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Dexter Mafia ~ ...?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
really bad idea mafia 1

13 indys

all daykills
day does not end on a flip/shot
last person to survive wins

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Should I make a game where scum can win on Day 1?

Chibo it does mean something no one is happy with the ending, at least consider that there are multiple people not happy with how this ended, and they are by far a majority by a large margin.
How many times do I have to say
looking at it with how it played out it is imbalanced
But not to the extent people are making it

You guys are all overreacting
It's a freicken forum mafia game, chill out, no need for people to straight up flame others over
There are people who still enjoyed the game, and to that I thank you
We learn from mistakes, so what
At least I put the effort into modding a game (and I mod my games damn well tyvm) and waiting in a queue for months and months
What do you guys expect me to do jesus christ
lets all go yell and ***** over a freicken forum game yea sounds cool

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
noone is calling you out for being a bad mod, nor being a bad person, we're calling you out for using a bad setup, simple as that, you obviously didn't think of all the possible situations (or you did) and it just didn't turn out the way you wanted it to..

unless you honestly wanted it to end on D2, then :reverse:

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
How many times do I have to say
looking at it with how it played out it is imbalanced
But not to the extent people are making it

You guys are all overreacting
It's a freicken forum mafia game, chill out, no need for people to straight up flame others over
There are people who still enjoyed the game, and to that I thank you
We learn from mistakes, so what
At least I put the effort into modding a game (and I mod my games damn well tyvm) and waiting in a queue for months and months
What do you guys expect me to do jesus christ
lets all go yell and ***** over a freicken forum game yea sounds cool
Well when people want to have fun, and they admit they didn't have fun, you should think about why they didn't have fun.

As a game mod myself after LoZ mafia I talked to people about how they felt, game has town with a little too much power, so I learned that the roles I gave scum compared to town wasn't balanced.

People said this with one of your older mafia games it seems and this one that I played in and I agree is not balanced. You should consider this.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I can say that half of this player list didn't have fun, Chibo.

Half. That's a lot.

It's not the player's fault that they didn't have fun either.

Think about this.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm gonna interrupt this little love fest and give my shout-outs I wanted to do. Although short, I loved this game and it was tons of fun all things considering. I have no qualms, yea the set-up was unbalanced it seems but that really doesn't matter to me. I had loads of fun. :laugh:

1. Tandora

Hiiiii dear <3 Well you played superbly as usual and were pretty obv town the entire game. Once I found out I was the mentor I wanted to recruit you because I knew you would be a really good pick and nice for us that we would have gotten rid of the cop role if the game had continued. You were smart with your posts. Though I was scared you would catch onto me because I felt we weren't connecting as we usually do when we are the same alignment.

2. Glyph

Hahahahahaha. Man you were having so much fun doing what you were doing. Like what you did was just straight up troll everyone but do it in a manner that people almost wanted to lynch Gheb over you. Although you were inactive the first day you stayed caught up on the QT and also on what was going on in the game thread after your little stunt.

3. JTB

Alright what people didn't see, I saw. You were playing a really good background game, especially when you and I had our own little conversations. You were really smart and helped me realize that Gheb was more than a ML for me but that he was actually the indie we were looking for and you are the one who saved the scum-team in the end. People seem to not see it but I did and I just thought you should know that without you catching onto Gheb we probably would have RB'd Asdioh/Killed Ryker and waited to lynch Gheb. Your V/LA was legit as you told us so nothing to comment on your day play.

4. Rajam

You were kindof a non-presence this entire game. I don't really have much to say. ^^" Sorry but gg.

5. vVv Choice

You were really good with your day play during the game. You got Soupa right with the PR. I don't think anyone thought that you were scum because you really did come off as extremely townie. You could be scary to see as mafia in a real game set-up and you could do well as town as well. Def stick around Dgames.

6. WashedLaundry

We actually considered NK'ing you. We thought you would leave a good trail of not connected to us but then I snapped out of it thanks to my scum-mates and went for the better kill in Zen. You played a solid game and no qualms from me.

7. Ryker

Sorry we abducted you N1. We just needed you to get out of the town and just be away for a bit so I could take over. Can't believe you were tree stump, man we lucked out with that thingy but anyways gg. First time we have been on opposite sides iirc. Not fun.

8. Gordito

CHANGE YOUR FONT PLEASE. Goodness. Didn't really remember you were in this game.

9. Zen

Had to NK you N1 duder. ;P Had to had to had to.

10. Red Ryu

Sorry we got your ML and I AtE'd you to your grave. ^^" We had to CC because we could get rid of the cop and then just get rid of the mentee. You played alright. Don't worry duder.

11. Gheb_01

Good game. ^^ I am rather pleased with the way you turned out this game. *shrug* Got nothing much to say besides it was fun. Also, walls aren't scummy.

12. Soupamario

I'm trying to think of stuff to put in here but like Rajam, I didn't really get that you were that much of a presence. GG regardless.

13. T-block

Dude you played well since you, as scum, could worm your way out of being a lynch and make other candidates look better. You used your PR wisely and helped the team out. Don't give up though or say admit to being bussed unless it seems absolutely deemed necessary.
14. Dark Horse

Stop being so rude and upright nasty. That is all I care to say to you.

15. Asdioh

Once again Asdioh the super obv townie survives to endg-.....oh wait. =3c We did think you had a PR but I guess your naivety got me again. Your gambit was great and it did work out because everyone did believe you two were masons but here's the thing, your gambit could have exploded hugely. Though it didn't so it's all good. ^^

16. J

You still need work.

