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Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Welp, this stuff has some weak reasoning I guess.

Vote: Inferno

And John wonders why I want him dead.
I'm with you on Swords, Vinyl, and Clover as town. I want John dead and I think Gheb is scum. However T-Block said he won't be back until Tuesday. I want people to give input but they are being lazy. Gheb get in here and say something useful.

I am not going to move my vote for a few reasons:

1. I want T-Block to claim before I think of hammering him.
2. I don't want to move my vote and start a new wagon because I don't want the T-Block wagon to die down.
3. If by some odd way we get a wagon back onto John by the end of today, I'm still for it.

I will hammer T-Block if I see it as a wise decision.
If anything I will just unvote.
That's I'm gonna tell you to do. Unvote.
Not to be rude Vinyl but I like my vote where it is. But as I said, T-Block's claim can easily change my view on him and I will vote him. Im willing to cooperate, but in the end I still think he needs to die. Why are you so concerned with one vote on John?

Seriously serious on seriously wanting John after what I said is accurate that john is town.

T-Block vote John. He's a more realistic play atm.

I don't have a scumread on J atm. If he is still alive later I will take a 2nd look at him. As for the claim I wouldn't have been like "oh he's a VT. Hammer." I meant if you had tried to do something like Soup did by claiming watcher or some other ridiculous claim I would vote you. Also as I said, sometimes town needs to negotiate to get a lynch. However seeing your recent posts, I would rather not have you lynched. John's a much better choice. I swear most of what John has done was call you Freeblock. He is obviously trying to instigate you and get you to snap and cause your lynch.

TB, vote john with me. He is the best play.

Really trying hard to convince him while he thinks t-block could be scum if he claims.
He's stating that john's anti-town play on calling him freeblock is mad scummy.


Hate dealing with this kind of AtE. John has been a scum read and someone I want dead.

Aggro as hell.

Regardless of appeal, I still want him lynched. **** like this can be talked about post game. The self vote doesn't change anything. You voted yourself J in PM64 mafia and you were scum.

What the ****?

What does J voting himself have to do with?

Other than that, aggro.

Because back in the day people had to be real fancy to say things like "I wanna get it in with you," "My **** is bigger than yours," and "**** you! you're a ****."

So how about John getting lynched?
Oh god, this guy.

Also I did not use your meta. I just used an example to point out that self voting is not a town tell and that was the one that came to mind. I want to lynch who I think is scum and that's John. Also have Gheb who has done basically nothing as a scum read but I don't see him as a possible lynch today.

I moved off of you because I would've only voted you for the sake of negotiation. Currently I am trying to work with you because we had a lynch target that we agreed upon (John). I am willing to work with people in order to get actions performed. Also way to not trust me. I would simply say you're right or you're wrong


And to top it off, inferno. Do you have a case on John?


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
ty J

vote: John2k4

not to say i'm satisfied with j's response or anything (i'll get to it in a bit), but since j's lynch doesn't seem like it's on the table, i'd rather go with john.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I only said I wanted him dead after he claimed. When Rake said that there were unaligned neighbors I knew Soup was scum unless Rake was a lyncher/warlock. However I wanted to pursue him because a lot of things didn't make sense. His role name was hella fishy since it was the sample role PM, and he seriously was gonna run the town by his plan and everyone would've followed. When he claimed watcher, I just said **** it because at that point any theory of Rake being a lyncher went out the window. I actually thought he was mafia trying to bus his partner, but being an indy abductor is still something needed to go. Say what you guys want but I thought it was a very good decision and I would've made a case and pursued him today if he didn't die.



Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Vinyl, Im willing to accept responsibility on John's flip. I know that if he flips town Im gonna be in a bad spot. I wish I could bring up Rake's aggro, but you replaced in today so I can't say anything on it regarding you.

Also one thing I don't like about J is that he said TB and I were of opposing alignments as opposed to not scummates with each other. If I die today please do not sleep on J. Hell im ready to claim if you guys want. Im confident to say TBlock is wrong on it (if you vote me before I claim TBlock I will kill you).


