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Discworld Mafia - Game Over - Scum Wins!


Nov 7, 2008

It's not a restriction cuz of Arcanine.

Also gratz @Zac for MLG Dallas. Maybe you can play like that in Mafia :p.
who is Zac?

Most posting restrictions are based on the game's flavor anyway. Unfortunately, I know nothing about the flavor of this game [yet] so I don't even understand the idea behind it myself. I guess I should wiki it to see if there's a connection.

And what do you mean by "doing it for RVS stuff"? Like, what RVS-related purpose would it fulfill to post the way I do?:059:
I'm surprised, considering your tag, you didn't already look up the wiki on your character, especially considering you won't character claim.

Gordy - Who would you be willing to follow of these four? Cello, Swiss, Myself, or Vandy?
Why did you ask this question?

@Delvro: Are you a PR?
Why did you think Delvro was in this game?

I can say my character but I won't do it now or any other time toDay.
Gheb, the best, most pro-town for you to do is prove yourself town. IMO, CHARACTER CLAIM. PLEASE. That way scum will kill you off in the night once you're proven 100% innocent (If your character claim proves yourself as such.)

It's funny how you won't, and if you do, you'll be considered an asset to scum by me, and I'll get my town to lynch you. Now so funny now, huh?
Uhm, what? Why so aggressive. His statement makes it seem as if he has a solid-claim, and I bet he does. That means he's prolly town, and most people wouldn't follow a lynch towards a townie.


Are you a moron, or are you just confused by the speed of A GAME THAT DOESN'T EXIST? We're not lynching any time soon. You can still easily talk to Zac and Seph toDay. And hell, if you don't I'm calling you out for it.

Nah. Noobtell.
Who's Zac?

Cello, you do what J says, and I'll decapitate Admiral.
Omg why would you say this? :(

Unvote Vote th3smarg
Omg why would you do this? :(

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Mayling said:
Uhm, what? Why so aggressive. His statement makes it seem as if he has a solid-claim, and I bet he does. That means he's prolly town, and most people wouldn't follow a lynch towards a townie.
I'm talking about a situation in which we have no scumpicks and are considering a No Lynch. I'm not an anti No Lynch guy, but using a mislynch on smash would help town... Think about it. Do you want him in lylo, as town?


Nov 7, 2008
I'm talking about a situation in which we have no scumpicks and are considering a No Lynch. I'm not an anti No Lynch guy, but using a mislynch on smash would help town... Think about it. Do you want him in lylo, as town?
I thought that was a reply to "I could claim and get out of this" in which you said "If you do, that's an asset to scum and I'll have my town lynch you."


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@J: I'll go along with you if you agree to go along with me toMorrow against Gheb, or vice versa. Deal?

@Kat: Swiss is town. I'm fine with getting rid of T3S if I have to to get rid of Gheb. What do you think of him? If you want me to take my vote off of T3S, I'll do that if you vote for Gheb.

@Swiss: Probably townie points since smash thought claiming would take care of all of his problems. Could you see a T3S/Gheb scumteam?

@T3S/Gordito: What do you mean by "asset to scum"? His vote being manipulated? Why not just scrutinize people that are influencing him, like say, Gheb?

Content added after refresh:

Yeah, let's lynch T3S.

@Mayling: I saw him looking at the thread. T3S is scum, is the reason I'm keeping my vote on him.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Claiming helps scum in the sense that it DOESN'T help town. In fact, if it's a PR, it'll make YOU, Cello, wanna get everyone to throw their PR's out and direct the Night actions. I don't like the thought of that. I'd rather everyone just, ya know, stay incognito. And there'd be no reason to claim so soon.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
We're not being overly harsh. We considered the possibility that smash just didn't see the questions first time around and then when he gave his scummy response, that prompted the vote
No offense but I'm gonna have to call ya on this. It was a bit harsh. Bring up the post that set you to believe he was scum that he deserved your vote.

th3smarg said:
That was definitely the wrong usage of OMGUS

I never said "how dare you question us," that's cello's job ;) also, if we don't pressure inactives now, when should we? In lylo when nobody has a good read on them?
No, the point of lynching inactives is the game JUST started. There is no point in rallying them because they will be dealt with accordingly. It just seems like you are trying to seem more pro-town. Do you honestly think we would let the inactives slip by till LYLO. If you do then you are a very funny person.

Of course you never said "how dare you." but it is certainly implied with the way you are talking to SM.

OMGUS = Oh-My-God-U-Suck if I'm not mistaken correct? SM: "I am not liking th3smarg because they may be scum for asking so many questions." you: "Omg no we aren't scum! We have been scum-hunting! Vote: SM" Yea that's not OMGUS >.>

th3smarg]The ninja was for my comment about SM not wanting to be quizzed said:
I don't really get this line. You re-iterated exactly what Gord had said. I may be mis-understanding this line. Can you re-explain?[/COLOR]

th3smarg said:
Not worried, just curious because generally people include reasons for voting. And then to come back and say "Cello, wagon with me" and not give a reason? Yeah, that's going to provoke a second post.
Hmmm....I guess I'll give you this one. Still do not see the need of a second post when I said I would provide reasons but eeh.

th3smarg said:
Explain to me how this is blatantly obvious again?
Your kidding?

th3smarg said:
And now you are going to threaten the person you have been defending?
Defending? Hardly. I've learned my lesson from defending someone just because they are a n00b. I'm calling out some behaviour I find questionable pertaining to you and SM.

