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Dexter Mafia ~ ...?


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
rajam, everyone said t-block was scum pretty much. like EVERYONE, how come you didnt kill him? that would have wrecked everything honestly

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Role PMs

[collapse=Angel Batista]

Welcome to the game... Angel Batista. You're a talented detective in Miami Metro Police with a dry sense of humor. You are best friends with Dexter Morgan, and enjoy working with him. You live life the fullest, whether it be the excitement you get from your job, pounding back a few drinks at the bar, or bowling with your friends in your company bowling team. Your job comes with quite the risk, but you're ready to take any action head on!

Role Name: Angel Batista
Role: Town Bodyguard
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

As a top notch detective, you're always on the scene of a crime, no matter how dangerous it might be. Along with your friends in the force, you would do anything to protect them, even if it means taking a bullet. Thankfully working for homicide has you prepared with the right equipment, and sometimes such action might not be enough to stop ol' Batista.

Ability: Guard: Player Name Each night you may choose to use said command by PM'ing it to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). That night you will protect said player and if they are targeted to be killed, you will take the bullet instead of them, having you be targeted for the kill.

Trait: One-Shot Guard Bulletproof One time in the game if you successfully use your Guard ability to take a bullet from another player, you will not be killed. This bullet proof ability only applies to when you take a bullet for another player. You may continue to use the Guard ability even after your bulletproof is used up, though you will die due to said power if it is successful.

[collapse=Anton Briggs]

Welcome to the game... Anton Briggs. Mostly everyone will experience pain and suffering at some point in their life, even laid back stoner musicians like yourself. While in the middle of a relationship with Debra Morgan, you were taken hostage by the Skinner, a prominent serial killer in Miami.

Despite not having any of the information he was looking for, the Skinner continued to torture you, literally cutting the skin off of your body while you were awake, leaving you tied up in a chair in an abandoned building. Fortunately you were saved and escaped the ordeal alive, but they say pain from such events will never die.

Role Name: Anton Briggs
Role: Vanilla Townie
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

[collapse=Arthur Mitchell]

Welcome to the game... Arthur Mitchell. You are as bad as they come, and there is no other way to see it. As one of the successful serial killers of all time, you have been dubbed as the Trinity Killer - even though you actually kill in fours. Throughout every cycle, you kill the same type of people all across the US - First you bury a young boy alive, then you kill a young woman in a bathtub, then you force a married mother of two to jump to her death, and then you finally bludgeon a father of two to death using a hammer.

It is merely a portrayal of your own life, it's how you started. You had scared your sister while peeping on her in the shower accidentally as a kid causing her to fall and cut herself on broken glass. She bled to death and your parents could hardly take the anguish and blamed her death on you. She was perfect, and you felt that you could never pay up to such a debt and want every young boy to preserve his innocence. Your mother committed suicide and your father was bludgeoned to death, just like each of your victims. Alone in the world you carry the ashes of your deceased sister and spread the terror that you live with every day of your life.

Role Name: Arthur Mitchell
Role: Mafia Two-Face
Win Condition: You win when the mafia faction is even or outnumbers remaining forces.

As part of the Mafia, you are in an alignment with the following people:
J - Jordan Chase - Mafia Mentor
Glyph - Boyd Fowler - Mafia Mentee
T-Block - Brian Moser - Mafia Abductor
vVv Choice - Lila Tournay - Mafia Roleblocker
You may speak to these players outside of the game using the following Quick Topic - http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/ZR2m5Gqf8B6rt
You may also use other means of conversation providing that you post all logs in the QT.

Faction Kill Once during each night someone from the Mafia faction may PM the command Kill: Player Name to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, the player will be killed. Whoever sends the command to the mod will be the one counted as "doing the deed."

It's been over 30 years since you started killing and yet you have evaded being caught every single time, how do you do this? It's because of how you act in the day, you're a model citizen. A married man with a loving family, church go-er, and head of the Four Walls One Heart community build organization.

Trait: Two-Face To continue in being successful in your crimes, you completely disguise yourself as a member of the town in each day phase. In the day phase you will be counted as a townsperson, and count towards the town total. In addition to this, you must keep your distance from fellow mafia members and may not be on the lynch pool of a days lynch with every other remaining member of your faction. For instance, if three mafia members are alive (including you) and someone is lynched, you may not be on the lynch pool with both of the other members of your faction. You may be on it along with one of them, but not both. You can be voting with every other faction member at the same time, just not when the day ends. The punishment for not following this rule is death.

Because of your alignment switching between Town and Mafia, the ratio count of Town to Mafia (for endgame purposes) is counted at: The beginning of a day phase, the end of a day phase, and at the end of a night phase (not the beginning of a night phase). You may continue to speak outside of the game with your faction during the day phase.

[collapse=Astor Bennett]

Things were tragic enough when your father was killed during a fight in jail. You got through that. However after the passing of your mother, your entire world started to crumble. You hang onto life with your little brother Cody who means everything to you. It's up to you to make sure he stays safe and doesn't turn down the wrong path, that you have started to.

Ever since Rita died you have grown further from Dexter, to the point of resentment. Keeping to yourself a few select others, you began to become rebellious, whether it means drinking, shoplifting, or running away from home - and all at such a young age! If only everyone understood the world from your perspective, perhaps they would see the reason for such activity.

