So, having now played and beaten it, I can now offer an actual opinion on the FFT vs. FFTA debate. (Warning: Contains some spoilers, because I talk about specific fights.)
FFT is definitely the better game, however I still disagree with the idea that it is "objectively" so.
There are things I liked better about FFTA, and things I liked about FFT.
FFT's story is about 6000 times better, definitely not even going to try to dispute that one. That was sincerely engaging and immersive, and I actually cared about the characters, the world, and the conflict. Just miles better than FFTA.
Combat I would say is marginally better in FFTA, but that's largely due to my slight distaste for the charge mechanic. The Job system is different, but fine. Both versions have their trade-offs, and I have no real preference for one or the other. Being able to get the powerful abilities early if you so choose was a nice perk and allowed a good deal of flexibility.
Art style and music are fairly similar, but I did particularly like FFT's style. The cinematic sequences were also fantastic and added a lot of emotion and impact to the events of the plot.
Really, my only problems with FFT stem from the nature of the difficulty. I do not have any problem with the game being difficult, per se, but the difficulty is largely a result of being unprepared. For some, I can see how that's appealing (I discussed this with Ryker a good deal), but I think it's mostly bad design.
To further elaborate, I mostly refer to the boss fights, and the lack of information provided by the game in some cases.
My first encounter with this was in Dorter. I took a pretty brisk pace through the start of the game, so I hit Dorter with mostly still Squires and got ROCKED. I managed to scrape through with like, just Ramza alive only to be (not) informed that this game has perma-death. And they don't tell you that. At all. Cool. Fortunately, I had been forewarned to use multiple save files.
So fine, alright, I can handle difficult. Grinded for a while, continued on.
Quklain/ChuChulainn fight was the next one where I was just like, "Really?" I walked in and had 4/5 people hit with either Sleep or Doom and then promptly 1-shot by Bioga. What a fool I was, to not realize it was CRITICAL that I buy that one accessory that nulls Sleep/Doom (which has yet to appear at this point) instead of spending my limited cash on practical armor and weapon upgrades. Managed to scrape through by re-arranging my formation to spread people out and just bum-rush him.
The Execution site probably would have destroyed me, had I not grinded a significant amount. Relatively little trouble here.
As a tangent (as a result of the Gaffgarion gate fight), I think it's really dumb that beneficial magic can miss. I shouldn't have to say that an attempt on that got botched because Revive missed 4 times due to incompatible Zodiac signs.
Speaking of those, they're also totally unnecessary. Depth is fine, sure, but the depth provided by Zodiac signs is SO inaccessible to the average player that it does not even need to be in the game. Zodiac signs are only meaningful if you are specifically planning ahead and around them, probably as a result of knowing exactly which signs are helpful for certain fights. And even then, for 95% of players, Zodiac signs are pointless. About the only thing it did for me was cause @
#HBC | Ryker
to have a horrible compatibility with Sophie (my Summoner), but be fortunately TOTALLY compatible with Agrias. (100% hit rate on White Magic, woo!)
Then I got to the second Weigraf fight.
I..... yeah. That fight is some serious BS.
Yeah, I get that the 1v1 is cool and epic and difficult, ok. That's cool. I'm fine with that.
But I was like, 6 or 7 levels over his level, and I STILL got rocked. Why am I supposed to have to know that if you equip a Chameleon Robe that the AI thinks Holy Sword skills don't work?
So I do that, and I scrape through with 17 HP. Alright.
OH HEY HE'S A LUCAVI NOW. OK. I'M NOT HEALED. LET'S JUST TRY TO HEAL UP..... targeted Cyclops. Yep, that's fair.
Okay, I'll bite that and try to pick up the pieces. By fluke, I happened to have a Summoner with Lich, so I got like 600 damage on him! He's running! I must be close to winning!
Oh. I'm getting Gigaflare spammed at me by 3 demons. In a huge AoE. WHY IS THAT INSTANT? WHY IS THAT UNRESISTABLE? That's seriously just brutally unfair. Willing to bet 95% of people were just totally unprepared for that. Like, literal levels of impossible.
ESPECIALLY BECAUSE you can get locked into that series of fights! If you didn't use multiple saves and you weren't ridiculously prepared, that's it! Game over, man!
It's this kind of "You must know exactly what is coming and how to deal with it" difficulty that I have a serious problem with. It's one thing to be hard, but doable. It's another to be so brutally unfair that most players simply won't be able to win, unless they have played the game before (to know the gimmick) or have looked ahead using a walkthrough.
And then, after all this nonsense, you receive Orlandu/Orlandeau, and the game totally ceases to be difficult. You have been given a literal god. (They even call him "Thunder God"). Orlandu is just so totally head and shoulders above every other unit in the game that I have to wonder if he was just designed to be some sort of reward for beating the Weigraf fight.
He's like a cheat code! Like, I looked at him, and went, "Well, this unit that I've poured my heart and soul into training is just totally, completely, and utterly inferior to this guy." and get to bench him. Because I'd have to be insane not to use him. Best sword in the game, and a totally broken skillset? Cool.
What was the point of the insane difficulty for the first 2/3's of the game if I'm just going to be given a cheat code to make the rest a cakewalk? Literally the ONLY trouble I had after that point was at "you weren't prepared" moments when Orlandu got turned into a Vampire (so I equipped the Japa Mala thing that Marach comes with, and then that was trivial) and when I had to fight the Drakes in the final series of fights (so I equipped a White Robe and then that was no longer difficult).
I also managed to find my way to some of the more broken combinations of skills (BrawlerNinja, Doublehand/Bladegrasp in general) that made things really easy.
...... endrant.
Don't get me wrong. I ****ing LOVED the game. Absolutely godlike, 9.5/10, super fantastic, totally glad I played it. Awesome story, woo, hella fun.
But the difficulty curving and design decisions pertaining to it just make no sense whatsoever.