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#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010


:gova: :gova: :gova:A M E R I C A:gova: :gova: :gova:


Charging Limit All Day
Oct 14, 2008
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I like the part where Canada Day passed and nobody noticed.


Happy "Get Drunk, Light Fireworks, and yell at other countries" Day, America!

(Note: Activities commonly, but not necessarily, in that order.)


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I like the part where Canada Day passed and nobody noticed.

Maybe if Canadians loved Canada as much as American's love (an excuse to grill burgers and get drunk and fight about politics with those weird, fringe family members they only see once a year and light each other up with illegal fireworks imported from countries that are not) America, then somebody would have noticed.



Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
"The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more." - John Adams

Although a little hasty on the date, he sure was a visionary.

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
Anyone major/minor in graphics design? Talk to me about it.

I'm thinking of minoring in Art because that's the only minor related to that I can do.

Social Work
Graphics Design
Web Design

The only things I think would interest me in my WHOLE LIFE.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Which head is talking? I'm assuming Ranmaru. I work in Graphics Design. What do you need to know about it?

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
Yes, this is Ran.

Sweet. Well, I want to know how I can start off with GD. Yet I'm already 2 years in Social Work and don't think I can transfer to Graphics Design as I'd have to start over.

So I want to know if I can take any classes in it without minoring/majoring in it, and still be able to do some work. I basically want to have GD or something related as a side thing, to make a little more money. I also feel it can help me have fun with work, instead of just doing social work just cuz.

How do jobs go for you in graphics design, and what do you get paid (usually, or maybe give a few examples if it's always case by case) I also want to know what you think is a good way to start GD for me, in whatever way I can. I love to play around with gimp and just make signatures. I'm very willing to learn more about art and drawing to be able to dive more into it.

I like making things like this:

I also may try to learn more Web Design so I can make web sites as that is fun for me to do. Any resources for GD that you know would be appreciated. I understand without a degree I'd prolly be doing more just free lance stuff but I don't mind that, it's some money, while doing what I would love to do.

I also understand Graphics Design isn't simply making siggies/banners like those above, yet I respect that and am open to going into more and just learing a **** ton of stuff about Graphics Design so I can have fun! I realized upon taking a GD class in 07 that it wasn't just about that, and I failed it. I didn't even know how to draw, I was not prepared.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Sweet. Well, I want to know how I can start off with GD. Yet I'm already 2 years in Social Work and don't think I can transfer to Graphics Design as I'd have to start over.

So I want to know if I can take any classes in it without minoring/majoring in it, and still be able to do some work. I basically want to have GD or something related as a side thing, to make a little more money. I also feel it can help me have fun with work, instead of just doing social work just cuz.

How do jobs go for you in graphics design, and what do you get paid (usually, or maybe give a few examples if it's always case by case) I also want to know what you think is a good way to start GD for me, in whatever way I can. I love to play around with gimp and just make signatures. I'm very willing to learn more about art and drawing to be able to dive more into it.
Starting in GD is actually fairly easy and It's not very hard to get into. I took a program at KCTC for about a year. I don't know if your state offers something like this but it would be a good place to start. However, before you make a decision I want to remind you that Graphic Desingers mostly get work through contracts and connections, which is very important. In order to be successful as a Graphic Desinger you need to know a lot of people.You can actually make a lot of money off of GD however ($20 bucks an hour) so it's worth it. This is a bit ahead of everything and before you even get to that part you need to create a portfolio and start designing some things. Nobody is going to give you money or even hire you if you don't have a portfolio. I think you have a slight advantage over everyone else if you like working in GIMP and have created some signatures, so for your portfolio you should really include those. How do you feel about Logos, Advertisements, or T-shirt designs, Ran? That is mostly what GD's do. However, a bit misconception people get about GD is that it's all about Advertisements. It's not. It's just another form of Art. Don't ever let someone discourage you or tell you that what you're doing isn't real Art, because they're just a bunch of bigots and they don't understand anything. I felt I would add that in so you don't get discouraged about this. Graphic Designers get a TON of freedom with their work, and it's a lot of fun. It's also a lot of work, and you're going to be doing A LOT of Sketches.

