I'm so tired of people still treating the Mii costumes like a murder or something, when in reality with only one character remaining I feel like it should be pretty easy to grasp that had they not gotten a costume these characters would likely not get anything at all. Lots of things about general Smash hype culture draining me lately and making me want to talk about it less.
There are still hundreds of viable characters who probably won't have any presence in Smash that would kill for a sliver of acknowledgment. In this regard I don't get the culture behind poking fun at disconfirmed costumes either, it's still some form of a victory and at least from my perspective it's easy to be happy with something vs nothing when there's only one more opportunity for content after this.
Fortunately though, I've seen a lot of grateful Shantae fans today. I think the music definitely helps seal the deal.
As a Dante fan, I honestly prefer no costumes at all, because of many reasons:
-Getting acknowledgement in ways I didn't want to just screams cope (doesn't mean I can't deal with it, but I'm equally tired of this ''oh at least is something'' mentality without properly criticizing said ''consolation'' content). Not to mention it kinda kills the hype, since not everyone is really happy about watching their MW get turned into a bad cosplay rather than the real thing.
-If I wanted a playable alt I can just wait till someone mods his texture over another character, way better than a mii
-He looks fugly which makes it seem disrespectful, same goes to the Sonic costumes and many others. Someone like Shantae fits better due to her height. That said, if it doesn't fit I'd rather not see a costume.
-I don't play miis so don't really care about them, not to mention all 3 variants are awfully bad in competitive play and awkward to use.
-No music, which is even more of a bummer considering how many other costumes got 1 track. Heck I'd actually prefer the soundtracks before a mii I won't even use.
-And last but not least you have to pay for them. Granted, it's not much, but you are essentially paying for extra alts.