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#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
And then another small reason to be v/la came up! I'm back now though.

J said:
Okay with your little "qualms" you have, all of them are reaches to say the least. With your first point you try and use the fact that I am more interested in song claims as a point for me being scummy? That doesn't make sense, because I have been asking for song-claims/role claims from my scum-reads. You keep trying to spread FUD around me w.r.t. this paranoid role you have tried pegging me with that I don't have.
W.r.t. the bolded: Well yeah, he did say that they were small qualms.

I don't necessary think that TB had malice intentions of trying to frame you J. I actually kinda see TB's point. Starting with Gheb, you've asked for his claim in order to understand "where he was coming from," which seemed to me, at best, ill thought out, and at worst, disingenuous. With TB you seemed more concerned with his claim than his death. Idk, but it's feels like it would of been natural for the whole "claiming" thing to be something on the side rather than the main issue at hand.

This IS small potatoes, though, as I'm having a hard time thinking of other scum intent besides it just being disingenuous. It's still something that I don't like, though.

Second, Soup's claim Under the Sea made sense because Sebastian watches Ariel in the entire movie and follows her to follow King Trident's orders. I was skeptical because Under the Sea + Part of That World didn't seem plausible in my eyes.
I really don't think you should be trying to outguess the mod based off of flavor, and I'm not sure that I buy this. The watcher thing makes sense though.

I already explained why I'm more afraid of tracker/watcher because those are the roles that have caught me in the past as scum, not cop. I mention it because it was brought up in the conversation. I didn't just "Oh just so you guys know, Tracker/Watcher make me quake in my skinny jeans."
Lol @ the last sentence.

I agree with you here. I thought that your 783 was obviously just a personal thing that didn't really have anything to do with the game.

Point out how my one post was "overly-defensive".
Yeah, also to add to this I don't really think that there is just a thing as being "overly defensive." When people are attacked the natural response SHOULD be an antagonistic defense, which is what I get from J's 795. The thing is is that people think about THEMSELVES the most, so they're probably able to defend themselves in a great amount of detail.

I dropped the Swords suspicion "too easily" after Rake's Indy flip? What are you getting at here? Yes, my suspicions of Swords were alleviated when he actually began to play the game from the time I posted that .gif because he actually stopped being cautious and finally took a turn at showing us his thoughts in more detail with a bit of brashness.
Hmmmm . . .

I could see why one might think that someone dropping a point after only one post is "too easy," but it was a damn good post that I made if I do say so myself. I think I understand perfectly well where J is coming from here.

(Btw I was only playing catiously at the beginning of the game, besides from that I still don't know what you're talking about J).

Last point is a technicality, my reads on both of your slots have been crystal clear so it should be known that I dislike both of you for different reasons. Your case on John is reaching/opportunistic and Inferno is a sheep for his own skin.

Fine with this to.

Threatening to hammer? Give me a quote of me saying I will hammer John? If you are talking about that post of me "Contemplating" you are seriously twisting my actions T-Block. I never "threatened" John and actually have been defending his butt all game so don't give me this "J has been contradictory" BS without actually having the proof to back up this claim.

Your little quip at the end is terrible too "Doesn't matter both or scum, just cause."
I agree with you that TB is taking this out of proportion. However, I do think it's weird on it's own right that you would even "comtemplate" hammering John if you had him as town all game. J, why were you even contemplating hammering John if you liked him as town?

Nevermind read 1142 again, I thinkkkkkkkkkk that I can buy that from you J.

I never said I was going to hammer John. Let me make this clear TB because you seem to be hard of reading since this is your biggest point and it's based on your mis-construment of my actions. You make assumptions saying "Implying scummy" which wasn't what I was getting at at all. I have just said his play toDay in the earlier phase was worse than the other days.

Do not try and paint me as giving John a pass purely based on VT. Also don't say that I completely gave John a pass because of his attitude. I have been saying John is more anti-town>scummy this entire game. However, when people like Macman/Swords come up and say "John's defeatist attitude rings damn towny" you do not get on their butts, why? I can answer this clearly. You are reaching for reasons to make your case on me seem like it has more weight and not talking about what other players did as well. So let me ask you, this action from me is scummy as you stated. That must mean Macman/Swords are scummier in your eyes because they feel the same way as me correct?

