none are anywhere near my most wanted. Scorpion is really close but I prefer Sub-Zero and Doomguy would be awesome too.
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