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Discworld Mafia - Game Over - Scum Wins!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Okay. For starters, J, you should know more than many people in this game how I play as scum. I'm not performing self meta here, but I'm a scummy guy in general (I think Swiss said that already though (idk if he said it in this game or in another, but he still said it and it's... well... true...)). Do I do it on purpose? No. I believe Kat's put me on his scumlist because he hates my a**hole playstyle. And I... don't really get why Gheb's on my "wagon" (I didn't even know I had one, it was th3 (who I wasn't taking seriously cuz I'm thickheaded) and Kat (who I had already addressed)). Am I even doing anything inherently scummy this time 'round? I didn't hop on the th3 wagon, I gave my thoughts and pressured accordingly. If that's blasphemy, then I'm sorry.

As I said before, any questions, I'll be glad to answer.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Okay. For starters, J, you should know more than many people in this game how I play as scum. I'm not performing self meta here, but I'm a scummy guy in general (I think Swiss said that already though (idk if he said it in this game or in another, but he still said it and it's... well... true...)). Do I do it on purpose? No. I believe Kat's put me on his scumlist because he hates my a**hole playstyle. And I... don't really get why Gheb's on my "wagon" (I didn't even know I had one, it was th3 (who I wasn't taking seriously cuz I'm thickheaded) and Kat (who I had already addressed)). Am I even doing anything inherently scummy this time 'round? I didn't hop on the th3 wagon, I gave my thoughts and pressured accordingly. If that's blasphemy, then I'm sorry.

As I said before, any questions, I'll be glad to answer.
...where is this coming from?

Why are you adressing me specifically? I have not really pushed anything on you nor have I called you out on anything. Nor have I voted/FoS/HoS anything on you. =/
Kat/Gheb have pointed out facts that are pretty true. Also you don't have a wagon on you.....your at L-5....
Why are you apologizing to me...and especialy for your? Gheb/Kat have been on you not me.

Seriously I really do not get this and no offense but it seems like you are taking a point out of my book of AtE. :laugh:

I am just staring at this like "where the heck did this come from?" Major confused.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yea, the only part that was really addressed to you was the knowledge of how I play as scum. Read: Villains. The rest was directed to whoever decides to read it (just so happened to be you this time :p).


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@J and T3S: About the viewing thread thing, Mayling asked me why I thought Delvro was in the game. I was referring to him. The reason I had changed my mind about T3S was because I realized he was pressuring inactives 9 hours after they posted last. On Thanksgiving eve. Plus, it was specifically inactivity that his issue, as compared to fluff posting, which would have been reasonable.

About Kat's list of players, since X1 said he had to think about it, we can infer that Kat's list is real and the information he has on townies is also real unless he simply flat-out mistaken. Scum-Kat would simply know who town is; why would he need permission for anything? What would he have gotten permission for? Nothing. So, X1 has confirmed Kat as town along with whoever Vimes and Fred Colon's players are. Although "from my pic I found a list of other pics" really sounds like he followed the hyperlink for his picture, X1 doesn't seem to find that to be using metadata to break the game. Not that I'm complaining, but if I were scum, I'd be pissed.

Both SmashMachine and T3S seem to have thought that the actions available to them, claiming and revealing their breadcrumbs respectively, would take care of their problems. That reeks to me of noobtown, basically what McFox said concerning T3S.

J's inquisitive nature is a Good Thing, and probably the closest way that another player has acted that must be how people typically view my blitzy-gets reactions style of play. His points are tunnelly but natural.

As was said about UTD's role, it would be really janky if he were scum, so we can assume that he is town.

Assuming an innocent investigation from Vimes (and as long as Vimes and/or Fred isn't/aren't one/some of aforementioned people), we should be able to just go ahead and win the game by lynching everyone else that isn't the people that I just mentioned, so Swiss, Gordito, Gheb, SephMasa Mayling and McFox unless they claim to be a clear. I really don't have a starting preference.

I was quiet because I have limited reserves of energy, and if I can let someone else take the reigns either for a while or entirely, I can focus my efforts where they are needed. Now especially, this game seems well in hand.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
K. Bick back in the game and pup posting like a champ.

Apologies for not posting last night, 'twas busy in a very important fight for my life D: Thoughts as I go.

However I'm curious to hear from you now. Who do you think should be lynched toDay then Swiss? Who is scum in your eyes at the moment?
Wella hurr durr to you too sir.

