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Discworld Mafia - Game Over - Scum Wins!


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
J said:
I told ya not to say the obvious reason But alright I can understand a bit but I just see a little coattailing from you a bit. You two did have a little spat but now you are saying you understand why she had a problem with what you had said.
The "obvious" reason would be because we are engaged. In case you aren't aware, a large part of the reason Mayling and I are together at all is because we think similarly in mafia games. We played in several games together, and noticed that we tended to agree on a lot of stuff. We approach the game the same way, and tend to be thinking the same things on people. We noticed this and began talking outside of mafia, and now a little over 7 months later, we're engaged (actually at this point we've been engaged for over two months). So asking why I'm agreeing with her isn't really going to get you anywhere. I agree with her because she's right.

And you are trying way too hard. Like, waaay too hard. Being that convinced that you're right is originally what made me angry with Cello in our first game together (so angry that I blocked him entirely. Turns out he's Mayling's brother. Whoops! (things are better now :))). When someone is that sure of themselves, it makes me want to oppose them just out of spite. I know you want a gold star, and a Grape Job! sticker where it's grapes and if you scratch it it smells like grapes, but you aren't helping nearly as much as you think you are. The town doesn't need a leader (imo), we need to make decisions as a group.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Then by all means McFox the mic is yours ^_^ I'm only stating my opinion on who I think should be lynched to better the town but if you think it's better I just become a little quieter than I am fine by that. Actually saves me from typing so much. *yaaaaawn* I'll input on the town's "group" decision when the time comes and I'll point out flaws when I see them but your right. I have been a bit too vocal and maybe should shut up a bit. ;D

Also if you are gonna get on be for being so sure on th3smarg you should also check your fiance btw. ;) (really cute love story btw x3)


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
i can't exactly get on here much when my parents are always watching me and don't want me on this forum

@j: if i had to vote someone right now, i would choose either th3 or gord
more stuff coming later

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I hope you get to answering that barrage of questions I have asked specifically you.

Also your reasoning behind why you would vote either of them would be nice.


Nov 23, 2010
BTW, UTD, since you did not know what crumbing was, do you mind me asking how much experience you have with mafia? Since I have never played with you before I am just curious if you are newish like me.
UTD, you addressed this post before but failed to answer that bolded question.

Please do that now.

I will also post my list on everyone and answer other questions, but I want to get this answer first.


Nov 23, 2010
J said:
UTD, while you're here can you put your vote on th3smarg?
UTD said:
Why vote him? Is that what most of town wants? Maybe sum up briefly whats happrned with him/her. I'll do it if youd like. Not sure how close he is to being lynched though.
J said:
@UTD/Kataefi: One of you put them at L-1 but the other of you two DO NOT HAMMER TILL HE CLAIMS. I will give the final verdict on what we are going to do after he claims.
UTD said:
Vote: th3smarginator

Gonna put him at L-1. There's a good chance i'll be gone from now until tomorrow night.
Some clarification on your VR, UTD.

Since you need to follow what J says, I am interested in the play you made concerning my vote on me.
J says "either UTD or KAT put kuz at L-1 and then the other hammer"

The way you set up your voting restriction, you must follow whatever J tells you to do, yes? If this is the case, what prompted your decision to be the one to put me at L-1 and let Kat hammer?

Looking at how J worded it, she did not specifically command you to be the one to put me at L-1, yet you chose this option.

Because J was a little loose ended with that request, does your voting restriction still bind you to do what J says?

If so, did you make an internal call when you decided to be the one to put me at L-1? Or is there some sub-restriction?

If there is some other restriction, could you please let us know? If not, what prompted your decision to be the one to put me at L-1?


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
question - I've played about 5-6 games. I found out what crumbing is now =)


"UTD, while you're here can you put your vote on th3smarg?"

J requesting a vote.

"Why vote him? Is that what most of town wants? Maybe sum up briefly whats happrned with him/her. I'll do it if youd like. Not sure how close he is to being lynched though."

Me double-checking if that's what J really wants.

"@UTD/Kataefi: One of you put them at L-1"

J responds with this. So yeah it looks like he really wants th3 at L-1. The vote goes.


There's no "command" required to trigger my vote. The main thing is "If person X requests something of you, you must fulfill it."

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I was under nearly no pressure when I went after th3. I had Kat, who was on me for dumb reasons.
There was no pressure on you indeed. Which is what bothers me so much to begin with. And how was Kat's reasoning dumb? I think it's pretty legit and lines up with my points on Swiss. You better answer stuff than to just pretend it's not worth it.



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Hey all y'all kids on T3S. How about you wait for Smarg to come back and clarify everything? In the meantime - Zac just totally cussed down your best friends and loved ones. Vote UTDZac

T3S is dodgy, this kid is like a snake. KILLL 'IMMMMMM

@ J - for what it's worth, I have no problem with how you were playing. I see nothing wrong with players trying to control town (I do it sometimes). And I don't think you were controlling town, mainly because you suck are too nice ^_^. Also just because one player tells you to stop doing something, doesn't mean you should (what if McFox were scum and afraid you were on the right track about him bussing T3S? <-- Completely hypothetical (Mayling is obv bussing)).

@ Gord will you please seriously do something to at least distract from your terrible play. What are your stances, why? What do you think of Mayling?

@ Smash how active are you gonna be in this game?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Sephiroths Masamune has received his 2nd Prod

D1 Votecount!

th3smarginator (4) GorditoBoy69, UTDZac, Mayling, J
Cello_Marl (1) Sephiroths Masamune
GordtioBoy69 (2) th3Smarginator, Gheb
UTDZac (1) Swiss

Not Voting (5) smashmachine, Kataefi, McFox, Cello_Marl

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is Dec 4th!



Nov 7, 2008
I'll sing you a song piano man.

