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Discworld Mafia - Game Over - Scum Wins!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

McFox said:
So with that in mind, since I feel the D1 lynch is usually random anyway, I usually don't mind too much losing a player who's going to be detrimental to town. For now, I don't trust th3 all that much, so I'm leaving my vote.
I understand where you're coming from wrt the whole not getting reads from D1 schpeal. So, your vote is on th3 because you feel he'll be the biggest damper to town? Because it's in town's best interest? You don't feel that there are others that are detrimental to town, or is he just the biggest one? Just asking to make sure there's a clear understanding. Ya know.

Obtw do you, yourself, have any opinion on scum at this point? Whether it be, like, just a tad?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Gord I'm confused - put the krispy kremes down, you're getting fatter :chuckle: If you claim that you were in a joke persona throughout those posts then how do you explain your response to Mayling? (#203). Was that also a joke?

Basically I'm reading examples where I feel you place machine in a spotlight (cite: #174 + the 2 quotes I posted + others out in the void), which I'm assuming is you with your scumhunt cap on =?, but on another hand I feel you've made comments that indicate you think differently. I know scum can say similar things, but you're making references to "using his mislynch", wanting him gone before lylo as a (implied) "weaker" townie... etc etc... all of which make me assume you feel there is this newbie-towniness to Machine, which is why I want to look deeper into your thoughts =D Now that you're comfortable to talk about it, what exactly is your stance on him?

@Swiss: What questions haven't I answered?

@J: That question was basically me asking you what you thought of my points specifically on Gord.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Kat said:
If you claim that you were in a joke persona throughout those posts then how do you explain your response to Mayling? (#203). Was that also a joke?
You're confused. Just because

Gordito said:
Yea, I feel confident enough about his alignment to talk about the subject now.

That was obviously not serious -_-. Anybody with a computer moniter can see that. I mean, come on, if he claimed, and it was something serious to get out of a lynch, he'd probz be NK'd lol.
The bolded says im not serious, doesn't mean I'm joking. I said what I said for a reason, and it was to smack the sense into Smash. Claiming would've been STUPID. Even you would agree with that. And I think Smash probz had at least a hint of thought about doing it. If he did, God knows how dumb he'd play the rest of the game. I think he knows not to do something like that now, so my tactic worked, whether he says it did or not.


Nov 23, 2010

To be 100% honest, I had no idea that there was a wagon against you. I've been "playing" this game so far from my iphone, which means 1) I can't read any of Gheb's posts at all, and 2) it makes it way more difficult to remember who has said what, and when (since I check my phone sporadically, whereas if I'm on my laptop I'll read larger portions of the game at once and take them all in at the same time). I just voted you because why not? I don't see a huge reason to unvote you now.
So your stance was that, since you decided not to contribute for the last 24 hours you put a vote on someone at random. That random person already had a wagon on him, and even after figuring this out you choose to keep your vote there? Just because you dont really like the types of discussion going going on in d1 you would be willing to lynch anyone? Come on, thats almost certainly giving the scum a free NK.

To be honest, my stance is that D1 is almost always a complete crapshoot anyway. At this point in the game, a case could be made for pretty much ANY action that ANYONE takes for ANY reason. If someone is saying they're a noob, they could be noobtown or noobscum. If they do something scummy, it's WIFOM. There's always a justification for anything on D1. I have never felt confident going into a D1 lynch at any point in time, ever. Not confident that we've discovered scum anyway.
While I agree that d1 is most likely a crapshoot, the fact that you have no suspicions at all and simply want to get D1 done asap is weird. Don't you think you should try to examine the player you are voting for before making a decision, especially when I already have a wagon on me? Going under that logic, it seems you would be alright with mislynching the towniest of the town d1, which certainly does coincide with our objective.

So with that in mind, since I feel the D1 lynch is usually random anyway, I usually don't mind too much losing a player who's going to be detrimental to town. For now, I don't trust th3 all that much, so I'm leaving my vote. Now that I actually CAN read Gheb's latest posts, I like them. I think Gordito's probably town. Not sure on Swiss yet. His insight on Gordito is useful, but it could easily be coming from scum, so not really indicative of Swiss' alignment.
So you are saying you are fine with a mislynch, since its d1?! Come on now, thats terrible logic to play this game by and you know it. I cant tell if that is scummy or just plain bad strategy.

