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#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL

Old Resident Evil felt like I was playing as an actual person in a nightmarish situation and once you got the hang of the controls (a steep curve, sure, but hey, I beat Glover AND Superman 64, man I'm unstoppable) they were perfect for portrayal the helplessness of a regular person going up against hordes of bloodcrazed zombies and monsters

Then you get RE4 onward which, sure, great controls but they're almost hilarious with their over the topness and blatant action action action mentality. Sure the old REs (esp the first one) had some laughable voice acting and ****, but you need only look to the REmake if you wanna see the good things about old RE + the higher bar set for modern games in production values.

and for ****'s sakes, Chris vs the boulder was literally the stupidest god damn thing I've ever seen

It was not literally the stupidest thing I've ever seen, nothing from a video game would hit my top 5 honestly, but it was ****in' UP there mannnn
So,... you're saying it wasn't up your alley? Conversely, I will tell you that I can't STAND the early RE games, but I thoroughly enjoyed RE5. Chris vs. the Boulder being one of my favorite parts.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I just watched Chris vs. the boulder, and that was just...I mean,

I enjoyed it because it was downright hilarious, but I can't say I would have enjoyed it from a "serious" RE player point of view.


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area

Old Resident Evil felt like I was playing as an actual person in a nightmarish situation and once you got the hang of the controls (a steep curve, sure, but hey, I beat Glover AND Superman 64, man I'm unstoppable) they were perfect for portrayal the helplessness of a regular person going up against hordes of bloodcrazed zombies and monsters

Then you get RE4 onward which, sure, great controls but they're almost hilarious with their over the topness and blatant action action action mentality. Sure the old REs (esp the first one) had some laughable voice acting and ****, but you need only look to the REmake if you wanna see the good things about old RE + the higher bar set for modern games in production values.

and for ****'s sakes, Chris vs the boulder was literally the stupidest god damn thing I've ever seen

It was not literally the stupidest thing I've ever seen, nothing from a video game would hit my top 5 honestly, but it was ****in' UP there mannnn
Honestly, I didn't find the old resident evil games even remotely frightening. I'm sure part of it was because of the poor voice acting but they just struck me as way too campy to really work as a legitimate action game.

And frankly, by the time you've hit the forth game of a horror series (unless the plots are loosly related at best) because honestly, once you've lost the mystery the entire feel of being at the mercy of forces beyond your control is lost and you can't really make a good horror game out it.

So RE4 embraced the campy action game, and it was a GOOD campy action game.

Yes and no. You get gems like Penumbra, but would you consider Monolith an indy developer, because I wouldn't. Not that I'm saying FEAR is great, haven't even played it, but Condemned: Criminal Origins is a masterpiece of horror irrespective of medium. Granted it didn't have the survival horror thing where you have to scrounge for supplies and whatever, but that's because you were a normal guy in a normal city full of enraged hobos and drug addicts, meaning all you had to scrounge for was bullets and/or suitable bludgeoning instruments.

then of course Condemned 2 comes in and, once again, something so B-horror it's an insult to B-horror and pandering to action fans and terrible dialogue and terrible overexplainy storytelling and blatant ripping off of other franchises that doesn't fit the vibe of the game at all and gimmickery and oh god that ****ing game man it makes me angry
I've been meaning to play that game for a while actually, but yea I'm sure there are some exceptions. In general though, the triple A industry is moving away from horror games and the closest you usually get is "action games with zombies".

Honestly I can only think of one game that managed to simultaneously pull being a good horror game and a good action game off rather then simply de-emphasizing one of the two, Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

Generally the issue with combining the two is action games make you too powerful and you lose the sense of being at the mercy of forces far beyond your control. Eternal darkness solves this by making you powerful
but then your character dies at essentially arbitrary points from the player's perspective. Many times. And no you don't continue playing them, you play somebody else. Hell yea actually fight what once was you at one point in the game.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I haven't played any other RE game besides 4, but I highly doubt that I would enjoy any other RE as much as I did 4. Setting a "realistic zombie scenario" is dandy and all, but RE4 was just straight up fun to play. In my book, if a video game is "fun" then it has succeeded at it's purpose.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
So guys, pros of being sick:

-Get to have an excuse for doing nothing but play Fire Emblem all day.
-Get to have an excuse for not making much conversation with your aunt the one day she decides to visit.


-You feel bad.

I have no idea what KevinM is complaining about.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
hey guys

I own a smart phone but I know nothing at all about cell phones and apps and all that bull****

but I kinda wanna get that Arkham City expansion game for smartphones so like... can I do that? I've got an Android I think. Not an iPhone or whatever, but I think the only requirement for such things is that it's a smartphone right?

also like, literally what do I even do to get it

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

Ryker said:
So,... you're saying it wasn't up your alley? Conversely, I will tell you that I can't STAND the early RE games, but I thoroughly enjoyed RE5. Chris vs. the Boulder being one of my favorite parts.
What? Buddy you know I love playin me some Gears of War and other such games that nestle quite comfortably into not scary action games with horror elements or settings.

