You're completely good my friend. I remember when I had to take breaks from the Geno thread because the same crap was being spewed every week for a month and no matter how I interjected to freshen it up, it stayed the same, which was usually a pessimistic outlook. This isn't about taking breaks as much as trying to insert discussion that makes this thread more open-minded.
I will disagree with you that people are free to discuss what they want here because I've seen what happens and how people get shutdown even if they aren't as assertive as I am if what they are saying doesn't match up with what is commonly accepted here. This thread really only accepts those points of view once they end up happening, but not during the build up of people pointing to the signs. However, I will admit that it SEEMS to be a bit better here, but I can't be sure entirely. I will say it's better than GameFAQs or Twitter, but that really isn't saying all that much.
I will say though that it does get a bit tiring arguing with people who think Hayabusa is deconfirmed or that somehow Mii Costumes still deconfirm but only for third party now because they still need a way to hold onto their old beliefs until they are absolutely shattered like with Spirits, and the amount of people who refuse to acknowledge more content can happen just because Sakurai said something in June when things could have easily changed before or after that and he can't leak that
** ahead of it's reveal is actually kind of weirdly depressing. It's like Smash fans at large believe there is no way we can get more content and half of those believe we don't deserve it or some **, and when I offer up things that clash with that and debunk their responses they can't possibly embrace something more positive is possible.
I do think some folks here have at least budged a bit and think an Ultimate Deluxe is possible, so I suppose that's progress.
To quickly address some things so I cna go about my day,
for future reference, if I mention I've heard anything, I can assure you 90% of the time it didn't come from The Janinator, and the other 10% is that it came from somewhere else before he said it and I probably knew about it already. I would love to just barf up some of that ****, but it's not my place and frankly none of you would believe me anyway, so I just stick around and hope that what I hear happens since it tends to clash with what is said here and I find that to be a good thing.
So I won't say that this is a direct quote, but apparently in one of the investors meetings, Furakawa mentioned that we are
technically now in the middle of the Switch's lifecycle due to the delays of stuff from COVID. Regardless of the accuracy of that, I find it incredibly liekly that with the massive delays on content and product across the globe, I feel like assuming the Switch has somewhere between one and two years of support left is wise. Edit: Excuse me, I mean added onto whatever we would have normally, since they are backed up. Also rumors are about that they actually aren't thinking about a system successor right now due to the massive success they've been having, but they are just rumors and I'm sure they do have something in the works even if it's farther off than some of us may think.