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#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Ok, so what's going to happen is once you get registered (really easy over twitter), you're gonna start playing the game up to the Wind Crystal as 4 Freelancers. At that point, the game gives you access to the first set of Jobs, which include

White Mage
Black Mage
Blue Mage

At this point, you need to find out what your first randomly assigned Job is from the Gilgabot on twitter. Whatever that first job is, all 4 of your characters need to take that job. Then you play through the game until you get the next set of jobs, from the Water Crystal. These are

Red Mage
Time Mage
Sorcerer/Mystic Knight

At this point, you'll be able to start mixing and matching your jobs. Whatever jobs you draw, you have to use it on at least one character at all times. You can, however, put any of the abilities you learn on anyone you want. For example, if you drew Blue Mage>Time Mage, you have the option to put Blue Magic skills on your Time Mages, and Time Magic on your Blue Mages. You could keep 3 of your characters as Blue Mages, and have one Time Mage, or the other way around, wutever. You just have to use all your jobs, and only your jobs. No more Freelancer, no Monk, wutever. Your world is Blue Mages and Time Mages. Eventually you'll get to the Fire Crystal and get


there's a couple of areas you have to do before it gives you the other Fire Crystal jobs, so if you draw one of these two, you have to wait for access to your Fire job


then comes the Earth Crystal, to give you your 4th and final Job


So what happens at this point is that since you have to have one of each of your jobs, you don't get to double up on anything you think is better anymore. All you can do is stick your best abilities on as many of your guys as you can, and figure out a winning strategy.

When you get your first job, lemme know what you drew, and I'll give you some tips on what you need to make sure you pick up if you need it. Ordinarily, this game is pretty easy to figure out how to beat when you have all the jobs, but in this, you're very limited, and the winning strategy can be hard to figure out if you're not super familiar with the game. Game FAQs is your friend, and you probably won't even need much help from me if you know what you're looking for.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL

Also, realize that you can use rods that are equipped to your character (and change their equipment) to break the rod and cast a high level spell. Note that I am playing a game that is based completely on breaking rods to blitz the bosses before they one-shot my super squishy characters.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
You can only make use of that stuff if you get jobs that can use them though. If you roll Black Mage, you actually won't even need to break any rods if all 4 of your guys are just all spamming spells. You only needed to make use of breaking rods because you have to keep a bunch of freelancers around, instead of giving everyone !Black.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Oh my goodness guys.

That nasty feeling you get when the final Jeopardy question on Jeopardy is super easy for you but like only one of the contestants get it.

In this crime drama, a 1994 Oscar nominee for Best Picture, a character misquotes Ezekiel 25:17 twice.

I just wanted to punch all those old people didn't have a clue through my TV screen.

*totally unrelated to whatever you guys were talking about*

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Basically the way the job system works is that you pick a class, and that class has the ability to

Job Specific Ability
Empty Slot

As you level up in your job by earning Ability Points, you'll be able to permanently learn the Job's innate ability, so you can equip that ability on another class. Depending on the Job, you can even learn other abilities, like passive bonuses, or different abilities entirely. Commands that you can activate in battle will always have ! in front of them. Abilities you learn without ! are passive when you equip them.

For example, the White Mage has the !White command by default, and as it levels up, it learns !White1, !White2, !White3, etc. making it so when you equip the !White command on another class, they have access to higher level spells. So as you level up your White Mage, you won't learn anything new for you to equip, but you'll gain the ability to make other classes functional as White Mages too. You'll be able to use



The Monk, on the other hand, has the !Kick command by default. You won't be able to use the !Kick command any other way than using a Monk, because he doesn't learn that ability. He does, however, learn !Build Up. When you learn this, you can equip this ability on your Monk so he can use it, because he couldn't before. You could equip it on any other class you wanted to, as well. So you'd have

!Build Up

Monks also learn the passive ability Brawl. This is an ability that the Monk already has by default, but now we can equip it on anyone else we want, and they can fight with their fists. If we went back and put this on that White Mage, he'd have


Now we have a White Mage who can fight with it's fists, just like a Monk! We could also choose to take our Monk friend, and give him some magic like this


Now our Monk has access to White Magic. One thing to note is that when you equip certain abilities, whether they are active or passive, will sometimes confer the status bonuses of that class onto others. For example, let's take a look at Faris, and make her a Monk, and give that Monk the !White command. This is what happens to her stats

Default Stat Monk Bonus !White
Vigor 27 + 26 = 53
Speed 27 + 1 = 28
Stamina 26 + 26 = 52
Magic 26 - 23 + 25= 51

As you can see, despite the fact that Monks are pretty terrible mages on their own, simply giving one the ability to cast it makes them pretty good. What happens is that when you give them an ability that confers a stat bonus, it overwrites the bonus they were already receiving from their class if the new bonus is better. So even though Faris the Monk should only have 3 Magic power, giving her !White overwrites that big ol penalty she was getting, and replaces it with a hefty bonus instead.

