Hazy Maze Cave as a travel/cruise type stage

Nep-Enut's Domain with the mud sloshing around as you run and land on it and a big water pit in the middle with tree platforms sticking out a big ol Nep-Enut ready to bounce out and eat people who don't get away fast enough

Villager's House: It's literally the house from old school Animal Crossing, but it gets taller and more varied as the fight goes on/the house gets upgraded

Warrior's Way: Based on the Streetpass game where your tower/castle gets taller and crazier, except here in Smash it's THREE towers (of each theme of tower) with all the themed Mii armies in the background. Take your stand upon the tower of your choice and defend it as it gets bigger and crazier and the Mii war goes on in the background

Station Square: A travel type stage that goes around the areas of Station Square. The poolside with the ladies, in front of Casinopolis, the train station complete with train, etc... HOWEVER, much like Mushroomy Kingdom/Minecraft World before it, it can load in different ways! Either normal Station Square, or Flooded Station Square, which is more treacherous and has violent waters ready to whisk you away.

Minor Circuit Ring: Kinda like the Boxing Ring, HOWEVER nowhere near as glitzy. No live audience, no big electronic board, not even stadium lighting. You've got a trashy lighting above the ring that you can NOT reach, making for a really dim boxing ring that gives off an underground fight type feel.

Kokiri Village: Just a nice cozy little traveling stage village. Teleport to different areas, like one with buildings for you to jump up on, a little bridge to run across on, trees with branches that stick out for you to run on, a little pool of water underneath one area, being taken off to the area with the Kokiri Sword and the rolling rocks, even ending on a straight, platformless area in front of the Great Deku Tree

Devil's Forest: Kinda like Suzaku Castle where it's really off-balance in a way. A big skull on a mountain is the MAIN area but it's off to the lefthand side while the F-ZERO road is on the righthand side. You don't want to get thrown off the skull and onto the road too often because the cars WILL come, but you can try to bait the other fighter over there.

Krem Quay: A swampy stage divided into two halves, a left side and a right side with a watery area in the middle. There's a giant overturned barrel type platform in the water, but some of the platforms on the water are temporary as the platforms are Krocheads. Green ones will just let you land on them and disappear after a while while the brown ones will spring you really high into the air. Use them to your advantage to escape opponents as you bound from one side of the screen to the other. Kloak will occasionally come in with his Three Stooges laugh and chuck barrels at people.

Brawl Yard: Based on the Pikmin 2 Multiplayer stage, it's a flat walkoff stage with the giant overturned bucket in the middle. That's the only place where height and relative safety is since the ground level area to the left and right of the buckets are being fired upon by Decorated Cannon Beetles who observe from the background. You want to stay on the bucket as long as you can and knock the others off.

Sinnoh Route 225: A LONG walkoff stage with lots of variety! The Survival Area looms in the background, but in the stage proper, the landscape changes almost as much as an entire Pokemon game! From the right, there's a bridge that comes in from offscreen, and this leads to a big patch of long grass, the main feature of this stage. Fighters CAN INDEED hide in the long grass to fool/jump their opponents, but the grass will shuffle with movement. This eventually leads to another bridge that leads to a water pit in the middle of a rocky platform to the left of another long grass patch. Don't drown. Another bridge will lead to a grassy area with another long grass area and the left side of the screen is a BIG rock wall. Now... you can NOT KO to the left side of the screen due to this wall and no lower KOs either due to the floor. You must KO either upwards or to the right.