Why did you ask this question?
That question was an RVS question...I thought that was noticeable. Also you seemed to have missed a question. :< I'll bring it up for you.

Friends? yay ;D I didn't know we were completely out of RVS yet but now I see as questions are getting more serious that we are.

Whatcha thinking about this Gheb exchange Mayling? :o
Can you comment on the previous exchange involving Gheb and the current exchange from th3smag/SM? Thank you very much.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856

I dont understand the question directed towards me. Are you expecting me to be extremely active day 1? I posted a few times, even asked a legit question about Gheb's spoiler crap (which i cant read on the iphone). Oh and J and I worked out our color differences ;)

Has Gheb mentioned what his restriction was, if any? I may have missed it.


Nov 7, 2008
Can you comment on the previous exchange involving Gheb and the current exchange from th3smag/SM? Thank you very much.

I commented (to Gheb) what I thought the most pro town action for him to do was.

I don't think the original question was about th3smag/SM. I think SM is noobtown. I think th3smag is overly excited and mostly kuz, which makes it hard to read because he's a new player as well.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@J: I'll go along with you if you agree to go along with me toMorrow against Gheb, or vice versa. Deal?
Hmm..if th3 flips scum then idk. If they flip town then I might be more inclined to go with you. That sounds fair.

th3kuzi, I keep seeing you view the thread~


Nov 23, 2010
No offense but I'm gonna have to call ya on this. It was a bit harsh. Bring up the post that set you to believe he was scum that he deserved your vote.
No one particular post tipped me off, but it was his whole manner of dodging questions and redirecting suspicion.

SM said:
asking too many questions=/=trying to find out someone's alignment
This is a weird post because not only has he not answered any of the questions posed to him, he defines the amount of questions I ask as too much (which I have only asked 3) and thus condemns my methods of scumhunting.

OMGUS = Oh-My-God-U-Suck if I'm not mistaken correct? SM: "I am not liking th3smarg because they may be scum for asking so many questions." you: "Omg no we aren't scum! We have been scum-hunting! Vote: SM" Yea that's not OMGUS >.>
Me: can you please answer the questions posed towards you a gazillion times?

SM: *still continues not to elaborate on his answers* I am not the one asking questions, you are. Why are you asking to many questions? You and swiss ask too many questions. I am still not going to answer any of them in detail, but I think the fact that you guys are asking questions is suspicious.

Me: So you continue to dodge the questions and, as a response, decide to dismiss our actions as scummy. I think the fact that you are so adverse to answering these simple questions is a bit scummy, and the fact that you just throw the suspicion back in my face without justifying anything you said is also a bit scummy.

Yeah. definitely not OMGUS.

J said:
I don't really get this line. You re-iterated exactly what Gord had said. I may be mis-understanding this line. Can you re-explain?
GBoy said:
So, you don't like it when town tries to gather information on a players alignment? Yes, it's the same answer, just worded differently.
th3smarginator said:
Basically you dont like it that we are quizzing you about your alignment?
that was what gord ninjad me on. Nothing to do with what I said later in that post.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2010
we're putting together a response, J.

v/la now until Sunday, for those of you keeping track, it will be almost all kuz for that period.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb in response to your posts - you have outlined why what I did could be useful for Swissscum, you fail to consider that Swissscum would prefer a juicy town mislynch as opposed to a nub mislynch.
Why should I believe you? A "juicy" town mislynch is harder to justify than a nub mislynch and harder to pull off as well - I'm actually highly inclined to think that you don't have the ability to score such a "juicy" mislynch yet, no offense.

Why did you not wait to see what my goals were? If scum, you'd have nailed me a perfectly executed trap. If town, you have destroyed useful reads.
Ironically, I could make exactly the same claim now about pressuring you. You can always make things look beneficial that way - "if it worked it worked and if it doesn't work we can learn from it and it's also good". Well, that's not a real argument. More like a "universal justification for everything". In actuality that whole argument should be treated as null, while you try to take credit for it.

Also, it was precisely because Smash did not know the N0 result was a joke that it became useful, you missed this?

You also fail to consider any possible pro town implications of my post, especially amusing considering my #84 where I clearly show a 'omg i play u' card that I used and explained after use. Why jump to the assumption this next move I made would damage town, highlight why this could not benefit town.
Obviously, I must've missed it and I still don't see it now. I guess I'll drop the issue in the event that you are able to point out in detail how it became useful. I hope you have more to contribute to that subject than a one-liner or a couple of jokes considering that you started the whole issue.

@Ghebo/everyone:- smallcaps relates to Death who speaks in small capitals. It's one of the few characters that Pratchett stylistically represents differently [in text].
No, that has nothing to do with it then.

Unacceptable? The only reaction that I'd call unacceptable is a scummy one. It's relatively easy to see if a noob is scum or town, if you do it right. The way that Swiss was doing it wasn't nice, but it certainly could've been effective.
If it's so easy to see the difference between noob town and noob scum then surely you must agree with this:

Vote SmashMachine

I still think there may be a connection between Gheb and Smash, but smash has been looking terrible this whole game.
I take it then that you - Gordo - have no issues with it? Take a close look at what's happening now: People are voting for smash now because he's been "looking horrible all game". Guess who tried his best to make it look that way? Bingo - it's the guy I'm voting for and for the moment [unless he show's me the pro-town aspect of his plan] my opinion remains that it was his whole intention to make smash look bad. Now here's a question for you:

Do you agree with T3S here that SM has been looking horrible all game and thus is scum? If so wouldn't you think that voting SM is the right path of action?
If you disagree with them, do you not also think that Swiss has to take a lot of responsibility for what's happening? Do you approve of T3S piggybacking him now?