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, imagine that we can't lynch Inferno OR John toDay. In that case scenario, what do you think about a J lynch? A TB lynch?
Such a worthless question, I don't even see why I'd need to answer it. Or why you'd want to know for that matter. If it actually came down to such a scenario you'd see which side I take.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I feel like J responded to everything that needed a response. Right now, I can't see how his lynch would be justified in any way. I'm just on the fence on whether I can trust his read on Inferno more than I can trust my own read on John.
I want to hear Macman and Clover weigh in on who should be lynched [and why] before I make up my mind. I feel like both players have offered way too little toDay for how much content has been debated.



The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Hmm my one post where I tried to do something went over everyone's heads. ;_;

A TL;DR version of it: How many scum would we be dealing with in a small game w/ a flipped indy?


ty J

vote: John2k4

not to say i'm satisfied with j's response or anything (i'll get to it in a bit), but since j's lynch doesn't seem like it's on the table, i'd rather go with john.
Now taking bets on how long this vote will stay here, what with how much you've been throwing it around. :|

I like all of J's walls [sorry].

Vote: T-Block


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Okay with your little "qualms" you have, all of them are reaches to say the least. With your first point you try and use the fact that I am more interested in song claims as a point for me being scummy? That doesn't make sense, because I have been asking for song-claims/role claims from my scum-reads. You keep trying to spread FUD around me w.r.t. this paranoid role you have tried pegging me with that I don't have.

Second, Soup's claim Under the Sea made sense because Sebastian watches Ariel in the entire movie and follows her to follow King Trident's orders. I was skeptical because Under the Sea + Part of That World didn't seem plausible in my eyes.

I already explained why I'm more afraid of tracker/watcher because those are the roles that have caught me in the past as scum, not cop. I mention it because it was brought up in the conversation. I didn't just "Oh just so you guys know, Tracker/Watcher make me quake in my skinny jeans."

Point out how my one post was "overly-defensive".

I dropped the Swords suspicion "too easily" after Rake's Indy flip? What are you getting at here? Yes, my suspicions of Swords were alleviated when he actually began to play the game from the time I posted that .gif because he actually stopped being cautious and finally took a turn at showing us his thoughts in more detail with a bit of brashness.

Last point is a technicality, my reads on both of your slots have been crystal clear so it should be known that I dislike both of you for different reasons. Your case on John is reaching/opportunistic and Inferno is a sheep for his own skin.

You dropped the indy suspicion of Sword before Rake's flip. I just didn't see much of a shift in Sword's play at all that would trigger someone who had been disliking him to suddenly like him.

Anyways, I'd like to focus on the meat here:

Threatening to hammer? Give me a quote of me saying I will hammer John? If you are talking about that post of me "Contemplating" you are seriously twisting my actions T-Block. I never "threatened" John and actually have been defending his butt all game so don't give me this "J has been contradictory" BS without actually having the proof to back up this claim.

Your little quip at the end is terrible too "Doesn't matter both or scum, just cause."

I never said I was going to hammer John. Let me make this clear TB because you seem to be hard of reading since this is your biggest point and it's based on your mis-construment of my actions. You make assumptions saying "Implying scummy" which wasn't what I was getting at at all. I have just said his play toDay in the earlier phase was worse than the other days.

Do not try and paint me as giving John a pass purely based on VT. Also don't say that I completely gave John a pass because of his attitude. I have been saying John is more anti-town>scummy this entire game. However, when people like Macman/Swords come up and say "John's defeatist attitude rings damn towny" you do not get on their butts, why? I can answer this clearly. You are reaching for reasons to make your case on me seem like it has more weight and not talking about what other players did as well. So let me ask you, this action from me is scummy as you stated. That must mean Macman/Swords are scummier in your eyes because they feel the same way as me correct?

