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Official DLC Speculation Discussion Volume II

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Smash Giant
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
Icerim Mountains
As far as adding characters from existing series goes (either in this game or the next), here are who I think would be good picks:
  • Super Mario: Waluigi would probably be the best to go with due to the outcry for him. Beyond that, it really doesn't matter. Just wait a game to add another regular enemy like the Goomba and you'll be fine.
  • Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong (or Dixie Kong & Kiddy Kong if you wanted to revisit the duo/character swap idea) is pretty much the only good option left. There are still a few memey options that could be well received like Lanky or Kranky Kong, but the character pool is otherwise unexciting for now.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Pretty much any character with a major role that isn't Link, Zelda, or Ganondorf. Impa, Girahim, The Skull Kid...even Ganon is acceptable, though maybe not the best case scenario. I'd personally add two characters if one of them is Ganon.
  • Metroid: At the moment, the best candidate is the Metroids themselves, but depending on how other characters make a name for themselves in the coming games, that could easily change.
  • Yoshi: It literally doesn't matter. Poochy, Kamek, both, none, take your pick.
  • Pokémon: Nothing I say here matters because we all know the next character will be a Generation 9, 10, or perhaps even 11 starter. There are a ton of good and better candidates, but they're not getting in anytime soon unless they become like Mewtwo or something to "warrant" going back for them.
  • Earthbound: Porky. It's just Porky. Not a necessity, just a fun idea.
    • Later on down the line, pretty much any of the party members from Earthbound and Mother 3 could add a bit more variety to the cast, but they aren't entirely necessary either.
  • F-Zero: Black Shadow and Samurai Goroh are pretty much the only two characters people are interested in at present.
    • Blood Falcon would make a neat alternate costume if you made the final tweaks necessary. I suppose that would probably involve giving him blood effects instead of fire though huh...I would personally try and see what I could get away with, but it would be fine if we had to settle for just red flames as opposed to Captain Falcon's orange ones.
  • Other: N/A
  • Fire Emblem: There are a lot of options, but it would probably be best to just chill with characters from this series for now, then reel everyone back in with someone cool.
  • Kid Icarus: Hades, Medusa, and Viridi would be pretty interesting. Varying levels of unnecessary, but interesting nonetheless.
  • WarioWare: Ashley of course.
    • Maybe one day Wario Land can get some recognition as well...
  • Metal Gear: Raiden aaaaand...I honestly don't know.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Amy, Dr. Eggman...Take your pick.
  • Pikmin: The current character kind of covers the entire series's gameplay, but Alph could add some things as an Echo Fighter or clone character. You could also add a Bulborb or the Plasm Wraith or something but like...why?
  • Animal Crossing: Tom Nook and K.K. Slider are good choices. The animal villagers could work as an Echo Fighter of Villager (call 'em Resident). There are probably a few other choices, but I would stick with Tom Nook in terms of the next full character.
  • Mega Man: Depends. If you want an Echo Fighter, than Proto Man, and probably Bass would work just fine. Dr. Wily is a decent choice for a classic eddition, but I think the better way to go would be to add Mega Man X or Zero to cover more of the series.
  • Wii Fit: Don't.
  • PUNCH-OUT!!: OK, setting aside worries on how they'd be designed, PUNCH-OUT!! does have its fair share of standout characters.
    • Glass Joe would probably have to be a joke character in order to be faithful to him, but it could be kind of funny if he was used to poke fun at Little Mac's previous design if you fixed it, and gave Glass Joe all the same problems and none of the strengths. I personally don't like making characters intentionally weak though.
    • King Hippo might be fun, though they'd probably have to pull out all the stops to make him functional.
    • Soda Popinski could be decently interesting with some sort of powerup mechanic involving his "soda".
    • And of course, they could always add definitely not Mike Tyson Mr. Sandman.
  • Super Smash Bros. (Mii): For a Super Smash Bros. original character, Master Hand would probably be the least divisive choice. For the Miis, add a Mii Caster for the magical flavour.
  • PAC-Man: Ms. PAC-Man in any way, shape or form would be nice.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles: I can tell this is going to end up being a "new protagonists only" series like Pokémon and Fire Emblem before it, but if they do miraculously add a character that isn't that, Elma, and any non-spoilery playable character from the first game are all good choices.
  • Street Fighter: Chun-Li. There are a few other reasonable options like Akuma or Zangief, but I think Chun-Li would be the best option due to her popularity and differences from Ryu and Ken. Street Fighter is more than just shotos after all.
  • Final Fantasy VII: None. Just expand the series beyond a single timeline already. There's more to Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy VII as great as it is.
  • Bayonetta: I dunno.
  • Splatoon: The Octolings would probably be the best option. There are some potentially fun other options like D.J. Octavio, but I'd go with the Octolings first.
  • Castlevania: Alucard.
  • Persona: I'd go with Yu, but the series works like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade Chronicles so it's likely that we'll never see a Persona character from anything pre Persona 5.
  • Dragon Quest: Slime.
  • Banjo-Kazooie: Gruntilda could be fun I guess.
  • Fatal Fury: I don't really know who's specifically from Fatal Fury other than Terry. His series's scope goes way beyond Fatal Fury though, so looking at all of SNK, I'd probably add Kyo next.
  • ARMS: Spring Man and Ribbon Girl.
  • Minecraft: I think Minecraft characters other than Steve go into unnecessary territory, but if you did add something it probably wouldn't matter what.
  • Tekken: Heihachi and Jin.
I'm not very familiar with some of the series the smash roster comes from but some I'd love see:

MGS would be awesome to play as Revolver Ocelot.

Castlevania been wishing for Alucard I even made replications of various areas of the SOTN castle during the stage builder submissions in Brawl Online.

Mega Man would be dope to see Zero

(Ooo that's 2 in a row that are already ATs hrm)

Mario I would enjoy playing as toad for sure!

Zelda gotta be Ganon in all his porky goodness

DQ Jessica imo obv with the awesome alts

Tekken definitely King with his Tbone finisher intact pls

Pokemon that's kinda tough... Machamp tough.

Fire Emblem........ No.

Ok! Anna. Ah Anna. ..

Metroid uh well Kraid

I can't think of any more atm.
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Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
"They're too big." :^) :^) :^)
If anything, the Mechs nowadays are getting much smaller.
As far as adding characters from existing series goes (either in this game or the next), here are who I think would be good picks
I can't decide for all since either they don't really need other characters or I don't know about, but mine would be:
:ultmario:: Waluigi
:ultdk:: Dixie Kong
:ultlink:: If I have to choose a main Zelda character, I'd choose Tetra over BotW Zelda. If I have to choose a BotW character, I'd choose Mipha or Daruk. But BotW Zelda is still a very big possibility.
:ultsamus:: I'll have to wait and see after Dread and Prime 4. And while one of the higher Metroid forms would be cool, Dark Samus is a Metroid already. And Kraid is....well, Kraid, even if there is that Mini-Kraid enemy. If anything, the EMMI and the Live Chozo are really cool possible candidates in the sense that they are part of major Metroid story backgrounds, with the EMMI being robots of the Galactic Federation, a recurring faction, and the Chozo for, well, being a Chozo.
:ultkirby:: I know people want Bandana Dee, but I really want either Dark Matter or Magalor. Dark Matter for being a recurring eldritch abomination in the Kirby series, Magalor for being a Mage character in the Kirby series that has alot of Mage villain characters like Marx, Nightmare, Taranza, Drawcia, etc.
:ultfox:: Probably Krystal due to her moveset potential with her staff and SFAssault weaponry. Andross would be 2nd choice.
:ultpikachu:: Zacian would be my Gen 8 choice.
:ultness:: Either Paula for an easy Echo of Lucas or Porky for his Missing status. And I've grown to the idea of Porky using his Earthbound/Mother 2 Spider Mech.
:ultfalcon:: Samurai Goroh and Black Shadow are the only characters I can see happening and even then, being F-Zero, it's still a very low chance.
:ultmarth:: Most likely the next Fire Emblem main character from the next title. If not, I definitely see a Fire Emblem Heroes character happening for how successful it is.
-Kiran is another FE Avatar character, but they do come with a gun that shoots lightning magic and summons Heroes, and their gun can change into a sword, axe or lance that they can control telepathically.
-Fjorm is one of the main leads and one of the ones they market alot, especially recently. Besides having a lance, she also comes with Ice magic.
-Reginn gets points for being the most recent main lead of Book 5, the latest Book. And she gets points for having a big difference from the usual FE character lead, with her riding a steampunk centuar-like Mecha that, besides wielding a giant sword and shield, can also fire magic bullet shells and missiles.
:ultpit:: Medusa, for being the main villain of the first game and the main villain of the first arc of Kid Icarus Uprising.
:ultwario:: It would be Ashley for her being the most popular WarioWare character.
:ultolimar:: Make :ultalph: an Echo Fighter of Olimar.
:ultvillager:: I'm pretty sure Tom Nook would be the next character after Isabelle.
:ultlittlemac:: I honestly can't see a second Punch Out! rep happening, regardless of how good Punch Out! Wii was and regardless of how unique Punch Out!'s other characters look. If another Punch Out! rep happens, it will be after they release another Punch Out! game.
:ultshulk:: It'll be very interesting to see which character is next after Pyra and Mythra. With Rex seemingly out, I can't really see any other choices besides either another Xenoblade 1 character, Elma or Malos, assuming there isn't another Xenoblade game released.
