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Discworld Mafia - Game Over - Scum Wins!


Nov 7, 2008
unvote vote Gord

I guess looking back on it, I can see Swiss and Delvro being OkayForToDay. :( This is my (hopefully) last vote change, as I got a funny feeling in my tummy when I first read what Gheb highlighted anyway.

Seeing as we only have roughly 26 hours left for a lynch, let's do this thang.


Nov 7, 2008
As a warning, we should prolly most definitely lynch toDay because if we don't, then toMorrow will just be more of THIS... a long drawn out ten days of "Maybe this guy...or this guy... OR THIS GUY :MAD: picture."


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
We will NOT no lycnh.

I'm telling you now Gord is a bad lynch - if you won't roll with Zac (I haven't exactly made a solid case, just highlighted why I want him dead) then we lynch T3S imo. Best middle ground.

Unvote Vote T3S

^ I'll cobble something on whoever I decide I want lynched ASAP (3/4 hrs). But I think it'll be T3S.


Mar 8, 2010
*stabbed through the heart*
I'm currently fine with Swiss / Delvro / th3, so if it's going back to th3 I'll hop on board. Would prefer Swiss, but since he did something he's done in other games (pressure new player), clearly he is town. There's no way he could use that kind of play as scum to his advantage. Therefor -> town.



Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
That was me. Sorry!

Reposting so it can be found easily:

I'm currently fine with Swiss / Delvro / th3, so if it's going back to th3 I'll hop on board. Would prefer Swiss, but since he did something he's done in other games (pressure new player), clearly he is town. There's no way he could use that kind of play as scum to his advantage. Therefor -> town.



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
My point was that I've done it before so it's a null tell. I find it helps me when I'm town, and have to do it when I'm scum to look town. You're trying to use this as evidence against me? Backup and explain why I could be a lynch.

I fail to see why you're saying I said I have to be town. Troll much?

Mayling why are you double guessing the T3S lynch?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
:awesome: so much happened!

If I was looking to coach my scum partner (I think you're assuming my "coaching" on smash was SvS amirite (the pressure vs me wouldn't make any sense to me if it were any other way)), why would I do it out in the open? Disregard the WIFOM and whatnot, but typically, the coaching of noobscum would probz be done in private, no?

And in all honesty, it WAS J's case on th3 that made me shift my attention. It was good shiz. So I pressured accordingly. Smargz is making me feel better about the T3S hydra, but I still gotta keep the suspicions, na mean? Just because one person plays townie after another plays scummy doesn't mean they're a plain town read now :p.
I na wat ya meeeen! :chuckle: But I wasn't assuming SvS actually =D and what's with everyone saying "amirite"??? My take was that the references and labels you used on Machine previously made me feel you somewhat knew and let slip more about his alignment than what you let on (from a scum POV) via the whole "do you really want him here before lylo as Town??, mislynching, asset to the scummies" etc etc etc etc... which you said on multiple occasions, which made me think that you assumed the role of Gord the Super Coach to break into the game easily and look good doing it. Oh and the whole "we can use his mislynch" thing made me think "let's just go for the informational lynch" which is often scum-friendly and additionally the whole question you asked @May instilling doubts about whether or not, as a townie, he should be there lylo. I just thought that those doubts were wholly unnecessary and I didn't know what you were trying to achieve considering you thought he was TOWN hence someone you wouldn't want to instil doubts on. Ya get meh?

Why would you expect Delvro to be more panicky as scum btw? What experience do you have with him that warrants this comment? Also your #661 came out really badly. I wouldn't mind lynching you toDay actually.

@Delvro: I don't think you answered me before btw - I found your entrance to the game slightly strange because you claimed to have read the thread once and "didn't have a clue what was going on", so one would think you'd read up on that and find out. When you did presumably read up you just nosedived straight to Swiss ignoring 10 pages of information where many more events happened... It feels a little off that you didn't comment on much of the stuff that you didn't have a clue on.