@Chibo: Thank you for hosting this game, regardless of the entire arguement that is boiling over because of the balancing that needed to be fixed, I thoroughly enjoyed this game.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
If you admit your game's broken, I'll back off and leave the topic because that shows me you realize you made a mistake.

When you can't admit you ****ed up, though, I have trouble believing you're not going to host more of these. I want the people playing this to have a good time and it's quite obvious a lot of people here didn't. Your complete stubbornness to admit that your setup is terrible is what really bothers me, not so much the set-up itself. I can get over broken games. I can't get over broken hosts.

Radical Fiction

Feb 21, 2011
I wasn't a traditional tree stump and I had a role that could still confirm my alignment. There is nothing you can do to set-up control as long as I am able to play the game.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
I'm done talking about the set up if 80% of the comments are just flames including me being called a piece of ****


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
calling me naive but admitting I had a gambit in the very next sentence. contradiction much? Vote: J

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Walls are scummy as ****.


No they aren't.

I wasn't a traditional tree stump and I had a role that could still confirm my alignment. There is nothing you can do to set-up control as long as I am able to play the game.
Aaaah I see and no but I mean I could influence the lynch a bit more and we were not gonna let you back into the game after we abducted you.

calling me naive but admitting I had a gambit in the very next sentence. contradiction much? Vote: J
Lol, it's your attitude not your aptitude.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
I was sort of hoping Ryker was mafia because reading the mafia QT after I claimed masons with him would have been hilarious

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Explain how.
What would have happened if you were to have been NK'd and didn't flip mason? Asdioh would have looked bad for lieing though this more or less brings LAL into play and some people take that extreme. It also could have caused distrust with Asdioh/Yourself for pulling such a thingy.

*shrug* Nothing too too major.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
It devolves into you being called a piece of **** when you get called out for making a mistake and then just go, "Nuh-uh."
HOW MANY FREICKEN TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I ADMIT IT OR APOLOGIZE ABOUT IT. I've done it what, 6 or 7 times? Naysayers need to open their eyes and learn to read. Not to mention I did it in the game ending post before anyone got on my case.

and oh wow, not apologizing for an imbalanced smashboards dgames forum mafia setup oh man serious business better flame and curse the crap out of people over it

everyone (except those acting cool here) grow up


Jan 11, 2009
Edmonton, AB, Canada
13. T-block

Dude you played well since you, as scum, could worm your way out of being a lynch and make other candidates look better. You used your PR wisely and helped the team out. Don't give up though or say admit to being bussed unless it seems absolutely deemed necessary.
Defs not happy with my play D1, but as I said, I was ready to play by D2 and I think I was doing okay. The bus made absolute sense... since I was just a goon in the end I was fine with it, given my D1 play. But yeah, I know you dislike scum roles, but I hope I get another shot at being scummates with you some day ;D

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Haha I don't dislike scum roles persay, it's just I am so damn tired of getting mafia so many times consecutively it just stinks. I love playing for town, not against it. I would love to be scummates with you again if ever presented the chance again. ^^

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
I didn't follow this game and haven't even looked at the setup in detail.

I will say this though, a game with 16 players, 6 of which are mafia 2 killing indies is truly imbalanced.

That is of course, if peoples' comments here are accurate.

I'll look at the setup in more detail later but yeah, an imbalanced setup does not call for flaming or anything of the sort. People are free to criticize what they believe to be bad elements of a setup (hell, I've done it on multiple occasions cuz I'm an ****** like that) but lets stay away from the personal insults and namecalling.

Also, I would very much like to know who approved Chibo's setup. It wasn't you, Sold?


Smash Legend
Aug 21, 2007
Tri-state area
I'm done talking about the set up if 80% of the comments are just flames including me being called a piece of ****
Chibo, no they aren't, people were evenhanded, explaining that they had issues with the balance of your setup and this has been a reoccurring issue. A number of people even made sure to say things like "no hate" prior to explaining why they had issues with this setup.

How many times do I have to say
looking at it with how it played out it is imbalanced
But not to the extent people are making it

You guys are all overreacting
It's a freicken forum mafia game, chill out, no need for people to straight up flame others over
There are people who still enjoyed the game, and to that I thank you
We learn from mistakes, so what
At least I put the effort into modding a game (and I mod my games damn well tyvm) and waiting in a queue for months and months
What do you guys expect me to do jesus christ
lets all go yell and ***** over a freicken forum game yea sounds cool
This is not an apology, and doesn't give me the least bit of confidence that the next game you host won't be just as unbalanced.

No it's not.

Pokemon Mafia was 2 scum:7 town and scum swept.
You can lose a game significantly imabalanced in your faction's favor, remember there are Ganondorf players that beat metaknight players.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
(2:48:20 PM) Ch*bo: hyped for dexter mafia?
(2:48:36 PM) Ch*bo: i just submitted the details to sold for it in the queue
(2:48:40 PM) Ch*bo: and fixed up the setup
(2:50:51 PM) Am*r: fun

I usually try not to touch Chibo set-ups. I remember MXC mafia me and marshy just kind of blind-eye'd it. lol

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
mxc was good idc what adum says he doesnt know whats up crazy balanced setup everyone had fun

except ppl eliminated night 0 lmao

but everyone else did

sry tandy :/

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Zen, I got scared ">.> forgive me?

Joey, uncalled for and it's getting old for me to keep reading the same retired line in this thread. If you wanna insult at least come up with something original?

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
u kno what i forgive u guys im sorry n stuff

i promise to make better setups

i hope u all forgive me

some ppl had fun

except for washlaundry, no apology for u, u were crazy mean lol

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
No but seriously, I'm sorry for being an errant **** about it. I probably could've been a little calmer. All I wanted for you to say was "I screwed up" and I woulda left it all alone.
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