:ultinkling:: The Octolings are likely to be the next Splatoon character, followed by DJ Octavio.
:ultminmin: After Min-min and Spring Man not getting it, it's anybody's game now. Ninjara could be a potential Echo Fighter for Min-Min, since he has weapons that act similarly to Min-Min's weapons.
:ultsnake:: Konami's a wild card, although Raiden is very likely.
:ultsonic:: It's going to be either Dr. Eggman or Shadow, despite how much I want Tails.
:ultmegaman:: Bass, Proto Man and Roll would make for good Echoes/Semi-clones of Mega Man. That said, Zero is pretty likely as a 2nd Mega Man character with his own moveset due to his popularity.
:ultryu:: I'm pretty sure Chun-Li will be the next character, unless Akuma happens as another Echo Fighter or Semi-clone of Ryu.
:ultcloud:: If Final Fantasy VII, then Tifa will be the next character. If any Final Fantasy can get in, I'm not sure who would be the most likely and I'd be excited to see who is the 1st non-FFVII rep is.
:ultsimon:: It would absolutely be Alucard. No question. IF he stays as Assist Trophy, the only two characters capable of getting in after Alucard are Soma Cruz and Shanoa.
:ulthero3:: Considering Sakurai did consider Slime, Slime seems like they would be the next character. I'm not sure who else would be higher priority aside from Alena from IV or the Hero from V.
:ultbanjokazooie:: Pretty sure it would be Gruntilda if we somehow get another Banjo-Kazooie rep.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
Can only guess, but maybe it's due to him having trouble imagining how to properly scale them? It doesn't hold as much water post-Ridley and we know it's possible (sure :ultbowserjr: has some unsolved jank and is undertuned in some areas, but his character works pretty much).

But, Bowser Jr.'s model seems to be pretty damn big (with a model size comparable to:ultike: and :ultincineroar: ). So larger mechs than Jr.'s may introduce problems relating to how to handle large hurtboxes, especially if the mechs are on the wider side compared to the rest of the cast. The wider (for a lack of a better term) a character is, the more the character risks getting hit by random **** suddenly. Whether it's an opponent's attack or suddenly appearing Bomb-Omb (:ultmewtwo: 's tail hurtbox, for example).

But at the same time, it wouldn't feel realistic at all to have say Eggman be smaller than, y'know, Bowser Jr. So it appears to be a weird balancing act.

Edit: It's really difficult to say what's "too big", but there is a point where some start to feel that either the attacks "shouldn't hit" (Mewtwo's tail) or some people start to wish the character's survivability was buffed to compensate for the huge size and the resulting risk of getting hit (Ridley's weight). OTOH, an overtuned tank could be really problematic to play against, so Sakurai and co. probably want to avoid that too. This is the kind of weird balancing act a more conventional mech user may run into in the design phase is what I'm saying.

Yes, this is not direct evidence and yes, I'll happily eat crow if Eggman or another mech user turns out to be CP11. So in the end, this is just speculation based on circumstancial evidence - it's really difficult to prove why something has not happened as often as one might expect.
Just for curiosity's sake, I'm going to explore this issue for a few options.
Tron has two design options: The Gustaff, and what's essentially the Gustaff without a head and shorter legs. The former is more accurate to the source material (from what I can find), but the latter actually shows Tron, which is probably the reason why the design was made for Marvel Vs. Capcom in the first place. For just the Gustaff, the character would likely be the size of Bowser, which would make Tron very short, but you might be able to rule of cool it for taunts and the victory screen. The second design would have the mech be smaller, and Tron could be a more reasonable size (although you wouldn't get away with the rule of cool as much since you can see her inside the cockpit), causing the character to probably still be about Bowser's size. Both designs would be fairly wide. It's a very bulky mech.