Each class usually has one ability that grants one, or multiple, of their stat bonuses. Experiment with things to maximize the effectiveness of your party!


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Oh my goodness guys.

That nasty feeling you get when the final Jeopardy question on Jeopardy is super easy for you but like only one of the contestants get it.

In this crime drama, a 1994 Oscar nominee for Best Picture, a character misquotes Ezekiel 25:17 twice.

I just wanted to punch all those old people didn't have a clue through my TV screen.

*totally unrelated to whatever you guys were talking about*

That is a damned shame.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
For some reason I did not expect PJB to be well into FFV. Pretty cool to hear though.

I've only played it one and a half times, it's not particularly my favourite (I'm weird about optimizing setups and stuff so ehh), but I did think it was very good.
My fondest memory is probably giving my black mage equipAxe and the axe that does a critical hit every time at the cost of MP. Put that guy in the front row and watch him shred things, hilarious.


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
also I've just realized I 'liked' Sword's post above, even though it's about punching old people. Don't punch old people, dude! They can't take it so well anymore.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Giving a Berserker a secondary skill too boost his Magic stat, and the Rune Axe you're talking about, is one of the best ways to increase his damage without taking away his shield. My berserker actually has EquipHarp, because it grants him the speed and magic power of a Bard. The magic isn't as much as !Black would give him, but it's a sizeable boost, + it doubles his speed, which Berserkers drastically lack. Little tricks :)

My Black Mage>Berserker>Bard>Dancer team is really starting to come into their own, now that I've reached World3 and I'm getting endgame gear. The Chicken Knife is gonna be a huge damage boost for my dancer when I get it powered up.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
First day of work done.

"Slaving over a hot stove for hours."

You guys don't even know what this means man. You guys don't even know.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
First day of work done.

"Slaving over a hot stove for hours."

You guys don't even know what this means man. You guys don't even know.
Well, I just was just in Death Valley for 2 days. It was at least 120 all day, air temp. Ground temp is much higher.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I wonder if my role was just written in invisible ink, and Nabe has already sent it to me.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I finished my FFV fiesta run in the amount of time that role pms have been in the works. I even beat Omega. **** Shinryu tho, I don't even know man. I'mma have to use some bull**** luck based stuff if i want his nuts on a platter.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2011
Yea, but once you get used to it it isn't too bad. When I've been behind the line I do the fryer, the convection oven and the broiler/grill. Basically half the kitchen. Keeping track of everything on the tickets is definitely the hardest part, aside form maybe learning how each meat is as which style of cooking it.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Yea, but once you get used to it it isn't too bad. When I've been behind the line I do the fryer, the convection oven and the broiler/grill. Basically half the kitchen. Keeping track of everything on the tickets is definitely the hardest part, aside form maybe learning how each meat is as which style of cooking it.
Where do you work at?


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Is it October yet?

Mad Men of Dgames

[collapse= List]marshy - Don Draper
EE - Roger Sterling
Sold - Bert Cooper
Raz - Lane Pryce
Gova - John Hooker
Ryker - Lee Garner Jr.
J - Peggy Olson
soup - Peter Campbell
Zen - Joy
Gheb - Duck Phillips
Laundry - Ken Cosgrove
Kary - Betty Draper
Orbo - William Hofstadt
Rake - Adam Whitman
Xonar - Sally Draper
Kuz - Abe Drexler
Gorf - Roy Hazelitt
BSL - Paul Kinsey
Nabe - Joan Harris
Rockin - Sal Romano
PJB - Kurt Smith
Sowrddancer - Arnold Wayne
Overswarm - Gene Hofstadt
Seph - Father Gill
July - Faye Miller
Circus - Megan D.
Bardull - Stan Rizzo
Joey- Smitty Smith
Red Ruy - Archie Whitman
Omni - Rachel Menken
KevinM - Michael Ginsberg
Acrostic - Harry Crane
Vanderzant - Tom Vogel
Kataefi - Trudy Campbell
Swiss - Ted Chaough
Macman - Freddy Rumsen
Tom - Conrad Hilton
Badwolf - Joey Baird
Vinyl - Boppy Draper
Dark Horse - Danny Seigel
X1-12 - Robert Pryce
JTB - Henry Francis[/collapse]
[collapse=marshy]Don Draper

