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Discworld Mafia - Game Over - Scum Wins!


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Delvro said:
Remember, it's been a long time since I've played mafia. I've had a long time to think about how I want to approach my games.
You say this but then don't bother to tell us what conclusion you came to, re: your approach to mafia? Your current approach makes people think you're scummy, and instead of saying "Well, I decided not to take it so seriously because it gets me in trouble," or "I decided that the best thing I can do D1 is try to get a rise out of people, and I think people are the most vulnerable when they're emotional," you just say "Well I'm playing differently. Yep."

Still think Swiss should go. I'd be fine with losing Delvro, especially after that analysis.


Nov 7, 2008
Remember, it's been a long time since I've played mafia. I've had a long time to think about how I want to approach my games.
I feel this is like a cop out. I was going back and forth between what I thought if this was towndelvro talking or scumdelvro talking, but bah...

Good with Delvro/Swiss toDay.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
Do yourself a favor and forget about Mayfia or any specific game and whatever you analyze from it. (note that this is different than getting a sense of playstyle from all games combined)

I know exactly how you view me in all of those games and account for it.


Nov 7, 2008
Do yourself a favor and forget about Mayfia or any specific game and whatever you analyze from it. (note that this is different than getting a sense of playstyle from all games combined)

I know exactly how you view me in all of those games and account for it.


Nov 7, 2008
Delvro, I get a sense of your general playstyle and that's waht I'm going on. I'm not going on any one game, I'm referencing from my mind of you as a person and what i know of you as a person.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
I'm temped to make a big deal about this, but honestly I shouldn't care much as long as you have your vote on Swiss.


Nov 23, 2010
So Mayling, let me get this straight - you're concluding that seph/Delvro is scum for the same lack of content that we were pressuring him over? Wasn't our pressure on him what made you vote us in the first place?

Your whole reread feels very exaggerated to me. Why include all the "no real content" posts instead of saying something like "Post XXX - no real content?" It looks like you're trying to bulk up an argument that boils down to "He hasn't contributed to the game." Also, why wouldn't you reread the controversial players first?


Nov 7, 2008
So Mayling, let me get this straight - you're concluding that seph/Delvro is scum for the same lack of content that we were pressuring him over? Wasn't our pressure on him what made you vote us in the first place?

Your whole reread feels very exaggerated to me. Why include all the "no real content" posts instead of saying something like "Post XXX - no real content?" It looks like you're trying to bulk up an argument that boils down to "He hasn't contributed to the game." Also, why wouldn't you reread the controversial players first?
I don't remember you pressuring Seph, this day 1 has had a lot of content in it. I haven't gotten to the reread of you yet. What i do remember of you, in the grand scheme of things, is you pointing fingers EVERYWHERE you can, meanwhile requesting a modkill on a person who most people think are town (or, rather, on someone anyone's had hardly ANY suspicion.)

Even now you're pointing fingers at me for doing a reread, which is one of the most protown things you can do. -_- I included all the no real content posts, because I was intent in doing THE MOST THOROUGH REREAD EVAAAAAAAAR that was going to include all posts - too bad I got bored.

Really, if you're going to try to pretend to be town, at least bring something valuable to the table. You're seriously critiquing me on HOW I did my re-read rather than what my what my reread contains. How about starting there and find something you don't like? Right now this is just a sad attempt at trying to make me look scummy.

Also, I reread from the players who had the least posts to the most posts, I just got bored halfway thru.


Nov 7, 2008
@th3smarg, I've also been saying Delvro is potential scum for A WHILE not just after my reread.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I don't feel like Delvro would be acting so stupid if he was truly scum... I think he'd be way more panicky... Idk why, just a thought. He's being pompus. Not something I'd expect from scum.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
UTD, can you pretty please post a picture of a duck, then say you love Justin Beiber, and then vote Delvro? Also, please don't do this unless you are somehow compelled to do so.


Nov 7, 2008
I don't feel like Delvro would be acting so stupid if he was truly scum... I think he'd be way more panicky... Idk why, just a thought. He's being pompus. Not something I'd expect from scum.
I agree with you on some level which is what makes reading Delvro so hard. However, if we pass allow him to pass with a stamp that says "too dumb to be scum" what kind of future does that spell out for this game?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
It spells out a future of too scum to be scum, so lynch em, and if his lynch leads to the most connections, he's a detriment to town anyway, so his lynch helps in total. You get what I'm saying?


Nov 7, 2008
It spells out a future of too scum to be scum, so lynch em, and if his lynch leads to the most connections, he's a detriment to town anyway, so his lynch helps in total. You get what I'm saying?
Fine, name three people too scum to be scum.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Alright, finished my read. I'll post more after I'm back from work (a couple hours at most). Giving my mind coffee a little time to brew.

