Xin yes they came and nerfed pretty solidly. Pretty fair nerf too IMO. Heimer they kinda sorta nerfed, and Kayle, but the difference isn't that big they both still top tier champs. The range difference really isn't gonna matter, he can still hit towers at a safe distance. The AP scaleback is minor, only a difference of like 15 relative Damage per 100 AP.
Xin attacks slower, does less damage, charge slow is shorter, etc. Took him from Tier 2 to like Tier 3 near Pantheon and Jax IMO. Poor Melee carries been nerfed into the ground lately. They probably could have gotten away with keeping everything else the same, but removing his CDR on his Battle Cry. THAT is what turns him into a monster. 30 Mana cost to lower the cooldown of your moves by nearly 2 seconds every second you attack (2 attacks or more a second not hard to hit with him)? Makes 3 Talon strike useable 2-3 times a team fight just from 1 Battle Cry. Or using all of your abilities and then going to a minion wave or jungling to refresh the cooldowns for free? A bit dumb.