You also say that you do not trust me that much. Can you explain the reasons why you find me untrustworthy?

Still would like to hear anything from utd and seph.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
Just hopping on for a few minutes to catch up, Mayling, I'm not going to say who I believe Gheb to be because he's said he doesn't want to character claim. I did tell kuz, but I'm not going to post it openly in thread until Gheb gives the okay.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
Oh, and Gboy, the reason the tone sounds off is because we're discussing the content of the posts and kuz is writing them. Except this weekend.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Gord said:
So, your vote is on th3 because you feel he'll be the biggest damper to town?
I feel like he could be a damper to town, therefor...

Because it's in town's best interest? You don't feel that there are others that are detrimental to town, or is he just the biggest one?
...therefor I don't mind having my vote on him for now.

Obtw do you, yourself, have any opinion on scum at this point? Whether it be, like, just a tad?
I mentioned several people I thought were town, and to reiterate, I feel like Swiss' thoughts on you are coming from a very neutral place. It sounds like he trying too hard not to step on anyone's toes while talking about you. I can't tell if it's on purpose or if I'm just crazy. I'll need to read up on others before I have a more solid opinion.

th3 said:
So your stance was that, since you decided not to contribute for the last 24 hours you put a vote on someone at random.
Do I need to call you the waaambulance because I didn't really post for 24 hours, on Thanksgiving (and the night before, where I also went to see family)? Despite you trying to demonize me for it, I'm not going to apologize for throwing out a random vote early on D1.

That random person already had a wagon on him, and even after figuring this out you choose to keep your vote there?

Just because you dont really like the types of discussion going going on in d1 you would be willing to lynch anyone? Come on, thats almost certainly giving the scum a free NK.
Did I say I'd be willing to lynch anyone? Perhaps you should read again.

While I agree that d1 is most likely a crapshoot, the fact that you have no suspicions at all and simply want to get D1 done asap is weird.
Did I say I wanted to end D1 asap? Perhaps you should read again.

To elaborate, I'm not saying that discussion on D1 is entirely unuseful. What I'm saying is that, ON D1, it basically is. However, it is important for people to have stances that they may later want to contradict. It's here that we are most likely to catch scum. Or by watching changing moods or playstyles throughout the game. It is important to establish precedent.

Don't you think you should try to examine the player you are voting for before making a decision, especially when I already have a wagon on me?
This early on D1? I'm not too concerned about it. The chance of a quicklynch on D1 is pretty low (and yeah I know what everyone's thinking, but we're not going to talk about that; my point still stands).

Going under that logic, it seems you would be alright with mislynching the towniest of the town d1, which certainly does coincide with our objective.
Wrong. Despite my last post using words like "random" and "crapshoot," I do sometimes feel pretty confident about town reads on D1. However, this has never happened for a significant-enough portion of people playing the game to where it made me confident going into the kill. Just because I'm not confident about a kill doesn't mean that I don't have any stances at all though.

Also, Fruedian slip or am I reading this wrong? Mislynching the towniest of the town certainly doesn't coincide with my objective.

So you are saying you are fine with a mislynch, since its d1?! Come on now, thats terrible logic to play this game by and you know it. I cant tell if that is scummy or just plain bad strategy.
Mislynches are going to happen. If you really play this game with the mindset that you will never mislynch, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. And mislynches, while yes, a detriment to town, can still be useful tools for finding scum. So it's not just like a townie is erased from the game and our numbers get lower. Town can use mislynches to our advantage, too. This includes getting out players who are going to be a detriment to us, as well as finding scum on the wagons (or avoiding them, which is just as important).

You also say that you do not trust me that much. Can you explain the reasons why you find me untrustworthy?
Actually, no, I can't. And I never said that I thought you were scum. I just said I didn't see any huge reason to take my vote off of you for now. Those are two vastly different things. And I still feel that way.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Okay. I'm starting to like McFox much more at this point. His responses to th3 seemed legitimate and didn't cross with anyhting that he's said (my questions were genuine, rather than backlash (th3...). If he's town he'll be quite helpful. If he's scum... He's a genius. Town read so far.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
mmm. I agree with some of the things you say McFox but I still think you should put some more time into gaining reads.

"Going under that logic, it seems you would be alright with mislynching the towniest of the town d1, which certainly does not coincide with our objective." Me and my typos -_-.