Okay, I'll ask you a question, then:

Let's say that in this imaginary game, nobody directs attention to smash. He's left in the shadows for a couple of days, and you decide to try to get a feel for his alignment. What is the pro-town method that you'd use? What would you have done differently from Swiss? Is it just how strong and blatantly condescending it was?
It's part of it at least. If SM is truly looking horrible then I don't understand how people fail to see that Swiss played a major role for discrediting right off the start. And I hope your question isn't serious? There are plenty of different ways to get a read on a player than to make him look like a stupid noob [which is really the only think Swiss' joke could've led to in the first place]. You can also just ask serious questions. It's no surprise to me that he's hesitating about answering people when everything he tries to do is turned against him.

I'm surprised, considering your tag, you didn't already look up the wiki on your character, especially considering you won't character claim.
I actually looked it up in between. What does this have to do with me not wanting to claim though? I wouldn't character claim even if I still didn't know who my character is.

Gheb, the best, most pro-town for you to do is prove yourself town. IMO, CHARACTER CLAIM. PLEASE. That way scum will kill you off in the night once you're proven 100% innocent (If your character claim proves yourself as such.)
1.) I don't care about your opinion before you raise valid points, which you haven't yet.
2.) Claiming Character =/= Proving oneself town
3.) It would not be in town's best interest if I am killed.



Nov 23, 2010
Why should I believe you? A "juicy" town mislynch is harder to justify than a nub mislynch and harder to pull off as well - I'm actually highly inclined to think that you don't have the ability to score such a "juicy" mislynch yet, no offense.

Ironically, I could make exactly the same claim now about pressuring you. You can always make things look beneficial that way - "if it worked it worked and if it doesn't work we can learn from it and it's also good". Well, that's not a real argument. More like a "universal justification for everything". In actuality that whole argument should be treated as null, while you try to take credit for it.

Obviously, I must've missed it and I still don't see it now. I guess I'll drop the issue in the event that you are able to point out in detail how it became useful. I hope you have more to contribute to that subject than a one-liner or a couple of jokes considering that you started the whole issue.

No, that has nothing to do with it then.

If it's so easy to see the difference between noob town and noob scum then surely you must agree with this:

I take it then that you - Gordo - have no issues with it? Take a close look at what's happening now: People are voting for smash now because he's been "looking horrible all game". Guess who tried his best to make it look that way? Bingo - it's the guy I'm voting for and for the moment [unless he show's me the pro-town aspect of his plan] my opinion remains that it was his whole intention to make smash look bad. Now here's a question for you:

Do you agree with T3S here that SM has been looking horrible all game and thus is scum? If so wouldn't you think that voting SM is the right path of action?
If you disagree with them, do you not also think that Swiss has to take a lot of responsibility for what's happening? Do you approve of T3S piggybacking him now?

It's part of it at least. If SM is truly looking horrible then I don't understand how people fail to see that Swiss played a major role for discrediting right off the start. And I hope your question isn't serious? There are plenty of different ways to get a read on a player than to make him look like a stupid noob [which is really the only think Swiss' joke could've led to in the first place]. You can also just ask serious questions. It's no surprise to me that he's hesitating about answering people when everything he tries to do is turned against him.

I actually looked it up in between. What does this have to do with me not wanting to claim though? I wouldn't character claim even if I still didn't know who my character is.

1.) I don't care about your opinion before you raise valid points, which you haven't yet.
2.) Claiming Character =/= Proving oneself town
3.) It would not be in town's best interest if I am killed.

For the sake of the smartphones.

Gheb, I bet I know who you are. There's only one other character I can think of in Discworld who would logically have a PR like this (in fact, moreso than Death), and he's a generally good guy.

Please people, let's not use SM for Smash. It works in other games, but not when Sephiroths Matsuwhatever is playing.

We're not sheeping/piggybacking Swiss, we have our own reasons for voting Smash.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I love this games activity. Skimmed then posting thoughts as I go, apologies if things have already been answered.

I've been liking your play so far. Don't faint, I know it's shocking :woman:
I am staring at my screen in genuine wonder and awe.

And Gord told me he can read Smar, we're hydra'ing together.

@ T3S - Were you pressuring Smash legitimately? Was this fake pressure? If not, as you seem to have said, why is what he has done a scum tell as opposed to a noob tell? What do you think of the votes on you and the reasoning from each player?

If this Gheb wagon gets going and suddenly they decide to hop on, I am going to be all over them.
Explain this further. This is an indirect way to defend Gheb and stall his wagon.

I agree with the sentiment and logic of your #172, but don't see how things like this equate to scumminess from a new player. Irritant, yes.

Also, what's my alignment?

We'll see.

It's unfortunate though... You're looking to lynch Gheb? My paved road doesn't go that way right now. If you want to try and pave the road toward Gheb for me, you'll need to gimme the tools to pave it. Question: ARE there any tools?
Who would you suggest I swap to? Why is what has happened not justification?

^ Possible skimming, quote yourself if quicker.

Gord is town, although considering you hate Cello's play style, you actually are becoming more like him with every post. Amusing.

