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Discworld Mafia - Game Over - Scum Wins!


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I was being a bit too intemperate these past few posts, but whatever.

We could go back and forth all day, J. We both have out points and we could just argue each other to death.

The main thing I agree with: We have been wasting too much of town's time on this subject

Thing I mainly disagree with: Mislynching me is a fine strategy for day 1.

Its annoying. I am getting such a town read on you J, yet you keep wasting time driving me into wall when we could be out scum hunting (if you are scum, well played). Cop please examine me if I make it through d1

This is my first time ever having to claim, so bear with me if I do it incorrectly (dont have smargs help on this)

I am Lu Tze (vanilla) a bald monk from the mountains who went searching for enlightenment but gave up and ended up searching for perplexity. I have learned all I know from sweeping and meditation.

Case which brought me to L-1

1. I went chasing smashmachine with a pressure vote to put him at L-5
2. J called me out on this move and labeled my actions too aggressive
3. J made a pact with cello to put him on my wagon
4. I made my counter argument
5. McFox hopped on saying that all the stuff in D1 was a crapshoot anyway
6. Gord affirms most of what has already been said against me and hops on
7. I call out Gord for his inconsistant play
8. Swiss jumps on because he wants to see how I (and not smarg) will react to being put at L-1
9. J calls me a hypocrite for calling him a hypocrite for calling me a hypocrite.
10. I am gone for the night (family engagement)
11. UTD jumps on with the reasoning "I am going to put him at L-1"

To verify, this is the first time I have ever had to claim to crumb. So forgive me if I am doing stuff wrong.

Crumbs will follow (hopefully semi-decent ones)


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
kuz said:
I cant wait to see your enlightening argument swissy
kuz said:
Vote Green

for J's color
kuz said:
Seems I have to sweep all of these accusations up and respond to them individually.
kuz said:
Losing your hair over nothing, Gord.
kuz said:
besides, all this senseless arguing is making an old man out of me. I should probably go meditate until J drives the nail through my innocent coffin.

how perplexing
Keep it in mind that I have never tried crumbing before and, tbh, smarg did not help me do this at all. She told me the theroy behind crumbing at the start of the game and I made all the decisions.

Anything else I need to do? I guarantee a mislynch toDay if I get hammered.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
See the thing I am trying to grasp now is why are would a VT crumb that they were a Vanilla townie even so early in the game? I do not see the point of it unless you are scum trying to crumb a safe-claim...

Also why are you so opposed to being mislynched D1 if you are a VT due to the fact that your death will provide info for the town to go off of based on the ties you have made.

Overall opinion:

I don't by the claim.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
J. I am new to mafia. This is my first time getting to L-1.

The only experience I have had to go by is Smarg telling me that crumbing is important. I dont know the differences of crumbing when having a PR and when just being a normal VT. I cannot become as solid as you guys with 5 days of playing.

That was my claim and, believe it or not, it is legitimate. Now are you guys gonna quick lynch me before we have a chance to talk to the inactives, or are we going to talk things out? I would appreciate it, J, if you could remove your vote so I will not be quicklynched before Smarg has a chance to say anything on the matter. She should have the ability to talk and play a little (since it is a hydra). Plus, we have time before the deadline. Why keep me at L-1?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J. I am new to mafia. This is my first time getting to L-1.

The only experience I have had to go by is Smarg telling me that crumbing is important. I dont know the differences of crumbing when having a PR and when just being a normal VT. I cannot become as solid as you guys with 5 days of playing.

That was my claim and, believe it or not, it is legitimate. Now are you guys gonna quick lynch me before we have a chance to talk to the inactives, or are we going to talk things out? I would appreciate it, J, if you could remove your vote so I will not be quicklynched before Smarg has a chance to say anything on the matter. She should have the ability to talk and play a little (since it is a hydra). Plus, we have time before the deadline. Why keep me at L-1?
I see a couple things I do not like here.

1.) Playing the n00bcard
2.) BS on you saying that you do not know what crumbing is. I am not allowed to talk about it but there is an instance where you have seen first-hand what crumbing is.
3.) Praise to everyone saying that they are "solid at playing the game"Seems an attempt to be nice to town.
4.) "Come on guys don't lynch me."
5.) Back to talking about inactives....(Only Seph at this point)
6.) Barganing for me to loosen the noose around your neck.
7.) Trying to ask for more time to have Smarg post on the matter because you have obviously dug yourself into a hole. However a thought. You could also be trying to bargain for more time for your scum-team to help you post.
8.) Why keep you at L-1? Because you need to be still. I see no reason to keep you out of L-1 range.
9.) *an overall point* You are trying to bargain for more time. You are playing the n00b card hard. You are playing to AtE.