@UTD: vote for Gord. In the same post, write the word "banana" in bold and yellow. And yes, I am absolutely sure that I would like you to do both of these things.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
From what we've got now...

I'd be fine with a th3 lynch, just cuz he's making me go f***ing insane with his presence, and smargz isn't posting often enough for me to get a solid read.

UTD can die for reasons mentioned. Like the whole posting restriction thing, which seems like a front to cover up for scummy behaviour and inconsistincies in the future.

A third? Idk. D1's kinda weird for me to get reads and whatnot. UTD and th3 HAVE been scummy, mind you, and if we were to lynch one D1, I'd go for th3. Idk where people are getting Swiss suspicion from, cuz seems ta me like he's playing a pretty town game (and yea I get why I'm a candidate for the noose. I'm a scummeh guy, what can I say -_-?)

When they both die, and flips can be found wrt connections, then we lynch according to that + the scum flips they'll end up performing. I feel like you're just after Delvro for Seph's uselessness (which I get to an extent) and your inability to really get a read on Delvro. If, of course, th3 and UTD are lynched, and town feels that Delvro's the best lynch, then I wouldn't mind the wagon at all. For now though? No. I'm not in support.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
All right. First of all, your in-depth analysis was fine. Given how I've acted during this game, I was happy to see that you analyzed me quite well, even without a clue why I would purposefully act scummy (a question nobody could meaningfully answer)

However, your reaction to my reaction is not good at all (I'm not implying that it was dumb or stupid). I think you just given up thinking about me carefully after the analysis post, instead, giving up and letting gut reactions sway you.

Realize that you've asked me multiple times why I've "purposefully acted like scum" (#553). I told you that your question was a trap and I refused to answer it (any response I make could easily be used to make me look scummy)

When you analyzed me and others, you asked the question again. Multiple times. Why did I choose to answer it, instead of simply quoting my earlier response or ignoring you? Simple. Between these two posts, my opinion of you changed. I very, very strongly believe that you're town at this point, so I assumed that you weren't CONSCIOUSLY trying to get me to appear scummy by answering a loaded question. In addition, I wanted other players to answer your questions to them so I decided to lead by example.

My safe option, if I really really didn't want to die on Day 1 (say I had a powerful Mafia role I wanted to use on Night 1, as McFox indirectly suggests) is to ignore your analysis post, or again refuse to answer your question. Sure it's kind of scummy, but I've been doing it the entire game so far, right? Not out of character for me.

Now, I still think your question is loaded, but I didn't expect you to try to make me look scummy for it, simply because I think you're town. But you say:

I feel this is like a cop out. I was going back and forth between what I thought if this was towndelvro talking or scumdelvro talking, but bah...

Good with Delvro/Swiss toDay.
I was fully expecting someone else to say something like this. But not you, Mayling. I really don't think that my response alone should have changed your stance on me (you say you were flipping back and forth).

After that comment, I realized that you're trying to meta me. You mentioned Mayfia earlier, and I told you that I am very aware of how I play in previous games (and infer that I'm making an effort NOT to play the same way twice, even if I have the same role). However, if I'm reading #647 correctly, you're trying to meta me based on a holistic analysis of all my games.

Pleeeeeeeease be careful about metaing me. Vote for me, fine, I'm cool with that. But I want to see a non-meta reason. (I know you could make a good case easily if you were scum, but since you're town, I know any case you make is one you truly believe in).

That's all =3


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
No Mayling, you must have missed it.

Delvro said:
My safe option, if I really really didn't want to die on Day 1 (say I had a powerful Mafia role I wanted to use on Night 1, as McFox indirectly suggests) is to ignore your analysis post, or again refuse to answer your question. Sure it's kind of scummy, but I've been doing it the entire game so far, right? Not out of character for me.
It's okay for him to not to contribute, because if he started, that would be out of character!


Nov 7, 2008
@Delvro, it wasn't just your response but McFox had a bit to do with it as well. I was swaying back and forth until what he had mentioned, which pushed me into thinking it was a cop out. You never mentioned before wanting to approach the game differently even tho I've been asking WHY you've been acting different all along.. until now.


Smash Ace
Sep 8, 2008
Lexington, KY
No Mayling, you must have missed it.

It's okay for him to not to contribute, because if he started, that would be out of character!
Are you deliberately distorting my words to fit your pre-conceived notions, or is your imagination really that wild?