Role Name: Astor Bennett
Role: Vanilla Townie
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

[collapse=Boyd Fowler]

Welcome to the game... Boyd Fowler. You disgusting low-life. You work as a simple animal patrol man in Miami, but who cares about answering requests for road-kill? Together in a group with 4 other guys, you run a ring of beating and ****** women and you're charged with one of the most gruesome deads of them, you kill the women and then dispose of their bodies after everyone has had their way with them. How can you bring yourself to do such dreadful deeds?

It's because of Jordan Chase, your idol. You follow all of his speeches and buy all of his tapes. TAKE IT! That's his famous line that you follow. If you want something, stop at nothing to achieve the goal, regardless of anyone standing in your way.

Role Name: Boyd Fowler
Role: Mafia Mentee
Win Condition: You win when the mafia faction is even or outnumbers remaining forces.

As part of the Mafia, you are in an alignment with the following people:
J - Jordan Chase - Mafia Mentor
T-Block - Brian Moser - Mafia Abductor
vVv Choice - Lila Tournay - Mafia Roleblocker
JTB - Arthur Mitchell - Mafia Two-Face
You may speak to these players outside of the game using the following Quick Topic - http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/ZR2m5Gqf8B6rt
You may also use other means of conversation providing that you post all logs in the QT.

Faction Kill Once during each night someone from the Mafia faction may PM the command Kill: Player Name to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, the player will be killed. Whoever sends the command to the mod will be the one counted as "doing the deed."

You idolize Jordan Chase and live your life by his teachings. You would give your life for this guy, but would it be worth it? If something were to happen to Jordan, you don't know if you would be able to continue on.

Trait: Mentor Relationship If Jordan Chase is killed at any point in the game by any means, you will commit suicide.

[collapse=Brian Moser]

Welcome to the game... Brian Moser. You are none other than the famous Ice-Truck Killer. What a devilishly satisfying nickname the press have given you, but that's not what is important. You're brother is Dexter Morgan, but he is the one that everyone loves and cherishes. You are long gone and forgotten, not even your own brother naturally remembers you.

You were there with Dexter on the day your mother was killed in front of you as you both sat in a pool of her blood for days. What a traumatizing experience. While some may feel bad for your situation, what is inexcusable is how you go about your life. Coupled with your Dark Passenger you kill with no remorse looking to reach out to your long lost brother, and bring him to your side of life.

Role Name: Brian Moser
Role: Mafia Abductor
Win Condition: You win when the mafia faction is even or outnumbers remaining forces.

As part of the Mafia, you are in an alignment with the following people:
J - Jordan Chase - Mafia Mentor
Glyph - Boyd Fowler - Mafia Mentee
vVv Choice - Lila Tournay - Mafia Roleblocker
JTB - Arthur Mitchell - Mafia Two-Face
You may speak to these players outside of the game using the following Quick Topic - http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/ZR2m5Gqf8B6rt
You may also use other means of conversation providing that you post all logs in the QT.

Faction Kill Once during each night someone from the Mafia faction may PM the command Kill: Player Name to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, the player will be killed. Whoever sends the command to the mod will be the one counted as "doing the deed."

You can continue to kill and kill, but perhaps nothing will get through to Dexter quite like an abduction.

Ability: Abduct: Player Name Once during the game you may choose to use the following ability by sending said command to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, you will abduct the player. The person will be announced as missing to the town the next day in the game and will not be able to talk in the thread. The abducted player will not count towards any faction totals while abducted. If the abducted player remains abducted for two full nights, they will escape free and be told what player (you) abducted them and their role. The mafia may target to kill the abducted player while they are abducted to kill them.

[collapse=Cody Bennett]

Welcome to the game... Cody Bennett. A simply care-free kid with nothing to worry about. You're quite naive, and don't always understand what is going on, but perhaps it's for the best. Your mother and father always fought and were in an abusive relationship, and once Paul was sent to jail, it was just you with your mom and sister - that is until, Dexter came along. You idolize Dexter, and despite any marital problems he seems to have with Rita, you continue to cherish him and hold onto him as your new father.

Role Name: Cody Bennett
Role: Vanilla Townie
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

[collapse=Debra Morgan]

Welcome to the game... Debra Morgan. You're a hot-headed detective from Miami Metro Homicide. Promoted from Vice, you're on your way to becoming just as talented of a detective as your father, Harry Morgan. You look up to him in every way, and practically base your life around him.

You're tough, perhaps a little too tough. You're constantly seen swearing your mouth off, but that's just the kind of person you are, and you wouldn't change it for the world. As Dexter's sister, you have nothing but the utmost respect for him and his work, and do your best to protect him as his big sister. You have been jealous of the bond he shared with your father as a kid after he was adopted, making you feel like a third wheel, but nothing gets to you. You can be a brick wall of emotion, and stubborn as a mule. But hey, sometimes that's what guys like about you.

Role Name: Debra Morgan
Role: Town Cop
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

As a top notch detective, you've got a knack for picking out the bad guys. You're ready to do your best at your job, and will find all of the criminals out there.