If T3S is scum J is definitely town.

@Swiss: Probably townie points since smash thought claiming would take care of all of his problems. Could you see a T3S/Gheb scumteam?
K. See quote the posted above, yes. Kuz seems to have been the one making the majority of the posts, it fits in.

Why should I believe you? A "juicy" town mislynch is harder to justify than a nub mislynch and harder to pull off as well - I'm actually highly inclined to think that you don't have the ability to score such a "juicy" mislynch yet, no offense.
None taken. Questioning my actual ability doesn't however remove the fact that I am incredibly arrogant and BELIEVE myself to be that good (which most people here can testify to). This is what matters.

Ironically, I could make exactly the same claim now about pressuring you. You can always make things look beneficial that way - "if it worked it worked and if it doesn't work we can learn from it and it's also good". Well, that's not a real argument. More like a "universal justification for everything". In actuality that whole argument should be treated as null, while you try to take credit for it.
No response necessary. Possibility of being correct does not equate to being correct.

Obviously, I must've missed it and I still don't see it now. I guess I'll drop the issue in the event that you are able to point out in detail how it became useful. I hope you have more to contribute to that subject than a one-liner or a couple of jokes considering that you started the whole issue.
You can't see how questioning Smash about the fake N0 cop claim could have been useful? Especially that HE was the person to first question it. Why should we not have taken fake stances to see what he did?

3. Kataefi - more
6. smashmachine - more
7. Sephiroths Masamune - Post
8. Mayling - stances?
9. UTDZac - more
11. McFox - more/stances?

That'll do for now.


Nov 7, 2008
I actually looked it up in between. What does this have to do with me not wanting to claim though? I wouldn't character claim even if I still didn't know who my character is.
The more I thought about it, the more I thought that the reason for your posting restriction would BE IN THE FLAVOR X1 sent you. I mean, surely it would be. To me, that's not really something you would have to look up. It seems odd to me X1 would send an entire thing of flavor without mentioning why you'd have to have spoiler tags as a spoiler restriction.

1.) I don't care about your opinion before you raise valid points, which you haven't yet.
2.) Claiming Character =/= Proving oneself town
3.) It would not be in town's best interest if I am killed.

1) That's dumb.
2) No, but it helps if someone asks, especially to figure out your posting restriction.
3) Oh, okay. A scum would never say that.

For the sake of the smartphones.

Gheb, I bet I know who you are. There's only one other character I can think of in Discworld who would logically have a PR like this (in fact, moreso than Death), and he's a generally good guy.
Roles were assigned randomly, so good guys can still be bad.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
D1 Votecount!

Swiss (1) Gheb
th3smarginator (3) J, Cello_Marl, McFox,
J (1) Kataefi
Gheb (2) Mayling, Swiss
Cello_Marl (1) Sephiroths Masamune
smashmachine (1) th3Smarginator

Not Voting (3) GorditoBoy 69, smashmachine, UTDZac,

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!


#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Gheb said:
Do you agree with T3S here that SM has been looking horrible all game and thus is scum? If so wouldn't you think that voting SM is the right path of action?
If you disagree with them, do you not also think that Swiss has to take a lot of responsibility for what's happening? Do you approve of T3S piggybacking him now?
Hmm. Good way of putting it. I agree with the latter.

But, I don't see that as Swiss = scum YET. It definitely doesn't make him look pretty at this point, but it's something of reference for later. BUT, I feel it makes th3 scum for sure, as it can be scum trying to hide behind an "easy wagon".

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Gheb said:
It's part of it at least. If SM is truly looking horrible then I don't understand how people fail to see that Swiss played a major role for discrediting right off the start. And I hope your question isn't serious? There are plenty of different ways to get a read on a player than to make him look like a stupid noob [which is really the only think Swiss' joke could've led to in the first place]. You can also just ask serious questions. It's no surprise to me that he's hesitating about answering people when everything he tries to do is turned against him.
You know it wasn't a serious question Gheb about what you'd do. The last question (wrt Swiss' being condescending) was 100% serious though.

So I get the feeling that you feel Smash=noobtown?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Well, the lie is in that you feel good guys could still be bad. Cuz if you felt that, you wouldn't be wanting, or caring, for Gheb's character claim.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
arriving at the speed of light...

it's the only way to keep up with the game :mad:

vote: Gord

Who might join me? :chuckle:

My town will realize how much of an asset smash is to scum, and will be willing to use one of our mislynches on him.
but using a mislynch on smash would help town... Think about it. Do you want him in lylo, as town?
I didn't like this notion of using mislynches like they're expendable - I don't know how serious you were being here but the way you harp on about smash being a potential asset to scum (which made me believe you had already trusted his non-existant claim that hinted he was Town because it would "clear everything up") + using his mislynch + getting rid of a Town-him before lylo all makes me question just how much alignment knowledge you have of smash already =D It makes me think you know he's Town and yet it feels like you're strongly pushing him into the spotlight. What do you feel about this?

@Gheb: what do you make of Gord atm? Do you believe he is painting Smash in a negative light based on the quotes I posted?

@Swiss: What makes you think Gord is Town this particular game? Spare me a heart attack and answer me straight (not, gay) first time plz :awesome:

@J: That's fine =D The examples you gave me were examples where you weren't confirmed Town by the mod in both games - and by those examples I assumed you'd be more of a planner when you have an alignment that forces you adapt for survival aka one that's not-so-Town, so keep playing by ear plz <3 What do you make of my current points on Gord btw? Considering you think Smash is blatantly obviously Town, how do you view other players' interactions with him?

