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DFW Brawl Thread: Batou Monthly, Feb 18th - Revolution 10, Mar 3rd

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Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2007
garland, tx
ugh, first of all you guys spend your christmas eve on smashboards.

second of all, any one of us will take the ness. ness is terrible, and beaumont has practice against my ness which is better than his.

i've never lost to a yoshi, i beat furbs in tourney, in friendies, and i beat swoll in friendlies. furbs is on bwett's level and swoll is around there too, but with more tech skill thanks to his melee background. i hear esca handles bwett pretty well anyway so no problem there.

angel and snake? LOL well lets see, i played razer in about 5 friendlies this past week, and each one of them went to last stock high %. razer is 10x better than angel. i also beat ran iji, a top snake in LA in a set. angel will just keep rolling right into me like a **** stick.

you play DDD, you can't CG me. so umm, what are you going to do since that is ALL DDD does. i beat a better DDD than you(fogo, who i love :D) without any DDD practice. now i have some and it's such a gay match-up for you rofl. i hope you're ready to get CG'd to 50-70% followed by lasssssssssser camping. all you can do is grab, that is it.

also, angel that wasn't a video it was him playing g&w/falco on RC against me back in june. the match you played against fogo was in ****ing NOVEMBER, a month ago! i don't understand how you could be that bad LMAO. seriously, you kept doing the same ******** **** and fogo kept punishing you for it. you talk a big ****ing game in the falco boards acting like you know stuff and then i see that video. please, don't talk to me anymore until i see you actually know what you're talking about.

Merry Christmas. :) hope you guys enjoy it.
ummm.. most likley fogo was sandbagging.


Oct 21, 2002
Prince Bistro Tournament #7
The First PBT of the YEAR 2009!
Location: Flower Mound, Tx
Janurary 3, 2008

Prince Bistro http://www.princebistro.com/
1121 Flower Mound Rd
Flower Mound, Texas, United States
(It's to the Left of the Kroger)

SBR certified rules
5$ entry fee for singles
Teams entry fee to be decided on participation
Registration from 12:30 PM to 1:45 pm.
Singles starts at 2 pm.

Doubles, Crews, or some other type of event to be decided on participation and equipment available. No Metaknight in the teams event.

The rules will be refined for PBT#7 to clear up any confusion about the protocol/procedure to take in case rules are broken.

Bring a Wii + Brawl copy and a TV. I'll try to get sweet deals. Regardless, anyone's contribution is much appreciated.

Come hungry. Leave Smashed Happy.

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments send them my way... ADarkDreamer@gmail.com


Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
also, angel that wasn't a video it was him playing g&w/falco on RC against me back in june. the match you played against fogo was in ****ing NOVEMBER, a month ago! i don't understand how you could be that bad LMAO. seriously, you kept doing the same ******** **** and fogo kept punishing you for it. you talk a big ****ing game in the falco boards acting like you know stuff and then i see that video. please, don't talk to me anymore until i see you actually know what you're talking about.

I wish Angel was as bad as this guy makes him out to be, then I wouldn't have to leave his place everyday feeling like trash and thinking up new mains :(

EDIT: <---is receiving strange calls from Dallas =/


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2007
fogo can warp space and time, this is why i appear smaller than him.

round we go running in surculs


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
LOL, I had to respond to this, just because I love Dallas:

second of all, any one of us will take the ness. ness is terrible, and beaumont has practice against my ness which is better than his.
I just spit Dos Equis out all over my keyboard.

i've never lost to a yoshi, i beat furbs in tourney, in friendies, and i beat swoll in friendlies. furbs is on bwett's level and swoll is around there too, but with more tech skill thanks to his melee background. i hear esca handles bwett pretty well anyway so no problem there.
lolololol you compared Furbs to Bwett? No offense, but even Furbs admitted that he isn't on the same level as Billy, and don't even make me mention his pools debacle from OH SNAP! v4.0. <3 Furbs, and he and I are cool again, but lololol

I love how Esca saying he "handles Bwett pretty well" is a legitimate argument. =)

angel and snake? LOL well lets see, i played razer in about 5 friendlies this past week, and each one of them went to last stock high %. razer is 10x better than angel. i also beat ran iji, a top snake in LA in a set. angel will just keep rolling right into me like a **** stick.