My Oscar nominees for a D1 lynch go to: Delvro/Gord/Cello/T3S/possibly Machine :chuckle:


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Here's a general answer to your question Swiss: Like Delvro, I've thought about my approach to mafia, and decided that my previous approach was sh**ty. Unlike Delvro, here's the conclusion that I reached: I can't play this game by being logical. It just doesn't work. ANY action can be justified, depending on how you handle it. It's like being a politician, you just have to know how to spin what happened to your advantage, regardless of how suspicious it really was.

So you know how sometimes you're watching a politician give a speech, and even though what he's saying makes perfect sense and it might even be something you agree with, you're still sitting there thinking "This guy's full of sh*t"? And you can't even place your finger on exactly why, but you just get that feeling?

Well, I get that feeling from you. Hey, I could be totally wrong. But going back and ISOing you would just be a huge waste of both my time for doing it, and your time for replying to each point I make. I'll still think you're full of sh*t (note: this is not a personal attack, I have no problem with you. this is just the feeling I get from you in this particular game :)), and you won't really be able to say much to change my mind. If other people think you can change their minds by making a bunch of points that you can counter-point, then they are free to do so. But I'm not going to because I'll just feel the same way.

(Almost) ANY action can be justified, so I feel like making huge lists of things people have done is usually a waste of (my) time. I'm not saying no one should do it. If it helps you out, and hey, if your logic helps you catch scum, then awesome. I'm totally on-board. I've read plenty of posts like that made by other people which have changed my mind, or read responses to those kinds of posts that also changed my mind. But doing it myself has never really helped. So I'm not going to. If you feel guilty enough to bring up reasons for your innocence even when there is only one vote on you and no one has asked you any questions (here), then be my guest. But I'm not going to "back up" and explain why you're scummy. If I do that, then you'll say why you aren't, then I still won't believe you.


Swiss / Delv / th3

I'm down for any of these lynches.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Gord is scum. Delv and Smuz, it's a close race between the two for who's actually scummier, but neither of them are that scummy at all, and would be going as a D1 lynch for reads. Three good lynches in total. Then I listed you and SM who need to post more and who have both said some odd things. You two are wagons I would jump on if someone asked me nicely and maybe poured me a glass of water with some ice and a nice cool slice of lime.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Nabe seeins as I'm all up in your town book do this kid a favour and vote Smuz. This 'ere kiddo can read Gboy like a book - 100% legit. Follow da Swissy, ya lynch will never go amissy.

Yeah just lynch T3S. Would prefer to have gotten Zac *shrugs shoulders in a nonchalant manner* (French styleee).

This is the only lynch that'll actually happen toDay, deadlines close. No-one wants a no-lynch do they? No? Good.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Ninja'd by an SOB of a post.

Why is Gord scum? I'm not even just going off me calling him obv town Gord early, what has he actually done that is scummy?

Lynch TS3 instead D:


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Yup. Remember why Smar was never a suspect in Halo? It wasn't Smarg that was townie - it was Gboy. When he's scum he's afraid to take stances and is incredibly self concious of anything that he does which may be seen as scummy. Here he's even making posts saying lol this looks scummy. Why? Because he isn't worried.

I'm not saying it's impossible for him to be scum - but considering he just quickvoted in LyLo [as town I know] (sorry for bringing this up :p) I do doubt he's radically changed his play.

Think why you had him as town in Halo, then apply that here.

^ **** loads of meta (it IS applicable to Gord, imo)


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
@Delvro: I don't think you answered me before btw - I found your entrance to the game slightly strange because you claimed to have read the thread once and "didn't have a clue what was going on", so one would think you'd read up on that and find out. When you did presumably read up you just nosedived straight to Swiss ignoring 10 pages of information where many more events happened... It feels a little off that you didn't comment on much of the stuff that you didn't have a clue on.
I read through the game twice. When I posted that I had no idea what was going on, I had skimmed through once. When I voted Swiss, I had just finished reading the entire game a second time.

I can't play this game by being logical.
I noticed.


Nov 7, 2008
@Swiss, can't really explain other than now that I think about it, maybe he wouldn't be pushing suspicion on everyone, but go for the easiest target as scum?

Would you rather go no lynch or Gord today?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Scum of both of those, townies sometimes do the second. Not sure what your point is if I'm honest. Consider your vote J's vote, do it for him and his theatrical pizazz.