You continue to repeat the same statment that I was threatening to hammer which wasn't true at all, TB.
Hmmm, I actually really like your attitude here J. It rings very much as "annoyed, pissed off townie," rather than "manipulatively nice scum" which is what I would expect out of you as scum.

I don't think that you pointing out that TB hasn't called out me and Macman is a good point though. I'm not saying that this is scummy, just not a good point. Like, trust me, as town I called out certain players for certain actions when other players had done the exact same thing.

Normally I wouldn't like the fact that you even left John as an option open Day 3, however considering how quick you were to put him back as a town read before anyone else, I'll let you have a pass on this one.

An insincere fashion? How do you plan on backing this up with evidence? The thing I was doing was pressuring your slot based on the actions you had done. The battle between you and Gheb was just starting and I disliked both sides of the argument at the time because Gheb was attacking with weak reasoning and your reasoning for having Inferno as town was terrible considering what was going on. It looked more like scummy trying to get extra brownie points on a townie flip if it happened. However, I have no clue which of you two result in scum but I don't feel both of you are scum therefore, I was good with just giving you pressure while maintaining to dislike Inferno.
This seems a bit like a long shot. This seems like a pretty specific conclusion to have made J based off of very little evidence.

Also, in all fairness, you never really stated this back then. I can confirm this from my (attempt at a) reread.
Conveniently placed on D2? I had been saying that since D1 so don't act like it just came out of the blue, TB. And hello, I'm the one who switched the popular train of thought on Gheb D1 and moved it onto you. I was the popular choice maker at the time so your point is out the window.
I do find it a bit odd that your TB suspicion became full fledged after he was abducted, but that could just be happenstance, so I won't hold it against you. Also, it is true that you and Soup were the ones that lead the change from scum Gheb to town Gheb, so yeah.

You aren't even commenting on anything recent and dwelling on the past. T-Block, have you even been reading my posts toDay/yesterDay about Gheb-Yourself? We've already dealt with the Shakespeare bit because it's "lol, seriously?" And then you are just saying "Why didn't he do this the first time?" well TB, based on my posts, I was busy focusing on other things at the time and not really understanding before I decided to try and understand him more clearly. I've always had trouble with Gheb's poetry.

Conclusion: Your entire premise of "not being of the town perspective" is a load of bull to be blunt. You have warped yourself into this mind-set and have refused to try and see another way to look at it and try to use every point you can gather as a reason for me being scum (a.k.a. scum-goggles). So show me the town perspective in that.

Final Part.
This is fair enough, but could you quote for me J where you already went over this, J?
Soup was my strongest town-read D1. In fact, he was everyone's strongest town-read D1. The only one who started "light pressure on Soup" is you and you were the only one to knock his town-cred which leads me more to believe you are connected to Soup because of the way you tried to be an outlier in the dilemma with Soup and your suspicion of him was bogus at the time. Our interactions look scripted? You do realize that's the same thing you are trying to not say by us "agreeing with each other". You keep saying scripted and as an actor, you have got to be kidding me. I don't look scripted when I'm putting on a show, especially a scum-one. To find my scum-buddies, you usually have to dig hard to find them based on their interactions with me instead of my interactions with them. That's my opinion on that matter.

And again, you just repeat yourself to make it seem like you have a stronger point here, when you don't really have anything substantial to hold weight to your point.
I first read TB's case before your response, and I have to say that I was more or less thinking that same thing. I do have my worries (for example, early on Soup said that he "liked you a lot this game" even though you had only made a couple posts at that point in time, which made me think that you guys might of been setting something up). Otherwise your response here is logical and fair. There's no way for you to prove that your interactions with Soup weren't scripted, but using Occam's Razor, I think that it's fair to believe you. It's certainly true that I had Soup as a major town read early on myself, so the reasons you wanted opinions from him seem fair.
Soup was scum grasping at straws to hurt my credibility. What else can I say to this?

