The Ganondorf Friend Finder List
United States
SWF Name: @HomE
Wifi / Smash tag: @HomE
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: HolyfkitsAlex
Friend Code: Urg..
Wii Number: Urg..
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Characters: Ganon, DK, Ness
Preferred Costume: Red
North East
SWF Name: AfroThunderRule
Wifi / Smash tag: Love
AIM: AfroThunderRule/STFUdude4life
Friend Code: 3823-8768-8358
Location: New York, New York
Characters: Most characters
Preferred Costume: Doesn't matter.
Skill Level: Below average
SWF Name: Ijosh
Wifi / Smash tag: Ijosh
AIM: grin787
Friend Code: 3437-2849-2467
Wii Number: 6399 2711 0122 6587
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Characters: Ganondorf, Snake and Peach
Preferred Costume: Blue
SWF Name: thexsunrosered
Wifi / Smash tag: Red8
AIM: thexsunrosered, p.m is better though
Friend Code:1418-6409-6613
Location: Dover, Delaware (lolwut?)
Characters: Ganon Falco Sheik Falcon
Preferred Costume: Red, Green
South East
SWF Name: Finnishmatthew
Wifi / Smash tag: Matt
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: Just PM me
Friend Code: 4984-2456-6063
Wii Number:
Location: Town, State (Region if you prefer privacy) Atlanta, Georgia
Characters: Ganondorf, Wolf
Preferred Costume: Meleedorf
SWF Name: GanonkingAbyss
Wifi / Smash tag: Abyss
Friend Code: 2793 0643 2809
Wii Number: 2196 5836 2701 3686
Location: Florida
Characters: Ganondorf, Anyone else
Preferred Costume: Green
SWF Name: Jocky
Wifi / Smash tag: Jocky
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: AIM =
Friend Code: 4639 9001 8607
Wii Number: 5546 0503 8004 5502
Location: Oviedo, Florida
Characters: The Captain, Giggling Green Ganon, Koopa, etc.
Preferred Costume: Dark Greens
SWF Name: LordofDarkness
Wifi / Smash tag: LoDRK
preferred contact method: Feel free to talk to me over SWF any time.
Friend Code: 4296-2695-7562
Location: Hammond, Louisiana ('Lousy'ana el oh el)
Characters: Ganondorf! I can proficiently play just about any character.
Preferred Costume: Normal/ Stoned Ganon
SWF Name: Noobicidal
Wifi / Smash tag: NOOB!
Friend Code: 3265-6146-8774
Wii Number: 4848 8330 0456 8429
Location: Marshville, North Carolina (South East)
Characters: Ganondorf, Jigglypuff, Samus.
Preferred Costume: White
South West
Wifi / Smash tag: Euphy
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method:
Friend Code: 3866-7701-5571
Location: Spring, Texas
Characters: Ganon, Olimar,
Preferred Costume: Old timer Ganon
SWF Name: Kishin
Wifi / Smash tag: Kishn
Friend Code: 0731 6583 8417
Wii Number: 2980 4975 3474 6586
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
Characters: Marth, Ike, Ganondorf, Captain Falcon
Preferred Costume: White and/or Ghetto
SWF Name: Kofu
Wifi / Smash tag: YoAto
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: Smashboards VM
Friend Code: 3480-2408-7824
Wii Number: nope
Location: Southwest
Characters: Game & Watch/R.O.B./Bowser/Ganondorf/Jigglypuff
Preferred Costume: Dark 'Dorf
SWF Name: Swoops
Wifi / Smash tag: SWOOP
AIM, Yahoo Mail: (Y-Mail) (AIM) getondaganjabus
Friend Code: 2621-2297-4759
Wii Number: 5574-0699-0786-5321
Location: Scottsdale, Arizona.
Characters: Ganon & Pika.
Preferred Costume: Brown.
SWF Name: ul7r05
Wifi / Smash tag: ult3k
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: Yahoo: catz_ult
Friend Code: 4253-3156-6396
Wii Number: N/A
Location: Denton, TX (I don't prefer anywhere, as long as it isn't atrocious lag)
Characters: Ganondorf
Preferred Costume: It really doesn't matter to me, if there was pink I'd pick it too. Color isn't important.
SWF Name: Marsulas
Wifi Tag: Mars
AIM: Marsulas22
Friend Code: 3823-8375-3970
Wii Number: 8606-5229-7719-7713
Location: St. George, Utah
Characters: Sheik, Zelda, Ganon, and Link
Preferred Costume: Default
SWF Name: Moblin/MoblinMan
Wifi / Smash tag: Moblin
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: AIM = Ultramoblin
Friend Code: 4854-6120-9610
Wii Number: idk
Location: Denver, Colorado
Characters: Ganondork, Craptain Falcon, Marth.