Ability: Investigate: Player Name Each night you may choose to use said command by PM'ing it to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, you will be told if that player is a part of the mafia or not. Your sanity is guaranteed.

[collapse=Dexter Morgan]

Welcome to the game... Dexter Morgan. Fueled by your Dark Passenger, you have had the urge to kill since you were a young boy ever since you witnessed the death of your brother. Coping with such loss has been the hardest thing you have ever experienced. That isn't to say that you are evil at heart, it's quite the opposite really. You have a special bond with your father who taught you his code.

Harry Morgan's code is what keeps you alive today by satisfying your urge to kill while keeping yourself safe. Above all else, don't get caught. Nothing matters as much as this, as you could end up in an electric chair one day. But why would a cop train a serial killer? Frustrated with criminals slipping through the justice system, Harry decided to teach you to only kill others who are murderers of the innocent, with the intent on killing again. Be sure not to kill anyone innocent, could you handle the guilt? Human expression and feelings can really drag a person down.

You work at Miami Metro Homicide as a blood analyst. Blood is somewhat... calming to you. You don't cringe at the sight of it, if anything it excites you! You can't expect to be a serial killer that is so squeamish can you? Your role in the department is important. You can make or break a case. Blood never lies. The story it tells can put people away for good or set them free.

Role Name: Dexter Morgan
Role: Independent Serial Killer
Win Condition: Survive to end game

Even though you are Independently Aligned you will count for the town total of players. You do not share the same win condition as a normal townsperson.

Dexter is quite the person of power. Being a serial killer, you may choose to kill any other player at night. Fortunately from your training your father provided you when young, you are as successful as a serial killer can possibly be. You know how to not get caught and can not be tracked at night. With your job at Miami Metro Homicide, your blood splatter analysis can both prove people innocent and guilty, and being behind such power you have the influence to tamper with such evidence and cancel any current lynch except for your own. However with all good comes a dark underside. Your Dark Passenger that has driven you to become this way ruins you. You have the urge to kill, you NEED to kill. You simply aren't satisfied with yourself and your Dark Passenger if you do not kill an evil-doer for three consecutive nights and will not be able to continue - committing suicide.

Ability: Kill: Player Name Once per night you may (you can choose not to) kill another player with the said command. Perform this action by PM'ing the mod (vVv ChiboSempai).

Ability: Veto You may (you can choose not to) send the said command to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai) during the Twilight Phase to stop the decided lynch from happening. The game will continue to proceed to the Night Phase and the person will not be lynched. You can not do this when you have been lynched yourself.

Trait: Dark Passenger You can not go more than three nights in a row without killing a member of the mafia by your own hands at night. If three consecutive nights pass without you killing a mafia member, you will be killed at the end of the night.

Trait: The Code You can not be tracked.

[collapse=Harry Morgan]

Welcome to the game... Harry Morgan. You're one of the most famous cops in all of Miami! Everyone looks up to you with nothing but the utmost respect. You lived with your daughter Debra, and after an incident involving the death of one of your criminal informants, Laura Moser, you decided to adopt one of her sons, Dexter Morgan.

Even not related by blood to your own family, you shared a very special connection with Dexter. You noticed a very distinct behavior in the kid as he grew up, likely brought on by the death of his mother - which took place right in front of him as he sat in a pool of her own blood. Killing the neighbors pet, showing signs of anti-social behavior, it was up to you to be the role model father such a child can hope to have. Coupled with your distaste for the justice system watching criminals be let free from spotty work and loopholes, you teach Dexter to kill only for justice, and taught him how to avoid being caught.

Role Name: Harry Morgan
Role: Town Tree Stump
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

You share a truly special connection with your Dexter, and yet what you have taught him drives you to the brink of insanity. The moment you saw the handy work of your son in person, it brought you sick to your stomach. However beyond all that, you continue to be a guiding light for Dexter... in life and in death.

Trait: Guiding Light If you are killed in this game, you will die and no longer count towards town numbers and speak in the thread. However, if Dexter Morgan is still alive, you will be told which player he is, and be able to talk with him in all phases of the game until the end. A QuickTopic will also be provided for the two of you in the event of this happening.

[collapse=Joey Quinn]

Welcome to the game... Joey Quinn. Every since you joined the force at Miami Metro Homicide, you've fit yourself into the classic tough guy persona. You blame yourself for the death of a partner a while back, and even though it has been tough to cope with such guilt, you live on. You're a bit of a womanizer, but ever since you have met Debra Morgan that has changed. You try to hold it back at times, but there's something you really like about her.

Without doing things exactly by the books all the time, some have suspected you to be a corrupt cop, but you know you truly try to do your best at the job. As nice as you try to be though, something puts you off about Dexter Morgan, you've never trusted him and you hate the guy. It's a shame since Debra's whole world is Dexter, which puts you in quite an awkward situation.

Role Name: Joey Quinn
Role: Town Cop
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

As a top notch detective, you've got a knack for picking out the bad guys. You're ready to do your best at your job, and will find all of the criminals out there.

Ability: Investigate: Player Name Each night you may choose to use said command by PM'ing it to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, you will be told if that player is a part of the mafia or not. Your sanity is guaranteed.