You continue to repeat the same statment that I was threatening to hammer which wasn't true at all, TB.
Wow who the hell cares whether we say "threatening" or "contemplating"? You were considering ending the Day with his lynch. Replace all instances of "threatening" with "contemplating" in my original case and all of the arguments still hold just the same. Let me bring up this post again, J: post 1182, where you explicitly state that you were contemplating a hammer on a player you thought was anti-town rather than scummy. You explicitly state that you NEVER FLIPPED YOUR READ ON HIM. So, you still have not addressed why, when you have been supposedly thought "John is more anti-town>scummy" the whole game and have had a gut town read on John, you would EVEN CONTEMPLATE hammering him when you had AN ACTUAL SCUMREAD on my slot, with Macman and Gheb likely to support you on pushing me at the time.

I'm putting it in green so that you understand that my focus is not so much on how you went back to refusing to vote John (although I don't like that either). My focus is on the contemplating hammering. But on that note, Macman never said anything about a defeatist attitude - he also never expressed consideration of a hammer. Sword did say his tone rang genuine, but he never completely hopped off of John (post 1243). So yes, they also extracted similar conclusions from John's tone, but I have a MUCH easier time reconciling with their thought processes than I do with yours, because you jumped to a straight-up refusal to even vote John.

An insincere fashion? How do you plan on backing this up with evidence? The thing I was doing was pressuring your slot based on the actions you had done. The battle between you and Gheb was just starting and I disliked both sides of the argument at the time because Gheb was attacking with weak reasoning and your reasoning for having Inferno as town was terrible considering what was going on. It looked more like scummy trying to get extra brownie points on a townie flip if it happened. However, I have no clue which of you two result in scum but I don't feel both of you are scum therefore, I was good with just giving you pressure while maintaining to dislike Inferno.

Conveniently placed on D2? I had been saying that since D1 so don't act like it just came out of the blue, TB. And hello, I'm the one who switched the popular train of thought on Gheb D1 and moved it onto you. I was the popular choice maker at the time so your point is out the window.
Ye know, the "back this up" defence is nice, but it doesn't really work when you're quoting the evidence in the very same post. Here you go:

"J has been pushing my slot in an insincere fashion all game, and the push does not come out of town motivation. Look at post 334, where he says that even though he dislikes Gheb, he likes the fact that he is voting me. This implies that J himself dislikes my slot, but the ONLY reason he has given for disliking me at this point is in post 288 for having Inferno as town. He does not elaborate any further on why he dislikes me. He does not address where I justified my town read on Inferno. He does not dig any further into my slot, but is instead content to voice shallow discontent and simply state that he is willing to lynch me. This is not townJ’s mentality.

Then at the beginning of D2, he has another convenient TvS on the T-block vs. Gheb interaction, with a scumread on the abductee, and a townread on the slot whom people were beginning to label as town towards the end of D1. This trend had been going on since early D1 - finding Gheb more suspicious when he was the more popular choice, and finding me more suspicious when I was the more popular choice. He finally gives more reason to have me as scum in post 1232 and it’s bull****. He reiterates his TvS read (and even says my lynch would turn Gheb into a scumpick if I flip town - setting up that mislynch if Gheb is town). He calls my hop onto John opportunistic, even though I was the first one to provide the Soup-bus angle, which is reasoning more solid than anything that had been presented so far. His post 1166 is grimy in asking me to quote John suspicion from earlier - because I wasn’t around to even have the opportunity to give it.

Also, my reasoning for having Inferno as town is definitely no worse than your reasoning for having John as town. =P Plus, mine was based on early D1 whereas you have maintained that terrible read through the entire game.

You aren't even commenting on anything recent and dwelling on the past. T-Block, have you even been reading my posts toDay/yesterDay about Gheb-Yourself? We've already dealt with the Shakespeare bit because it's "lol, seriously?" And then you are just saying "Why didn't he do this the first time?" well TB, based on my posts, I was busy focusing on other things at the time and not really understanding before I decided to try and understand him more clearly. I've always had trouble with Gheb's poetry.
If you didn't feel like digging into Gheb's poetry at first, fine. I still dislike that you were willing to cast suspicion on him without even understanding what he was saying. Seems highly irresponsible for a town member.

