#HBC | ZoZo
Shocodoro Blagshidect
I'm just going to be the guy that says gays who "flaunt it" aka who are being obnoxious have made it this way more than anything else. I live in the Netherlands and being gay here is perfectly fine, I can't even count the amount of gay friends I have on my fingers. However, some people are just way obnoxious. "HAYYYYYYY NICE SHOESSS GURRRRRRRRRRL" at volume 110 at 8am middle of the hallway? I don't care if you're gay or straight, boy or girl, that **** is OBNOXIOUS. And from my experience, that kinda **** gets done by obnoxious male gays more often than any other combination of sexual orientation and gender combination. Note: That doesn't make him a "bad gay" (because that's something you're just pushing on ALL STRAIGHT PEOPLE which is ****ing nuts), but from my experience this is the fact of the matter. Some gays are obnoxious about it. Some women are obnoxious about their bitchiness (cause some are) and some guys are obnoxious about their sexist jokes (cause some are). It's a stereotype that exists for a reason, because some male gays ARE obnoxious in a very specific way.Gorf, the long and short of it is this: If you think Neil Patrick Harris is a "respectable gay," I'm going to go ahead and say it's probably because he passes pretty well in the straight world. He doesn't "flaunt it." His gayness isn't really something you ever see, it's just like a miscellaneous fact about him. It is bad that this is the way you have to be in order to be respected. That straight people judge gay people as "good ones" and "bad ones." Not even in terms of ethics or values, but because of how we dress or speak, or whether or not we dare to kiss our significant others in a place where straight eyes might see it! If your definition of a respectable gay person is one who basically looks, walks and talks like a stereotypical straight person and never expresses his or her sexuality in any tangible way just to make sure you never even accidentally need to recognize it, then the problem is with you and no one else.
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