[collapse=Jordan Chase]

Welcome to the game... Jordan Chase. Who DOESN'T know Jordan Chase? You're a public icon, a monument of power, a symbol of change. TAKE IT! Is the famous quote you run your whole life by. Tapping into your primal self and letting nothing stand in your way, no matter how evil the deed.

But how can someone held in such high regard stoop so low and never be caught? You don't care, you do what you want, no matter the cause to others.

Role Name: Jordan Chase
Role: Mafia Mentor
Win Condition: You win when the mafia faction is even or outnumbers remaining forces.

As part of the Mafia, you are in an alignment with the following people:
Glyph - Boyd Fowler - Mafia Mentee
T-Block - Brian Moser - Mafia Abductor
vVv Choice - Lila Tournay - Mafia Roleblocker
JTB - Arthur Mitchell - Mafia Two-Face
You may speak to these players outside of the game using the following Quick Topic - http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/ZR2m5Gqf8B6rt
You may also use other means of conversation providing that you post all logs in the QT.

Faction Kill Once during each night someone from the Mafia faction may PM the command Kill: Player Name to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, the player will be killed. Whoever sends the command to the mod will be the one counted as "doing the deed."

As a powerful icon with a league of fans that idolize you, you have a "mentor" relationship over many. If there's a problem with such mentees, no matter, there are tons available for you to pick from. You have perfected the art of appearing more or less perfect to everyone around you.

Trait: Mentor Relationship As long as you have a Mentee under your control, you will appear innocent to all cop investigations. You will appear as mafia if you do not have anyone under your control at the time.

Ability: Recruit: Player Name You may use this ability if at the start of the night phase you do not have a Mentee under your control. To use this ability, PM said command to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai), and if successful, that player will be recruited as your new Mentee. They will lose all previous traits and abilities (if they had any) and will receive a new Role PM as a Mafia Mentee with the same traits as Boyd Fowler at the start of the game.

[collapse=Lila Tournay]

Welcome to the game... Lila Tournay. You are a crazy sociopath that lives a lie ready to deceive anyone, all in the name of feeling emotion. You met Dexter Morgan at a support group for recovering drug addicts, becoming his sponsor to help him better his life. But that's not what you wanted, no, you wanted him and only him to yourself. Even if this meant double-crossing his friends, ruining his relationship with Rita, and even worse actions. When things didn't work your way, you started your revenge by kidnapping Astor and Cody and trying to kill them both along with Dexter.

After the event you escaped hoping to meet Dexter one day again, whether it be for good or for bad. He is your life and you don't care how many people you must go through to make it to him.

Role Name: Lila Tournay
Role: Mafia Roleblocker
Win Condition: You win when the mafia faction is even or outnumbers remaining forces.

As part of the Mafia, you are in an alignment with the following people:
J - Jordan Chase - Mafia Mentor
Glyph - Boyd Fowler - Mafia Mentee
T-Block - Brian Moser - Mafia Abductor
JTB - Arthur Mitchell - Mafia Two-Face
You may speak to these players outside of the game using the following Quick Topic - http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/ZR2m5Gqf8B6rt
You may also use other means of conversation providing that you post all logs in the QT.

Faction Kill Once during each night someone from the Mafia faction may PM the command Kill: Player Name to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, the player will be killed. Whoever sends the command to the mod will be the one counted as "doing the deed."

Your beauty certainly is an asset to you as it draws people right in. It seems counter-productive as you really don't care for any of them truthfully, but you can use it to distract them for your own personal gain.

Ability: Roleblock: Player Name Once each night you may send said command to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai) and if that player chooses to use an ability that night, it will be stopped and unsuccessful.

[collapse=Lumen Pierce]

Welcome to the game... Lumen Pierce. You have had a terrible past. You were part of a series of ***** and beatings from an organization of men led by none other than famous public icon, Jordan Chase. Beaten, *****, and then murdered, luckily you escaped thanks to the aid of Dexter before being killed.

Who can possible imagine such terror? Who walks out of such situation in one piece mentally? It took a while to bring yourself back together, but now you're... different. You are fueled with rage and nightmares to the point that it's tough to sleep on your own at night. Through such experiences you now have your own... Dark Passenger, as Dexter calls it. However, you are fueled by nothing but revenge.

Role Name: Lumen Pierce
Role: Independent Serial Killer
Win Condition: Kill Jordan Chase

Even though you are Independently Aligned you will count for the town total of players. You do not share the same win condition as a normal townsperson.

Dexter has taught you the art of killing. Many people would be frightened by such a thing, but after what you have experienced it feels natural. That isn't to say you aren't a little sloppy at it, you've shot a guy before and let him escape! Despite the shaky start and the revenge-fueled Dark Passenger you have, you may kill another player at night. However not just any death will satisfy you, all you care about is the one man behind it all, Jordan Chase. You will not rest until Jordan Chase has been brought to justice by your own hands. If something were to happen to Jordan Chase before then, while upset that is not you who delivered said justice, you return to the good nature person you once were.

Ability: Kill: Player Name Once per night you may (you can choose not to) kill another player with the said command. Perform this action by PM'ing the mod (vVv ChiboSempai).