Conclusion: Your entire premise of "not being of the town perspective" is a load of bull to be blunt. You have warped yourself into this mind-set and have refused to try and see another way to look at it and try to use every point you can gather as a reason for me being scum (a.k.a. scum-goggles). So show me the town perspective in that.
As I said, I enjoy being thorough. I'm willing to drop the things that aren't as important though, or that I only mentioned as off-hand suspicions.

Soup was my strongest town-read D1. In fact, he was everyone's strongest town-read D1. The only one who started "light pressure on Soup" is you and you were the only one to knock his town-cred which leads me more to believe you are connected to Soup because of the way you tried to be an outlier in the dilemma with Soup and your suspicion of him was bogus at the time. Our interactions look scripted? You do realize that's the same thing you are trying to not say by us "agreeing with each other". You keep saying scripted and as an actor, you have got to be kidding me. I don't look scripted when I'm putting on a show, especially a scum-one. To find my scum-buddies, you usually have to dig hard to find them based on their interactions with me instead of my interactions with them. That's my opinion on that matter.

And again, you just repeat yourself to make it seem like you have a stronger point here, when you don't really have anything substantial to hold weight to your point.
Okay, you're bashing the Soup-John connection, and then you pull THIS out of your ***? My suspicion of Soup stemmed from the fact that I thought he was fabricating a Gheb town read (and guess what - he was), which is certainly not bogus.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Soup was everyone's biggest town read? I didn't know that. And my feelings towards J aren't looking as positive. He has the WORST reason for a town read on John and has white knighted his *** the entire game. Has to be the worst reason for doubting a neighborhood I have ever seen and considering the watcher thing might be true because of flavor (please use this against me J. I dare you) and a poor flavor argument at that. They were both Little Mermaid songs which to me makes enough sense. If I claim, your first response better be an unvote or I will gun your ***.



Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
For someone that claims im just trying to keep my options open, his options are pretty open. He says scum is between me and TB and the other between Gheb and Macman. That's 4 options he has and if TB flips town he will go for me solely because of TB flipflop and vice versa. His options are actually much worse. Honestly my options right now are john and J if enough people were for his lynch. Much less than his. Gheb/Macman are back burners atm.



The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
I would assume so, considering that those asked to claim many times have refused [many times].

From past experience, mass claims are generally not a good idea.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I agree that a lot of things about J don't add up even though he at least got out of his way to respond to TB's wall. But none of what he's doing is straight-up scummy and a lot less incriminating than what Inferno / John have done.



The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Why are you suddenly claim/role hungry, Vinyl?
What post(s) caused you to suggest a mass-claim?


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Oh, lol.

The fact that there's two scums left and 7 townies gives out a higher chance at winning.
Though, we have scum who does night kills. I thought it was better to see if we can just do a mass claim and not have a harder time.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
So you're expecting scum to walk up and say "Hey, I'm X song, Mafia Whatever".
Doesn't work that way.

You still have not answered my quote, either.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
I only see that no one has been taking much attention and response to it.

People want t-block to claim and some others don't think that's good.
Inferno is willing to claim whenever. You already claimed.

I think others need to as well. That's why I suggested.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
He's never going to read my posts I guess. ;_;

Vinyl. Which post(s) are causing/caused you to want a mass-claim?
No particular post is a valid answer.

Just answer it please. :glare:


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC

Why are you looking more at the songs in the claim, J?
And because I don't understand something, why did everyone move off of John just because he claimed VT? I don't get how that makes him towny.
odd it somehow posted prematurely

i moved off john because i didn't want him self hammering himself and wasting a day, plus his reaction/ate to his wagon made me lean really awful town as opposed to scum. so i like tblock better for now

why do you guys want tblock to claim/suspect him?
If you're scum, you're amazing at sounding really new/unaware of things. From what I've seen, a 13 man game generally has 3 mafia and usually 1 indy not always (the game I hosted had no indy). However the indy already died so I would say that now what we are looking for are 2 mafia.