However, I dont like the stance Gord is taking in this matter. Because of one pressure vote I had against smashmachine, he seems to be piggybacking on everyone else who comes in to refute me.

He has put J is a good light, joke talked cello into voting for me, and now seems to be riding on the idea that McFox is ultimate town because of his standard counter argument. It seems he is finding justifiable reasons to side with everyone on my wagon so, when I flip town, he can give some BS excuse that his town read for everyone was so strong that he thought I would surely flip scum.

Vote Gord


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
DO NOT TALK ABOUT ONGOING GAMES, EVEN IF YOU ARE DEAD IN IT - it might not affect this game but I still will modkill you if you continue to do it

D1 Votecount!

th3smarginator (4) J, Cello_Marl, McFox, GorditoBoy69
Gheb (2) Mayling, Swiss
Cello_Marl (1) Sephiroths Masamune
GordtioBoy69 (2) Kataefi, th3Smarginator

Not Voting (3) , smashmachine, UTDZac, Gheb,

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!


#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
FML internet. Hold on I'll type it up again...

th3 said:
He has put J is a good light,
Explain please? A mean... At the beginning of the game I laughed in his face when he brought up the idea of him leading town. Doesn't sound like a good light.

th3 said:
joke talked cello into voting for me,
... really? I... talked CELLO... into voting YOU? I was NOT against you at the time. The thing that started my interest on your wagon was J's case. I told Cello that if he does what J says I'd kill his cat. He voted. I DIDN'T want Cello to vote.

th3 said:
and now seems to be riding on the idea that McFox is ultimate town because of his standard counter argument.
Does "Town read so far" make me paint him as ultimate town? He answered your questions well, didn't contradict himself. So I won't go back on my town read so far.

th3 said:
It seems he is finding justifiable reasons to side with everyone on my wagon so, when I flip town, he can give some BS excuse that his town read for everyone was so strong that he thought I would surely flip scum.

Vote Gord
Heh. Side with everyone... I'm pretty sure that AT LEAST Cello knows that I don't like "siding" with him (mostly), regardless of alignment. Telling a town read isn't "siding". And liking a case isn't "siding". Maybe, if you wanna have a fighting chance, you'll let Smargz post. I'm not liking you dude. Not a bit.

Might as well have said, "I'm gonna go on Kat's wagon for a BS reason."


"OMGUS time!"



Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Sorry i cant post much, im stuck on an iphone with bad service. I wont be back until saturday night but ive been trying to follow whats been going on.

Did somebody seriouslu refer to me as UFO?

And ugh @ gheb being forced to post like that. I hope its only for day 1, stupid trob


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Why so defensive? You are only at L-5 ^_^

Not much of a wagon against you yet.

Looking back at your post at cello I misread it. I thought you were telling cello to agree with J and that you would decapitate admiral separately (not knowing who admiral was also confused me, guess its cello's cat?).

Still feel like you jumped on board with J and Mcfox, which is a bit odd.

Dont threaten me btw, you are only making yourself look worse when I end up flipping town.

Besides, I need some more experience defending myself. I have not been playing this game too long and am still learning the tricks and mannerisms involved. As you know, smarg is on a V/LA and I am trying my best to post in her stead.

You are loosing your hair over nothing.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
@ mod, since smarg is v/la can i post on this account and switch back to the hydra when she returns?

and losing*

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Making a long post....again x_x (why am I only posting long stuff this game ;_;)

Sorry for not posting too much yesterday.

UTD, while you're here can you put your vote on th3smarg?

I'd like to hear from Seph but that can honestly wait till toMorrow. I'll explain why.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Could you explain why now?

Also @ Kat - apparently you did answer my Q's, I think I lost a set on a tab somewhere. Count your lucky stars >__> Also vote someone scummy.

Unvote Vote T3S


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Why vote him? Is that what most of town wants? Maybe sum up briefly whats happrned with him/her. I'll do it if youd like. Not sure how close he is to being lynched though.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Im L-2 at this moment.

I would advise not going along with J just because she asks you too -_-, you have been barely playing this whole game.

@Swiss, reasoning?


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Oh and to answer that UFO question, J and I have played in a previous mafia game. I cant read the pink because i use a white swf skin.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
1.) I'm a dude

2.) UTD wait till I put my final post on what should be th3smarg's coffin. I do not want a quicklynch but I would care for you are Kataefi hammer them.