@T3S: I can't think of the other character you mentioned btw. Can you reveal it? I don't think this would be a detriment because a lot of characters have potential to have post restrictions not just through stylistics but also through personality also. Also, do you think J's case is reasonable to have called you out on those particular actions? What do you think herhis motives are for pushing you?

@UFO: Curiously, because I'm always curious =D why place emphasis on "colour differences" between you and J? It looked like such a trivial matter but you went on about it for quite some time.

@Cello: I think Swiss is Town too btw. Are you voting T3S based on the reasoning provided by J? Or are there personal reasons? I would go Gheb over T3S, and I would go Gord over both currently. But I'm not set on anything yet. What do you make of Gord? Also I find T3S' questioning of J's vote a little odd. I'm seeing it as potential TvT exchange atm though.

Dinner now. I'll be back in a bit.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Swiss said:
And Gord told me he can read Smar, we're hydra'ing together.
I'm sorry dude, but because kuz is actually posting, I can't get a feel for SMARGZ' alignment. That's not the way she posts :\. And if she is posting then she's totally scum. But kuz said he's doing more of the posting, so -_-.

Swiss said:
Who would you suggest I swap to? Why is what has happened not justification?

^ Possible skimming, quote yourself if quicker.
Cuz Gheb is sounding pretty d*** right, and the way you seem to be pressuring Smash is makin' a fool out of him. Idk if Gheb's town right now, but he's certainly not the lynch wrt his actions. That's t3s' place.

Swiss said:
Gord is town, although considering you hate Cello's play style, you actually are becoming more like him with every post. Amusing.
*Drowns self in holy water*.

Sorry for the quintople post, didn't think I'd be doing that much.

Ohmaigawd! Only three votes? That's way less than you deserve!

Vote: th3smarginator

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
A fat gurl ninja'd me.

Kat said:
I didn't like this notion of using mislynches like they're expendable - I don't know how serious you were being here but the way you harp on about smash being a potential asset to scum (which made me believe you had already trusted his non-existant claim that hinted he was Town because it would "clear everything up") + using his mislynch + getting rid of a Town-him before lylo all makes me question just how much alignment knowledge you have of smash already =D It makes me think you know he's Town and yet it feels like you're strongly pushing him into the spotlight. What do you feel about this?
Yea, I feel confident enough about his alignment to talk about the subject now.

That was obviously not serious -_-. Anybody with a computer moniter can see that. I mean, come on, if he claimed, and it was something serious to get out of a lynch, he'd probz be NK'd lol.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
And besides, scum can say that too. Scum DIDN'T say that, but still. And hey, don't hate the player, hate the actions. I'm not a nice guy, but when it's time to back down, I will. I'm liking this whole th3 case. It has a weightwatchers program- join me?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
@Swiss: What makes you think Gord is Town this particular game? Spare me a heart attack and answer me straight (not, gay) first time plz :awesome:

When playing with by himself this kid is physically incapable of playing even an average scum game. He's posting lots and questioning - unless he's magically learned how to play the game as scum in the last few days he's town. Also I'm pretty sure he'd have either tried to hide under my wing or clip it off, as it is he's waiting to form an opinion on me. He's also trying to control town and get his own ways, which again would be a monumental achievement for him if he were scum. Also he's told me many a time on AIM that he is happy to lynch useless players >> WIFOM and thus null but an FYI to you.

That heterosexual straight enough for you? :awesome:

I believe there are some questions I asked you which you didn't answer D: Spare me a heart attack and answer them first second time :woman:

Also, I've never played against you when you're scum, have I? Would you say you're sneaky enough to evade me if you were? Or would you fall foul of the Swissinator?

Also Gord I literally just realised I've seen no actual reads from you, just questions and a few answers. Kat factor that in. But still town.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
None taken. Questioning my actual ability doesn't however remove the fact that I am incredibly arrogant and BELIEVE myself to be that good (which most people here can testify to). This is what matters.
I can live with this answer but highly disapprove of the attitude. I guess I have to accept it as a flaw of yours but at the same time I can't help but think that you should have learned from your mistakes long ago. I'll keep my eye on you.

Unvote for the moment though.

No response necessary. Possibility of being correct does not equate to being correct.
In this case there's not just the possibility of being correct for you - there is no other possibility. My main issue is that you have clearly set up a scenario which you take credit from regardless of what happens. You would've always had a cop-out, which is pretty ideal for scum.

You can't see how questioning Smash about the fake N0 cop claim could have been useful? Especially that HE was the person to first question it. Why should we not have taken fake stances to see what he did?
Could you reword that? I don't have the slightest clue what you're trying to tell me.

The more I thought about it, the more I thought that the reason for your posting restriction would BE IN THE FLAVOR X1 sent you. I mean, surely it would be. To me, that's not really something you would have to look up. It seems odd to me X1 would send an entire thing of flavor without mentioning why you'd have to have spoiler tags as a spoiler restriction.
Typically flavor is the reason on which posting restrictions are based. That doesn't mean that it's the only possibility though - sometimes restrictions are given to others by players [such a role existed in megamafia] or he could've simply added it for balance sake [I did that in Muppets, where I applied more obvious restrictions to PRs].