Also J, I am surprised this does not mean anything to you

Don't twist my words. Also why are you trying to bring a point to this? I mean it's painstakingly obvious to those who are town. -_-" I just don't buy what you are saying.

@Kataefi/Mayling/Gheb: You guys may hammer at your consent if you feel the need. I'm pretty much fine with this lynch.

@Seph/Smash: You may not hammer until I see more from either of you.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
You have a way to twisting everything I say dont you. Chill out, IDC how many times you are gonna call me out on it, but we have time. Why quick lynch me now?

And I am glad you are giving permission to people to hammer me. After I flip town, someone investigate J at the very least please. He is pushing my case way too hard at this point.

Sorry let me stop playing the noobcard, ill just take out the procard instead. Im not a frikin magician dude. IK you said you were not gonna be nice to noobs anymore, but you dont have to be so go**** harsh for not knowing the difference between crumbing when a VT and crumbing when I have a PR. This is the same thing you accused me of doing to smash.

Praise? Everyone is a least solid at mafia if they have completed a game or two. I didnt say amazing. I said solid. Not too much of an overstatment? Why are you reading so much into every little thing I post?

Oh and yeah I had experience of crumbing from the thing we know we are not supposed to talk about. But if you recall correctly, which I am sure you do, the person who was crumbing had a PR while I do not in this instance. TBH, I followed that persons template for how they did it and now you seem to be calling me out for using this same template.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Its annoying. I am getting such a town read on you J, yet you keep wasting time driving me into wall when we could be out scum hunting (if you are scum, well played). Cop please examine me if I make it through d1
Whoa whoa whoa wait just a minute.

Woah, my inner alert just sounded. What makes you so sure that I am going to be lynched toDay? We still have plenty of time before the deadline to speak to the inactives. Why wait until toMorrow to speak with him? I dont like that post one bit.

and more flags just went off. I am not even gonna talk about what you know I was gonna talk about but the deadline is still far away. Why you pushing for the quicklynch so fast if I am actively defending my position. So you see a mislynch as being beneficial to the town? Explain please. And dont just use the excuse that I am scum. When I flip town, I wanna see where this confidence goes and I also want people to question J's reasoning for quicklynching.
So you are getting such town vibes from me but what happened to these "flags/inner alarms" you had on me? Also you seem to be buddying me based on saying "Come on J. We can work together to find the real scum if you keep me alive."

One final thing. You failed to adresse the final post I made and just bypassed it to claim.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
And I am glad you are giving permission to people to hammer me. After I flip town, someone investigate J at the very least please. He is pushing my case way too hard at this point.
Just pointing this out before I adresse it completely but now you are back to finding me suspicious even though you have such town vibes on me?

@Cop: Please investigate me if th3kuzi does pop town due to the fact I have been pushing this entire case almost by myself.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
I know I havent been posting much, or not at all for that matter. But I'll try to catch up later today. My laptop is out of battery and wont charge. I havent been able to buy a new cord yet so I'll be posting on my Wii for the time being.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Thoughts as I go:

J, slow down.

Kuz, your crumbs are for a character, we have no way of knowing what abilities this character has - null. You could have claimed doc and used the same crumbs.

J, if those crumbs could have been used like this, why did he not claim a PR instead of VT?

Kuz, assuming you are town, is J scummy or not scummy - take an actual stance, you've said both.

J I don't understand why you'll let some players hammer, but not others as "you haven't seen enough from them". And you of all people should know the danger of quicklynches.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Sorry @everyone I'm V/LA for pretty much the rest of the day and possibly half of tomorrow. I'm being dragged to my sister's soccer tournament -____-.

But I skimmed much and thought this was hilarious:

Swiss said:
J I don't understand why you'll let some players hammer, but not others as "you haven't seen enough from them". And you of all people should know the danger of quicklynches.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

Okay I've been anticipating the first claim and I was considering whether or not to share this information out - I have a whole bunch of information that was additional to me. The characters below are confirmed in the game and I found this out by a means that wasn't naturally given to me at the start of the game by the mod, though was by all means within the rules of the game:


Information that was additional to me at the start is the fact that Vimes and Fred Colon are Town, and that Vimes is also the Cop. I don't know the players behind these characters and I'm not expecting them to say who they are.