3.) I suggest claiming after this post th3smarg.

4.) Anyone who hammers before I say they can is scum. ^_^

5.) Swiss, I am getting to that so patience.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Im L-2 at this moment.

I would advise not going along with J just because she asks you too -_-, you have been barely playing this whole game.

@Swiss, reasoning?
Quickly (about to vanish for a bit):

I want to see you, not Smar, at L-1/2.

I'm not voting Gord who is the only other wagon.

When you made your response to my questions you effectively said no-one had any justification to be voting you, other than J.

You repeatedly drew links between the two of us, ish. Icky not scummy - but hey! I'm Swiss.

And it's a wagon.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Claiming at l-1? Yeah it would be very useful considering quicklynching me would give scum a free night kill.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
besides, all this senseless arguing is making an old man out of me. I should probably go meditate until J drives the nail through my innocent coffin.

how perplexing

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I would just like to point out that the person my whole argument is based around, smashmachine, has not even responded to any of the arguments made against him or myself. Getting me to l-3 when seph, utd, and mcfox/mayling have not even contributed much to anything makes me feel there is scum on this wagon.

Particularly McFox who seemed to just throw in a vote out of nowhere.
"I would just like to point out while I'm under fire that SMASH HAS NOT RESPONDED YET! Scum-tell! Look at Smash! Not me!"

You are trying to direct the heat you are taking from yourself back to Smash. Quit redirecting. McFox already got to you as to why he is voting for you quite handidly so I'm just gonna leave that last part.

th3smarg said:
Yes, that vote was mainly for pressure. Mostly hoped, since he is a newer player, that he would actually put some effort into answering the questions posed to him. Dodging questions and giving half-***** answers is certainly noobtell at first, but if it persists it could be a sign of scumtell.
th3smarg[@ J's accusations said:
I dont see what criteria he is using to make an actual case against me.[/B] He put in a vote for smashmachine for pressure, and I wanted to simply increase the pressure in the hopes of getting some info out of him. Suddenly, when smashmachine is only at L-5, J turns around and makes an entire case against me that I am being too harsh with the noob (when I just want him to answer the questions at l-5) and how my methods were uncalled for. Then, to capitalize on this assumption, he tries to buddy up to cello in the hopes of getting a wagon started. He is chasing the wrong leads, though I at least understand where he is coming from.
Okay so you agree to your forceful language but you do not get what my case is built off of? Also no do not pull the "I was only trying to add pressure! Honest! Then the big bad J comes around back at me for doing exactly what he did..." Also Cello asked me to hold hands with him. Not vice-versa. I just obliged and no I am not trying to buddy. Alright you are starting to get a bit contradicting. You don't see the actual case against you but you see where I am coming from. Let me bring up what you say at the end of the post.

th3smarg said:
Because this is only my 4th day, all of you guys are relatively new to me, so trying to compare how you are playing now to how you have played previously is impossible. This inhibits me from making lucid reads. TBH, I think J is the only one who has really given a legitimate reason thus far as to why I should wagoned.

As I say above, I think J has a reasonable case. His motives for the push are to put me in a bad light which, in the impossible event that I flip scum, will put him in a good position for leading town (assuming he is town).
You don't get the case and think I don't have a basis for it BUT you still believe it to be a reasonable case and a legitimate reason for you to be wagon'd? *insert wtf is this **** pic* I am so confused. I wanna get to the last part of this quote. Why are you saying "Even if I am scum he is just trying to paint me in a bad light and make himself the town leader." No I am not trying to become the "town leader" I am just pointing out behaviour I found incredibly scummy PLUS it is very questionable/contradicting what you are saying in it's entirety.

th3smarg said:
@ Cello's accusations, I still cant tell how serious cello is on this matter. He actually ended up voting me because Gord said he would decapitate admiral. Then to play that off, he just told J that he would need to vote with him toMorrow on gheb. I dont like this at all. Not only am I unsure of whether Cello even views me as scum, it seems he would be fine with a mislynch toDay if that means J follows him in lynching Gheb toMorrow.
1.) Cello never stated accusations on you.
2.) I told him to vote for you for pressure/stating the rules of our handholding.
3.) McFox already adressed why a Mislynch is good for information on D1.

th3smarg said:
Why do I have to keep repeating myself? I voted smashmachine for pressure in the hopes that he would actually answer my questions. Instead of answering, he turned it around and called me and Swiss out for even asking him the questions in the first place. If this is not redirecting suspicion I dont know what is.