Trait: Brought to Justice If Jordan Chase is killed before you have the chance to kill him yourself, you will become a Vanilla Townie and receive a new Role PM confirming this.

[collapse=Maria LaGuerta]

Welcome to the game... Maria LaGuerta. Lieutenant of the Miami Metro Homicide division, you carry the most important day-to-day position in keeping things in line and solving cases. The job comes with power, even though it may not seem that way all the time when being chewed out by Captain Matthews. You take the position with pride, even if you flaunt it at times. Nothing gets in your way from what you want. You continue your relationship with Angel Batista despite strict orders to do so, and when your job was in jeopardy you didn't mind stepping on a few toes to ensure its safety.

Role Name: Maria LaGuerta
Role: Town Switch
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

As Lieutenant of the Miami Metro Homicide division, you're in control of who does what when you want.

Ability: Active: (A or B) (C or D) Each night you must send said command to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). Your command will be the word switch followed by two letters - A or B, then C or D (example: A C, A D, B C, or B D). You are not told what this does but you must do it. If you fail to use this ability, your choice from the past night will be used, and if you fail to use the ability on Night 1, it will default to A C.

[collapse=Vince Masuka]

Welcome to the game... Vince Masuka. You truly are the clown of the office. Constantly cracking dirty and raunchy jokes, many times people often find you more irritating than enjoyable. You're great friends with Dexter and work in the same department with him in forensics.

You're commonly seen on a crime scene finding out what went down. It all comes down to your knowledge and use of science to find out what happened, and science is one cold-hearted ***** with a 14-inch strap on.

Role Name: Vince Masuka
Role: Town Tracker
Win Condition: You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

As a forensics investigator for Miami Metro Homicide, you have the tact to examine a crime scene and use evidence to track an action back to its source.

Ability: Track: Player Name Each night you may choose to use said command by PM'ing it to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai). If successful, you will be told if that player visited any other players that night.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
ppl need to wait till i post role PMs, which i will soon

here is the rough run down of everything in the game

Indys count as town in town:mafia ratio
Indys are basically town members with different win conditions
Because of this, the ratio was essentially 11:5, not 9:2:5

Because of the role swapping of the Two-Face role, ratio counts were done at the start and end of day, and end of night - not beginning of night.
Two Face also could not vote with every other scum at the same time, preventing a instant end in lylo
An interesting thing to do is to recruit the two face, to remove his bad ailments

If the mentor died, the mentee died if there was one

If the abductee was held for two full nights, he would be released and told who the abductor was. The abductee was also protected from all night actions from town, but not mafia. The abductee does not count for win ratios while abducted.
Mafia has two choices basically to prevent the terrible info leak. use their night kill on him when he is abducted (which evens out getting an earlier "kill" from abduction), or recruit him if a spot is open

the dexter role is like a godsend for town, let me post that now.

Welcome to the game... Dexter Morgan. Fueled by your Dark Passenger, you have had the urge to kill since you were a young boy ever since you witnessed the death of your brother. Coping with such loss has been the hardest thing you have ever experienced. That isn't to say that you are evil at heart, it's quite the opposite really. You have a special bond with your father who taught you his code.

Harry Morgan's code is what keeps you alive today by satisfying your urge to kill while keeping yourself safe. Above all else, don't get caught. Nothing matters as much as this, as you could end up in an electric chair one day. But why would a cop train a serial killer? Frustrated with criminals slipping through the justice system, Harry decided to teach you to only kill others who are murderers of the innocent, with the intent on killing again. Be sure not to kill anyone innocent, could you handle the guilt? Human expression and feelings can really drag a person down.

You work at Miami Metro Homicide as a blood analyst. Blood is somewhat... calming to you. You don't cringe at the sight of it, if anything it excites you! You can't expect to be a serial killer that is so squeamish can you? Your role in the department is important. You can make or break a case. Blood never lies. The story it tells can put people away for good or set them free.

Role Name: Dexter Morgan
Role: Independent Serial Killer
Win Condition: Survive to end game

Even though you are Independently Aligned you will count for the town total of players. You do not share the same win condition as a normal townsperson.

Dexter is quite the person of power. Being a serial killer, you may choose to kill any other player at night. Fortunately from your training your father provided you when young, you are as successful as a serial killer can possibly be. You know how to not get caught and can not be tracked at night. With your job at Miami Metro Homicide, your blood splatter analysis can both prove people innocent and guilty, and being behind such power you have the influence to tamper with such evidence and cancel any current lynch except for your own. However with all good comes a dark underside. Your Dark Passenger that has driven you to become this way ruins you. You have the urge to kill, you NEED to kill. You simply aren't satisfied with yourself and your Dark Passenger if you do not kill an evil-doer for three consecutive nights and will not be able to continue - committing suicide.

Ability: Kill: Player Name Once per night you may (you can choose not to) kill another player with the said command. Perform this action by PM'ing the mod (vVv ChiboSempai).

Ability: Veto You may (you can choose not to) send the said command to the mod (vVv ChiboSempai) during the Twilight Phase to stop the decided lynch from happening. The game will continue to proceed to the Night Phase and the person will not be lynched. You can not do this when you have been lynched yourself.