I'm on this list. 3/8 are Town, and the 8 characters led me to believe this could potentially be a list of the Town characters, with the anti-Town characters having a separate list. I'm not a fan of flavour but this could be something different because it would destroy scum safe claims.

@Mod: Am I allowed to discuss the means in which I received this information or does this break Rule 7a?

What are people's thoughts concerning this? I didn't see this revealing as a detriment to Town because Lu Tze could very easily have a PR and yet is Vanilla, so flavour behind the character doesn't accomodate a PR. That and scum will still have to shoot iin the dark at Night as they don't know the players that match up to these characters.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Taking a close look at the latest happenings in regards to the T3S wagon...

1.) I'm surprised that nobody was waiting for other people's opinions before you started to do the "put him at L-1, then claim"-plan. Since when does J have the last saying on this? Why are people sheeping here?

2.) UTD you might want to explain for what reason you voted T3S IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Unless you can show me that you had a good GENUINE reason to vote him I'm going to hold against you that you put T3S at L-1 prematurely.

3.) I find it very troublesome that you allow a major suspect such as Gordo into a position, from where he can freely pressure the **** out of T3S. The claim was not needed yet and Gordo should've gotten more votes before the claim either way. The way you handled the situation allowed Gordo to shift momentum away from him onto T3S and I do not approve of that.

Unvote Vote Gordo

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm on this list. 3/8 are Town, and the 8 characters led me to believe this could potentially be a list of the Town characters, with the anti-Town characters having a separate list. I'm not a fan of flavour but this could be something different because it would destroy scum safe claims.

What are people's thoughts concerning this? I didn't see this revealing as a detriment to Town because Lu Tze could very easily have a PR and yet is Vanilla, so flavour behind the character doesn't accomodate a PR. That and scum will still have to shoot iin the dark at Night as they don't know the players that match up to these characters.
I don't think of it as detrimental [at the moment] but I don't quite see the benefit of it either. At least not now. Maybe if we have flips we can deduce something off it but at the moment we have too little information on this subject.

And I understood very little of the first paragraph. What do you mean by "3/8 are town" and that the "8 characters" led you to believe "this could be a list of town characters". I can't put that into context..



Nov 7, 2008
This game is driving me bonkers.

@MOD, if kuz survives through the night, please dont let him post on his own account, if smarg isn't around. Hydras post on hydras account: it makes finding their info later harder if you don't enforce this. Please, and thanks?

UTD, while you're here can you put your vote on th3smarg?/COLOR]

I know you're trying to be cute and all, and you rather are cute, and all, but where this is ideology come from, this "hip cool new thing" that has spawned since the last time I played Mafia? It seems like the cool new thing to do is say THIS IS MY TOWN YOU DO WHAT I SAY OR YOU SCUM. You know waht? No. That is CELLO'S thing. CELLO started it. It's cute when CELLO does it, because it's HIS thing, but when people (Not just you, J, these are just the examples I saw when reading through the most recent patch of posts) start doing it, it's annoying because it is obv NOT their play.

So can people act like themselves? -_-;

4.) Anyone who hammers before I say they can is scum. ^_^

@Cop: I suggest you investigate based on these conditions.

th3smarg flips town:
Investigate either J, McFox, or Gordito
th3smarg flips scum:
Investigate either Mayling or Kataefi


@Cop: Please investigate me if th3kuzi does pop town due to the fact I have been pushing this entire case almost by myself.
1) Do not direct cop. Do not direct cop. Do not direct cop. There could be... lawyers *hissssssss* about.... Redirectors! *hissss!!* GODFATHERS!!!!!! *HISSSS!!!* There could be.... Millers.... Traitors.... Tailors.

(A lawyer makes someone appear innocent. A redirector can redirect the cop off onto someone who is innocent. A godfather appears innocent, regardless. A miller is a townie who appears guilty. A traitor appears innocent. A tailor can make someone appear innocent or guilty. Therefore, if you narrow down the people that cop will choose from, if he listens to you, there's a chance scum can use that to great advantage. So. Don't. Do. It.)

Point is, don't direct cop. It gives scum a great opportunity to try to muck things up.

2) I don't mind to be investigated, but how does either Mayling or Kat tie in with a smarg scum?

You are kidding, right? While I have been sitting her defending myself for the past few days, smash has said absolutely nothing. He may just be sitting at home, viewing the thread as invisible and laughing at you accuse me of redirecting to smash when I have defended everything I have said 10x over.
Isn't Smash new? Why would he know how to go invisible? I guess his scummates could have told him, but that seems like a far stretch to me.