I am certainly not buddying swiss either. I just dont like that smashmachine went about accusing both of us and I stood up for myself. He said blatantly that me and Swiss look more suspicious than Gheb does, without giving a reason which seemed odd to me. *Looks left and right* although the swissinator has a nice ring to it ;)
Your doing EXACTLY what you say Smash is doing. You continuously redirect suspicion to Smash while people are calling you out on your questionable behaviour. And now in the current debate you are redirecting the fire towards McFox until he whipped that case back at ya then you moved onto Gordy the nearest second wagon. You hopped onto him in the hope of having him lynched over him. Your being hypocritic with your stances.

Also he did give you a reason...which you even tried to agrue as him being scum....*facepalm*


Still would like to hear anything from utd and seph.
Really? I mean REALLY? I just told you to stop trying to police inactives. For me that is an obviously easy way for scum to seem more pro-town. And you keep on repeating this.

However, I dont like the stance Gord is taking in this matter. Because of one pressure vote I had against smashmachine, he seems to be piggybacking on everyone else who comes in to refute me.

He has put J is a good light, joke talked cello into voting for me, and now seems to be riding on the idea that McFox is ultimate town because of his standard counter argument. It seems he is finding justifiable reasons to side with everyone on my wagon so, when I flip town, he can give some BS excuse that his town read for everyone was so strong that he thought I would surely flip scum.

Vote Gord
Now you are hopping on the closest bandwagon towards you. For pretty weak reasons too.

@Seph situation: I am personally going to be hounding him toMorrow on his opinions on everything that has gone by toDay. If he does not post soon he will be mod-killed. With this being said let's start asking for these.

@Mod: Prod Request on Seph.

Seph IS going to be dealt with accordingly. I assure of this. If there is a Vigilante he is an excellent candidate but I wonder if there is even a vig in a game this small. Anywho Seph is not a concern at the current time. th3smarg however is an imminent threat to the town.

@Cop: I suggest you investigate based on these conditions.

th3smarg flips town:
Investigate either J, McFox, or Gordito
th3smarg flips scum:
Investigate either Mayling or Kataefi

Don't waste your investigation on Smash x_x Gheb is also a good candidate for either flip.

@th3smarg: Claim now. Not later. Next post.

@UTD/Kataefi: One of you put them at L-1 but the other of you two DO NOT HAMMER TILL HE CLAIMS. I will give the final verdict on what we are going to do after he claims.

At this point and time I see it being beneficial with ending toDay with a th3smarg lynch. May we please end it with that?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
besides, all this senseless arguing is making an old man out of me. I should probably go meditate until J drives the nail through my innocent coffin.

how perplexing
Don't AtE. Seriously at this point I see no reason why not lynching you is beneficial for the town. Plus AtE'ing with one of the most AtE players is actually quite amusing.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
"I would just like to point out while I'm under fire that SMASH HAS NOT RESPONDED YET! Scum-tell! Look at Smash! Not me!"

You are trying to direct the heat you are taking from yourself back to Smash. Quit redirecting. McFox already got to you as to why he is voting for you quite handidly so I'm just gonna leave that last part.
You are kidding, right? While I have been sitting her defending myself for the past few days, smash has said absolutely nothing. He may just be sitting at home, viewing the thread as invisible and laughing at you accuse me of redirecting to smash when I have defended everything I have said 10x over.

Okay so you agree to your forceful language but you do not get what my case is built off of? Also no do not pull the "I was only trying to add pressure! Honest! Then the big bad J comes around back at me for doing exactly what he did..." Also Cello asked me to hold hands with him. Not vice-versa. I just obliged and no I am not trying to buddy. Alright you are starting to get a bit contradicting. You don't see the actual case against you but you see where I am coming from. Let me bring up what you say at the end of the post.
J said:
Cello, could you put your vote on th3smarg?

I promise I will give reasons, but if you do I will put my vote on whomever you want when you want.
Right, thats not buddying? False. You keep talking about me contradicting myself? Take a look in the mirror.

ill say it again. Though I understand you are going after me because of the language I used, the actual meat of the criteria you base your argument off is wrong. You are chasing that incorrectly.

