repeat post for the new page, lol
Alphabet Soup
12 players
Town vs. Mafia
01. Cop AB
02. Cop BC
03. Townie
04. Townie
05. Townie
06. Townie
07. Townie
08. Miller A
09. Miller C
10. Goon A
11. Goon B
12. Goon C
Cop AB gets a guilty result on Goon A, Goon B, and Miller A.
Cop BC gets a guilty result on Goon B, Goon C, and Miller C.
Goon A can be caught by Cop AB.
Goon B can be caught by Cop AB and Cop BC.
Goon C can be caught by Cop BC.
Everyone is told exactly what role they are, except Millers which are told they are Townies.
Everyone flips their true role.
Please provide discussion, critique, and criticism. Do you think the game could be any more interesting if the flip rules were changed, or if the miller rules were changed, or if people weren't told exactly what Cop or Goon they were? I'm looking for this setup to be fine tuned, after sitting on it for a while and just now being reminded of it.