"Top Snake from Louisiana" is not really something to be bragging about, considering the only people noteworthy out of that state are, um, Lee Martin. That's. It. And he doesn't even count, because he has Dojo & Santi Syndrome - being naturally talented at Brawl while living in the middle of competitive nowhere.

Man, 'twas a good laugh. Not that Dallas needs me to clobber Beaumont in a cross-county crew battle, but I sincerely hope Billy or Eric or Damien or Sean or Sean never, ever call me to participate in a crew battle as an honorary Dallas member, because we will positively **** your **** up.

Good luck in the future, kid.

Pee Es: <3 TEJAS


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
That's. It. And he doesn't even count, because he has Dojo & Santi Syndrome - being naturally talented at Brawl while living in the middle of competitive nowhere.
I have Spotdodge Syndrome: My matter is constantly becoming invulnerable lol.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
le_***got, the whole post was mostly a joke, so honestly you didn't even need to comment on it. so yeah, you missed the whole point of the post but whatever. you don't even know me so how are you going to post about me beating other players? :laugh: have you even played some beaumont players? only time i remember you playing in TX was at HOBO 11 and that was 2 months ago, so don't comment on beaumont. beaumont vs. OK's best 4, next time you ***gots decide to show up as a group.

btw, i have nothing against the dallas players, and most of this post wasn't even toward the main dallas players, except bwett.

Man, 'twas a good laugh. Not that Dallas needs me to clobber Beaumont in a cross-county crew battle, but I sincerely hope Billy or Eric or Damien or Sean or Sean never, ever call me to participate in a crew battle as an honorary Dallas member, because we will positively **** your **** up.

did you even read my ****ing post? you list people like d4ba, fogo, whoever sean and sean are(infi?) my post wasn't towards them, it was towards some other dallas players. bwett, foursaken, rudy? and angel.

one last edit: i like how you just degrade all of these players, have you not a soul, good sir?


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2008
Land of the Killers, TX
Thats where everyone is going to be
It's true, Andy just dropped me off at my place and are headed to San Angelo as I type this message. Sorry that I couldn't make it Santi, I was given the choice of either your place or FS5. Unfortunately, I chose the latter. :dizzy: Maybe next time I'll catch a ride with light? Who knows. :laugh:


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
It's true, Andy just dropped me off at my place and are headed to San Angelo as I type this message. Sorry that I couldn't make it Santi, I was given the choice of either your place or FS5. Unfortunately, I chose the latter. :dizzy: Maybe next time I'll catch a ride with light. :laugh:
Ohh they will be getting here late.
Time to do stuff

its okay Foursaken. You and Zac and Bwett just pretty much broke my heart and made me scared to ever try at love again :/


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2008
Land of the Killers, TX
Ohh they will be getting here late.
Time to do stuff

its okay Foursaken. You and Zac and Bwett just pretty much broke my heart and made me scared to ever try at love again :/
I'm sorry Santilicious, you know ily baby. :) Speaking of broken hearts, you broke everyone single one in Dallas when we heard you were going out with Diana. Your such a player, leading us on. :urg: Oh well, time heals all wounds I suppose.

@ Bear: You might want to call window as soon as you see Andy's car pull up. No one likes riding ***** seat, and be sure to call no joust. ;)


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
LOL, this kid's a comic genius.

the whole post was mostly a joke, so honestly you didn't even need to comment on it. so yeah, you missed the whole point of the post but whatever.
LOL! A joke now? I love how idiots like you retract all the nasty things you ever say on the internet the minute someone smarter than you puts you on blast for being a tool shed. Based on the way you were dogging on everyone else, it was only logical for me to assume that the contents of your original post were completely arrogant and hostile. And based on that, I have nothing else to assume other than you're full of ****.