UTD is like super mega waaat to me. Idk why his restriction clears him as town. More importantly, do we know he actually HAS that restriction? I could be an epic way out of his wagon vote - it's the sort of thing I'd do as scum. Uh-oh I made a minor slip - QUICK, TO THE EPIC BULL****MOBILE!

J do YOU know how you got control of the vote?

K you don't - I figure. K.

Agreed Cello where are you D: *Waves*

J you can post about and see what UTD does, yeah. But don't do it loads, no reason to. So long as you HAVE control of his vote it doesn't matter WHY (yet). I mean it kind of does for me, 'cuz I wanna lynch him - but hey!

Gord - seriously you look so scummy. *****slaps*

UTD do YOU know why J controls your vote?

You have no scum reads, Cello?

Would lynch UTD, Seph (angry face not real lynch target - but very angry face), maybe Kuz if he decided to look scummy. Idk. So indecisive *cries and thumps table*.

Mayling what are your actual stances, I see tip tons of questions but flip few stances. Kat whodya wanna lynch? T3S? Not fur feeling your list as that useful. BUT I allow you the chance to prove it is by lynching someone!

I had some other questions to ask but I forgot them.


Nov 7, 2008
Mayling what are your actual stances, I see tip tons of questions but flip few stances. .
Well, I think Kat and McFox are town. I didn't like McFox's latest posts, not that it's anti-town, I just think he's wrong town.

I want more answers from UTD. I don't buy this, yet. Could we at least get a character claim to see if it's for real? UTD, can you control your own votes at all? Does it have to be J? Just from two posts, people were already willing to clear him, and I dislike that.

However, I think I'd still be feeling a th3smarg list today.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

UTD should control his own vote.

UTD vote for whomever you want and yes I am sure on this desicion. If need be tell me who you want to vote for if this does not work.

Mayling, WHY do you keep on asking people to character claim? You have done that to Gheb and now you are doing that to UTD. We also now have a character claim from th3. What are your thoughts on his character claim? I'm curious is all....you seem antsy when people mention claims and names.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Missed Swiss's question. Yes I know but won't tell, cause then others could abuse it.

Kat you said when you posted your list: "Am I allowed to discuss the means in which I received this information or does this break Rule 7a?" Did you get a yes/no to this question yet? I'm also wondering what pics have to do with anything.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh yea I got a question now.

Kuzi, now that you've pretty much escaped the gallows for the time being. Who do you believe should be looked at more. I.E. Who should die toDay?

I'm not letting you fade into the background. I will be hounding you :3.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I don't even understand what's going on here anymore @_@.

@Swiss: You knew it was coming :p.

@J: Ya know that whole leading town thing that I lol'd in your face about? Yea, I take it back.

Would it be fair to ask Zac to break his posting restriction to verify it? Idk if I skimmed through it, but please quote if ya did.


Nov 7, 2008
No to the character claim. I answered the other questions in my 354, I guess you missed that?
Why no?


UTD should control his own vote.

UTD vote for whomever you want and yes I am sure on this desicion. If need be tell me who you want to vote for if this does not work.

Mayling, WHY do you keep on asking people to character claim? You have done that to Gheb and now you are doing that to UTD. We also now have a character claim from th3. What are your thoughts on his character claim? I'm curious is all....you seem antsy when people mention claims and names.
We already know what his role/restriction is. Why is it bad to ask for a character claim to back it up? I want to know who this character is that must follow you (or follow someone is.) If I were scum, I'd already know he was town and townies tell the truth (most of the time) so I would have no reason to doubt him. I don't see what the big deal is asking for a character claim so we can verify he is telling the truth. I wanna know what character would have this role. I don't wanna write him off the chopping block just because he comes out of no where with a really weird claim.

I don't even understand what's going on here anymore @_@.

@Swiss: You knew it was coming :p.

@J: Ya know that whole leading town thing that I lol'd in your face about? Yea, I take it back.

Would it be fair to ask Zac to break his posting restriction to verify it? Idk if I skimmed through it, but please quote if ya did.
No it wouldn't be fair. Usually breaking a restriction results in death. :/ Why would you want him to die to verify something? If he's town that only helps scum.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Agree that I don't see how a character claim can hurt.

And he said he doesn't know what the consequences are, so assuming he's telling the truth, he shouldn't break it.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
McFox whenever Mayling states an opinion on something you are the first to comment that you agree with her about it.

Also you even have defended her when I asked her questions about the cop directing and now you are backing her up about the character claim.