All in all I don't think either option would be obscenely large, though she would be larger and likely heavier than Bowser Jr. What this might mean is that should she get Bowser Jr.'s same damage mechanics, they actually work against her due to it making juggling her easier.

Dr. Eggman has 2 options, and an option I'll immediately dismiss. The Death Egg Robot, while iconic, would make much more sense as a Final Smash or boss since 1, it's freaking huge in all iterations, and 2, you can't see Dr. Eggman inside, which would rob us of a bunch of amusing animations from him.

What makes much more sense is the Egg Mobile and the Egg Walker. The Egg Mobile would be my pick since it's had a lot of attachments over the years (the Egg Walker looks to be one of them), and it's not even twice the size of Sonic (though it might need to be a bit bigger than it is in the classic style games to accommodate for the modern design's legs). The Egg Walker adds a pair of legs and a cannon, which might make it kind of small looking if it were the size of Bowser. It does have a leg up (ha!) on the Egg Mobile in terms of being more easy to determine whether or not it's airborne since it doesn't float, but I don't think it would be too hard to make it obvious that it's jumping by making a flame come out the bottom or something.

Since the Egg Walker seems to be an add-on to the Egg Mobile, and the Egg Mobile has a ton of other attachments, I think it would be fair to have a gimmick where he could modify the Egg Mobile into other forms, with the Egg Walker being one of them, trading a redonculous hitbox for extra projectiles or something. In the Egg Mobile, I'd imagine that Dr. Eggman would be about the size of Charizard or Donkey Kong accounting for the fact that it floats.

So...Sakura is a bit of a weird one. Her mech could be scaled to about Bowser's size (it has more leg that it looks like in the photo so the proportions wouldn't be too bad), but it would make Sakura quite short, and you can't see her while she's inside. On the other hand, having Sakura fight by herself is kind of dodging the whole mech thing entirely, which to my knowledge would be like not including Pikmin in Olimar's moveset. What you might could do, is have Sakura be fairly short for an anime human character, about Joker's height, and allow her to get into her mech mid-match, which fights like her, but is more powerful at the cost of being gourmet combo food.

I don't know much about Sakura Wars, so I could be saying some pretty inaccurate things here.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2015
Dr. Eggman has 2 options, and an option I'll immediately dismiss. The Death Egg Robot, while iconic, would make much more sense as a Final Smash or boss since 1, it's freaking huge in all iterations, and 2, you can't see Dr. Eggman inside, which would rob us of a bunch of amusing animations from him.

What makes much more sense is the Egg Mobile and the Egg Walker. The Egg Mobile would be my pick since it's had a lot of attachments over the years (the Egg Walker looks to be one of them), and it's not even twice the size of Sonic (though it might need to be a bit bigger than it is in the classic style games to accommodate for the modern design's legs). The Egg Walker adds a pair of legs and a cannon, which might make it kind of small looking if it were the size of Bowser. It does have a leg up (ha!) on the Egg Mobile in terms of being more easy to determine whether or not it's airborne since it doesn't float, but I don't think it would be too hard to make it obvious that it's jumping by making a flame come out the bottom or something.
Considering how iconic the Death Egg Robot is (it's getting a new toy soon too!), I could see Eggman making a miniature of it just to use for smash. It's got a bipedal-ness about it that could really work
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Smash Hero
Nov 10, 2014
gonna make a brave claim and say I don’t think we’ll get the great attorney spirits. I think they’ll hold them off and release them alongside a Phoenix Wright mii costume.
Have they ever done that? Release spirits alongside a DLC Mii?

Kerrigan is kind of a weird case because she could easily just be a normal character without any unique mechanics.
Her FS should be Zerg Rush. Which is pretty much the same as Yoshi's FS.
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Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
Have they ever done that? Release spirits alongside a DLC Mii?
Closest would be Arthur for buying Ghosts n Goblins Resurrection, but I don't think that counts since you also had to buy a game to get the spirit initially.

This doesn't count those who are already a spirit and received a DLC Costume or had a DLC costume and DLC spirit on a DLC Spirit Board at the same time.