LOL. Ran Iji. Just...wow.

you don't even know me so how are you going to post about me beating other players? :laugh: have you even played some beaumont players?
LOL, yeah. Yeah, I have. Esca is a nice kid who was very kind and polite about asking me to play a few friendlies with him at HOBO 11, and frankly, he gave me a far greater and favorable impression of the hospitality Beaumont has to offer than you do.

And not that it matters too terribly much, but I don't see any Beaumont representation on your state power rankings list. LOL.

beaumont vs. OK's best 4, next time you ***gots decide to show up as a group.
Why bother? - I already know I would 12-stock your entire crew alone based on how insecure you're acting right now.

did you even read my ****ing post? you list people like d4ba, fogo, whoever sean and sean are(infi?) my post wasn't towards them, it was towards some other dallas players. bwett, foursaken, rudy? and angel.
LOL, if these guys the gentlemen I know them to be, they will come to the aid of any Dallas Smasher in need, and that includes everyone you've dogged on.

one last edit: i like how you just degrade all of these players, have you not a soul, good sir?
Hehehehehe, coming from a child calling someone else a ***got? That's pure comedy.

I'm probably the nicest guy you'll ever meet.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
i said the whole thing was a joke right after i said it, so maybe you should go do some more research on the issue, since it seems like you are soooooo interested in it. ;)

TX has some pretty strong players, so it shouldn't be too surprising seeing as how beaumont hasn't gone to many tournaments and we are considered new to the scene. we haven't spoken in person, so you can't base what you think of me on the internet. the internet means nothing.

LOL @ you 12 stocking us. how am i insecure when i am the one challenging you? seems like you are the insecure one if you won't accept the challenge. or you can just MM me and forget about the rest of beaumont. just me and you, and then i can take you to bed.

wow, you act like you take smash to heart, as well as Dallas. "they will come to smashers in need." you don't have to take it so serious, buddy. ;) just some friendly trash-talk.

i'm going to go to the movies with a girl and see marley and me now. maybe you should get familiar with the other gender sometime too, no?

also i'm a nice guy too.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 15, 2008
Land of the Killers, TX
I don't know See.Why. personally, but from what I can understand, he just likes to trash talk on the forums, " jokingly ", in order to incite the competitive spirit within all of us, or at least in this case, Billy, Angel, Awestin, and myself. I don't think he means all of this in a rude manner, despite that being how his posts come across, so I wouldn't take everything he has to say to heart. I mean, I appreciate you sticking up for all of us, but Damien, Sean, Eric, and the other Sean can't really " come to our aid " if he called out us select four individuals in the first place. After all, it's team Overwhelming Foreskin vs. Beaumont, not the entirety of G. Crew and D. Crew. Just relax, no need to get all riled up over the internet in the first place. Besides, talk is cheap, and until FS5, neither side is proving their point. Enough bickering is what I'm trying, the Dallas thread doesn't need any unnecessary drama. Le_THieN, grab a Heineken, throw your bananas IRL, and remember back to the time yours and Infinity's down smashes collided and you started hyperventilating. :laugh: See.Why., see you at FS5, and until then, try and ease up on the trash talk. I know you mean it in good humor, but it can get annoying.

Edit @ See.Why.: Le_THieN's a buff *** Vietnamese dude, I don't see him having trouble with the ladies at all. I mean, if we went clubbing, and he was my wing man, I could see him getting more ***** than me at the end of the night, just saying.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
You're watching Marley and Me, you should re-evaluate your sexual orientation :\
i think you miss the point. maybe you missed the point where i said i was going with a GIRL. i have no intentions on watching the movie anyway. she wanted to go to it, not i. ;)


Smash Rookie
Dec 12, 2007
DAM it feels ***** nice to be back in dallas, so what i miss? what i miss?! im ready to throw down on some SSBB!