The head of Sterling Cooper and Dgames. We all know who really runs this place. This guy represents what everyone wants to be: pure swag. But is he really who he says he is? Who is the man behind Donald Draper? There have been rumors that it is not even his real name (one source claims his real name to be marshigio).[/collapse]
[collapse=Evil Eye]Roger Sterling

Roger inherited Sterling-Cooper from his father, the co-founder of SC, Roger Sterling Senior also known as Eor. This man loves to talk and drink but no body is really sure of what he does regarding the company. He is credited for hiring Don Draper, and the two of them have grown into loyal friends. But not even marshy could tell you how old this guy is.[/collapse]
[collapse=Sold2]Bert Cooper

Bert Cooper is one of the heads of Dgames, but he never seems to be around. Some have reported seeing him getting massages in his office. Others have reported seeing him around wearing strange Japanese clothing.

[collapse=Raziek]Lane Pryce

The most recent Partner of Dgames. Unlike the other partners, however, Lane seems to get on everyone's *** like he should. You would think that he would be hated for this reason, but it is actually to the contrary. The employees seem to know he simply has the best interest of the company in mind.[/collapse]
[collapse=Gova]John Hooker

Assistant to Pryce. Although he doesn't really participate in the ad game, he does fancy keeping things in line.[/collapse]
[collapse=Ryker]Lee Garner Jr.

This man provides Sterling-Cooper with 60% of its income. Ryker gets what he wants when he wants it. Step on his toes and you'll find yourself lynched, or worse, day vigged.[/collapse]
[collapse=J]Peggy Olson

J started as a mere secretary and made it to the big leagues. He has shown to be one of the most ingenious employees of Dgames. She earned her respect (Don has grown quite fond of her) although many employees are simply afraid of him. While he normally presents himself as sweet and innocent, inside he is independent and quite the sexual beast.[/collapse]
[collapse=soup]Pete Campbell

soup had often not gotten the respect and appreciation he longed for. Yet he works twice as hard. Why must the world be full of imbeciles? No one really knows what it is that Pete wants, not even his wife Kataefi. He never seems quite happy with what's in front of him.

Also Zen's favorite character.[/collapse]

Zen likes to do his own thing and doesn't really live the way normal people do. Hell she doesn't even have a last name. Seriously this dude is strange. Like what kind of man deliberately avatarzes as a female character.[/collapse]
[collapse=Gheb]Duck Phillips

Duck is an arrogant man who sees things differently. He is efficient at his methods, but his methods aren't always necessarily the right methods. He almost made partner, but was found to be too unstable as he is a closet drunk.[/collapse]
[collapse=Laundry]Ken Cosgrove

This is just a cool dude that everyone seems to like. He is a lady's man and is rivals with Pete Campbell also known as soup. [/collapse]
[collapse=Kary]Betty Draper

The wife of Don marshy. At times he is a bit impulsive and tends to see fault in others and herself as a victim. She has gained much control over the former, however, after simply coming to terms with the way the world is. But if things aren't going the way he feels they should go, you can be sure he'll speak his mind.[/collapse]
[collapse=Orbo]William Hofstadt

Quite an interesting last name that many seem to mispronounce. Orbo is your run-of-the-mill guy, someone you can count on to not secretly be a part of the mafia. [/collapse]
[collapse=Rake]Adam Whitman

He thinks he's a witty man. Really he just forgot the 'e'.[/collapse]
[collapse=Xonar]Sally Draper

Xonar's moods are hard to decipher especially by his parents. Secretly he picks up on a lot of information and far exceeds children his age in intelligence. He acts out in the face of cognitive dissonance.

What, no Anime?​

Zozo, we live in the 60's, there is no anime.[/collapse]
[collapse=Kuz]Abe Drexler

An equalist that knows a good time. You'd have an equal chance running into Drexler at a civil rights rally as you would at the beach.[/collapse]
[collapse=gorf]Roy Hazelitt

A walrus-loving musician that sort of disappears after season 1. This dude knows how to go with the flow. His own flow that is. Not the kind of guy you'd find working in the office.[/collapse]
[collapse=BSL]Paul Kinsey

Down to earth kind of guy. Kinsey is someone you could rely on to get his work done and is someone you always expect to be around whether it be at work or social.
[collapse=Nabe]Joan Harris

Redheaded and curvy.

