#HBC | Gorf
toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
It's like you've just determined what my opinion is. Can't blame cuz of stupidity in this world but ****, just because you're gay doesn't mean you just gotta jump to being the ****ing victim.Circus said:Gorf, the long and short of it is this: If you think Neil Patrick Harris is a "respectable gay," I'm going to go ahead and say it's probably because he passes pretty well in the straight world. He doesn't "flaunt it." His gayness isn't really something you ever see, it's just like a miscellaneous fact about him. It is bad that this is the way you have to be in order to be respected. That straight people judge gay people as "good ones" and "bad ones." Not even in terms of ethics or values, but because of how we dress or speak, or whether or not we dare to kiss our significant others in a place where straight eyes might see it! If your definition of a respectable gay person is one who basically looks, walks and talks like a stereotypical straight person and never expresses his or her sexuality in any tangible way just to make sure you never even accidentally need to recognize it, then the problem is with you and no one else.
No. I don't think Neil Patrick Harris is a "respectable gay" because he passes pretty well in the straight world. I think Harris is a respectable gay cuz he's a god amongst men, he's awesome at what he does and he's himself. Neil Patrick Harris doesn't need his identity to be that he's gay. Michael Sam doesn't need his identity to be that he's gay, and the fact that he's gay is publicity because it's something that's never happened in the NFL. His ability as a football player has nothing to do with his gayness. He is somebody. You know why I hate Ru Paul? His identity is LGBT related. That's it. I respect him because of the fact that he found a way to make money off of it, but he's still just famous for being associated with the LGBT community. You know why I like you and you know why I like Joey? Cuz you guys are nice and decent people. Being gay isn't what encompasses who you are, and I can damn well respect that. I am initially put off by people men who dress femininely (not dressing gay, and yes you'd be naive to say that there isn't a difference between dressing gay and not dressing gay) and men who have a higher pitched gay slur to their voice. It bothers me that a human being feels the need to focus so much energy on conveying their sexual orientation. Regarding the 3rd and 4th picture, I think it's despicable for another person to bash on somebody for who they are. There's nothing wrong with homosexuality, and for a person to spend time trying to say they are when there are more productive ways to spend it sickens me. Are flamers as terrible of people as homo haters? Of course not. But yea.