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
you don't have to take it so serious, buddy. ;) just some friendly trash-talk.
also i'm a nice guy too.


You called me a ***got. Twice.

I think it's fair to say that blows apart the threshold between friendly trash talk and then being both needlessly homophobic and generally hateful. I can count on half of one hand the people that I personally know who still use that word at all, and well, they're not people that are nice. I'm down with trash-talking, so long as both sides know the score. I didn't even say anything particularly mean or hostile other than the fact that you cited RAN IJI as an example of your competitive dominance, which still is one of the Top 10 Unintentionally Funniest Things I Have Ever Read on the SWF...

...and you called me a ***got.

Even if you want to write everything off as a joke, you did a decidedly awful job at telegraphing your unrefined brand of humor with your poor, very ignorant choice of fighting words.

LOL @ you 12 stocking us. how am i insecure when i am the one challenging you? seems like you are the insecure one if you won't accept the challenge. or you can just MM me and forget about the rest of beaumont.
Crew Battle Challenge: accepted

Money Match Challenge: accepted

I don't even know who you main, but I will even handicap myself by having T-Rex tie my hands behind my back, Mr. 3000 throw a pepper bomb in my face, and Roy_R smash my fingers with a sledgehammer - and I will still win.

just me and you, and then i can take you to bed.
I'm worth at least $40, and our MM is going to be at least $5. Sorry, kid, but I don't think you got enough Christmas money in the mail this year to afford my immaculate company.

EDIT: Foursaken, your thoughtful commentary is duly considered. Thank you for the clarification. And don't worry too much about Dallas: Oklahoma will take care of curb-stomping the rest of Beaumont for you.

Or just CY. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::chuckle::psycho::ohwell:

See?! That was a joke!


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
See.Why. said:
i'm going to go to the movies with a girl and see marley and me now. maybe you should get familiar with the other gender sometime.





Oh. My. God.



Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
What if I'm scared to talk to girls dude

or want to get familiar with the same gender??


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
wow le_thien, a lot of people use the word ***got around here, it isn't meant to be disrespectful lol. i accept those terms of the MM, except for the hand smashing, that will be too painful for you. but you have to play with your hands tied and pepper in your eyes kekekeke.

hylian, i'm sorry you probably don't talk to girls :(, and actually know that they want to see bad movies sometimes. it's not my choice, but as long as i can get some play then i don't really care what movie it is.

but maybe you should be doing something useful instead of saying LOL 50 times in one post. with all those titles you have, mod, researcher, BR, probably some other **** that i don't know of.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
wow le_thien, a lot of people use the word ***got around here, it isn't meant to be disrespectful lol. i accept those terms of the MM, except for the hand smashing, that will be too painful for you. but you have to play with your hands tied and pepper in your eyes kekekeke.

hylian, i'm sorry you probably don't talk to girls :(, and actually know that they want to see bad movies sometimes. it's not my choice, but as long as i can get some play then i don't really care what movie it is.

but maybe you should be doing something useful instead of saying LOL 50 times in one post. with all those titles you have, mod, researcher, BR, probably some other **** that i don't know of.
You're her ***** is what it is. I get play WITHOUT going to terrible movies... though I do consent to romantic ones from time to time so I don't come off as a douche to them.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
Omg <3 Thien hilarious dude. Enjoyed the chat on the phone.

CY, I understand your trash talking for the reasons you gave. Xyro does it all the time and he is one cool mofo, however there are certain words that change harmless trashing into what seems like hateful attacking. ***got is a rather strong word that carries with it strong negative connotations, whether or not you're gay. People usually don't use that word unless they really want to hurt someone.

And on your thought of Hanson not getting or being familiar with women...it's so hard not to laugh and I don't feel like typing out the many refutations I have swimming in my head.

And yeah, why would you go watch a movie that you don't like? If she asked me, I would just slap her around, tie her up, and grab some Greygoose...lol (Inside joke)
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