You don't get the case and think I don't have a basis for it BUT you still believe it to be a reasonable case and a legitimate reason for you to be wagon'd? *insert wtf is this **** pic* I am so confused. I wanna get to the last part of this quote. Why are you saying "Even if I am scum he is just trying to paint me in a bad light and make himself the town leader." No I am not trying to become the "town leader" I am just pointing out behaviour I found incredibly scummy PLUS it is very questionable/contradicting what you are saying in it's entirety.
You honestly think you are not trying to lead town in this instance? Shush. You have been leading this entire offensive, making random deals with people to vote for me because you are sure I am scum.

J said:
1.) Cello never stated accusations on you.

cello said:
Yeah, let's lynch T3S.

@Mayling: I saw him looking at the thread. T3S is scum, is the reason I'm keeping my vote on him.
Great reasoning amiright?

J said:
Your doing EXACTLY what you say Smash is doing. You continuously redirect suspicion to Smash while people are calling you out on your questionable behaviour. And now in the current debate you are redirecting the fire towards McFox until he whipped that case back at ya then you moved onto Gordy the nearest second wagon. You hopped onto him in the hope of having him lynched over him. Your being hypocritic with your stances.
This is all filler. You are just saying what you stated above and making it clear that I am the one redirecting suspicion when people call out my questionable behavior. That is actually not the case, because from the time I started defending myself (which i did plenty) I only refereed to smashmachine not posting once. Do you deny the fact that it is a bit weird that I am already at L-2 when smash has not even responded?

J said:
Really? I mean REALLY? I just told you to stop trying to police inactives. For me that is an obviously easy way for scum to seem more pro-town. And you keep on repeating this.
Right and by you telling me to stop policing inactives, I am obliged to agree? So whos trying to lead town again? Certainly not you J. Just keep giving me orders when to claim and who to police, oh yeah and make sure that you lay down the law behind someone hammering me. Dont forget to inform the town that I apparently am an imminent threat to the town, even though I am a townie myself. Also make sure you tell everyone to stop focusing on smash, because he is obviously cleared as town considering he has not posted anything.

Congratz, you prodded seph. Way to lead the town there buddy.

J said:
Now you are hopping on the closest bandwagon towards you. For pretty weak reasons too.
I voted gord based on my reasoning above. Who are you to tell me they are weak reasons? I posted that before Gord and McFox explained themselves and I still have not heard back from Cello. Legit reasons in my book.

J said:
@Seph situation: I am personally going to be hounding him toMorrow on his opinions on everything that has gone by toDay. If he does not post soon he will be mod-killed. With this being said let's start asking for these.
Woah, my inner alert just sounded. What makes you so sure that I am going to be lynched toDay? We still have plenty of time before the deadline to speak to the inactives. Why wait until toMorrow to speak with him? I dont like that post one bit.

Also, @ Cop, if J stops and thinks about what he is doing for a bit and listens to reason, use your PR on me tonight. I guarantee you I will come back townie.

J said:
UTD/Kataefi: One of you put them at L-1 but the other of you two DO NOT HAMMER TILL HE CLAIMS. I will give the final verdict on what we are going to do after he claims.
Still not leading the town, J? Hypocrisy at its finest.

J said:
At this point and time I see it being beneficial with ending toDay with a th3smarg lynch. May we please end it with that?
and more flags just went off. I am not even gonna talk about what you know I was gonna talk about but the deadline is still far away. Why you pushing for the quicklynch so fast if I am actively defending my position. So you see a mislynch as being beneficial to the town? Explain please. And dont just use the excuse that I am scum. When I flip town, I wanna see where this confidence goes and I also want people to question J's reasoning for quicklynching.

As far as claiming goes, I do think I will claim in fact.

I will claim at L-1, assuming that no one hammered me while I was writing this post.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
You are kidding, right? While I have been sitting her defending myself for the past few days, smash has said absolutely nothing. He may just be sitting at home, viewing the thread as invisible and laughing at you accuse me of redirecting to smash when I have defended everything I have said 10x over.

Right, thats not buddying? False. You keep talking about me contradicting myself? Take a look in the mirror.

ill say it again. Though I understand you are going after me because of the language I used, the actual meat of the criteria you base your argument off is wrong. You are chasing that incorrectly.