Why so defensive when it comes to Mayling? (please don't say the obvious answer x_x)

@Everyone: Alright we are at an impasse where we have no-one that has a sturdy wagon at the current time now that th3smarg's wagon has been dismantled. Who should be lynched now?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Sorry guys I keep forgetting..

D1 Votecount!

th3smarginator (2) GorditoBoy69, UTDZac
Cello_Marl (2) Sephiroths Masamune, J
GordtioBoy69 (2) th3Smarginator, Gheb
UTDZac (1) Mayling,

Not Voting (5) smashmachine, Swiss, Kataefi, McFox, Cello_Marl

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is Dec 4th!


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Oh woops forgot my vote was still on Cello to coax him out of hiding. Now that that's done.



Nov 7, 2008
@Everyone: Alright we are at an impasse where we have no-one that has a sturdy wagon at the current time now that th3smarg's wagon has been dismantled. Who should be lynched now?
thesmarg should still die

unvote vote th3smarg

i don't care if we don't get the numbers, but the more i think about it, the more i believe s/he's scum. i won't rest until they are dead!! this is where my vote is going til i die or they die


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
If the rest of town wants a character claim then I'll go along with it. Otherwise I honestly don't see a reason why you need to know (unless of course all of town wants to know).


Nov 7, 2008
i still want answers from both btw

just to reiterate

th3smarg: list, pls
UTDZac, more from you


Nov 7, 2008
If the rest of town wants a character claim then I'll go along with it. Otherwise I honestly don't see a reason why you need to know (unless of course all of town wants to know).
The question is, why don't you want to tell us?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
I back her up because she happens to be right. Directing the cop is stupid, and unless someone can come up with a con, I don't see why he shouldn't character claim. Mafia already know his role now (assuming he is telling the truth), so how could knowing what character he is possibly benefit them? Meanwhile, it could help to clear his name to town, if his character is a known follower or something (not that I'm familiar with the flavor, but that's why Google was invented).

And it's not like we have the same opinions about everything and are working as a team here, she's said she didn't like my last few posts (looking back on it I understand why). I tend to be right behind her because we are physically together, so if we get a chance to check SWF and play, we generally do it at the same time.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Because you don't need to know. I can't really give more cause I've got two finals Tues. I don't have time to re-read everything and come up with a great case on someone. Sorry, bad timing =(

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
J, I think that Gordo should be pressured more at the very least. I have yet to see a good response to my point, that Gordo pressuring T3S was extremely opportunistic. As soon as you slightly let him off the hook, he would go after the easiest taret [from scum point of view]. Not only does that show poor judgment but it can also be interpreted as an attempt to shift momentum. I can't see any pro-town implication of his actions and unless somebody can show me wrong my vote stays.



Nov 7, 2008
Because you don't need to know. I can't really give more cause I've got two finals Tues. I don't have time to re-read everything and come up with a great case on someone. Sorry, bad timing =(
Why don't I/we need to know? It would help town clear your name. Why aren't you interested in clearing your name? Is it because your restriction is fake, you thought of it on a whim? I explained how a character claim, from my point of view, only helps TOWN, at this point. Yet, you continue to be resistant.


Nov 23, 2010
Mayling, I had a long night and a rough morning.

Can you repose the question specifically you want me to answer?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@Mod: May the SmashMachine be Prodded as well? It has been over 27ish hours since his last post.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, I think that Gordo should be pressured more at the very least. I have yet to see a good response to my point, that Gordo pressuring T3S was extremely opportunistic. As soon as you slightly let him off the hook, he would go after the easiest taret [from scum point of view]. Not only does that show poor judgment but it can also be interpreted as an attempt to shift momentum. I can't see any pro-town implication of his actions and unless somebody can show me wrong my vote stays.

Has Seph been prodded already?
Per Request~

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
*glares back at McFox* :o

It slipped my mind and after I went back to double check the front page it was too late to fix the mistake. >_<"

However Smash has been just as quiet as Seph ever since his "near claim". Which is pretty depressing.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Mayling said:
No it wouldn't be fair. Usually breaking a restriction results in death. :/ Why would you want him to die to verify something? If he's town that only helps scum.
Not in any games I've seen.


I was under nearly no pressure when I went after th3. I had Kat, who was on me for dumb reasons. And idk if th3 put his vote on me before or after the pressure, but if he did before (actually come to think of it, I highly doubt he did) the pressure, I saw no reasoning from him for my pressure.