Baby, do you understand me now...
Sometimes I feel a little mad,
But don't you know that no one alive
Can always be an angel?
When things go wrong I seem to be bad,
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood!

Baby, sometimes I'm so carefree,
With a joy that's hard to hide
And sometimes it seems that all I have do is worry
Then you're bound to see my other side
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good!
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood!
If I seem edgy I want you to know
That I never mean to take it out on you...
Life has it's problems and I get my share
And that's one thing I never meant to do
Because I love you!
Oh, Oh baby don't you know I'm human?
Have thoughts like any other one...
Sometimes I find myself long regretting
Some foolish thing some little simple thing I've done...
But I'm just a soul whose intentions are good!
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood!
Yes, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good!
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood!
Yes, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good!
Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood!

Did you like it? I thought it was fitting.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
kk I'm back now sorry guys. I did a reread to throw myself back into the game so I have a bunch of questions and I'll comment on things. The list seems to be irrelevant at this point considering some things people have hinted.

@UFO (who is really actually UTD =D): I got a reply from the godmod that said the only thing I can mention is that from my picture I found a list of pictures!

From the J/T3S exchanges, I think J was a tad bit RELENTLESS omg, very invasive :chuckle: Must be chanelling that evil Dahlia! I felt J's pushes were unreasonable but from the position of a clouded Townie moreso than a scummie - though @J: in [#182] you mentioned "Gord quit twisting his words" concerning Machine after he nearly claimed, and yet this is something you didn't attack despite attacking almost every interaction T3S had made with Machine which, supposedly, had every intent in twisting and painting him badly. From then on the case just built up and up. It really felt like you were selective in your reads there to me and narrowed in on T3S. How do you view each of Swiss'/T3S'/Gord's interactions with Machine at the early game and how do you feel about each player now? tell tell!

With T3S I feel heshe (the shemale :awesome:) gave reasonable defences and also I've noticed that heshe is a bit consistent with having these kneejerk-like reactions to all sorts of things. Take: [#48] / [#175] as examples but also #188 / #196 where votes and thoughts conern them - I'm still weighing up whether these "omg I might be in trouble" type posts are a scum survival military defence nuclear explosive strategy or not. I don't know if scum would make themselves so obvious, but then again Swiss is in this game...



@Gord: What is exactly is your stance on Smash Machine atm? Also: [#199] - what did the "pffft" mean here out of curiousity?

Also @UFO: I don't know if I've skimmed something but I find your restriction really super obscure =? it's making me question whether it's been brought up simply to justify some of your actions - when J made a request, how were you able to ignore it and follow up with a question, but then the next time have to do exactly as J says in your next post? Is there a fixed number of posts you can make before adhering to whatever J says or does it need to be done in the next post? Also, what happens if your controller asks you to do 2 of the same things at once, e.g. vote X and vote Y? The conditions involved seem a bit fishy to me because there are many factors that bring about a gray area and why would the mod impose such a gray restriction?


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Hey guys. I've already read the thread once but don't understand what's going on yet.

First person to explain to me what's going on gets my vote. =D

Reading through the thread a second time.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Perhaps a new player can add some fresh perspectives. I'm curious to hear Delvro's thoughts.



Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Ok, finished reading. I'm surprised people aren't voting for Swiss.

VOTE: Swiss

Ok, I'm off to food/class now!


Nov 7, 2008

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I think it was Gheb? said:
There was no pressure on you indeed. Which is what bothers me so much to begin with. And how was Kat's reasoning dumb? I think it's pretty legit and lines up with my points on Swiss. You better answer stuff than to just pretend it's not worth it.
It's not pretending haha

Kat's reasoning is dumb because the only reason I said that was to get him not to claim so early. It's not the same thing as Swiss did, which was bully Smash for the sake of breaking him into the game. I wanted to try and make sure the kid didn't friggin claim so early. If that's what you're going on as a scumread, then O_O, I guess it's all about the fact that it's D1.

Swiss said:
@ Gord will you please seriously do something to at least distract from your terrible play. What are your stances, why? What do you think of Mayling?
I don't feel good about th3, mostly for reasons previously stated, but also because smargz is being quiet, which can mean she might not want me to be able to read her. She knows I probz can, and we've even discussed that I can read her. It's not looking good AT ALL.

Mayling? Gettin dem town vibes, boi. Either that, or McFox and Mayling are a possible scumteam. But I don't think McFox is scum, so I don't thing Mayling is scum.

Kat said:
@Gord: What is exactly is your stance on Smash Machine atm? Also: [#199] - what did the "pffft" mean here out of curiousity?
Quiet, which I don't like, but he's not the play toDay.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
I voted Swiss cause of Gheb. Gheb told me to give a fresh perspective so I had no choice but to obey.

@ T3S - Were you pressuring Smash legitimately? Was this fake pressure? If not, as you seem to have said, why is what he has done a scum tell as opposed to a noob tell? What do you think of the votes on you and the reasoning from each player?
Clearly putting fake pressure on Smash is at the top of Swiss's mind, considering Swiss got a vote from Gheb for doing this very thing a few pages back. Projecting?

Swiss votes for T3S to "specifically put Kuz at L-1/2". (#265), then, he quickly chastizes J, telling J not to put him at L-1 (#273)

Finally, Swiss has a lot of advice to offer. A LOT. And it's good advice. But it's just general advice. And advice is cheap. Mafia LOVES advice. They look great, and they're not risky at all.
Townies love advice too. But so do mafia.
Opinions aren't cheap though, but Swiss has few definitive opinions about players that hasn't been said by someone else before him.



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Swiss, well known as that 'pretending to be helpful scum'.

Also, why you faking a restriction? Who is this kid? Y u mad?

Is it bad that my instinct is to troll back? My heart says no but it feels so right.
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