Hey dudes.
I’m no longer a mod for reasons I can’t (?) discuss. For the record, I harbor no ill-will towards staff here or anything of that sort. I’ll be stepping down as a role of leadership in DGames in light of this as well.
My goal when becoming a mod here was to help clean up the place and turn it into a cool spot. More than anything, I just wanted DGames to be a dope place where we can engage in diplomacy games. DGames had died and was basically a wasteland for a couple years, and I wanted to change that. With the closing of social groups, I felt it was as good an opportunity as any to take the new blood we acquired and really get things going again.
During my modship, I faced a lot of difficult situations that I wish I hadn’t needed to. These events were pretty much unprecedented here and very complicated. As a result of the complexity and difficulty with respect to these situations, I ended up operating outside of Smashboards protocol in accordance with my own sense of morality and direction from time to time.
Examples include how I handled the cheating scandal...alt accounts...etc.
Anyway, sorry if I sucked as a mod. I always tried to do things in a manner that I felt was appropriate and fair. I always tried to consider all the angles and all the feelings of other people that I was directly engaging. Sometimes I messed up, and that’s my b.
Hopefully someone dope can take my place.
I’m taking a break from the site, might be back in a month or so. Maybe.
Love you all, and hope this place continues to grow in my absence.