Trait: Dark Passenger You can not go more than three nights in a row without killing a member of the mafia by your own hands at night. If three consecutive nights pass without you killing a mafia member, you will be killed at the end of the night.

Trait: The Code You can not be tracked.

-Can not be tracked, making town think he's ok if he is tracked
-Can kill
-can VETO

here is the purpose of the veto power for dexter:
if you want a townie to live, sure you can veto if you want
if you veto a mafia member, that's good! that's how it was designed. dexter needs to kill a mafia member once every 3 nights or he dies, so if you think someone who is scum is about to be lynched, u veto it then night kill them. Rajam did not use his power correctly at all. Besides the fact I think it was ridiculous of town to lynch RR over Glyph, Rajam thought Glyph was scum, and voted him day 2. Why would he not veto his lynch to nk him? He completely missed this important facet of how to play his role. If he had done this, J wouldn't be able to recruit Night 2 since Glyph was still alive, and then Rajam would kill Glyph aka the game would have continued to day 3

Whyyyyy did neither Gheb nor Rajam kill Glyph night 1? Mafia made a HUGE slip by sending Glyph to do the kill night 1. If one of the SKs had killed Glyph, it would have stopped the scum kill.

Gheb's win con was to kill Jordan Chase. If Jordan Chase died without Gheb killing him, Gheb became a VT


if they had not roleblocked him, it would have stopped the recruit, and Gheb would have won. It would have been INCREDIBLY in town's favor. Tblock and Choice (2 mafia goons now) with the abductee getting out next night, vs everyone. Anyone saying this was unfair for town might as well say that was unfair to scum if it happened lol.

What happened here was WORST CASE SCENARIO. I know, it sucks, I'm sorry, but mafia COMPLETELY outplayed town. The soonest mafia can win is night 2. Did you know town can win after night 1 if played right? More broken? Up to you.

This was a skillfull game, both sides had tons of tools to work with to win, and it all depended on how well they played. Town potentially had 2 cops, a bodyguard, a tracker, and more. That's incredibly dangerous for mafia lmao. So broken imo that it needed the switch power.
^^ Chibo, I was aware of my restriction to NKill at least 1 mafia each three nights, but I privileged my wincon as a survivor and for that I needed the game to advance "fast" with as many kills as possible and minimum effort; no matter the alliance of the dead players really. As long as I could fulfill my restrictions and avoid Lynches and NKills, I was ok. By D2/N2 I wasn't really desperate with my restriction, so I just left Glyph die. If I were to fail again N2, I would've used veto D3 if I suspected the lynched D3 was scum, but my goal was to avoid the use of veto at all costs because I wanted as many deaths as possible, as fast as possible.


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
rajam, everyone said t-block was scum pretty much. like EVERYONE, how come you didnt kill him? that would have wrecked everything honestly
Rajam had me leaning town.

I was fully expecting to die last Night though. People were thinking I was scummy (and rightly so) so I figured an SK would off me. My abduction was one shot though, so I was basically mafia goon at that point.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
That win con for Dexter does not justify him as a town serial killer, his wincon is to live til the end game that means he doesn't care who wins, thus an independent.
My way to push him in the town direction was forcing him to kill a mafia member once every 3 nights

^^ Chibo, I was aware of my restriction to NKill at least 1 mafia each three nights, but I privileged my wincon as a survivor and for that I needed the game to advance "fast" with as many kills as possible and minimum effort; no matter the alliance of the dead players really. As long as I could fulfill my restrictions and avoid Lynches and NKills, I was ok. By D2/N2 I wasn't really desperate with my restriction, so I just left Glyph die. If I were to fail again N2, I would've used veto D3 if I suspected the lynched D3 was scum, but my goal was to avoid the use of veto at all costs because I wanted as many deaths as possible, as fast as possible.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
ppl need to wait till i post role PMs, which i will soon
Role PMs are not going to ****ing prove to me that this game is balanced.

Because of this, the ratio was essentially 11:5, not 9:2:5
Which is still OP. Throw in a Mentor and an Abductor. That's already a way OP role.

Because of the role swapping of the Two-Face role, ratio counts were done at the start and end of day, and end of night - not beginning of night.
Does he still count as scum at the end of the game? Yes. Yes, he does.
Two Face also could not vote with every other scum at the same time, preventing a instant end in lylo
Cool, he has a minor nerf that really only applies at the end of the game and not any time sooner. This is a poor, poor, poor attempt at balance.

If the abductee was held for two full nights, he would be released and told who the abductor was. The abductee was also protected from all night actions from town, but not mafia. The abductee does not count for win ratios while abducted.
Too bad the game ended before D3, let alone before D4--when this actual information would be applicable and knowledgeable.

Mafia has two choices basically to prevent the terrible info leak. use their night kill on him when he is abducted (which evens out getting an earlier "kill" from abduction), or recruit him if a spot is open
And this nerfs scum how? Especially since scum could essentially replace the abductor numbers-wise the night later?

-Can not be tracked, making town think he's ok if he is tracked
okay fine
-Can kill
Adding to the firepower with no means of stopping it at all unless he flukes and hits one of the 5 scum that is carrying out the kill
-can VETO
Big ****ing deal when Day phases can have no real effect on the game.

