Smash Hero
I think it's mainly the structure of the progression. Past Zelda games were largely "Do this dungeon, nice, now do this dungeon...", whereas Breath of the Wild threw that progression to the wind (haha) and just let you run around and do whatever. It's also a lot bigger, so there's a lot of room to frick around in. Heck, you can just skip all the Divine Beasts and go straight to Ganon.Also, sidebar, how was Breath of the Wild such a major change to the franchise? Pretty much every Zelda ever has included an open world sandbox to explore. Granted, BotW has a more seamless world structure, but it's still basically just a big enclosed sandbox. The only things it did differently is add breakable weapons, sub-par dungeons (if that's what you want to call them) and scrap the whole kill-bosses-for-special-items-to-progress mechanic. If that's revolutionary, I don't see it as a step up. Good game, but heavily overrated. Also, Age of Calamity is fun and all, but it's pretty much identical to the original hyrule warriors but with a reskinned aesthetic and map system with a different set of characters. So edgy. The story is OK, but like any prequel, it can't really change the source material in any meaningful way. Not sure it counts as Nintendo getting out of their comfort zone.
Granted I have been severely neglecting the Zelda franchise so I could be wrong