You honestly think you are not trying to lead town in this instance? Shush. You have been leading this entire offensive, making random deals with people to vote for me because you are sure I am scum.

Great reasoning amiright?

This is all filler. You are just saying what you stated above and making it clear that I am the one redirecting suspicion when people call out my questionable behavior. That is actually not the case, because from the time I started defending myself (which i did plenty) I only refereed to smashmachine not posting once. Do you deny the fact that it is a bit weird that I am already at L-2 when smash has not even responded?

Right and by you telling me to stop policing inactives, I am obliged to agree? So whos trying to lead town again? Certainly not you J. Just keep giving me orders when to claim and who to police, oh yeah and make sure that you lay down the law behind someone hammering me. Dont forget to inform the town that I apparently am an imminent threat to the town, even though I am a townie myself. Also make sure you tell everyone to stop focusing on smash, because he is obviously cleared as town considering he has not posted anything.

Congratz, you prodded seph. Way to lead the town there buddy.

I voted gord based on my reasoning above. Who are you to tell me they are weak reasons? I posted that before Gord and McFox explained themselves and I still have not heard back from Cello. Legit reasons in my book.

Woah, my inner alert just sounded. What makes you so sure that I am going to be lynched toDay? We still have plenty of time before the deadline to speak to the inactives. Why wait until toMorrow to speak with him? I dont like that post one bit.

Also, @ Cop, if J stops and thinks about what he is doing for a bit and listens to reason, use your PR on me tonight. I guarantee you I will come back townie.

Still not leading the town, J? Hypocrisy at its finest.

and more flags just went off. I am not even gonna talk about what you know I was gonna talk about but the deadline is still far away. Why you pushing for the quicklynch so fast if I am actively defending my position. So you see a mislynch as being beneficial to the town? Explain please. And dont just use the excuse that I am scum. When I flip town, I wanna see where this confidence goes and I also want people to question J's reasoning for quicklynching.

As far as claiming goes, I do think I will claim in fact.

I will claim at L-1, assuming that no one hammered me while I was writing this post.

I am going to answer this post as a whole. I am just going to label them as points.

1.) AGAIN you bring attention to Smash. I would love to see a post where you don't refer to Smash when you are trying to defend yourself. Your defense is not working if you have not noticed....HENCE WHY YOU ARE AT L-2.
2.) It was not. Do you know the definition of buddying? Go back and read through. You will see Cello asks if we would hold hands. If I was buddying him I would be complimenting his desicions and would be helping him push a Gheb lynch. However what have I done to help him? I have not voted for Gheb and I have stated that I am uncomfortable with a Gheb lynch. If anyone is buddying Cello is buddying me. You are contradicting yourself and not myself.
3.) .....................................really.......do you honestly think the case I have built on you is built on the LANGUAGE you have used? No not the (X1-12 shoutout) scummilicious behaviour you have done. Not the redirection of the fire. Noooo it's the LANGUAGE as to why I am on you. Are you for real? Prove how I am wrong seriously I see nothing in what you are trying to say as a solid defense that can turn around my opinion of you.
4.) *skipping because it adds*
5.) That is not stating accusations. I mean if that's your definition of an accusation then you need a dictionary. It is a joke saying that you were viewing the thread i.e. scum. Acussations would be Me vs. You. McFox vs. You. Kataefi vs. Gord.
6.) I do not find it weird that you are already at L-2 due to your behaviour. Also I wanna point out one thing. You have redirected the fire because you are even doing it now! You are saying that some of my behaviour is now questionable/scummy which you have done to both McFox AND Gord when they bring up points/votes on you. You try and cast them in a more negative light but they have both given you a case right back at you.
7.) *skipping because it adds*
8.) *skipping because it adds*
9.) No they are not legit because both McFox and Gord have destroyed what you have said to the point where you just back down and say "I see where you're coming from man but I still find it suspicious what you are doing."
10.) Alright th3smarg then explain this. Who should be lynched besides you? You have pointed the finger at Myself/Gord/McFox/Cello/Smash as to whom you find suspicious. Who should be lynched? We also have plenty of time for scum(you) to try and talk their way out of a lynch. I never said quicklynch hence why the votes are being kept as such.
11.) That is if you aren't lynched. An investigation on you might be beneficial for the town if you are still alive.
12.) I am stressing the point on when you will be hammered and I do not want you being quick-hammered before claiming. I should be the one to give the final verdict due to the fact the entire reason you have been put in the position is my case. It's not leading it's stating what I will do. *12 has more to go with 4/7/8*
13.) I am pushing your lynch because I believe A.) Your death will provide the most information as to who to look at toMorrow. B.) I find you to be scummy and so does most of the town considering you are at L-2.....derp. C.) Your active "defense" keeps getting thrown back at you by everyone. D.) Your overall behaviour is questionable/scummy *I feel like a broken record* and E.) Finally this point is a reason but I believe you to be scum. Hence why I am pushing this so hard.
14.) I already said that anyone who hammers you without consent is scum.