@Kataefi/Mayling/Gheb: You guys may hammer at your consent if you feel the need. I'm pretty much fine with this lynch.

@Seph/Smash: You may not hammer until I see more from either of you.

Don't direct hammers. One of us, Kat, mayling, Gheb, could be scum and by "allowing" us to hammer, it gives us a safe claim later if he did flip town. If you're sitting around directing people how to hammer, when to hammer, who is allowed to hammer, then it makes hammers harder to read in the future, when we may need it.

As far as general things go, I do think kuz is scum. He says scum things, acts scummy, and if they walk and talk like a scum, then they scum. As far as J goes, I think he does too much directing for town, I've pointed out what I personally believe are mistakes that could backfire on town. So if he didn't do those things, things would turn out just spiffy.

However, no one hammer please before kuz answers this: (uh, this doesn't count as directing hammers, cus I'm not telling anyone person to do it. :p)

Kuz, make a list of all the people in this game. Tell us, in detail, what you think of each and everyone. Thanks.


Nov 7, 2008
J, I assume your list of allowed hammerers were people you thought were town. If kuz flips scum, however, you say to investigate Kat or me, indicating you thought we were scum-ish. However, we were on your list of allowed hammerers. Can you explain this?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
@Ghebo: I know 2/8 are Town based on additional information by the mod, + myself makes 3, and the coincidental 8 characters made me assert a possible 8 Town/4 anti-Town setup, leading me to think this list consisted of the Town characters in the game.

@Swissy: It's a list of characters that are in the game. I saw no reason to hide this information because it's accessible by those who the characters on the list - from my pic I found a list of other pics. T3S' claim tipped me to reveal this because their flip (as a character not on the list) would support/collapse this info and I didn't have to risk a Night keeping everything to myself, and if it does collapse then we know the list is simply insignificant and we can continue from there, whereas if it does support it then this outcome could grow to be very powerful for Town and very detrimental to the scummies!


Nov 7, 2008
Kat, the only thing I don't get is why, why, why would X1 allow you to reveal this information if it totally messed up his game?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I don't think it will mess up the game simply because we know nothing about these characters atm so we can only make assertions about them. For all we know these 8 characters could contain anti-Town in them.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Wait. So what does this information help us with then? If we don't know if there are scum characters listed in the list, then said list isn't a list of anything listily useful.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Kat, I don't think that these are all the townies in the game then. If there were 4 scumbags and 8 townies we'd lose the game with like 2 mislynches. With that in mind my guess would be that the list has no implications on alignment. Even the confirmation of 8 townies could be game breaking.

I'm skeptic but also curious. Wouldn't it be a better idea to wait with the claims once we have some flips? The list alone doesn't seem to help us a lot right now if we have no concrete things to contextualize it with.



Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
As far as the list goes i dont see my character on it. Heck i dont recognize any of those from the movie. My char was in the movie though.

Maybe kuz didnt claim a PR because someone could counter claim.


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
i'm pretty sure X1 wouldn't just give a list of town...that would be the most broken strategy ever
and from the rules there could be more than one mafia group

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Thoughts as I go:

J, slow down.

J, if those crumbs could have been used like this, why did he not claim a PR instead of VT?

J I don't understand why you'll let some players hammer, but not others as "you haven't seen enough from them". And you of all people should know the danger of quicklynches.
Okie-dok to the first one. ^^
I have no idea why he did not claim a PR. Plus I don't get why you are asking me why he did not claim a PR.
I do know the dangers of quicklynching. However I'm curious to hear from you now. Who do you think should be lynched toDay then Swiss? Who is scum in your eyes at the moment?

Taking a close look at the latest happenings in regards to the T3S wagon...

1.) I'm surprised that nobody was waiting for other people's opinions before you started to do the "put him at L-1, then claim"-plan. Since when does J have the last saying on this? Why are people sheeping here?

2.) UTD you might want to explain for what reason you voted T3S IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Unless you can show me that you had a good GENUINE reason to vote him I'm going to hold against you that you put T3S at L-1 prematurely.

3.) I find it very troublesome that you allow a major suspect such as Gordo into a position, from where he can freely pressure the **** out of T3S. The claim was not needed yet and Gordo should've gotten more votes before the claim either way. The way you handled the situation allowed Gordo to shift momentum away from him onto T3S and I do not approve of that.