I was replying directly to Soup who was saying he didn't like the series moving into an action game genre, but furthermore, I don't think it's some "you say tomato I say tomahto" situation when a series completely shifts its genre over time until it bears only a passing resemblance to what came before. You hated old RE and like new RE I guess. I'm happy for you, but damn it, why couldn't my RE just stay synonymous with what the brand means, man? There are infinite action games out there of RE5's ilk.

Also the boulder thing is something I'd ****ing love in a silly action movie or game. Not so much in the franchise that is one of the few to make me vocalize the words "**** **** **** **** **** **** ****KKKKK". Note that that was the f-bomb and it increasingly gained capitalization and formatting and junk. It was a humorously typed post that, alas, SWF shall never see in its full glory.

but yeah that doesn't change the fact that it is stupid.

however if it wasn't clear I'm not saying that more action is automatically stupid and actually I think quite highly of RE4. But it's a rather blatant change in genre and momentum, and one I'm not a fan of. One that redefines the parameters of what the series is all about, and I think I've got a right to be mad about it.

@adum: Well although I disagree with the assertion that a survival horror game needs to also satisfy as an action game, you still seem to get what I dig about horror and what's good about it in general, so you should recommend me some games or somethin'.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
hey guys

I own a smart phone but I know nothing at all about cell phones and apps and all that bull****

but I kinda wanna get that Arkham City expansion game for smartphones so like... can I do that? I've got an Android I think. Not an iPhone or whatever, but I think the only requirement for such things is that it's a smartphone right?

also like, literally what do I even do to get it
You need the following:

Cash (Crdeit or Debit)
Google account

And that's it. Buy it, Download the sucker, and have fun.
Also, it depends on what kind of smartphone you have and it's performance; similar to PCs and such.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I believe the only pre-req for being american is that you cannot identify canada on a map of canada.

Also if any of you are ever tempted to help someone move , don't do it after work. You will regret it later

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
And that's it. Buy it, Download the sucker, and have fun.
Also, it depends on what kind of smartphone you have and it's performance; similar to PCs and such.
But like. How.

You are drastically overestimating my competence in all phone-related matters, hahaha


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Oh, if you have a google account, I think you now have to use google wallet and put your billing info there. Only put the account that is linked to your smartphone and the android market (which is now google play).

So yeah, go to google wallet, put billing info, buy that app on the smartphone or Computer.

I'm an iOS user, so it's pretty much simple for me, lol. It's been long since I've used android, but I know my stuff on technology.

#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
What? Buddy you know I love playin me some Gears of War and other such games that nestle quite comfortably into not scary action games with horror elements or settings.

I was replying directly to Soup who was saying he didn't like the series moving into an action game genre, but furthermore, I don't think it's some "you say tomato I say tomahto" situation when a series completely shifts its genre over time until it bears only a passing resemblance to what came before. You hated old RE and like new RE I guess. I'm happy for you, but damn it, why couldn't my RE just stay synonymous with what the brand means, man? There are infinite action games out there of RE5's ilk.

Also the boulder thing is something I'd ****ing love in a silly action movie or game. Not so much in the franchise that is one of the few to make me vocalize the words "**** **** **** **** **** **** ****KKKKK". Note that that was the f-bomb and it increasingly gained capitalization and formatting and junk. It was a humorously typed post that, alas, SWF shall never see in its full glory.

but yeah that doesn't change the fact that it is stupid.

however if it wasn't clear I'm not saying that more action is automatically stupid and actually I think quite highly of RE4. But it's a rather blatant change in genre and momentum, and one I'm not a fan of. One that redefines the parameters of what the series is all about, and I think I've got a right to be mad about it.
I mean, a lot of franchises have made radical moves that either work or don't. The thing with RE5 is that it works. It had a lot of positive reception and brought a lot of new blood to the series, but it did not jive with a lot of the original fan base.

It's something along the lines of Mario 64 as far as game play where it jumped from linear 2D side scroller to open ended 3D Exploration which was a crazy GOOD decision. Or a similar decision from Paper Mario: TTYD to Super Paper Mario that completely did away with turn based combat much to many fans dismay.

More later if you want it.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I was hoping for some server cataclysmic battle of spamming between Zen, honestly.

That damn cat is too hilarious though, what even in the ****.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
i actually don't even find that cat slightly entertaining.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
I mean, a lot of franchises have made radical moves that either work or don't. The thing with RE5 is that it works. It had a lot of positive reception and brought a lot of new blood to the series, but it did not jive with a lot of the original fan base.

It's something along the lines of Mario 64 as far as game play where it jumped from linear 2D side scroller to open ended 3D Exploration which was a crazy GOOD decision. Or a similar decision from Paper Mario: TTYD to Super Paper Mario that completely did away with turn based combat much to many fans dismay.

More later if you want it.
Even though the Mario franchise did make those shifts, those shifts were primarily changes in game play. EE if I'm not mistaken is pressing the point that the newer RE games changed the tonality of the series in comparison to the older games that made it transition from a horror/slasher genre to a run-and-gun action play format. Not sure if the comparisons being made are completely analogous.
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