Do you want me to post some of the stuff I've worked on for you, so you get an even clearer idea? I've been wanting to for the longest time. I love going on about my work because I'm so proud of it and yes there are times when I could have chose something easier but I really love what I do.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also, those signatures are really nice and impressive. Graphic Designers work with that stuff all the time, you just gotta find someone who will pay you for it. I'd also suggest getting used to Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
I'd be down for anything, be it Logos, Advertisements, or T-shirt designs, I would be up for the challenge because it would be fun. I will check that KCTC thing out! I don't mind it being alot of work either, I can be quite the worker when I'm in my zone.

And yes! I would deff like to see some of the stuff you have worked on! :D

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
Also, those signatures are really nice and impressive. Graphic Designers work with that stuff all the time, you just gotta find someone who will pay you for it. I'd also suggest getting used to Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign.

Thanks! I'll check those out, too.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Let me see if my Camera wants to work. I really need a scanner. :(

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
Do you want me to post some of the stuff I've worked on for you, so you get an even clearer idea? I've been wanting to for the longest time. I love going on about my work because I'm so proud of it and yes there are times when I could have chose something easier but I really love what I do.

I really like what you said here in the underlined. I'm basically doing what I'm doing now because it's easy, and stable. With the GD class I took, I hit a wall. The class was difficult because I was not prepared like most of the students there, doing some professional work already. xD I was like "WTF I thought this was for newbies ;-;" while another classmate had the same reaction, we became friends haha. Anyways, along with that, came with deadlines, and me not putting in the extra time and just using in class-time. This combined with the teacher's monotone style of teaching (it was so subtle and bleh), just... made me go... ughhhh there is something sucking my life force here. Anyways I failed the final exam (which was recreating a newsletter), but I learned that it's more than just siggies and i"m ready to dive into that again.

I'm still trying to better myself, with deadlines and putting in more time to class and even work, as laid back as I can be, I cannot just hand wave everything. I realized this. I'm slowly trying to distance myself from videogames so I don't get so ... zoney on them and so I can focus on myself and progress in life. Notice how long it took me to get my license, but I did it.

I also then tried Computer Programming but just got lazy. It was super fun but not even that I can be lazy with, because at the end it gets really down to details.

After that I went to the easy, stable path. Social Work. I'll keep doing it just to have a daily thing to do while having GD as a side thing.

Now that I think of it, I want to know what difficulties you faced and how you succeeded in defeating those, and what kept you sticking to it.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. Not everything is going to be in your favor and not everyone is going to hire you. I was left without work for a while (and still am actually) but that doesn't stop me from quitting. It's best to have a side-job anyways unless you get hired into a company, but right now I mostly do bids and offer my services from here and there. It's good money when I can get it. I'm glad I still live at home so I don't have to worry too much about my finances.

WashedLaundry could you tell you more about the life of an Artist.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Soup: When people say stuff like "advertisement is soulless," I don't think that they are really thinking about GD aspect of it. I think they're more so blanketing all forms of advertisement as "soulless" because there are a good number of advertisements that come across that way. Be it some ****ty junk food commercial where a bunch of racially diverse people are laughing it up on a sunny day in the park holding a box of cheeze-its or something or some Cristian mingle commercial telling you that with their website you can find "God's match for you" a lot of advertising comes off disingenuous. That's not to say that you GD people are necessarily to blame, though.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Super VLA this Summer, possibly for even longer than that. This is actually...probably my final farewell.

People I will miss: Nabe, Circus, marshy, a little part of me will miss Swiss/Ryker/OS and a little bit of EE because it's hilarious bashing heads with them. Zen maybe because the way he plays and almost always ruins games. WTF happened to Vand/Kataefi? Oh yeah, almost forgot Acro.

People I won't miss: RR, Xonar, PJB. LOL.

Everyone else is probably cool and I'm just not remembering them off the top of my head since I'm busy af.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
Like, I'm not wholly developed into the art world. The thing about most artistic jobs is that you generally are either a) a sellout or b) a paragon of virtue who has to find another means of supporting themselves. As a GD, you're probably the former, but GDs are kinda weird. They are now what painters were 400 years ago and I'm really waiting for the rest of the art world to catch onto this rather than keeping up its painting boner.