But, I don't see that as Swiss = scum YET. It definitely doesn't make him look pretty at this point, but it's something of reference for later. BUT, I feel it makes th3 scum for sure, as it can be scum trying to hide behind an "easy wagon".
That's a possibility and not too unlikely either. I'm curious to see where this discussion is going, especially since I'm not sure why T3S voted smash. After all, I did already point out the issues with him and why people are too much inclined to think of him as scum.

So I get the feeling that you feel Smash=noobtown?
I feel the talk and actions around him are what's scummy, not he himself. So yes, I feel exactly that way.

@Gheb: what do you make of Gord atm? Do you believe he is painting Smash in a negative light based on the quotes I posted?
You raise a good point and I also don't see why it should be OK for Gordo to vote somebody else for doing something he is partly responsible of himself. That looks a bit like he's trying to give somebody else the blame and I do not like that. At least Swiss doesn't point at others when he knows he's been wrong - that doesn't mean I don't have him on my scumlist but with the recent events I'm a bit re-evaluating and undecided between Gordo and T3S. Gordo's points against T3S are legit though. Wondering how much pro-town he had in mind when posting that.


I would go Gheb over T3S, and I would go Gord over both currently. But I'm not set on anything yet. What do you make of Gord? Also I find T3S' questioning of J's vote a little odd. I'm seeing it as potential TvT exchange atm though.
I see my name is being tossed around a lot when it comes to scumlists. Typically I'm not #1 on any list though. What's up with that? So many people think I won't make a bad lynch but I haven't heard any concrete accusations at all. That's dumb.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
No one particular post tipped me off, but it was his whole manner of dodging questions and redirecting suspicion.
explain how he redirect suspicion? Was it that he accused you of being scummy?

th3smarg]This is a weird post because not only has he not answered any of the questions posed to him said:
Condemns is a harsh word. He questioned your actions and felt that the barrage of questions was scummy to him. You seemed to have flipped when he just aserted his opinion that alot of questions seemed scummy.[/COLOR]

th3smarg said:
Me: can you please answer the questions posed towards you a gazillion times?

SM: *still continues not to elaborate on his answers* I am not the one asking questions, you are. Why are you asking to many questions? You and swiss ask too many questions. I am still not going to answer any of them in detail, but I think the fact that you guys are asking questions is suspicious.

Me: So you continue to dodge the questions and, as a response, decide to dismiss our actions as scummy. I think the fact that you are so adverse to answering these simple questions is a bit scummy, and the fact that you just throw the suspicion back in my face without justifying anything you said is also a bit scummy.

Yeah. definitely not OMGUS.
Okay we are stopping this now. I believe it is OMGUS and you keep on saying that it is not. We are both gonna go back and forth saying. Yes/No/Yes/No/Yes/No. It is deviating from the point.

th3smarg said:
that was what gord ninjad me on. Nothing to do with what I said later in that post.
It's funny how you won't, and if you do, you'll be considered an asset to scum by me, and I'll get my town to lynch you. Now so funny now, huh?
ninjad by gord.

First of all, if you claim right now that does not prove anything tbh.

Second of all, if you did claim you would be an asset to scum and would be lynched anyways.
Actually this is the post in question that Gord had posted before he "ninja'd" you (his most recent post right before you posted). You gave the same wording which I find weird. You also thought it necessary to say again that he will be lynched anyways. But you also brought up another post in which you re-iterated what Gordy had said. ;D Good job.

I am gonna shorten your post to what it could be without the deviation of OMGUS debate.

No one particular post tipped me off, but it was his whole manner of dodging questions and redirecting suspicion.

This is a weird post because not only has he not answered any of the questions posed to him, he defines the amount of questions I ask as too much (which I have only asked 3) and thus condemns my methods of scumhunting.

that was what gord ninjad me on. Nothing to do with what I said later in that post.
This is the enitirety of your "response". I cannot honestly think that you were deliberating on a post that mostly consisted of aruging wether or not I thought your post was OMGUS. The rebuttal is a little on the small side and just doesn't seem to answer most of what has been asked and instead redirects most of the attention to Smash. Basically it was a post full of air.

We're not sheeping/piggybacking Swiss, we have our own reasons for voting Smash.


Vote: th3
Reasons for voting th3smarg?


I really don't get why you are being like this when people vote for th3smarg. You did it to Cello and to McFox but is it safe to assume that your doing this because you know/are related to them?

D1 Votecount!

Swiss (1) Gheb
th3smarginator (3) J, Cello_Marl, McFox,
J (1) Kataefi
Gheb (2) Mayling, Swiss
Cello_Marl (1) Sephiroths Masamune
smashmachine (1) th3Smarginator

Not Voting (3) GorditoBoy 69, smashmachine, UTDZac,

@Mod: Could we have clarification on that is takes 7 to lynch since there are 12 in the game? This post doesn't express it.

@J: That's fine =D The examples you gave me were examples where you weren't confirmed Town by the mod in both games - and by those examples I assumed you'd be more of a planner when you have an alignment that forces you adapt for survival aka one that's not-so-Town, so keep playing by ear plz <3 What do you make of my current points on Gord btw? Considering you think Smash is blatantly obviously Town, how do you view other players' interactions with him?
Kat said:
What do you think herhis motives are for pushing you?
Oh yea my bad. Anywho. Why are you asking for my opinion on the points you have made on Gordy? Also you can pretty much tell my opinion on it with my push on th3smarg.....?