Unvote Vote Gordo
1.) I really have no clue why people are sheeping to me. Usually I am the one doing the sheeping but I've been the most vocal about my opinion that it seems people just jumped on.
2.) I guess I'd be willing to look into Gordy more. :o

I don't think of it as detrimental [at the moment] but I don't quite see the benefit of it either. At least not now. Maybe if we have flips we can deduce something off it but at the moment we have too little information on this subject.

And I understood very little of the first paragraph. What do you mean by "3/8 are town" and that the "8 characters" led you to believe "this could be a list of town characters". I can't put that into context..

Quoted to do the Spoiler tag thing.

I know you're trying to be cute and all, and you rather are cute, and all, but where this is ideology come from, this "hip cool new thing" that has spawned since the last time I played Mafia? It seems like the cool new thing to do is say THIS IS MY TOWN YOU DO WHAT I SAY OR YOU SCUM. You know waht? No. That is CELLO'S thing. CELLO started it. It's cute when CELLO does it, because it's HIS thing, but when people (Not just you, J, these are just the examples I saw when reading through the most recent patch of posts) start doing it, it's annoying because it is obv NOT their play.

So can people act like themselves? -_-;
Your silly =P I have never said that this is my town. The only person who has actually said that is Gord. Also I haven't coerced people into doing what they did not want. (except th3smarg claiming) But I have asked and people have folded like napkins.

Mayling I have actually taken charge in a game one time to lead the town into finding scum D1. So it's not necessarily out of my play range to lead town but I can see where you are getting at with not acting like myself. TBH I have been trying to play this game without any AtE at all and it's boooooooooooooooooooring.

Mayling said:
1) Do not direct cop. Do not direct cop. Do not direct cop. There could be... lawyers *hissssssss* about.... Redirectors! *hissss!!* GODFATHERS!!!!!! *HISSSS!!!* There could be.... Millers.... Traitors.... Tailors.

(A lawyer makes someone appear innocent. A redirector can redirect the cop off onto someone who is innocent. A godfather appears innocent, regardless. A miller is a townie who appears guilty. A traitor appears innocent. A tailor can make someone appear innocent or guilty. Therefore, if you narrow down the people that cop will choose from, if he listens to you, there's a chance scum can use that to great advantage. So. Don't. Do. It.)

Point is, don't direct cop. It gives scum a great opportunity to try to muck things up.

2) I don't mind to be investigated, but how does either Mayling or Kat tie in with a smarg scum?
Do not direct the cop....? Since when? In EVERY game I have been in the cop has been directed since D1. Also you are creating a bunch WIFOM with the mass amount of roles that can change the fate of an investigation. Out of the wine cabinent Mayling. ;D

The reason why I have said you two to be investigated because at first neither of you had really taken a stand on th3smarg. (now you have Mayling but nothing from Kat about him yet.)

Mayling][QUOTE=J][COLOR="deepskyblue said:
@Kataefi/Mayling/Gheb: You guys may hammer at your consent if you feel the need. I'm pretty much fine with this lynch.

@Seph/Smash: You may not hammer until I see more from either of you.[/COLOR]
Don't direct hammers. One of us, Kat, mayling, Gheb, could be scum and by "allowing" us to hammer, it gives us a safe claim later if he did flip town. If you're sitting around directing people how to hammer, when to hammer, who is allowed to hammer, then it makes hammers harder to read in the future, when we may need it.[/QUOTE]

How does it give scum a safe-claim? The only thing I can think of is say "I only hammered them because ___ told me too! I had a town read but I didn't wanna go against the plan." <---Is this what you meant by safe-claim? @_@

Mayling said:
As far as general things go, I do think kuz is scum. He says scum things, acts scummy, and if they walk and talk like a scum, then they scum. As far as J goes, I think he does too much directing for town, I've pointed out what I personally believe are mistakes that could backfire on town. So if he didn't do those things, things would turn out just spiffy.

However, no one hammer please before kuz answers this: (uh, this doesn't count as directing hammers, cus I'm not telling anyone person to do it. :p)

Kuz, make a list of all the people in this game. Tell us, in detail, what you think of each and everyone. Thanks.
So you now find th3smarg scummy. What do you think of Gordy?