What would you like to know, Ran?


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Brodull, as someone who hardcore hiatus'd from this place for a year not thinking I'd be back, I'll say I'll see you later.

But in case not: Keelah Se'lai, my friend.

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
Like, I'm not wholly developed into the art world. The thing about most artistic jobs is that you generally are either a) a sellout or b) a paragon of virtue who has to find another means of supporting themselves. As a GD, you're probably the former, but GDs are kinda weird. They are now what painters were 400 years ago and I'm really waiting for the rest of the art world to catch onto this rather than keeping up its painting boner.

What would you like to know, Ran?

I would like to see some examples of your work, how it worked out, how you started, how you stuck with it, etc

Any resources that you used that helped you along the way, and any helpful advice would be cool too. (General)

Also as a sellout, you mean like just do w/e job comes my way regardless of what effect it can have on society or something

Super Fabulous

Jun 24, 2013
Also, Farewell Bardull.

You HAVE to hydra with me once you do come back. I mean seriously. That. ****ing. Hydra. Too. Good.

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
man animal crossing is some bull**** you give some girl everything in the world and then she moves out after you plant flowers all around their house like what is this I want rune factory 4 this ain't fair.

Picture Perfect

J|Washed Laundry
Jun 25, 2013
Just out of the frame.
I would like to see some examples of your work, how it worked out, how you started, how you stuck with it, etc
I'm a sculptor now and a lot of work I did was for fun back in high school. That said, here's links to some of my favorite works that I did for GD.

http://i40.photobucket.com/albums/e230/RLClousia/Signatures/BeatSigv2.png (although I want to go back and lighten this one slightly)

I started doing these back on AiB when I noticed this stuff was around. I was bored one summer and wanted something to do when I wandered around the Art District there and saw the Sig of the Week contests they ran. It looked pretty cool to me so I tried my hand it and had an absolute blast. While having stuff made for me was alright, I took more pride in doing it for myself, even if it wasn't as good. The problem with sigs, or really any GD work is that I can't do commissions. As countless mafia games here have proven, I'm terrible at keeping schedules and doing specific requests for anything creative so between a lot of these well-polished pieces there were a lot of bull**** that I didn't really like thrown in and around. I think if I stuck with it I might've been able to go places. GD is really open right now and it's so gogdamn promising of its future. I kinda regret not going that route but prints are a ***** and I like being able to hold my work in my hands, y'know?

Any resources that you used that helped you along the way, and any helpful advice would be cool too. (General)
Being the cheap ******* who's too cool to pirate I am, I used the GIMP. In terms of other resources, be ever vigilante on other artists and their work and for the love of gog, credit what you use if you didn't make it from scratch. Being able to use your own photos or self-made sprites for your **** is godsend and you really should take advantage of that.

Other than that, find styles you like. When I do 2D work, I tend to borrow street art ideas and I have a site I go to to look at recent popular work from there. For my sculpture work I look up some other specific artists doing the same techniques I am. Research constantly. If you lack inspiration, go look around. There's plenty of material to draw from and the internet gives us access to a lot of it.

And honestly, if you have ideas but lack perfect technical skill, go to school. My abilities have been incredibly refined just by attending and I can definitely shape a lot of younger kids now thanks to it.

Also as a sellout, you mean like just do w/e job comes my way regardless of what effect it can have on society or something
In terms of a sell-out, I mean people like this guy:

This guy had tremendous technical skill when it came to artwork and painted beautiful pictures. The problem was, they were all the equivalent of fluff. They had no content and were devoid of any personal sentiment. He just painted pretty pictures of houses and scenery because he knew that people would buy it. And they did. Because the common masses don't give a damn about what it means, they just like the pretty pictures.

But when you look at his stuff, you have to ask the question, "Is this good art?" And I honestly would say no. Thanks to the last century or so, we've brought art forward to a point where you can't say "this has no content, whatever, its technical skill is fantastic, it's great art." That wasn't wholly the case before but it's 100% not now after the Modernist period and everything that resulted from that. Technically speaking, his work is ****ing gorgeous, but it's no better than the same **** you'd see on the walls of a hotel that feel fake and are put there to fill up wall space.

Does that help?
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