Smash Lord
May 25, 2009
@mayling: i didn't want to put swiss at l-1, cause then someone could just hammer him
the vote I put on him later only put him at l-3


Nov 7, 2008
@mayling: i didn't want to put swiss at l-1, cause then someone could just hammer him
the vote I put on him later only put him at l-3
i understand this, but if someone just came in and hammered swiss and he flipped town then the hammeree would be in big trouble.

i didn't realize you were putting him at l-3, thanks for clearing that up tho

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Surprised you didn't list T3S here despite them being an issue this game also.
At that time I was actually leaning town in his case I think because like half the game was already down to lynch him and I usually get a bad feeling about such things. Unless we have hard evidence that somebody's scum I'm skeptical when many people voice suspicions against one particular player at a similar time.

Have you ever played games with Cello other than l4s?
Pretty sure I played at least one or more games with him. L4S was one of them but I also think he was in Disney Pop Stars and Popcorn Mafia, which I both played as well. Those are all about half a year old though.

Anything I should know about him that I'm missing?

Generally, I do like this post. It's possible that Gheb is an experienced player taking advantage of trying to protect the noob. Gheb, what did you think of smashmachine at this point? Did you think he was town, scum or other? I do appreciate your points, but worry some that it's an act of trying to make Gheb look like the good guy by pointing out the weakness in attacking a noob. Afterall, protecting the newbie is just as easy as attacking the noobie, if you know he's town.
This is a strong point and it goes to show that you put a lot of thought behind your re-read. There is one major thing you should be aware of though: I am not trying to take credit in any way, shape or form from "protecting" somebody I believe to be town. In the event that he is lynched [and flips town] I will not stand up and say "hey, I told you guys he's town!". I often watch out for these things [who attacks newbies and for what reasons] and did it in past games. But I never did it to make myself look more town.

What I'm saying - and I will freely declare that: nobody in this game [including smash himself] is even supposed to give me credit for my action of protecting a townie. Even knowing that I am town, I will not hesitate to say that it would be a mistake of the other townie to trust me for protecting somebody. Regardless of my alignment: If I were to win the town's trust because of this it would be a weak town. I am not expecting to gain any brownie townie points should smash flip town.

It spells out a future of too scum to be scum, so lynch em, and if his lynch leads to the most connections, he's a detriment to town anyway, so his lynch helps in total. You get what I'm saying?
Unvote Vote Gordo

I get what you say indeed...

@mayling: i didn't want to put swiss at l-1, cause then someone could just hammer him
the vote I put on him later only put him at l-3
I take it then that you still have intentions to playing this game? I really wouldn't mind if you could add some more content. It's not like we're lacking information, you know...



Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I don't see Delvro as a play over T3S or Zac. And I don't know why Mayling re-reading gets T3S off scot free.

I can see two reasons as to why people think I'm scum:

Heavily pressured a new player - which I do regardless of alignment, go read Newbie 8 (9?), I forced two or three major wagons D1. Why? To get reads on people. Notice how the victims of the wagons were both cleared as town by me. Notice how I won town the game. Hurr durr.

Gave J generic advice. Apart from me telling him not necessarily to take McFox's advice (lol), I was V/LA and wasn't up-to-date on content. This was literally the only thing I could have posted.

You can't just take actions and paint them as scummy, look at who made those actions - Swissai boy! Kat (who has only once got my alignment wrong in 5 games [all with me as scum lmao]) and Gord, two of the people who have played with me most. They had no issues (iirc) with what I did, why? Because I always do.

Mayling why aren't we lynch T3S?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
D1 Votecount!

th3smarginator (3) GorditoBoy69, Nabe, Cello_Marl
UTDZac (3) Swiss, th3Smarginator, smashmachine
Swiss (1) Delvro
smashmachine (1) UTDZac
Delvro (2) Mayling, McFox
GorditoBoy69 (1) Gheb

Not Voting (1) Kataefi

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Deadline is Dec 4th! at 5PM GMT



Nov 7, 2008
I don't see Delvro as a play over T3S or Zac. And I don't know why Mayling re-reading gets T3S off scot free.

I can see two reasons as to why people think I'm scum:

Heavily pressured a new player - which I do regardless of alignment, go read Newbie 8 (9?), I forced two or three major wagons D1. Why? To get reads on people. Notice how the victims of the wagons were both cleared as town by me. Notice how I won town the game. Hurr durr.

Gave J generic advice. Apart from me telling him not necessarily to take McFox's advice (lol), I was V/LA and wasn't up-to-date on content. This was literally the only thing I could have posted.

You can't just take actions and paint them as scummy, look at who made those actions - Swissai boy! Kat (who has only once got my alignment wrong in 5 games [all with me as scum lmao]) and Gord, two of the people who have played with me most. They had no issues (iirc) with what I did, why? Because I always do.

Mayling why aren't we lynch T3S?
1) Who said th3 was scott free?
2) Why isn't it okay to pressure someone? :p

That's what I was doing to Delvro, was pressuring him.

Swiss, if you want th3 lynched, maybe you should do a re-read and make a case on him. That's how you get things to move in this game.
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