We won't go to that situation, so I see no necessary answer.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY

Swiss thinks a lot like me, and I'm obviously town, so I'm going to unvote (I'm being serious by the way. This is my reasoning). Still have my suspicions about him but not feeling a D1 Lynch.

However, I'd really like for you to expand on this comment Swiss.

We will NOT no lycnh.

I'm telling you now Gord is a bad lynch - if you won't roll with Zac (I haven't exactly made a solid case, just highlighted why I want him dead) then we lynch T3S imo. Best middle ground.

Unvote Vote T3S

^ I'll cobble something on whoever I decide I want lynched ASAP (3/4 hrs). But I think it'll be T3S.
Can I get some more info on why you voted? (not why you unvoted)

Secondly, Mayling brought it up earlier, and Swiss brought it up again, but Cello lurks too much. Cello knows very well that his scum meta is hardcore lurking, so why is he doing it? Dunno, but I don't like it at all. So far I brushed it off with the fact that he's pretty busy as far as mafia is concerned, but I don't think we should let him slip by with this on D2 like he has on D1.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Um wouldn't you have picked up on Swiss' similar ways of thinking in your double reread? What about Swiss' last posts make you think he's suddenly Town? I agree with your points on Cello btw =D


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
No I think he's asking you why you think T3S is scummy as you haven't explained this - #568 This is the last post you made in which you gave reasoning behind one of ur suspects... which was Zac. From thereon you've just said variations of "lynch T3S but I'd prefer Zac".


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I have nothing to add about him which I haven't already questioned him on/said or hasn't been brought up in the actual cases made on him. If I were to make another case on him it'd just be me re-hashing points already said.

i.e. It's the cases made on him that I agree with, Mayling's had good points, J's was too harsh, but valid.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I'm not calling out Cello for "lurking" because I don't think it would completely justified. I'm more OK with him making only 3 posts but with lots of content than other people making more posts without actually saying anything. That's why I can't use the word "lurking" in the same tone as "coasting", which is something I would call a player out for.

Then again, I don't know him nearly as well as Mayling or Delvro do. It doesn't surprise me that they have knowledge about him that I don't have. His scum-play from L4S is not enough for me to meta his play but I can see resemblance.



Nov 7, 2008
As far as Cello goes, it's hard for me because seems to care so little for everything. I want him to put forth effort, but if I ask that now, how do I know it's not just because I said something? This is why it's difficult. To me, it seems more like Cello is relying on SOMETHING (meta? PR? the ability to argue out of a box? I don't know.) Make sense?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
GAH wtf? Blue screen right as I was about to finish my post? REALLY?

Anyway, here we go again:

Gheb said:
I get what you say indeed...
No you don't...

Delvro's play (from prior to that post) was basically him stapling a sign to his forehead that read "I'm scummy". I'd think that, usually, any scum player would try their best to keep that scum side out of the limelight. But he's doing a hell of a lot to show it, and even when he's called out, he's being a stupid sounding scum bag. Does that mean that he's mafia? Maybe, but in my eyes, it just sounds more like useless/douchebag townie. Indy? Maaaaaybe. But idk, and don't quite wanna consider indyhunting at this point. In any of those three scenarios (mafia, useless/douchebag town, or indy) his lynch would help later on cuz this guy's play WILL draw connections. That's why, if it comes to closing in on a lynch candidate, I might not mind switching to em.

'Course, I'm just defending your reason for voting me. His 708 and his 668, I felt, WEREN'T the same Delvro that was/is being thrown up as a lynch candidate.

Kat said:
Why would you expect Delvro to be more panicky as scum btw? What experience do you have with him that warrants this comment?
Zero. I expect anybody to be more panicky than what he's being. Look at em. He's been acting like your classic frat boy (that's honestly how I picture reading all of his posts haha), just putting himself out there so much.

Kat said:
Also your #661 came out really badly. I wouldn't mind lynching you toDay actually.

I thought we wuz fwiends.

More coming soon *expects another blue screen soon*


Nov 7, 2008
omg I never realized it before but delvro is a frat boy isn't he?

here's a pic of him irl =O
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