Anyways to answer your points...idk I am getting town vibes from Gordy since I know his scum-play from being scum-buddies with him. I don't get this new style he is choosing though. A bit weird if you ask me but pretty much a null-tell with some town vibes.

I see that in that line crossout :mad: (jk :3)

@Swiss: I didn't quote it but I just remembered. How in god's name am I "definately" town if th3smarg pops scum? =/ So let me ask you this. If th3smarg pops town am I "definately" scum?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I can live with this answer but highly disapprove of the attitude. I guess I have to accept it as a flaw of yours but at the same time I can't help but think that you should have learned from your mistakes long ago. I'll keep my eye on you.

Unvote for the moment though.

In this case there's not just the possibility of being correct for you - there is no other possibility. My main issue is that you have clearly set up a scenario which you take credit from regardless of what happens. You would've always had a cop-out, which is pretty ideal for scum.

Could you reword that? I don't have the slightest clue what you're trying to tell me.

Typically flavor is the reason on which posting restrictions are based. That doesn't mean that it's the only possibility though - sometimes restrictions are given to others by players [such a role existed in megamafia] or he could've simply added it for balance sake [I did that in Muppets, where I applied more obvious restrictions to PRs].

That's a possibility and not too unlikely either. I'm curious to see where this discussion is going, especially since I'm not sure why T3S voted smash. After all, I did already point out the issues with him and why people are too much inclined to think of him as scum.

I feel the talk and actions around him are what's scummy, not he himself. So yes, I feel exactly that way.

You raise a good point and I also don't see why it should be OK for Gordo to vote somebody else for doing something he is partly responsible of himself. That looks a bit like he's trying to give somebody else the blame and I do not like that. At least Swiss doesn't point at others when he knows he's been wrong - that doesn't mean I don't have him on my scumlist but with the recent events I'm a bit re-evaluating and undecided between Gordo and T3S. Gordo's points against T3S are legit though. Wondering how much pro-town he had in mind when posting that.


I see my name is being tossed around a lot when it comes to scumlists. Typically I'm not #1 on any list though. What's up with that? So many people think I won't make a bad lynch but I haven't heard any concrete accusations at all. That's dumb.

Per request.

Also I wanna say I am liking Gheb the more he posts. :o So I am getting more and more uncomfortable with the thought of lynching him toDay.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

@Swiss: I didn't quote it but I just remembered. How in god's name am I "definately" town if th3smarg pops scum? =/ So let me ask you this. If th3smarg pops town am I "definately" scum?
J would never bus his buddy like this. J-scum would never sacrifice part of his scum team just to make himself look better this early. Ever. Especially if that slot he was bussing was a hydra. Not a chance.

If T3S flips town it does not necessarily equate to you being scum. I am saying that conditional on T3S being scum - you are not scum. The opposite (of T3S being town and thus you being scum) is not supported by this case. It would be a reason to look at you further, but it would also be a reason to look at everyone else on the wagon, and see who was trying to defend T3S for brownie townie points in hindsight.

I.e. Just because all dogs have four legs, not everything with four legs is a dog.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Also @ Gheb.

Smash was unaware the N0 cop result was a joke, we should have used this and pretended we all thought it was real and got his reads and stances. Standard early D1 play - lie to people that don't know you, useful imo.

K. But if T3S is scum, you die toMorrow.

We're not lynching 'till these inactives have done something. Especially Seph. (Is he V/LA?)


Nov 23, 2010
There were a ton of questions posed to me recently, so if I miss something I apologize.

Went to bed, woke up and I am at L-3 (I think). Seems I have to sweep all of these accusations up and respond to them individually.

BTW, Smarg is officially on her V/LA so from now until Sunday is gonna be all Kuz =D

Swiss said:
We're not lynching 'till these inactives have done something. Especially Seph. (Is he V/LA?)
At least someone understands why I was harping on Seph and UTD.

I would just like to point out that the person my whole argument is based around, smashmachine, has not even responded to any of the arguments made against him or myself. Getting me to l-3 when seph, utd, and mcfox/mayling have not even contributed much to anything makes me feel there is scum on this wagon.

Particularly McFox who seemed to just throw in a vote out of nowhere.

Swiss said:
@ T3S - Were you pressuring Smash legitimately? Was this fake pressure? If not, as you seem to have said, why is what he has done a scum tell as opposed to a noob tell? What do you think of the votes on you and the reasoning from each player?
Yes, that vote was mainly for pressure. Mostly hoped, since he is a newer player, that he would actually put some effort into answering the questions posed to him. Dodging questions and giving half-***** answers is certainly noobtell at first, but if it persists it could be a sign of scumtell.

@ J's accusations, I think he has a point in terms of some of the language I used (a bit too forceful) but I dont see what criteria he is using to make an actual case against me. He put in a vote for smashmachine for pressure, and I wanted to simply increase the pressure in the hopes of getting some info out of him. Suddenly, when smashmachine is only at L-5, J turns around and makes an entire case against me that I am being too harsh with the noob (when I just want him to answer the questions at l-5) and how my methods were uncalled for. Then, to capitalize on this assumption, he tries to buddy up to cello in the hopes of getting a wagon started. He is chasing the wrong leads, though I at least understand where he is coming from.