Sorry this is so late, been doing other things around the boards lately.

Getting to other things now.
Also fair enough.

The point about Soup trying to incriminate J as an indy is one part meh and one part WIFOM. He honestly could of genuinely thought that J was the indie as scum, I know that I did at the time.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Well what do YOU think about a J lynch? Or a TB lynch? You keep playing around with me toDay and it's no fun being used.
What do you mean "used?" Whatever it means, you don't seem happy about.

Don't take it personally. I hope that I'm not coming across as "mean" to you; I'm just scumhunting. Hell, everything "mean" that I said this game wasn't really meant to be taken personally. For example, I didn't tell John to "drown in a pool of acid" because I genuinely dislike him, but because of the fact that he COULD very well be town and yet still have played in such a way that makes it very hard to tell so.

What do I think about a J lynch? Well, now, after the post that I just went through, it's looking a lot less attractive to me. However, before, I honestly wouldn't of mind having you lynched. EVEN THOUGH you and Soup look less connected than connected, and EVEN THOUGH you started off strong this game, I simply can't shake the paranoia from your slot. The fact that you've been playing uncharacteristically sloppy this game, as I've gone over earlier. Plus, the way that you and TB have been at each others throat's, do you not think that it's fair to be tempted to lynch one of you two and see where it leads us?

What do I think about a TB lynch? Well, it's lower on my list of lynches (I would lynch Macman over him at this rate), but again after your last post and after rebutting TB's post it's starting to become a more attractive option for me. He's lower on my list of lynches though because well, while his attacks on you are bad, there are two things that hold me back from calling him complete scum:

1 He's been attentive this game. He has called you and others out on things that I missed and thought was legit. The fact that he seems to really have his head in the game makes it seem to me that he's genuinely scum hunting.

2. This one's hard to explain, but sometimes, reading through his posts, there's just this sense of honesty that I pick up from them that I like. I don't feel like looking through his posts right now for an example but trust me, it's there, and I read townie into it.

Hope that explains things.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
John2k4 (3): Inferno3044, Gheb_01, T-block
T-block (3): Clover, J, John2k4
Inferno3044 (1): Vinyl.

Not Voting (2): Sworddancer., Macman

deadline is august 7 11:59 pm est

with 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch!

prodded clover and macman


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
John is purely anti-town in my eyes. There is nothing scummy nor malicious behind his posts and Gheb needs to get rid of his hard-on for this slot being scum because he and TB working together to make that lynch go through is terrible.

Me and Marshy are probably the people who know how to read John the absolute best whenever it comes to him posting as of late and yes, I'm sorry if you don't like this but I will defend the dude because he is a town read of mine that is up for a lynch when there are much scummier targets (i.e. TB/Inferno, hell I'd lynch Macman before John). John is easy to paint as a ML because people don't look at the intent in which he is trying to post. Can someone seriously point to me something substantial w.r.t. John that isn't shallow/vapid? The entire case on him is bad and only brought about by people having a disagreement to how he plays.

TB's case is reaching on John and also his connection theory to Soup is weird/bad. Gheb has no case besides his connection case to Soup (which holds more weight than TB's) but than again, it's a connection case and not something based solely off of John's actions which Gheb has continuously just said is bad and therefore should be lynched.

So I have a challenge for you Swords, point me in the direction of a decent case on John.
Err, why are you giving me this challenge? I don't want the dude lynched, lol.

J I was kinda hoping that you would quote posts from John that were being misinterpreted. Posts that you thought came off as anti-town. Instead you kind of just stated that "I'm good at reading John, you guys aren't looking his intent, show me how he could really be scum."

You don't have to do this if you don't want to, but it would be nice.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Getting to other things, you have brought up the Inferno-Soup connection with the slight distancing of one another and not really dealing with each other at all. I would also like to bring up the fact of Inferno being convicted of Soup being scum after the Watcher claim and only the watcher claim. Regardless of what Inferno says, he was not fully for lynching Soup when the time came. Instead he kept it until after Soup claimed watcher and his conviction was weird. He even stated that the only thing that changed his mind to lynch Soup yesterDay was the fact that he claimed Watcher and not anything about his play nor about Rake's investigation. His odd conviction of Rake being indy/scum yesterDay did not make sense with the information presented before us. We had no one CC cop nor did we have anyone try suggesting Rake as scum besides Inferno which didn't make sense and still doesn't.
Lol, that's not what I said at all.