**** the rest of this, the game should not come down to absolute pinpoint perfect play by both the Indies and Town for Town to have an even remote chance. Town has to have room for error. When their best tool, lynching, is inaccurate and can be swayed by the scum, there needs to be a chance for them to **** up and still redeem themselves later in the game.

This game, no matter how you slice it, was broken the second you handed a scum the abilities to cover losses, block roles, and remove players from the game. Then you gave the town a bunch of bandaids to cover the gaping holes that scum could blow in the town in a single night simply because you're relying on two indies to attack the scum and not the town.

I don't care if town essentially had two vigilantes, vigilantes, like lynches, are also inaccurate and have the ability to **** up. Essentially you gave town three lynches instead of one and told them "don't **** up or you die." like any town--any town--did, they ****ed up. Don't blame it on the RR mislynch and don't say scum just played good. Don't cite one role that could stop lynches (which you explicitly said had to block scum lynches for his own ****ing sake) as a savior to town. Citing unrecruitables, enough protection that it's feasibly possible for no NKills to occur (which punishes scum, moreso than two NKills that could possibly hit them as those two NKills are random and could just as easily hit town), things that counteract what the scum are capable of would prove to me you were countering scum. Giving town a bodyguard and a couple of vigs and saying "Here, don't **** up" is not balance. It's not balance in the slightest.

No MVP, broken set-up


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Tandora does than mean you thought there could be 3 cops?
I thought it was possible that there were up to 4 town cops actually. Paranoid, sane, insane, and innocent. After the both "confirmed sane" cops, I figured mafia was just really strong. Especially after 4 kills on N1.

Strong play by all the mafia players. I was starting to suspect J, but too late. Choice and JTB completely had me fooled.

In my defense, normally I would NEVER have believed Glyph's claim of cop after RR flipped as Quinn. But my own unique position as Deborah made it kinda necessary for me to consider the possibility.

Yes, my first post was a HUGE breadcrumb. Lol, hell, my statement to Ryker and how I looked up to him and felt inadequate was a crumb too. Deborah to Dexter (whom he had claimed).

I felt I had to push hard that there were more than one cop in this game, otherwise if I had a chance to declare my role no one would believe me. Hell, I expected no one to believe me anyway.

Realistically I should have realized Glyph was lying when he said Gheb was guilty. The cops got "mafia" or "not mafia" as results. I thought it possible that Doakes got guilty based on a flavor (a mistake), but as time passed I felt I had dug myself in so deep defending Glyph that I had to ride that out to the end. To 180 would be worse than to be wrong in the long run.

I was desperate to present a case without saying I was another town cop. I didn't want to reveal my role for as long as possible. Kudos to WL for figuring it out.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I kinda figured Tan was a cop after she said she KNEW there were multiple cops.

Chibo's explanation of the game makes sense.... but there's no way for us to know from the beginning that there's a huge mafia team + 2 sks + abductions and recruitment, lol. Sure, lynching silly Mentor J would have helped a lot, but how could we know?

WL, the game was broken, yeah, but calm down jeez.

MVP: Asdioh/Ryker masonry please deal with it


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
@Chibo: look at it from town's perspective. All town can do is lynch. We lynched town on D1... oops. We lynched scum on D2... yay! Then we lost. Wth?



Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
rajam, everyone said t-block was scum pretty much. like EVERYONE, how come you didnt kill him? that would have wrecked everything honestly
I was all game under the assumption of a scumteam of 4 players. I was keeping a word doc with all possible mafia teams configurations (I won't go into much detail of how I process connections), and I decided to shoot JTB N2 because he was the one with the highest chance of being scum under my method

Also, @Chibo: I didn't shoot Glyph N1 because he was almost warranteed to get lynched D2, so that meant I had an almost warranted Day2 to survive

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
I'll quit *****ing when Chibo accepts that his game is broken and understands why his game is broken. I cannot accept him modding another game--no matter how good he did running the game--if he can't set it up fairly.

If I get the response of "lol don't play", I already don't plan on it. I just want it fair for the rest of the people who decide to join it.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
@Chibo: look at it from town's perspective. All town can do is lynch. We lynched town on D1... oops. We lynched scum on D2... yay! Then we lost. Wth?

This is true, but if you had lynched any other scum member it would have continued
or if it wasnt the cop that was lynched day 1
or if the cops got a guilty from the amount out there
or if the SK's chose not to shoot (they werent forced to)
etc etc

there was a lot more to this game than the power to lynch

why did you claim mason lmao

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
WL calm down.

This is true, but if you had lynched any other scum member it would have continued
or if it wasnt the cop that was lynched day 1
or if the cops got a guilty from the amount out there
or if the SK's chose not to shoot (they werent forced to)
etc etc

there was a lot more to this game than the power to lynch

why did you claim mason lmao
Your basically admitting we had to lynch scum D1 to have a chance to win.