I'm cool with being pressured. If you wanna do it so bad, go ahead. I'm an open mothaf***in book.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Guys I've been quiet sorry, I have a design brief for 2mo morning. Consider me v/la til then. I'll be much more active after!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
thesmarg should still die

unvote vote th3smarg

i don't care if we don't get the numbers, but the more i think about it, the more i believe s/he's scum. i won't rest until they are dead!! this is where my vote is going til i die or they die
Quite a stance here :o. Got a question for ya. If the votes were in line to lynch someone else would you be willing to switch your vote in order to not have a No-Lynch or would you continue being adamant in your stance on th3smarg and keep your vote on them?

I back her up because she happens to be right. Directing the cop is stupid, and unless someone can come up with a con, I don't see why he shouldn't character claim. Mafia already know his role now (assuming he is telling the truth), so how could knowing what character he is possibly benefit them? Meanwhile, it could help to clear his name to town, if his character is a known follower or something (not that I'm familiar with the flavor, but that's why Google was invented).

And it's not like we have the same opinions about everything and are working as a team here, she's said she didn't like my last few posts (looking back on it I understand why). I tend to be right behind her because we are physically together, so if we get a chance to check SWF and play, we generally do it at the same time.
I told ya not to say the obvious reason :laugh: But alright I can understand a bit but I just see a little coattailing from you a bit. You two did have a little spat but now you are saying you understand why she had a problem with what you had said.

J, I think that Gordo should be pressured more at the very least. I have yet to see a good response to my point, that Gordo pressuring T3S was extremely opportunistic. As soon as you slightly let him off the hook, he would go after the easiest taret [from scum point of view]. Not only does that show poor judgment but it can also be interpreted as an attempt to shift momentum. I can't see any pro-town implication of his actions and unless somebody can show me wrong my vote stays.

I might be willing to look into Gordy more just because his play is so confusing. But I truly believe th3smarg to be scum. If they do pop town if we do lynch them then I would probably look at Gordy first. How about this Gheb if you join me and Mayling on th3smarg lynch we can look at Gordy all you want toMorrow but that does not mean we can stop looking at him toDay. ^^

@J: Ya know that whole leading town thing that I lol'd in your face about? Yea, I take it back.
What made ya change your mind? And you also said it was a joke so i'm a little "...huh?" Your starting to get very confusing with my Gordy.

Let us get this straight on who wants to lynch who.

Mayling - th3smarg
J - th3smarg
McFox - ???
Cello - ???
Swiss - UTD
Gheb - Gordy
Kat - Gordy
th3smarg - ??? (Gordy?)
Gordy - th3smarg
Smash - ???
Seph - ???
UTD - ???

Seriously...? Where are the opinons? Where are the banter of who should be gone today? Let's look at who has stated opinions on who should go.

Mayling/J have both stated quite alot that they both believe th3smarg to be scum and should be gone. *Gordito is a bandwagoner a bit on this one*

Swiss has just spoken up recently as to him finding UTD's claim scummy but that's about it.

Gheb/Kat have stressed concern on Gord's behaviour and have stated they would prefer to see him gone. *th3smarg might be on here as a bandwagoner iirc*

McFox/Cello/UTD/Seph/Smash - We need to hear who you guys believe should be lynched. I mean to be fair. I have heard quite a bit from McFox but no definitive stance on who needs to go besides saying he thinks th3smarg is an idiot. Cello doesn't care as long as it is someone from his lynch list he created. UTD has been the most posty of our 3 inactives but has not really taken any stances. Seph/Smash are pretty much non-existant which is upsetting.

The only person I am gettin town vibes from extrememly would be Mayling. No it's not because she is the only other person on th3smarg at the current time but it's more because of her actions seem more genuine.

Very Random note but I just realized something:

1. Swiss
2. GorditoBoy69
3. Kataefi
4. J
8. Mayling
10. Smargarat
12. Cello_Marl

We have a mini-reunion of Oddworld in this game. Sorry for side-tracking just thought it unique.

Vote: th3smarg

Really I like where my vote stands and I am 100% comfortable with this lynch~

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Not in any games I've seen.


I was under nearly no pressure when I went after th3. I had Kat, who was on me for dumb reasons. And idk if th3 put his vote on me before or after the pressure, but if he did before (actually come to think of it, I highly doubt he did) the pressure, I saw no reasoning from him for my pressure.

I'm cool with being pressured. If you wanna do it so bad, go ahead. I'm an open mothaf***in book.
Why are you so hostile to the minimal amount of pressure you have recieved from at the time being only Gheb...? Seriously with each post you are looking worse....

FoS: Gordito

Too much questionable behaviour at the moment for me. =/
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