I said that Soup was attacking Inferno TOO hard TOO soon, which is why I expected a connection. They were DEFINITELY "dealing" with each other J, and I also brought up that I thought that a connection between the two doesn't really make sense from Inferno's side of things, since his responses to Soup appeared natural and logical.

I agree with you that the whole "Oh now I'm suddenly suspicious of Soup because he claimed watcher which I don't believe" seemed odd. However I'm not fully sold on that this is something that I couldn't put past him simply being a dumb townie. Hell, the thing with Inferno's play this ENTIRE GAME seems consistent with itself, and a dumb town sort of way. Maybe I shouldn't think like this, but consistent play reads more townie to me on the whole.

Inferno toDay has only been looking to save his own skin and the is pretty much all he has been doing all game. He has hidden behind the bigger targets in the game and said he would vote them to either "save his butt" or because his lynch he wants isn't going through but has not pushed a single scum-read himself this entire game. He has been content to just skate and sit on the side-lines this entire game.
Hmmm, okay, I admit that I kinda got this feeling to toDay. However, you're stating that he's been like this all game. Do you have evidence for this?

Also what's with this "homework" shtick you have been working at? It's weird to say the least haha. (not in an alignment way, but a weird way to word/play this stuff)

Finally getting to John stuff now.
It's just a word that I've felt like using this game. I think it's pretty self-explanatory, especially considering the fact that I've always pretty clearly defined what everyone's "homework" was.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
got prodded

vinyl i wanted to reread to solidify that point (I also wanted to see if someone else pointed out), but basically I based it off of tb vs gheb d1 and how soup wholeheartedly took tb's side and tried to push gheb.

/more incoming

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
If I had a dime for every time someone was viewing the thread but left the thread without responding than I would probably have enough money to buy a soda.

J you have so far earned me 20 cents today alone. While I appreciate the money, I'll appreciate your presence while I'm here more.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
And now a dime from TB.

vote: Inferno

Not completely feeling Inferno but the deadline is coming up and tbh there really isn't ANYONE that I feel fully confident on at this point in time.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
got prodded

vinyl i wanted to reread to solidify that point (I also wanted to see if someone else pointed out), but basically I based it off of tb vs gheb d1 and how soup wholeheartedly took tb's side and tried to push gheb.

/more incoming
I don't recall this wrt the bolded.

I'm assuming that your "incoming content" will be related to this, no?

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I don't recall this wrt the bolded.

I'm assuming that your "incoming content" will be related to this, no?

i could have remembered wrong i guess... blurghh i really don't wanna reread. I don't think we're in lylo so can everyone just give me a pass till tmrw? ill step it up then for sure


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
9 alive. I'll assume that there are 2 scum left since that seems to be the common mindset.

Definitely not in LyLo.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
It would be unfair to mafia if they only had two members this game, so yeah I think it's safe to assume that two scum remain.

Gone for the rest of the night btw.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Sword, it's kinda frustrating when you do things like understand what I'm saying on the John-J interaction, and then say you "thinkkkkkkkkkk" J is fine off a terrible post like 1142. You don't think it's weird at all that J would take a bite of "humble pie" (what a stupid expression... when did that become popular around here?) in the first place? Especially with how little time that lasted?

Anyways, Inferno, you should claim.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh if Inferno is claiming, TB should claim as well. I mean he even has more votes than Inferno so kind of agreeing with Vinyl on the "...." @TB asking for Inferno's claim.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@TB: Not really, considering that afterwards J was pretty quick to put John back as a town read without anyone else but John giving him reason to do so.

TB, that was just one point. What about the other things that I said?