@Macman - The unvote from him is really the only thing for me, but it's quite a bit of a red flag. It looked like he didn't want to really vote him and is trying to not get on J's bad side. My personal preference would be to lynch John, but I will cooperate if we decide to go to a T-Block route. I want his claim.
TBlock can we get a quick claim out of you?

I am not going to move my vote for a few reasons:

1. I want T-Block to claim before I think of hammering him.
2. I don't want to move my vote and start a new wagon because I don't want the T-Block wagon to die down.
3. If by some odd way we get a wagon back onto John by the end of today, I'm still for it.

I will hammer T-Block if I see it as a wise decision.
Mafia bus each other all the time. They do it to try and look more towny by saying "oh look I found a mafia and lynched him." They will also do it for distancing purposes so when a player flips scum they wont directly look their buddy.

Not to be rude Vinyl but I like my vote where it is. But as I said, T-Block's claim can easily change my view on him and I will vote him. Im willing to cooperate, but in the end I still think he needs to die. Why are you so concerned with one vote on John?

That was before I delivered on what I promised and addressed the concerns brought up against me.

I already said if people still want me to claim (people other than you and John), I will.
Inferno keeps asking for your claim.
i wouldnt mind a claim from you at all
if i claim my role without claiming song, are you okay with that j?
More than if that's what it takes. I seriously don't get why people are making a big deal about liking disney songs...
Because I love disney songs. Also I tend to like flavor. I tend to not do the "this role doesn't make sense as this flavor" nonsense.

Don't claim TB wtf. The people asking for your claim are your biggest scumread [J], a bunch of other people's scummread [Inferno] and a playerslot considered scum by almost everybody else [John]. Unless Sword / Clover / Macman / I ask for it you will not claim.

The play is still between Inferno and John toDay.

Lol yeah TB don't claim. J Inferno and John wtf.

My last final is today, so afterwords I'll hopefully be more able to get back more fully into this game.
I only said I wanted him dead after he claimed. When Rake said that there were unaligned neighbors I knew Soup was scum unless Rake was a lyncher/warlock. However I wanted to pursue him because a lot of things didn't make sense. His role name was hella fishy since it was the sample role PM, and he seriously was gonna run the town by his plan and everyone would've followed. When he claimed watcher, I just said **** it because at that point any theory of Rake being a lyncher went out the window. I actually thought he was mafia trying to bus his partner, but being an indy abductor is still something needed to go. Say what you guys want but I thought it was a very good decision and I would've made a case and pursued him today if he didn't die.

Vinyl, Im willing to accept responsibility on John's flip. I know that if he flips town Im gonna be in a bad spot. I wish I could bring up Rake's aggro, but you replaced in today so I can't say anything on it regarding you.

Also one thing I don't like about J is that he said TB and I were of opposing alignments as opposed to not scummates with each other. If I die today please do not sleep on J. Hell im ready to claim if you guys want. Im confident to say TBlock is wrong on it (if you vote me before I claim TBlock I will kill you).

Been thinking about my suggestion ever since. And since there's also two scums left as well.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
By the way, can anyone predict how many indies/scum are in here toDay?

Since there's 9 I'm usually thinking two scums androbably one indie? I'm not really sure.
EBWOP: Since there's nine, I'm usually thinking there's two scums and probably one indie?**
If you're scum, you're amazing at sounding really new/unaware of things. From what I've seen, a 13 man game generally has 3 mafia and usually 1 indy not always (the game I hosted had no indy). However the indy already died so I would say that now what we are looking for are 2 mafia.

@Macman - The unvote from him is really the only thing for me, but it's quite a bit of a red flag. It looked like he didn't want to really vote him and is trying to not get on J's bad side. My personal preference would be to lynch John, but I will cooperate if we decide to go to a T-Block route. I want his claim.
There's your answer.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
Trying to get Vinyl to post more things, Inferno. =(

I don't expect more than three mafia, but I was not sure whether there was two mafia and one indy in this setup, or 3 & 1.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Acitivity isn't too bad. The only activity that is meh is Macman.

Gheb, why are you asking a prod on Vinyl...who posted 3 above you? That is a literal pointless prod.
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