Smash Legend
Feb 13, 2015
Snake Man's stage from Metal Blade Solid
No offense, but why would people want Slime in Smash Bros.? In a sports game, yes - I can see that (I played Mario Sports Mix as a kid after all). But in Smash? What would he do other than normal attacks, fireballs, radiance, mega-magic, and fusing with other slimes? (This is why I went for Angelo and Anlucia as my picks for more Dragon Quest reps.)
Well, since it has no limbs you'd have to get creative with its normal attacks, so whatever they do come up with will probably be pretty fun and unique. As for the Special Moves, IIRC they get up to some wacky shenanigans in that one Slime focused spin-off, so there's some potential there. Slime fusion might be interesting too; making yourself bigger and heavier with all the benefits and trade-offs it comes with, and then you could lose mass after getting hit, so it turns into a sort of tug of war mechanic.

:ultfox:: Probably Krystal due to her moveset potential with her staff and SFAssault weaponry. Andross would be 2nd choice.
Oops. Looks like I accidentally skipped Star Fox too. I'd say Slippy Krystal is the best pick for a new one.

Actually Slippy could be a fun pick for the lulz, but Krystal is an objectively better pick.

:ultshulk:: It'll be very interesting to see which character is next after Pyra and Mythra. With Rex seemingly out, I can't really see any other choices besides either another Xenoblade 1 character, Elma or Malos, assuming there isn't another Xenoblade game released.
I don't think Rex & Pyra/Mythra is "out" in terms of viability persay, but I don't think there would be any demand/positive reception over the character since Pyra/Mythra is already a thing.