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
So I crumbed this pretty well, especially in more recent posts. I am A Whole New World, Town Forensics Explorer. Each night I "Go on a magic carpet ride" to a dead body and I will see all who have visited them. However, this brought a problem. This was the biggest reason I knew Soup was lying. I'm more or less an upgraded watcher. I actually did expect to keep my power hidden and use it to carry me through the game, but when I visited RF's body last night, nobody had visited him. Therefore, I know that the mafia have a ninja. Anyways I found all but one of my crumbs and I will explain the one I couldn't find after I explain these:


Let's take this whole situation from the top shall we?

I gave you an RVS vote for an RVS reason. It was obvious I did that. Soup calls me a sheep and votes me and you decide to fly in and sheep him. On top of being hypocritical, you are trying to justify your vote as soon as you're called out on it. So my opinion on you is that I am fine with you dying atm.

For RF I don't care too much about them. They will do what they please and I will make a read on them when I have enough substance

Really hidden but obvious crumb. Generally I would've used the word jump to explain moving onto a wagon, but for crumbing purposes I used the word fly.

I'm town and I've been trying to push my scum reads as I've had them. I like how I try to push a lynch and I'm called scum but someone like Ryker can do this and everyone follows him like he's a sheppard. I have my scum read and I still think he is still possible to be scum despite the AtE. Hell I'll even claim if he flips town as my first post if he flips town.

However I see that with how J is playing, he will fight tooth and nail to let John run around the streets at his will doing absolutely nothing. If John is scum and runs around like a rat, we will lose this game because of J.
Once again another very obvious crumb. Aladdin is always getting called a street rat by the guards and other people. Using this to describe John combined my thoughts that if he doesn't get lynched soon, you guys will let him live due to his AtE and a very easy way to put a crumb.

You sound confident in that statement J. Im not sure what I think of it actually. Ive been getting into trouble a lot and I don't see TBlock scum nor do I plan to be vote him only to save my own skin. I will decide on him at a later time. When's the deadline again?

A more slight crumb here. Since Aladdin is a thief, he is always getting into trouble with Abu for his survival.

The last one of mine was due to RF promising a case on Swords and I was wondering if they ever would do it or would be a fraud. I used the word fraud as an implication that Aladdin is a fake prince.

If J votes me, I swear I will gun after him.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Inferno, you should vote T-Block.

Kind of wanted to vote you just to see the mini-rage but I put that evil side away. xD


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
thank you

now can we move on and vote for john

it was painfully obvious that inferno was an investigative of some sort

am i allowed to say i think it's scummy that j didn't see it?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Nope, Inferno was PR or Scummy. Felt more scummy, he claimed PR, more content with him living and much more comfortable with my vote on you.

Now get outta here with that underlying suspicion at me w.r.t. Inferno.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Funny, I had pegged Soup for a PR>Scummy and Inferno as Scummy>PR. I need to double-check my tells more.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, he wouldn't have known Rake would die.
Right, he couldn't have investigated him.

I'm still very sceptical about his claim regardless. A role that likely won't be counter-claimed and a result that's not only worthless but also doesn't back his claim up in any noticeable way don't really put things in his favor all of a sudden. We're into Day 3 and he claims to be an obscure PR but has not proven more worth than a mere VT.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
J, if we don't lynch Inferno then convince me that T-Block is a better lynch than John. So far you've been wrong on quite a number of accounts and I don't find that as funny as you claim to do.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Gheb did you read Swords post on my rebuttal?

Also the only one I have been wrong on so far is Soup in terms of flips. No one called Rake (cept Inferno) so cant really hold that one against me.

I'll try to sell you more on T-block but me and Sword in answering my rebuttal have given more than enough reasons to lynch Tblock.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I don't see anything in Sworddancer's post that looks like he's convinced of TB being a good lynch. And I don't trust you anywhere near enough on this to vote TB over John, especially since your reasoning on why John's not a play ... doesn't even exist.



Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Right, he couldn't have investigated him.

I'm still very sceptical about his claim regardless. A role that likely won't be counter-claimed and a result that's not only worthless but also doesn't back his claim up in any noticeable way don't really put things in his favor all of a sudden. We're into Day 3 and he claims to be an obscure PR but has not proven more worth than a mere VT.

the role is CC'd by ANY investigative

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