And the fact Night actions needed to work near perfectly for town to have a chance to win.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
why did you claim mason lmao
Intent was to be "confirmed" town and soak up a NK, since I was just a vanilla. When nobody counterclaimed, and Ryker went along with it, I thought he was likely town (wasn't sure) and that it would help me get reads on people if he did happen to be scum.
Wasn't expecting a silly setup though :p

JTB said:
I'll be able to buddy Asdioh pretty easily this game.
remember when I unbuddied you because you weren't active/helpful enough for me to consider obvtown? >=(


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Town shouldn't have to depend on night actions to win anyways, am I right? You basically made it impossible for town to win without night actions. How do you fix this? You throw in an indy that's supposed to apparently help town yaaay.



Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
I think WL's points are very valid.

Ratio-wise scum should have been four players. The ability to kill, abduct, AND recruit pretty much made it impossible for town to win. Mafia having only one of those abilities is the standard. Restricting the mentor to one mentee helped a little, but clearly scum could afford to sacrifice that role for a newer, better player.

And once someone gets established as town, having them swing to mafia is a big deal. (Not that I'm even trying to claim that I was so pro-town, but a stronger player could have ***** town based on that alone.)

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Once Chase fell, the scum team would fall apart

Two Face really acts against them, if he's the only one standing then town auto wins (since he becomes town in the day)
no more recruits
an abductee would need a night kill forced to use on them so they wouldnt learn the abductor's name (which means no change in ratio)

@RR - there's more to it than that
bodyguard could have saved someone
SK/mafia could have killed the same person
SK could have hit mafia and stolen their kill
Cops could have easily hit scum night 1 to set up day 2

so many different things can happen

is the set up favorable for scum? looking back at it yes, i admit that lol.
is it impossible for town to win? lol no
ppl dont realize that if choice didnt roleblock gheb (a 1 in what, 7 chance or whatever at the time?) the game would have been MASSIVELY in towns favor?
but i think WL and some people are overreacting.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
J said:
Kill one of Asdioh/Gordito/rPSI and we should be good. rPSI/Gord because of no connections even though Gord can be ML'd. Asdioh simply because he's Asdioh and has never been lynched and it's really hard to acquire an Asdioh lynch. Especially if he is really mason'd with Ryker.
Looks like J's been paying attention ;)

it's also because I'm ALWAYS TOWN WTH

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
J and I have this crazy scum magnet ability

I love it, J hates it


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Honestly, the only way this game would have been balanced is if we knew how the setup looked from the beginning. Like I'm assuming how EM works... is that what's called "open setup?" Then we might have stood a chance, but otherwise with town in the dark it was definitely imbalanced.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@RR - there's more to it than that
bodyguard could have saved someone
SK/mafia could have killed the same person
SK could have hit mafia and stolen their kill
Cops could have easily hit scum night 1 to set up day 2
This requires the bodyguard to guess correctly on a blind shot during night 1, that is quite rare for the bodyguard to hit right night 1.

SK/Mafia could have, also unlikely if you consider the math behind it.

SK could have hit mafia...their one kill, and while that is going on the Recuiter is recruiting and the abductor is kidnapping people.

Cops were still blind and could have nailed scum and still have lost even with correct cop results.

This is all chance and based on the night, days influence is small at best. That is not healthy for mafia.


Smash Champion
Apr 28, 2010
we kept days influence to small at best by our play though. i agree in that this was scum favored, but its not as ridiculous as you guys prolly think. like i said, we could only abduct one person EVER. everyone just kinda depended way too much on ryker, we realized that and removed him from the equation.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
we kept days influence to small at best by our play though. i agree in that this was scum favored, but its not as ridiculous as you guys prolly think. like i said, we could only abduct one person EVER. everyone just kinda depended way too much on ryker, we realized that and removed him from the equation.
That still doesn't really help town for what is lacked.

Ending on N2 is a first for a 16 man game, that is pretty dang early.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
*realizes that scum could have safeclaimed Doctor, as T-block suggested he would do in the QT*


CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Now do you guys understand why I don't like chibo games? This isn't the first time.
first off, how do you go and trash all of my games like this?

what do you mean this isn't the first time? cite specific examples of imbalanced setups from me outside of this one

jesus christ everyone is overreaction so much

it just looks so bad because scum played flawlessly.
town shouldnt have fallen for such a ridiculous counter claim anyway


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Chibo. Your setup was imbalanced. There for people will react. It's justified. Stop acting like it's not.



Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
town shouldnt have fallen for such a ridiculous counter claim anyway
...he came out of his relative inactivity and immediately CC'd a character that sounded legitimately like a cop. Because scum had a safeclaim of that character.

anywho J:
j 2:28 pm
I can't believe my PR sniffing didn't find it beforehand
1.) Asdioh suggested 2 people to be shot at
2.) Ryker is his mason buddy that says to shoot N1 regardless
3.) Gordy died last night
4.) Asdioh asked for vig picks OUT OF THE BLUE
How was I the vig exactly? :p

especially when "my mason partner" Ryker repeatedly said for Gheb to get vigged... and he wasn't?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
first off, how do you go and trash all of my games like this?

what do you mean this isn't the first time? cite specific examples of imbalanced setups from me outside of this one

jesus christ everyone is overreaction so much

it just looks so bad because scum played flawlessly.
town shouldnt have fallen for such a ridiculous counter claim anyway
Chibo you know EXACTLY what game I'm talking about. Similar problems to this one too, this one's just a more extreme example.
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