What I would do if I were to add the duo version of the character anyway, would be to do it similarly to how I have it setup in my original concept for the character (though I'm no longer happy with how I handled the Blade Specials, so I would handle it a little differently in terms of how each Blade Special functions as well as slightly tweak the mechanic as a whole to avoid confusion on what the input does). For matches that involve Rex & Pyra/Mythra and Pyra/Mythra, I would stick Pyra's disguise on the Pyra/Mythras that are paired up with Rex so you could tell who's the fighter and who's the AI.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2021
The Spark Inside Your Soul
As far as adding characters from existing series goes (either in this game or the next), here are who I think would be good picks:
  • Super Mario: Waluigi would probably be the best to go with due to the outcry for him. Beyond that, it really doesn't matter. Just wait a game to add another regular enemy like the Goomba and you'll be fine.
  • Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong (or Dixie Kong & Kiddy Kong if you wanted to revisit the duo/character swap idea) is pretty much the only good option left. There are still a few memey options that could be well received like Lanky or Kranky Kong, but the character pool is otherwise unexciting for now.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Pretty much any character with a major role that isn't Link, Zelda, or Ganondorf. Impa, Girahim, The Skull Kid...even Ganon is acceptable, though maybe not the best case scenario. I'd personally add two characters if one of them is Ganon.
  • Metroid: At the moment, the best candidate is the Metroids themselves, but depending on how other characters make a name for themselves in the coming games, that could easily change.
  • Yoshi: It literally doesn't matter. Poochy, Kamek, both, none, take your pick.
  • Pokémon: Nothing I say here matters because we all know the next character will be a Generation 9, 10, or perhaps even 11 starter. There are a ton of good and better candidates, but they're not getting in anytime soon unless they become like Mewtwo or something to "warrant" going back for them.
  • Earthbound: Porky. It's just Porky. Not a necessity, just a fun idea.
    • Later on down the line, pretty much any of the party members from Earthbound and Mother 3 could add a bit more variety to the cast, but they aren't entirely necessary either.
  • F-Zero: Black Shadow and Samurai Goroh are pretty much the only two characters people are interested in at present.
    • Blood Falcon would make a neat alternate costume if you made the final tweaks necessary. I suppose that would probably involve giving him blood effects instead of fire though huh...I would personally try and see what I could get away with, but it would be fine if we had to settle for just red flames as opposed to Captain Falcon's orange ones.
  • Other: N/A
  • Fire Emblem: There are a lot of options, but it would probably be best to just chill with characters from this series for now, then reel everyone back in with someone cool.
  • Kid Icarus: Hades, Medusa, and Viridi would be pretty interesting. Varying levels of unnecessary, but interesting nonetheless.
  • WarioWare: Ashley of course.
    • Maybe one day Wario Land can get some recognition as well...
  • Metal Gear: Raiden aaaaand...I honestly don't know.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Amy, Dr. Eggman...Take your pick.
  • Pikmin: The current character kind of covers the entire series's gameplay, but Alph could add some things as an Echo Fighter or clone character. You could also add a Bulborb or the Plasm Wraith or something but like...why?
  • Animal Crossing: Tom Nook and K.K. Slider are good choices. The animal villagers could work as an Echo Fighter of Villager (call 'em Resident). There are probably a few other choices, but I would stick with Tom Nook in terms of the next full character.
  • Mega Man: Depends. If you want an Echo Fighter, than Proto Man, and probably Bass would work just fine. Dr. Wily is a decent choice for a classic eddition, but I think the better way to go would be to add Mega Man X or Zero to cover more of the series.
  • Wii Fit: Don't.
  • PUNCH-OUT!!: OK, setting aside worries on how they'd be designed, PUNCH-OUT!! does have its fair share of standout characters.
    • Glass Joe would probably have to be a joke character in order to be faithful to him, but it could be kind of funny if he was used to poke fun at Little Mac's previous design if you fixed it, and gave Glass Joe all the same problems and none of the strengths. I personally don't like making characters intentionally weak though.
    • King Hippo might be fun, though they'd probably have to pull out all the stops to make him functional.
    • Soda Popinski could be decently interesting with some sort of powerup mechanic involving his "soda".
    • And of course, they could always add definitely not Mike Tyson Mr. Sandman.
  • Super Smash Bros. (Mii): For a Super Smash Bros. original character, Master Hand would probably be the least divisive choice. For the Miis, add a Mii Caster for the magical flavour.
  • PAC-Man: Ms. PAC-Man in any way, shape or form would be nice.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles: I can tell this is going to end up being a "new protagonists only" series like Pokémon and Fire Emblem before it, but if they do miraculously add a character that isn't that, Elma, and any non-spoilery playable character from the first game are all good choices.
  • Street Fighter: Chun-Li. There are a few other reasonable options like Akuma or Zangief, but I think Chun-Li would be the best option due to her popularity and differences from Ryu and Ken. Street Fighter is more than just shotos after all.
  • Final Fantasy VII: None. Just expand the series beyond a single timeline already. There's more to Final Fantasy than Final Fantasy VII as great as it is.
  • Bayonetta: I dunno.
  • Splatoon: The Octolings would probably be the best option. There are some potentially fun other options like D.J. Octavio, but I'd go with the Octolings first.
  • Castlevania: Alucard.
  • Persona: I'd go with Yu, but the series works like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade Chronicles so it's likely that we'll never see a Persona character from anything pre Persona 5.
  • Dragon Quest: Slime.
  • Banjo-Kazooie: Gruntilda could be fun I guess.
  • Fatal Fury: I don't really know who's specifically from Fatal Fury other than Terry. His series's scope goes way beyond Fatal Fury though, so looking at all of SNK, I'd probably add Kyo next.
  • ARMS: Spring Man and Ribbon Girl.
  • Minecraft: I think Minecraft characters other than Steve go into unnecessary territory, but if you did add something it probably wouldn't matter what.
  • Tekken: Heihachi and Jin.
I suppose I'll join in on the fun. Though I'll skip series that I'm not too familiar with and things like Ice Climbers and Pac-Man.