Preferred Costume: Blood red
SWF Name: Pcube
Wifi / Smash tag: FukIt
Friend Code: 2707-2263-8494
Wii Number: 7191 3814 8415 8831
Location: San Diego, California
Characters: Ganondorf, Ness, G&W
Preferred Costume: Gerudo Red
SWF Name: SaltyKracka
AIM: nacloverload
Friend Code:1719-2963-1711
Wii Number:
Location: San Diego, CA
Characters: Ganondorf, Ike
Preferred Costume: White, Blue
SWF Name: ShinGaruda
Wifi / Smash tag: Gruda
Friend Code: 0173-3769-8292
Location: Los Osos, CA
Characters: Ganondorf
Preferred Costume: Default
SWF Name: Union of Darkness
Wifi / Smash tag: Seiji
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: I don't use messengers much.
Friend Code: 4253-3146-7223
Wii Number: 3258 9032 2039 1909
Location: Encinitas, California
Characters: Ganondorf, Captain Falcon, Wario
Preferred Costume: Default, Blood Falcon, Overalls Wario
SWF Name: weinner
Wifi/Smash Tag: Wein
Friend code: 3050-7249-5755
Wii Number: I'll get it later.
Location: California
Characters: Ganondorf
Preferred Costume: White
Nova Scotia
SWF Name: Nysyarc
WiFi / Smash Tag: Nyke
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: Just PM me here.
Friend Code: 4769-3806-0431
Wii Number: 3755 9962 9279 3925
Location: NS, Canada
Characters: Ganondorf, Ike
Preferred Costume: Old Manondorf
SWF Name: PK-ow!
Wifi / Smash tag: ZedF
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method:
Friend Code: 2363 6452 1260
Wii Number: 7190-6896-9251-6307
Location: Ontario, Canada
Mr. Game & Watch,
SWF Name: Ray_Kalm
Wifi / Smash tag: Kalm
AIM, MSN: (MSN) (AIM) RayKalm
Friend Code: 0087-4806-2037
Wii Number: 6802 1690 9839 4190
Location: Ontario, Canada.
Characters: Ganondorf and Sheik.
Preferred Costume: Dark.
SWF Name: Riolufin
Wifi / Smash tag: Riolu
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method:
Friend Code: 3394-5018-1022
Wii Number: dun remember
Location: Town, State (Region if you prefer privacy) Jämsä, Finland
Characters: Ganondorf
Preferred Costume: Grampa
SWF Name: stRIP
Wifi / Smash tag: stRIP
Friend Code: 2664-3650-7601
Wii Number: 5482-0552-3317-4472
Location: Germany - Hessen
Characters: Main Ganon; 2nds Metaknight/Snake
Preferred Costume: Red (thack)
SWF Name: NatP
Wifi / Smash tag: NatP
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method: Pm'ing me on smashboards works
Friend Code: 3781 0516 2366
Wii Number:
Location: Portugal
Characters: Game & Watch/DK/Ganondorf/Bowser
Preferred Costume: Meleedorf
SWF Name: SmashBrosForce
Wifi / Smash tag: Force
Friend Code: 0646-1985-0601
Wii Number: 1655 2260 8487 9125
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Characters: Ganondorf / DK / Bowser / Link
SWF Name: FotuRAN
Wifi tag : FRAN
Contact method: PM's.
Friend Code: 1504 7328 0936
Location: Spain
Characters: Main: Falco, Second: Ganondrof
Colors: Red Ganon
SWF Name: Makke
Wifi / Smash tag: Makke
Friend Code: 3824-0602-4321
Wii Number: Ask
Location: Sundsvall, Sweden
Characters: Ganondorf, DK, Pikachu
Preferred Costume: Red
Wifi / Smash tag: Z1GMA
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method:
Friend Code: 3695-1839-8997
Wii Number: Ask
Location: Örebro, Sweden
Characters: Ganondorf, IC's
Preferred Costume: Blue/Green
United Kingdom
SWF Name: Conspiricy
Wifi / Smash tag: Baron
AIM, MSN, or preferred contact method:
Friend Code: 0431-3727-7492
Wii Number: 7562 5755 0915 1398
Location: Tavistock, devon, UK
Characters: Ganon, sawnik, snake, wolf, lucas, kirby, ike, ROB and DK.
Preferred Costume: White Klanondorf