HYPOCRITE! (jk x3)

J, I assume your list of allowed hammerers were people you thought were town. If kuz flips scum, however, you say to investigate Kat or me, indicating you thought we were scum-ish. However, we were on your list of allowed hammerers. Can you explain this?
Actually the people I picked where from the list of people who had not yet voted for th3smarg. Let's look at who was voting for them.

th3smarg: J, Cello, McFox, Gordy, Swissy, UTD
Not voting for them: Mayling, Gheb, Smash, Th3smarg, Seph, Kat

I am not going to ask th3smarg to vote for themselves because that is just silly. :laugh: Seph has been non-existant. Smash has been AWOL. So that leaves you three and also some interesting connection between you three is that you had not taken a stand on th3smarg and on the wagon as an entirety at the current time but now you and Gheb had. I got exactly what I wanted from asking you three to hammer I believe. A stance. I explained the reasoning behind why you two would be good candidates for an investigation if th3smarg would pop scum above already.

Kat, I don't think that these are all the townies in the game then. If there were 4 scumbags and 8 townies we'd lose the game with like 2 mislynches. With that in mind my guess would be that the list has no implications on alignment. Even the confirmation of 8 townies could be game breaking.

I'm skeptic but also curious. Wouldn't it be a better idea to wait with the claims once we have some flips? The list alone doesn't seem to help us a lot right now if we have no concrete things to contextualize it with.

Quoted to undo the spoiling thingy.

Also I see mention with something relating to my character in Kat's list.


Don't get me wrong, I believe th3smarg do be scum and want them lynched but I'm willing to wait now. Also I believe I'll take the hammer on th3smarg if I'm allowed to since I have pushed this entire case hard on him. The blood should be on my hands ;D

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
i'm pretty sure X1 wouldn't just give a list of town...that would be the most broken strategy ever
and from the rules there could be more than one mafia group
Oh no you don't. *grabs with crane object thingy* >:[

Get back here and post on what has been going on now. On everything since you are basically the entire reason why we believe th3smarg to be scum.

What is your stance on th3smarg now?
Do you agree with the case built on him?
What alignment do you believe Mayling and Gordy are of?
What do you think of the bandwagoning of th3smarg? Mostly the bandwagoning from Cello/Swiss/UTD
Do you agree with a th3smarg list?
Who do you think is scum other than th3smarg?
Who do you believe should be lynched toDay?
You never explained why you almost claimed based on the apparant "massive" amount of questions focused onto you. Explain
Do you think these are too many questions?

Also one question to everyone....

Where is Cello? o_O I don't get why he is so quiet. Usually he is never quiet. Ceeeeeelloooooo where are you? I miss you ;_;


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Me: Vote Gordo

J: Why are you hopping on the nearest wagon?! SCUM!

Gheb: Vote gordo

J: You're right, I would not mind looking into gordo that much.

Me: J please unvote, we have time.

J: HECK NO, you are being lynched toDay! X, Y, Z may hammer at your hearts content

Swiss: J, slow down would you? Unvote

J: Oh yeah, good point swiss. Unvote

@Smashmachine, if you run away again...

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Me: Vote Gordo

J: Why are you hopping on the nearest wagon?! SCUM!

Gheb: Vote gordo

J: You're right, I would not mind looking into gordo that much.

Me: J please unvote, we have time.

J: HECK NO, you are being lynched toDay! X, Y, Z may hammer at your hearts content

Swiss: J, slow down would you? Unvote

J: Oh yeah, good point swiss. Unvote

@Smashmachine, if you run away again...
Excuse you? Haha now you are seriously trying to paint me in a bad light as hard as you can. Gheb actually gave legit reasoning to his vote where you just called him out for bad reasons and hopped on what Kat said. Kat/Gheb had given stable reasons to why they believe Gordy needed to be looked at. Also Gheb did not bandwagon....xD

I am not going to listen to the person I believe to be the scummiest at the moment tell me to unvote. Swiss did not control why I unvoted. Like hell he did. -_- Do you want me to put my vote back on you because you certainly do not have to ask me twice. Is this what you are going to do with the time you asked?

Answer the questions you have been asked by Swiss/Mayling now please.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
@Swiss, Yes I am town. I honestly am conflicted about J's status. The way he pushed against me with such force makes me feel he is town because when I flip town he is going to be in the spotlight and he seems like he is fine with defending himself.

However, the speed of which he wants to lynch me, considering J should know about quicklynchs, confuses me. He also continuously calls me out in the beginning of this wagon for considering the inactive for toMorrow but then wagons me and says that we should in fact wait for toMorrow to investigate the inactives. He has also been hypocritical about numerous other things which he keeps denying, although the evidence is as clear as day.

My Verdict: He is an over-exited townie who needs to slow down before he gets another townie lynched.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
BTW v/la for the next 8-10 hrs or so. Going up island with the family.

ill respond to everything when I get back
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