  • Mario: Toad. Base his moveset around NSMB and its powerups, since we don't really have much of any focus on powerups from any of the Mario cast, curiously enough.
  • DK: Dixie Kong. Done to death, I know, but there really aren't any other major characters that make sense.
  • Zelda: Octorok. I'm serious. Everyone asks for a not Tri-Force wielder for a Zelda rep. They're mainstays in the series, and if a Piranha Plant can be made to work as a fighter, why not a Zelda enemy.
  • Metroid: Let's just de-echo Dark Samus and give it some interesting moves.
  • Yoshi: Kamek. Magic in general is kind of a blank check when it comes to making a moveset.
  • Kirby: Magolor. Nothing against Bandana Dee, but he honestly wouldn't be very surprising.
  • StarFox: Krystal. The franchise needs variety in its representation.
  • Pokemon: Filling in some Gen gaps for 2, 3, and 5. Heracross, Dusklops, Whimsicott, I choose you!
  • Kid Icarus: Gotta be Hades. I can see him playing as a heavy trapper, which is something I don't really think is well repped in Smash.
  • Metal Gear: Psycho Mantis. A trickster that can play past the fourth wall? There is an AMAZING amount of potential here.
  • Sonic: Shadow could easily be made different enough from sonic with his guns, Chaos Spear, etc. Eggman, too. A different take on Bowser Jr. would be really nice.
  • Megaman: Omega Zero and Bass.exe. No reason we can't have more interesting villains as Kazuya has shown us, and the wide and varied arsenal they each have gives a lot to work. Bass.exe has the GetAbility program, which could make for a more interesting take on copy abilities.
  • Final Fantasy: No newcomer is better suited than the one and only GILGAMESH! MORPHIN' TIME!
  • Castlevania: Soma Cruz is my MW from this series, and between the various weapons and soul attacks there's a lot of ways to make it interesting
  • Bonus WTF Character: Excitebike. Make it so that he's constantly moving left or right and doesn't stay still. A novelty gimmick character, I know, but it would be an amusing hit and run character that runs your opponent over, over and over and over.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
A fellow Discord user pointed out a list of events that were "late": New Horizons Spirit Event, Octopath Traveler Spirit Event, Tournament the week of Small Battlefield (literally 6 hours late), Hat Tournament, Sephiroth's Tournament, and the Monster Hunter Rise spirits. Not all, but most were for a purpose of sorts


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
No more heroes 3 spirit event? Maybe some skyward sword spirts not sure sure how many we already have though
Going by this:

I think they've covered the major characters: there's Ghirahim, the Imprisoned, Demise, Groose, Fi, and Loftwing. They don't have Skyward Sword versions of Link, Zelda, or Impa, but I'm not sure if that would be worth having an entire spirit event for.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
How did they not nail Guile’s face…
During the face modeling process, he had to go home and...

...crouch in the corner, sending out one Sonic Boom after another to anyone who tried to get close.


Smash Hero
Aug 8, 2013
Aight guys. Currently no event yet so place your theories on what’s happening from most likely to least likely
I doubt it's FP11's reveal, it's too early for that part. It could be either a promotional spirit event, tournament event, or possibly an update akin to Small Battlefield. Those are the most probable options


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
I doubt it's FP11's reveal, it's too early for that part. It could be either a promotional spirit event, tournament event, or possibly an update akin to Small Battlefield. Those are the most probable options
I agree. Though it would be a great twist of events if sakurai and Nintendo were just like “surprise!!!” And we ended up getting a smash direct announcement for this week.


Jul 14, 2014
The Land of Oz
Switch FC
What time is the event usually announced? I feel like it might be something game changing speculation-wise if it's late.
9pm est.

I remember two previous times it was late we had Octopath Traveler and Monster Hunter spirit events.

However one weekend we had no event. This was around the first weekend of September.


Smash Master
May 19, 2021
So on Blocked Content’s newest video, which talked about the Rapper Mario leak a 2nd time in a row, someone commented “as someone who has leaked stuff in the past, trust me it’s not Capcom.”.

Quite the comment to publicly post, right? Doubt it means anything but just though it stuck out like enough of a sore thumb that I could mention it


Smash Master
Apr 29, 2018
The island of Svölbard
So on Blocked Content’s newest video, which talked about the Rapper Mario leak a 2nd time in a row, someone commented “as someone who has leaked stuff in the past, trust me it’s not Capcom.”.

Quite the comment to publicly post, right? Doubt it means anything but just though it stuck out like enough of a sore thumb that I could mention it

It's Blocked Content.

Just saying you should keep your expectations in check.


Smash Lord
Jun 1, 2020
I now have the fear of going to sleep in case the event is dropped and I completely miss it lol


Smash Apprentice
Aug 3, 2021
The Spark Inside Your Soul

Thanks, I hate it

Not even for hurr durr fortnite bad reasons, I mean, just... just look at them. Ryu and Chun-Li at least looked decent.
"Company with large CCP investments commits act of cultural vandalism against Japanese competitor. Also duckie go QUACK QUACK. Details at 11."

Really the only surprising thing to me is that they didn't make them even uglier.

Anyway, what's going on with that Regginator AMA that was supposed to happen at 9 tonight? Anything interesting yet? Where's that going down?
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