With a body like that and the attitude to match it, it wont be long before you find yourself in bed with this guy.[/collapse]
[collapse=Rockin]Sal Romano

One of the coolest dudes at Sterling-Cooper. And other things too.[/collapse]
[collapse=PJB]Kurt Smith

Private Joker is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything. Sure of himself but feels mistreated at times.
[collapse=Sworddancer]Arnold Wayne

Sworddancer Wayne is a psychologist particularly fond of the work and philosophies of Sigmund Frued, especially the belief that everything one does is tied to sex.[/collapse]
[collapse=Overswarm]Gene Hofstadt

A wise man. Sometimes. Or maybe just to himself. To many he may seem a little off his rockers. [/collapse]
[collapse=Seph]Father Gill

Wait wasn't this the guy that played a religious serial killer in Dexter? Well in the Mad Men of Dgames, Seph is just a nice guy who is there if you need him.[/collapse]
[collapse=July]Faye Miller

An intelligent business woman/researcher who specializes in psychology. July is highly respected among her male peers.[/collapse]
[collapse=Circus]Megan D.

Circus is good with people, especially with kids. She starts out as just a secretary, but later on becomes a respected figure in creative, hosting games such as Necromafia and Scott Pilgrim.

The only down side is that she also seems to be a fan of bad movies. [/collapse]
[collapse=Bardull]Stan Rizzo

Arrogant on the outside. Arrogant on the inside. But I'm sure there's a soft side to him. He is an artist after all. Bardull prefers playboy magazines to work, but then again who doesn't? [/collapse]
[collapse=Joey]Smitty Smith

A young, talented artist that once worked at Sterling-Cooper.
[collapse=Red Ruy]Archie Whitman

You never see this man without a drink.[/collapse]
[collapse=Omni]Rachel Menken

An off & on client of Sterling Cooper. Although he seems to leave angry and upset every time he gives them a chance.[/collapse]
[collapse=KevinM]Michael Ginsberg

A creative extrovert and natural copywrighter. Quickly becomes one of the firms top players. [/collapse]
[collapse=Acrostic]Harry Crane

Acrostic is Intelligent and innovative. He seems to know more than everyone else and even made up his own position at the firm. [/collapse]
[collapse=Vanderzant]Tom Vogel

Man just a nice guy who'd do anything for his daughter Trudy. [/collapse]
[collapse=Kataefi]Trudy Campbell

Kat is full of Zeal and really great at zumba.

[collapse=Swiss]Ted Chaough

Ted is a self-proclaimed big shot. Really he's just a domo with a big head. [/collapse]
[collapse=Macman]Freddy Rumsen

Everyone loves Freddy. He's been working at Dgames since the beginning. Though eventually he takes some time off and starts up again as a freelancer later. [/collapse]
[collapse=Tom]Conrad Hilton

Hilton is a legend. Everyone wants Tom's busieness, but he'll take only the best. He has taken particular interest in Don Draper.[/collapse]
[collapse=Badwolf]Joey Baird

Baird and Peggy were good friends, but after a while he seemed to just annoy her. [/collapse]
[collapse=Vinyl]Bobby Draper

Bobby just kind of does his own thing. [/collapse]
[collapse=Dark Horse]Danny Seigel

Because of his small stature, Dark Horse didn't initially get the recognition he wanted, but he soon shows the firm that he is serious bisuness.[/collapse]
[collapse=X1-12]Robert Pryce

Bald, classy, intelligent and lives in the UK. [/collapse]
[collapse=JTB]Henry Francis

More like JT-macin-on-your-B.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Sworddancer Wayne is a psychologist particularly fond of the work and philosophies of Sigmund Frued, especially the belief that everything one does is tied to sex.
Oh come on! It was just one thing man!

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I did some soul searching and I figured that love is something that I don't believe I fully understand. I mean, I understand love within the family but when it comes to relationships I'm not sure if I ever truly been in love with another or just infatuated with them.

I acknowledge the success of Mayling and Mcfox's relationship as counter evidence to my argument. Why though is just something that I'll have to learn with age.
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