@ Cello's accusations, I still cant tell how serious cello is on this matter. He actually ended up voting me because Gord said he would decapitate admiral. Then to play that off, he just told J that he would need to vote with him toMorrow on gheb. I dont like this at all. Not only am I unsure of whether Cello even views me as scum, it seems he would be fine with a mislynch toDay if that means J follows him in lynching Gheb toMorrow.

@ McFox's accusations, ...what accusations? He just hopped in the wagon for no reason and has not posted anything since. This is suspicious in itself, care to explain your reasons for accusing me?

@ Gord's accusations, Gord is all over the place. Although he makes some pretty standard points against me which coincide with J's argument, his final reason for putting his vote down was that "I have less votes that I deserve." I dont like his non-consistency at all (I have only been playing with you for a short time, so this might be how you always play IDK). His reasons from jumping on the wagon seem foolish to me.

Because this is only my 4th day, all of you guys are relatively new to me, so trying to compare how you are playing now to how you have played previously is impossible. This inhibits me from making lucid reads. TBH, I think J is the only one who has really given a legitimate reason thus far as to why I should wagoned.

kat said:
@T3S: I can't think of the other character you mentioned btw. Can you reveal it? I don't think this would be a detriment because a lot of characters have potential to have post restrictions not just through stylistics but also through personality also. Also, do you think J's case is reasonable to have called you out on those particular actions? What do you think herhis motives are for pushing you?
Smarg was the one who posted the character she thought Gheb was. She is currently V/LA so when she gets back she could enlighten you on that.

As I say above, I think J has a reasonable case. His motives for the push are to put me in a bad light which, in the impossible event that I flip scum, will put him in a good position for leading town (assuming he is town).

J said:
explain how he redirect suspicion? Was it that he accused you of being scummy?
Why do I have to keep repeating myself? I voted smashmachine for pressure in the hopes that he would actually answer my questions. Instead of answering, he turned it around and called me and Swiss out for even asking him the questions in the first place. If this is not redirecting suspicion I dont know what is.

I am certainly not buddying swiss either. I just dont like that smashmachine went about accusing both of us and I stood up for myself. He said blatantly that me and Swiss look more suspicious than Gheb does, without giving a reason which seemed odd to me. *Looks left and right* although the swissinator has a nice ring to it ;)

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
th3 said:
@ Gord's accusations, Gord is all over the place. Although he makes some pretty standard points against me which coincide with J's argument, his final reason for putting his vote down was that "I have less votes that I deserve." I dont like his non-consistency at all (I have only been playing with you for a short time, so this might be how you always play IDK). His reasons from jumping on the wagon seem foolish to me.
Dude, I'm not voting you cuz "you don't have enough votes on you". I mean, if you were at L-2, I wouldn't place my vote, cuz we got plenty of more time. Putting you at L-3 is fine. As for my actual reason for voting you, read everything else I've said about you.

Can't post a lot of info... Thanksgiving johns...


Nov 7, 2008
Well, the lie is in that you feel good guys could still be bad. Cuz if you felt that, you wouldn't be wanting, or caring, for Gheb's character claim.
When I said that thing I said I was referring to this rule

I really don't get why you are being like this when people vote for th3smarg. You did it to Cello and to McFox but is it safe to assume that your doing this because you know/are related to them?

Uhhh, in the manner of which I reply, it's prolly because I know/are related. I am simply asking them why they're voting for the person they're voting b/c they voted without reason.

When I asked Mcfox why he voted for th3, it was because he didn't post a reason (you ask why as well, so I don't see the meaning of this quesiton.) It's also a reference to a Charlie Brown episode, where a girl gets cancer. I also didn't want to post 10whys.

When I asked Cello "Why did you vote smarg" It was because Gord said "I'll decapitate Admiral if you vote Smarg" and then Cello voted smarg. That's why I said "Why would you do that :(" It wasn't because they were voting for th3, it just coincidentally happened that way.

@Gheb, for what it's worth, I'm done questioning you about your character.

I think Mcfox is town, SM is town, Kat is Town, Cello is town, and Gheb can stay, even tho his PR is silly. Silliness is silly and I hate it!


Mar 8, 2010
*stabbed through the heart*
th3 said:
@ McFox's accusations, ...what accusations? He just hopped in the wagon for no reason and has not posted anything since. This is suspicious in itself, care to explain your reasons for accusing me?
To be 100% honest, I had no idea that there was a wagon against you. I've been "playing" this game so far from my iphone, which means 1) I can't read any of Gheb's posts at all, and 2) it makes it way more difficult to remember who has said what, and when (since I check my phone sporadically, whereas if I'm on my laptop I'll read larger portions of the game at once and take them all in at the same time). I just voted you because why not? I don't see a huge reason to unvote you now.

To be honest, my stance is that D1 is almost always a complete crapshoot anyway. At this point in the game, a case could be made for pretty much ANY action that ANYONE takes for ANY reason. If someone is saying they're a noob, they could be noobtown or noobscum. If they do something scummy, it's WIFOM. There's always a justification for anything on D1. I have never felt confident going into a D1 lynch at any point in time, ever. Not confident that we've discovered scum anyway.

So with that in mind, since I feel the D1 lynch is usually random anyway, I usually don't mind too much losing a player who's going to be detrimental to town. For now, I don't trust th3 all that much, so I'm leaving my vote. Now that I actually CAN read Gheb's latest posts, I like them. I think Gordito's probably town. Not sure on Swiss yet. His insight on Gordito is useful, but it could easily be coming from scum, so not really indicative of Swiss' alignment.
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