Next part I wanna adresse are points 4/7/8/12.

You honestly think you are not trying to lead town in this instance? Shush. You have been leading this entire offensive, making random deals with people to vote for me because you are sure I am scum.

Right and by you telling me to stop policing inactives, I am obliged to agree? So whos trying to lead town again? Certainly not you J. Just keep giving me orders when to claim and who to police, oh yeah and make sure that you lay down the law behind someone hammering me. Dont forget to inform the town that I apparently am an imminent threat to the town, even though I am a townie myself. Also make sure you tell everyone to stop focusing on smash, because he is obviously cleared as town considering he has not posted anything.

Congratz, you prodded seph. Way to lead the town there buddy.

Still not leading the town, J? Hypocrisy at its finest.
This chunk of your post is all about how I am being hypocritical as to saying that I am not leading the town. These points are an overall assessment.

1.) I have been leading the case on you. You are correct there.
2.) I am not making "random deals". The only deal I have made is with Cello. Other than that I have been asking people to vote for you due to you being scum and I believe more pressure towards you is needed.
3.) No. You continue to do an act that is questionable and scummy. That is why I tell you to stop because during each point you have tried to make you also try and bring into the fact that UTD/Seph are inactive.
4.) Laying down the law? I am saying that anyone who hammers you without giving you the chance to respond/claim is obvscum. That's not laying down the law that's the basics.
5.) I am telling you what to do because YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. Claiming will save you from my heat and possibly the entire wagon if it is beneficial and believeable.
6.) You are an iminent threat to the town. You are distracting the entire town's discussion towards yourself because of your behaviour. You are continously being untrustable and redirective of all the pressure. If you are town. A.) I am appalled. B.) Why are you being a detriment?
7.) Focusing on smash is not important at all. He is cleared as town in my eyes. If people want to look at him more go ahead. But the way you keep on trying to sway people towards him to reflect the heat onto him is absurd. If he does questionable behaviour he will be called on it. His attitudes towards the heat is an obvious n00btown tell by almost claiming to the heat on him. His not posting does not clear him as town. Sarcastic comments are really not needed in your entire paragraph due to the fact most of them are an over-exaggeration as to what has been doing.
8.) I am not leading town by asking for prods....It is clear that he should be prodded and it needed to be pointed out to the mod. Seriously anyone can ask for prods whenever they feel someone needs it.
9.) You know what I am gonna just appease your arguement by saying yes. I am leading the town in which I think is the right direction but not entirely. Gord/McFox/Myself are all on because of your behaviour. Swiss/Cello are the only people bandwagoning atm. I am asking for UTD/Kataefi to hammer you due to the fact I believe you to be scum.
10.) Fine I guess I will have to become the town leader due to the amount of stuff I have been doing. Not what my intentions were but fine.


Nov 7, 2008
I just skimmed and not to be anal, but I prefer kuz not post from his hydra because it makes finding posts in the future harder.

I'mma take a shower and if I have time i'll post when I get out.


Nov 7, 2008
ebwop** because if he doesn't post from his hydra, it makes posts finding harder

ps i'm sick so if i don't make sense I'll jus t try to clarify if you ask :c


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Sephiroths Masamune has been prodded

D1 Votecount!

th3smarginator (5) J, Cello_Marl, McFox, GorditoBoy69, Swiss
Gheb (2) Mayling,
Cello_Marl (1) Sephiroths Masamune
GordtioBoy69 (2) Kataefi, th3Smarginator

Not Voting (3) , smashmachine, UTDZac, Gheb,

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is Dec 4th!

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